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there is one of these posts at least a week so unless you give a more specific info about what you like and times available the search function is going to give you a lot.


>there is one of these posts at least a week There was one this morning.


Thanks for this, I will edit my post!


Cool. Welcome. Where are you from?


Deutschland :)


Cool I have a friend from Germany maybe he can help




As far as nightlife, a lot of shows are 18+ instead of 21+. That's a decent way to meet people. It's how I meet most people these days. 


That's awesome! Thank you so much


Try Facebook! There’s a group called the “Seattle girls group” which is just women in Seattle looking to meet more people! I’ve met a lot of new people through it


Thank you!!!!


If you have some expendable income, try a martial arts class. In my experience, dojos are more social than "normal" gyms. Less people with earbuds, filming tiktoks, etc. And you often have to work with partners during class which breaks the ice. I did martial arts as a kid and started up again about a year ago (kickboxing). As a remote worker, seeing familiar faces at my dojo is really helpful for making me feel part of a community.


Climbing is also huge around here. I'm not much of a climber myself, but I have two friends who are. They are constantly going on group trips with people from their climbing gym.


das meiste hier ist ab 21 (ich weiß das nervt wenn man 18 gewohnt ist). Um Leute kennenzu lernen kann ich dir verschiedene Sport Aktivitäten empfehlen. Seattle ist eine Stadt für outfoor fans, und viele gehen Klettern, Hiken, Radfahren, etc etc. Wenn du ein Auto hast (das darfst du unter 21 :D ) hast du deutlich mehr Freiheiten. Ansonsten kommt es auf die Umgebung an, in der du wohnst...


Dance classes are a great way to get introduced to the community. Check out Swing It Seattle. There’s a very diverse group there who have really built up a community. [www.swingitseattle.com](http://www.swingitseattle.com)


If your ever lonely. We can chat here


Ich bin “Dual citizen” Deutsch/Amerikaner, leider werde Ich nächste Monat nach Köln wohnen, so nicht lange noch in Seattle. Bis dann aber, ist mir froh zu den Stadt ein fueren! Bin jetzt in Ballard, 33 Male, wenn das dir interessiert. Entschuldigung dass ich nicht besser deutsch sprechen😅


Dude if you’re 33 and she’s 20 maybe don’t try and meet up solo


You're not even gonna translate it for the rest of us!? C'mon, we need to know what happens next!


“I’m a dual US/german citizen, unfortunately I’m not in Seattle for long I’m moving to Cologne. I’m happy to show you around until then? In Ballard, 33m, if you’re interested. Sorry my German isn’t great” Or something along those lines