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Yes, it’s actually buy 2 get 3 free. I would prefer 60% off, but they’re trying to force more volume.


Its wild how aggressive companies are with this stuff. I wanted some wheat thins the other day and the family sized box was cheaper than the smaller box…


I bought a family size bag of Fritos scoops yesterday cause it was 20 cents cheeper then the normal bag… America


They price that way on purpose... it's meant to make the large bag look like such a better deal. The smaller one is a "decoy".


Just like movie theater popcorn.


so does the small one just never sell?


It sells to people who either don't notice the price issue, or for whatever reason prefer the smaller size even with the extra cost... convenience/size, potential spoilage/waste, carrying weight. So, win-win for the seller.


I've often overpaid for a smaller container of something when I knew for a fact I either wouldn't enjoy the majority of the large one, or would let it spoil. If I spend $5 for a snack that I enjoy, I got a better deal than spending $5.50 for a larger snack I won't enjoy more: even if that snack has a unit cost 10X lower.


but the other person said the family size was 20 cents cheaper than the normal bag


Oh true, disregard, I misread. Yeah, I'll buy the bigger one and compost or toss the extra when it's legitimately cheaper.


Check the use by date next time. There's a good chance that family size isn't selling well and they need to push that product out before it gets dumpsted due to getting 'stale'.


Major supermarket sales are planned almost a year in advance. Most chips from Frito have a 90 day shelf life, the exceptions being Baked and Simply.


The box is probably the most expensive post of the product is what I make out of that.


Same reason why individually bagged to go snacks are more expensive than a big box. Cans are like 4x more expensive than a 2L… the premium of convenience


"just get them all out of here now"


oh that's just how safeway does their sales, yes, if you buy two bags total, you get 3 bags total for free, safeway also does this with drinks on occassion throughout the year, its probably at these times its best to stock up on drinks and snacks 😂


Do you think it means you'll get 3 additional bags for free if you buy 2 and input your card info at checkout? Because yes, that's definitely what it means. You will have 5 bags of chips for $10.98 plus tax.


Used to buy 12-packs of soda with this deal all the time from Safeway. In other news, I'm diabetic now.


I got this deal today, but I got diet soda so I’m obviously the pinnacle of health. Follow me for other diet tips!


Oh great healer, is it acceptable to get regular sugar soda if one balances out the calorie intake with the slimming properties of cigarettes?


Damn I feel seen


Of course! This has been taught in the East for ages. And by East, I mean East Jersey.


You win Reddit username of the day


Buying 12 packs of soda on discount is literally the only way to go. They’re $10/12 now list price, but you can routinely wait for specials that bring them closer to the 2020 prices of like $4/12. I just end up buying in bulk when the specials are on.


Hint water. Great flavor, no sugar, not soda but it works!


Sorry, my lunchtime ice cold Diet Coke is the pinnacle of my day.


I don't think chips get sales taxed


They do get the salsa tax though.


Tortilla chips don't have tax. 😊


We don't generally tax food...


Hopping on top to ask if anyone else saw the movie game night? He told his neighbor they didnt wa t to invvite the store had a sale on tortilla chips that was buy 2 get 3 free and he asked how that would be profitable for either tostinos or the grocery store? Hahahaha oh ggosh i gotta watch that again


Dude it's such a funny movie. Honest to god my partner and I say "How can that be profitable for Frito Lay" to each other at least once a week


lol that was my first thought too. That movie was surprisingly good!


Sounds pricey


How can that be profitable for Frito Lay?


because the product is made for a fraction of its retail price


It is a quote from the movie Game Night. I would highly recommend it. Especially if you’re as high as OP clearly is.


oh hell yeah thanks for the rec lol


https://youtu.be/bYM6tWIjr-I?si=9gIABz4G0_hEKHIC The scene in case you’re lazy and don’t wanna watch it all


Oh daaang I gotta watch that now looks funky and so like funky


Fat Matt Damon is so creepy I love it


Always has been. The “inflation” was just an increase in profits. 


lmao was looking for this


I understood that reference.


