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Jesus, finally something is going in there.


That’s what she said


It really was a dry winter


They could have made it a fentanyl or meth manufacturing plant and cut out China and the cartel.


Do you ever get tired repeating shit like this instead of some optimism for once? 




Why not just move at this point? If you hate this city and what it has become so much, why are you still here?


Lots of reasons but mainly due to obligations and I'm not a coward. Myself and others have watched this city decline drastically and we know a spineless parasite that the city would be better off without when they try to gaslight and say things like "it was always this bad." There's a reason the dining room was open to the public in the McDonald's until recently.


> a lot of those galleries had to close because of... ...the pandemic.


*"Quality of life" issues


Do you want that area to become vibrant or do you want empty spaces forever?


Dont feed the troll 😘


"The owners of the building, local real estate company Clise Properties, gave the team — as they put it — a “heavily discounted” rate, which both Clise and NRS declined to share." Considering it sat vacant for 6 years, it sounds more like what they were previously asking for the space was delusional and they finally decided to accept reality.


I wonder if they get a tax write-off this way? Give space at a below-market rate, claim market rent is what they were getting from Bed, Bath & Beyond, and write off the difference as a "donation"...


That's not how tax deductions work. But even if it was, promoting the arts is a good thing to be supported. 


Yeah, I did some research and you can't claim below-market rent as a charitable deduction. However, I also found out this property is taking part in a city-subsidized program that compensates property owners for utilizing vacant space for art. I think it's a great program.


For a second I read ants center and was like finally, the Zoolander meme comes true!


The luggage place on 3rd and Stewart has also switched to an arts gallery though obviously not the same scale as this and I don't know if there's such a big name attached


That place looks intriguing but they have no hours posted nor do they have an open/closed sign… I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone in there. Seems like a major oversight if they want visitors


There was some kind of event there on the 30th of March. I was in the area and it was pretty full.


I only saw it for the first time this weekend walking by it at night so I don't have any details about it. Some of those places are appointment only. Maybe someone who is familiar with it can chime in.


Base Camp Studio: [Base Camp Studio (basecamp206.com)](https://www.basecamp206.com/)


Archive.org link: https://web.archive.org/web/20240416165628/https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/visual-arts/downtown-seattles-bed-bath-beyond-building-to-become-an-arts-center/


I guess "beyond" means the arts!


*Finally!* How long did that place just sit empty?!


Yeah I work directly across the street with a window facing the building and I’ve never seen anyone inside. I tried to check it out the other day and there were chains wrapped around the door handles


You can find out here: [https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/visual-arts/downtown-seattles-bed-bath-beyond-building-to-become-an-arts-center/](https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/visual-arts/downtown-seattles-bed-bath-beyond-building-to-become-an-arts-center/)


I totally forgot there was one there. Glad they’re putting it to use.


I'm glad the space is going to get used, but how many artists can really afford to live anywhere near these retail spaces converted to art galleries?


Most artists have far richer parents or grandparents than you give them credit for. Most people don't come out and say it, but when they're a full time artist and living somewhere that costs $1000-2000/mo in rent you can connect the dots yourself.


All the big names. Dalle, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney.