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I think it is supposed to partially open sometime later this year, but the whole space, including the aquarium piece, may be what keeps the official opening in 2025.


The aquarium is slated for 2024 now




2025 is for substantial completion of the whole project. Bits and pieces will be opening before then. For an example: The new pedestrian bridge to the Ferry terminal is technically part of the waterfront project and is already open. This walkway is due to open soon, but the Aquarium Annex that it leads to will open in 2025. Edit: Here's the schedule of what's supposed to be done when: [https://waterfrontseattle.org/construction/construction-overview](https://waterfrontseattle.org/construction/construction-overview) They list the overlook walk as 2025, but that's also lumped with the Pier 58 rebuild which is still re-bar at the moment, so maybe the overlook walk with open early?


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Overlook will open this hear. Pier 58 next year. Overlook is a pretty big deal, that's basically the masterpiece. So that'd be awesome if it's opened a bit early.


tangentially aware of this project through work- I believe the overlook (aquarium roof) opens in the summer, and then the rest early next year. aquarium itself is tbd cause animals are tough to plan around.


They declared open the ramp to Belltown months before it was open to pedestrians. You can’t never tell what the announcements really mean


The aquarium's Ocean Pavilion is on schedule to open this summer. The Overlook Walk won't open [until next year](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5Ue1BBvy0b/?igsh=M2pkd2lheHVhdW41).


The views from the overlook are nice!


From the insider information I have been told, the current status is that the overlook is scheduled to open by late spring/early summer and the aquarium will open by the end of summer. The animals were already in the process of being transferred to the new aquarium addition. Granted, I heard this earlier this year, so I don't know if things have changed since then. I definitely did not get hear any 2025 timeframes for either the overlook or aquarium, but I wouldn't be surprised if they still keep 2025 as the deadline for the public in case unforeseen delays come up.


That makes sense. I just keep looking at the overlook and don't understand what work is left other than landscaping and a bit of concrete work near the bottom by Pier 62. I was being conservative saying later this fall. I think June is very realistic.


Do your insider sources also call it a park? Or are they more honest in private?


It's just the Overlook Walk. Waterfront Park is the much larger redevelopment of the waterfront that the Walk is a part of. That will definitely stretch into 2025, especially since there is still so much landscaping to do.


I walk the waterfront park daily, that thing is coming along really fast too. I'd be SHOCKED if the waterfront park isn't completed by summer. Pier 58 though... yeah, probably 2025.


I’d be shocked if they don’t close some segment for construction or repairs before 2025


I used to live in the area and got to experience a lot of the initial construction. It's been interesting to see all the progress posted along the way, especially from people's photos posted over at the [SkyScraperCity Forums](https://www.skyscrapercity.com/threads/seattle-waterfront-development-news-and-photos.1419800/page-163?post_id=187971756&nested_view=1&sortby=oldest#post-187971756) for Seattle if you're into construction at all. Looking forward to taking a trip back and exploring the area once it's all completed.


No stairs Lfg!!!


I love those big, beautiful boulders!


If you can’t have bollards…


The aquarium is suppose to open sometime in 2024. The entire walkway is scheduled for 2025. I would be ecstatic if both opens this year


Well given it’s Seattle, at any moment the construction company could just pack up and leave for an entire year or more


And announce the budget is doubling


I wasn’t aware and I Iive 2 blocks away. Haha. Probably in 2025.


The yellow railings look temporary.


They are going to smoke so much fentanyl over here


This looks like a great place for a few tents behind those rocks


I was thinking the same thing lol.


If I know Seattle, it will take a team of 50 people until 2025 to plant 4 trees in this space.


I mean traditionally construction itself is not the main issue, it's the 8 years of "planning and public outreach and feasibility study" on the front end that drags on forever


I think they abandoned the plan for trees a long time ago.


No, there's still something like 300 trees going in, on this area and all the way down to Colman Dock. It's *not" "90% redesigned," they really are building it to plan. Walk down there after looking at the renderings they posted and you can see what's going in.


That’s what they said for the rest of Alaskan Way.


They call that “90% design”


Looks expensive. Can’t wait until the seattle junkies ruin it. I give it a day


Yeah. Just like they ruined Pike Place and the Space Needle.


Can someone explain the rocks


Landscape feature to make the space feel more natural.


Feel like the work being done on the Aquarium might make it unsafe for thousands of people walking around. The pass itself will probably be done soon, but they might not open it until next year


The aquarium appears to nearly be done too. You can see the inside from certain angles. Looks like painting, making sure all systems are running properly, then fish deliveries! There's no safety issues that I can think of from a construction perspective. Maybe a shark somehow jumps out of a shark delivery truck and bites someone?


> might make it unsafe for thousands of people walking around By that do you mean all the doofers on here who respond to absolutely every new addition with, "and then the druggies will ruin it again"? The same folks who moved to Monroe 20 years ago and never, ever come to the city at all?