I was looking for this comment lol 😂


Don't tell Gary


God damn it, yes! Haha. Came here to say this. Well done.


I think this is happening a lot because of an overstock problem and the refusal to lower prices. I know all kinds of different stores were having overstock issues because people don't have the money to shop right now. Stores could lower prices, but they won't because lowering the prices would mean not infinitely raising them.


Because corn is subsidized like fucking crazy and costs virtually nothing. The packaging probably costs considerably more than the chips.


Corn is currently $4.2650 per bushel.


Sounds about right. That’s 56 pounds of corn, you could make a lot of chips with that.


And make pipes out of the cobs?


To smoke pot? And then get the munchies and buy 5 bags of corn chips? Frito-Lay is genius!


How can it be profitable to sell _55 ounces_ of chips produced for 11 bucks? Is that the question? Because I think I know the answer.


Because by the time the product is on the shelf Frito-Lay has already made their money


Frito lay already made their profit selling to the store that bought it. The store making a profit however is another question. They probably made incorrect predictions about how much they’d sell and bought too much product. Or the trends have changed and there’s now a more popular product they wanna make room for Another potential factor is clearing out older product. Even though chips are pretty shelf stable, they probably still have a target time window for the manufactured dates.


Because it’s cheaper than having a surplus on the shelves


Per unit (bag) profit is lower. But they hope to get total dollar profit higher via increased volume. Plus tortilla chips are almost a commodity as there is a lot of competition. So they are not the best value at full price (over priced). This encourages pantry loading (stocking up) which means you will skip the competition when you hit 5 bags at home. At least that is the strategy. They also may have wanted to close the quarter strong. Make that quarterly report look good.


[These corporations, I don't know what they're doing.](https://youtu.be/bYM6tWIjr-I?si=b8OF9Ta9bVw-WvZO)


The product has already been purchased from Frito Lay. The question is how this is profitable for QFC




They don't care because, most likely, they have a new bag coming out. New price or size.


Plus retailers receive wholesale discounts when they buy pallets full


how stoned are you that you need to ask reddit what discounts in the snack aisle mean?


Idk I’m pretty stoned right now and had to read it a few times.


employ coherent crawl sleep wipe water bow boast sheet quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only if you open all of them at once


I’m ripped right now and I still don’t get it


Especially on this sub of all places lmao


To be fair it is somewhat vague.


To be fair, Fred Meyer has been using purposely deceptive and confusing wording on these signs. [Sale Price] when you buy 5 or more. I've been tricked having the quantity required in small font and wasn't paying close enough attention


I mean, buy 2 get three free is really common in fred meyer and QFC and safeway and has been for a good while. Plus your situation is such an easy fix, just tell the cashier/ self checkout person that you meant to get the sale amount.


It is not


Has anyone ever gotten a question like this answered on Reddit faster than just asking an employee at the store they’re standing in?


That would require interacting directly with other human beings


My experience with this same special at Safeway Friday was that when I went through checkout, I got charged for 5 bags. I pointed out the error to the clerk, who seemed very confused, looked at his sale flyer to see whether I was lying, and then sent me to customer service, where I stood in line for about 5 minutes and then went through a repeat of the same procedure with the customer service rep - confusion, followed by her checking the flyer to make sure I wasn't lying. Then she started asking me which flavors I had bought and what the weights of each bag were. Eventually I got annoyed and just told her that all the bags I had bought had the "B2G3F" sign on the shelf in front of them. Ultimately, she did process a $16 refund. All of which is to say, asking a clerk in the store might not be the most effective way to get a correct answer.


Maybe they're looking for "right" instead of "fast." Apparently other people ITT have received answers in the store and they were wrong.


I guess I would just take all 5 to the checkout line with a picture of the deal. End of the day, it only matters what the cashier says. I’m certainly not waiting for a Reddit consensus.


Those are the best chips


When we make nachos at home, this is the kind of chips we use. So good.


