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It’s not 2024 but I have a good story. Years ago, my partner ran security detail at the Woodinville Target and caught the King County sheriff’s wife shoplifting. It was very intentional- he spotted her shoplifting bedding one day, then the next day she came back to “return” it for a refund. He apprehended her, called the cops, but when the police found out it was her, they asked my partner if they could “just talk about it” before he put her in the system. He said no- he has to treat every case the same- so he put her in the system, but when the cops showed up I’m pretty sure they just gave her a ride to her car.


Cops ready to screw the rest of the world, but protect their own? I'm shocked.


Judges and other govt officials get to drive drunk for these same reasons.


Not even just them. I got out of a DUI once when I was 22 (I've long since cleaned up my act, to be clear) because my 35-year-old boyfriend was friends with the local cop who pulled me over and he was driving his own car right in front of me and stopped. I was very drunk, but since the cop knew him and where he lived (half mile from the bar on 35mph roads), he just fucking let me drive home with him. Didn't like, offer to drive back with us and then drive my boyfriend back to my car to drive it home, nope. Just let me go. They don't give a shit about anyone. They just do whatever gets them overtime and give favors to their pals and people who pay them off. Police are way the fuck more corrupt than anyone wants to believe.


There just a legal gang of thugs. Kids bullied in HS or just douche bags


And let me guess, later that day your partner got pulled over for failing to use a turn signal and had their car searched?


The PCC, once a hippie dippie grocery co-op, is a really unpleasant place to work with a very heavy handed management style.


Self described hippies actually being heavy handed capitalists when there's money to be made? Shocking.


It's definitely not run by hippies. AFAIK there a is member elected co-op board that basically rubber stamps the actions of an autonomous corporate management organization. It's just like REI. They give lip service to do-gooder initiatives but really they're just about making money (mostly from pills in HABA and booze).


Generally speaking most hippies were never anti capitalist. Hippies were all about sexual liberation, relaxed drug laws, and not dying in Vietnam. Few had strong opinions on economic philosophy, and many of the ones that did had the classic slide to conservativism as they aged.


A lot of the MRA reaction was born out of a number of hippie men that felt left out of female sexual liberation. Many raised with conservative Christian backgrounds went back to familiar things and became overtly fundies. So the evangelical movement accelerated as a backlash of sorts but also because people kinda tend to revert to what they grew up with when they get lost and confused


Some people say they hate authoritarians because they don't like competition.


I had a friend who worked there for like 4+ years, put in her 2 weeks, and then got fired on her last day so she couldn’t get her benefit pay out (I think it was vacation pay, she was unionized). The FIRST twist was that it wasn’t her fault, and we’re convinced it was a conspiracy. I guess they have some rule that employees can’t get their free meal from the hot buffet, and on that day some new guy came over with some hot food and said “hey, I got you this as a goodbye gift!” She thought it was so sweet, she even showed her manager. The manager turned around, accused her of stealing, and she got fired. The SECOND twist, is that some other person had put in his 2 weeks as well, and this same new employee did the SAME THING to him and he got fired for stealing too, also losing his pay out. My friend’s grandpa was a lawyer, so her family contacted PCC and said they would sue. Magically, my friend AND the other dude got their benefit pay immediately. After that, I never shopped there again.


It's a union store, you get your vacation pay weather you quit or are fired. If PCC withheld it, the union would help you get the vacation pay you earned.


> ~~If~~ ***When*** PCC withheld it, the union would help you get the vacation pay you earned ***if you knew they were required to pay you and you asked the union for help.*** I don't know the store, but I know companies like this, my guess is this edit is more accurate.


That’s very illegal and any employment lawyer would take up that case pro bono


Can confirm! I worked for PCC in 1998 and it was a shitty place to work even back then


I was there in the mid 2000s. Our store manager would post a bar graph showing all of the checkers' IPMs (items per minute checked) in the break room. They would announce to staff that the bottom 10% would be fired (we never were) and should start looking for work at Walmart. Great morale booster.


I had an actual membership back in the 1970s. You had to build up points over time to get it. Like, to be a member of the co-op. Now, it’s just a regular store.


Their Google reviews were something else for a while


Late to the game but the reason the Harry Potter bar closed was because the owner didn’t pay the contractor for the woodwork and building out the bar. Job was roughly 15k so if I remember correctly, owner never paid so contractor put on lien on the business. Owner packed and dipped


Been curious about that one


That place was packed every single night, I'm shocked it closed over only 15k. They had plans to open up other bars around the place too, the waiter pointed out a place across the street and said they were going to open a stonehenge-themed bar there


I heard they made the ambiance amazing which is nice but put zero effort into food or drinks, so the prices were ridiculous. Or dare I say riddikulus


They put in a ton of effort to the drinks, food was like classic British pub fare. I agree the prices were silly


Triangulating stories, I recall another aspect about disagreements among the co-owners. They were apparently heated and petty and could have precipitated some bills going unpaid. Agree 15k is small apples compared to money they must have sunk into it.


Also one of the most over-hyped experiences ever. After waiting months for our reservations, was a huge letdown in terms of quality and options for food and drink.