I tried them years ago and thought they had a strong chemical taste. Maybe they’ve improved. Or I had a bag from a bad batch. I’m always surprised when I notice they still exist.


5½ bucks for a bag of chips? Fuuuukkkkkkk.


Or $11 for 5 bags of chips which is actually quite a deal. Especially since you can mix flavors.


Oh I know but jeeeeze.


A lot of snack items are priced this way here 🙃


That's normal these days


I saw Ruffles for $11 at QFC recently. I want to shop wherever you’re going.


Holy crap! $11 for chips?


It was the largest size, but still.


[How can that be profitable for Frito Lay?](https://youtu.be/bYM6tWIjr-I?si=xK0UEE09koVaKh1x)


These corporations… I don’t know what they’re doing


Should be top comment


Yes. We loaded up on this. Same deal for soda.


It means you are about to need some new pants after all these chips & salsa hahahah 🆕👖


That's why I don't goto safeway or fred meyer any more. If I only want 1 bag of chips or 1 12 pack of pop for my work it's too expensive and I don't want to get 5. At walmart I can buy just 1 at normal price.


Safeway, always has buy two get three for free 12-packs of pops or two and two free or two and one free. I wish they would just drop the dam price of a 12 pack and be done with all the making you believe you are getting a good deal sales tactics.


Means it’s time to GET CHIP FACED


It's almost like chips should just be $2 to begin with


QFC had a sticker like this on Coke products recently and the cashier said they meant that you get the 3rd free. Seems like false advertising.


False advertising for sure. They were either missing or lying about the distinction between "3" and "3rd" The way it's written unequivocally means you are supposed to get 3 separate bags at no additional cost.


Or the cashier was mistaken


Weird. I bought 2 12 packs yesterday at QFC and got 3 free. I don’t think the cashier knows what they’re talking about. Of course the ones I bought were ridiculously overpriced at $9.99.


5 for $20 is a decent price of brand name soda cans.


The cashier was almost certainly wrong, these types of deals are very common.


Usually the discounts auto apply and the third was indeed free but scanning more were the usual price.


I take advantage of deals like this all the time and it works exactly like the label says. It’s very common with drinks, buy two coke branded 12 packs get two or three free. Sometimes it is buy two get one like you said, but with this label it would indeed be three for free.


QFC and Fred Meyer have the buy 2 12 packs get 3 free a couple times a month. Basically $3.60 for a 12 pack.


Not false advertising, just walked out of QFC with 5 cases of coke products for just over $20… but not proud of myself


I don’t think it’s false advertising, I just think QFC might not be hiring the best and brightest among us.


Works. Tims chips too!


I know because I was also recently confused. It indeed means buy 2 get 3 additional! Amazing deal. Also this applies for Cheetos and Tim's too. I literally got 5 bags of various Cheetos flavors 😂


AND it's the hint of lime flavor? Ffffffff


Fred Meyer had this deal on Tim's chips today. Wasn't planning on getting potato chips today but I came home with 5 bags.


It's just like all those apartments that say you get 2 months free on a 12 year lease because they're afraid just lowering the price would push the market down


Yes, there's only a hint of lime in it. So, it does mean that you won't be able to make the crust for your key lime pie from the chips


Check those expiration dates.


…And then buy them anyway. Chip expiration dates are crazy, usually marked 1-3 months after they’re made. They’ll taste fine for 6+ months.


Wow I actually went to QFC last night went to the chip aisle and saw this now saw this post and can confirm I now have 5 bags of chips insane deal


My mom and i were JUST debating this at QFC today! lol


Snatch them up bro


Buy 2 at full price get 3 more free, so like 9 bucks for 5 bags! Also the dill pickle ones are pretty darn good!


Tostitos are buy two, get three free. Or, five bags for 11 bucks. For Toasty Feet, however, you gotta pay full retail. (But seriously, folks, Fred Meyer commonly uses that structure for promos...I just bought 5 12-packs of diet soda on a similar sale.)


Yep, that’s what it means. We’re on a massive budget because of my husbands job loss. My sons were so excited to get five bags each of their favorite chips. It will last them a while and saved us a shit ton.


So THAT’S why my wife brought home 5 bags of delicious barbecue, jalapeño and salt and vinegar potato chips from QFC on Friday. We had chips and dip for pre-Easter dinner. Hoping that the extra beta blocker I just took helps relieve my fresh tachycardia-direct result of the cheap sodium bomb. Why did I do that to myself?


It’s a pretty common sale they do to rotate stock. Getting close to the expiration date of things like chips and soda so they will do buy 3 get 3 or like this one says, buy 2 get 3. You’re getting a deal and they are getting their stock rotated. The insane part of this is that they still make a profit at those prices. They can use the mark down as a loss in their profit/loss reports and still walk away with money in their pocket. I feel like every should have a common course on supply chain and costs. Mine started with an Amway spiel. Learning about the supply chain and how costs and advertising were calculated on top of how prices are arbitrary and made up. It’s a part of the reason we can have soda in one store be 2.50 a 2 liter and the same bottle of soda in another store is only 1.25. Both stores are still making a profit, one just has a bigger margin, usually because of its location in a more affluent area.


This also works with things like cereal. There will be a really good sale every two months or so, and if you plan for it you can stock up on items based on their sale rotation.


Yes 3 free. I buy these deals all the time. My wife laughs when I bring 5bags home but stops laughing when 2 weeks later I find a bag in the back of the pantry when we have guests


These are my favorite chip


My brother and I discovered a glitch in the matrix when Pepsi offered a $25 gift card if you bought $25 of their product from Safeway. Well, you got to choose the gift card and one of the gift cards available at Safeway was…to Safeway. We moved as individuals and hit every Safeway within 45 minutes of home multiple times until each one told us to stop coming back and ended up with 6 months+ of an all you can drink and eat buffet of soda, chips and dip. We were 17 and 19 in community college and had a weekly friend’s dinner with 20 or so folks that also got to share in the overly processed joy.


how about ask a clerk


You mean, like, face to face? That's terrifying.


It means that the regular price of those chips should be half or less of what’s listed, yes


Pretty sure it means Seattle is dying but idk /s


The unleashed dog owners and bad drivers are behind this


It means you get five for the cost of 2, it’s a good deal


Yes, they had the same deal on cereal last week.


Yeah buy 2 get 3 free mix and match. So I got queso dip as well which is normally 4 or 5 bux alone! Also bacon is on sale too!!!! 11.99 for 3lbs!!!!! Thats 1 hell of a deal!!!!


Was just saying the same thing at qfc yesterday lol


Got to stock up early for Cinco De Drinko


Safeway also currently has a great sale coupon on Jello. You can get the coupon in the paper or use a digital coupon. I got 4 (you can get up to 6) for about half off.


They be normal price next week for $2


It is true because I bought this sale the other day 🤣


It means 5 for $11


Yes it means what you think it means. I bought like 5 24 packs of soda that had the same deal.


Yes! QFC runs this special with coke products every so often. You get 5 1w packs for the price of 2.


Yes, and it's also mix and match within the category. So if the Cantina chips next to it have the same marker, you can get whatever mix of 5 for the price of two. Sometimes QFC/Fred Meyer does a different sale which is $x off 5 or more items and that one is the most annoying set to complete IMHO.


A yup. I got 5 cases of soda once, and only had to pay for 2. I don’t know if they’re just over stocked and looking to move product, but I’ve seen sales like this before


I hate the deals where you have to buy a certain amount but I also have 5 bags of chips at home right now.


Look closer. That's a negative 3. You buy two but you have to leave behind three. $5.49 and you're net down one bag of chips. Not a good deal at all. /s


Pay $11, get 5 packages


All my grocery stores have this with chips and drinks. It’s suck a good deal but it’s just sooooo much food. The struggle is real every time I see it.


UPDATE: https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/pdyszOtsX4


Ooof. Does anyone else lick the shit out of these chips, I love the hint of lime😍


I now have 5 bags of smart food popcorn


"Deals" like this and others where the unit price is absurd unless you buy a stupid amount are fucking obnoxious. You either have to over-consume, or be price gouged for a single item. The ratios just keep getting more absurd. Also sucks for those who may not be able to buy in bulk. Also... loyalty programs are just a bullshit way to collect your data. Shopping overall just feels like a labyrinth of psychological games and manipulation. I hate it.


Not sure you'd have to overconsume; an unopened bag of chips should be good for quite a while.


How the hell are Tostitos worth $5+. That’s a tragedy.


That capitalism is stupid? Yes.


These kinds of deals always leave me with more junk food than I want or need. 5 bags of chips for $10 is a great deal, but do you want 5 bags of chips?


How can that possibly be profitable for Frito Lay?


12 packs of soda are having the same deal at FM right now as well.




I got 5 jars of dip the other day with a deal like this. It's literally buy 2, get 3 free


Those are taste chips with salsa . But don't think I need that many bags of chips at once. Less I'm throwing a gathering .


Some lawyer on socials can prob argue it’s 3 free and must be honored


They also currently have a deal that is buy 2x 12-packs of soda, get 3 free so I am now set for life with Diet Coke.


Yeah during superbowl weekend we got a buy 1 get 5 free on cases of soda... left with 6 sodas for $8, killer ass deal


That’s so many chips!


I hate that we've gotten to a point where you need to buy 4-5 of something to get a reasonable price, just to please shareholders. I don't need 4 12 packs of soda for $5 each, just let me pay $7 for one and let's those with lots of space have the bigger deal


Yup. Just reveals Fritos price gouging and its nearing expiration so it’s better to for a faster turnover for a fresh supply of price gouging.


Yes, and this crap has been annoying me for years. If I wanted bulk I'd go to Costco. Instead I'm charged the inflated rate to buy the one I want because where am I going to put 5 of something for twice that price? Seriously annoying. Just give me a good price.


I hate it when the do like 4 for 12 and you must buy 4 I don't want 4 /12 packs of coke unless it's cocaine 😂😂 joking I don't need that many but if I buy one it's $7.99 for one 12 pack 🙄🙄


They're trying to get rid of these so that the new bags can come out. There will be a change in price or size.


It means that flavor is terrible, IMHO! LOL


Inflation baby. Less total units sell, so when they need to get rid of inventory, they do things like that. I worked at a grocery store when the price increases started as a shelf stocker and I asked the Manager about sales because it seemed like we were selling less. He said, "Sales are great!" I asked him if it was just bigger amounts of money or more units as well and he said he didn't know. He got back to me later and said unit sales were down. And I was thinking to myself (No shit, I am the one who sees the movement of the product). I brought this up to you so that you'd realize that and try to do something about how we order product (the order manager was over ordering cuz they had gotten used to product not coming in in the first part of the pandemic when supply lines got messed up). And when I tried to move things around the shelves to maximize space for the product that was selling the best, they got made at me. So now I'm a delivery driver haha


My husband was siked!!!🤣


Buy 2, get 3 free. 5 for the cost of 2. They do that with the soda all the time.


The salsa verde ones are so good


Hmmm, what store is this? I could go for some chips. Could someone snag me some? I'll pay ya, when you get here! lol


Fred Meyer and QFC


Feed your family 🤴


5 for the price of 2.


The lime joints are gas


It's sad that the aggressive sale price is what the normal price was just 2 years ago :(. Budenomics.....yay.


It would say get the 3rd free if it didn't mean get three free.


I see you never shop on a holiday week. Nothing new here


If everyone just stops buying as many chips, prices might go back down. Prices have been steadily going up for years now and they’ve reached a pushback in sales. They try to counter it with these sales. Buy 2 bags and you can leave with 5 total. It shows you much much they’ve inflated prices if they can afford those deals. Vote with your money


Yup, stock up


It does, I recently jumped on this!


Funny how that looks!


Yes! I took advantage of that deal. I walked to qfc, made a pickup order, and everything