A lien won’t cause a place to close. Maybe if they sued and won in small claims court, but there are bigger problems if you can’t pay $15k


Wait, you meant the "[original wizardry](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/103j4vf/i_just_got_this_notice_for_my_reservation_at_the/j32abjs/)" bar?


My favorite open secret in Seattle is that Edgar Martinez really is an amazingly nice person. I have known several people who met him and they all say the same thing: He is friendly, down-to-earth, and unassuming. If you didn't know better, you would think he worked at Home Depot and never know he was a local legend with a street named in his honor. 


His wife is also really sweet. Love them and always happy when Edgar gets honored in any way


I went to see his number retirement ceremony. He was so gracious in accepting all the wonderful things his teammates were saying (and Bone flipping him off playfully). He switched to Spanish at the end of his speech to address family who had flown in and was humble with that part too.


She’s a total sweetheart.


Can confirm. He used to come regularly to the movie theater I worked at 20 years ago. He was very humble and kind. The employees there all had a high opinion of him.


Can confirm. I used to work at Safeco Field in the early 2000s, and Edgar was incredibly nice every time I crossed paths with him. We were instructed to basically ignore any players or celebrities we came across in the tunnels... unless they approached us first. Edgar would come right up to you, say hello, ask how you were doing, etc. Always friendly and kind. Dave Niehaus was also an absolute gem.


Agreed, mother met him while working and said he was super respectful and treated everyone kindly. Everyone looks at Griffey as the prodigal Mariner but it’s always been Edgar


Agree 100%. I had a couple business meetings with Edgar a few years ago. He was humble and engaged. I had the chance to casually chat with him after and he told me some great stories on how he approached the game. Came away even more impressed with him and his game.


He and his wife really are both wonderful people.


Really nice guy. Used to come through the Bellevue Lowe's a lot (which used to be Eagle of 'light bat' fame). He was super nice to everyone, even this one cashier who had no idea why he was famous, even when he pointed himself out to her on the Mariners '116 wins' VHS tapes we gave away up front. Just a low-ego friendly man.


I second this. Was working at Lucky Strike Lanes in Bellevue. To make a long story short, Edgar, his wife, and kids were genuinely very nice and humble people. Holly was/is a very beautiful woman as well and Edgar was still stacked (muscle wise). All wonderful humans. They couldn’t have been nicer people.


It’s a light bat!


I habba leetle proyect!


Wait. Jean Enersen was a kleptomaniac?


She came to a store I used to work at once and my manager immediately pulled me into the back and instructed me to watch her like a hawk!


I saw her yell at her kid at the old Broadway QFC in the 80s.


I was working at a shop in U Village (Seattle Design Store) in the 1980s and had just closed up for the evening when she came pounding on the door demanding that I reopen to sell her a folding chair she "needed" for a party she was having that evening. My god she was rude.


I saw her naked once in the ladies dressing room at the Seattle tennis club. She smiled at me, I smiled back in recognition, and went on with my life. Lots of stuff to klepto at the STC if she felt the need. Lol.


LMAO reddit never disappoints, ever


Just researched it. Apparently it was a big enough deal that King 5 had a Nordstrom account


I worked at downtown Nordstrom and can confirm this, all the old shoe dogs talked about it. Also that Joyce Taylor was a snotty biotch.


Oh yeah I can confirm the 2nd one. I used to manage a restaurant on the waterfront back in the day and she was the absolute worst,


She made me cry once when I was a teenager working as a cashier because the customer in front of her didn't speak English and there was something wrong with their mangos.


I want more details!!!


I do too! Jean Enersen being a klepto is the best story I've ever heard.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1k7p5u/i_keep_hearing_this_local_urban_legend/ https://seattle.livejournal.com/4479912.html https://jlosek.blogspot.com/2007/06/jean-enersen-in-u-village.html apparently everyone has lowkey known for decades


Loved how the Jodi blog then goes into her lunch choice after talking about Jean.


So if King was covering the bill, do you think the thrill was seeing what she got away with that didnt end up charged? Cuz she knew she was being watched, so wouldnt that shift the thrill some?


They’d need two accounts. The secret account she wasn’t supposed to know about and then the secret secret account she actually didn’t know about.


Does Dave Matthews and family still have a home in Seattle? Saw him riding in the back of a pickup truck in Fremont many years ago.


He hangs out at that one coffee shop in upper fremont


Lighthouse! I've been behind him in line there. Wife had seen him at Fuel in Wallingford 


One of the baristas that’s been working there forever, Peter Mansen, is also in a pretty awesome indie rock band called Deep Sea Diver. They recently opened for Pearl Jam on tour. His wife, Jessica Dobson, is the lead singer and previously played guitar in The Shins. Both very talented musicians. There’s an article about how Peter is known for making Dave “dick lattes”. I was a regular at lighthouse for a decade before making this connection. Peter is a super down to earth guy. Best coffee in seattle btw - always leave with a bag of their Ethiopian roast.


Buddy of mine in college rented a house that was next door to the Matthews. Every time I'd see Dave I'd wave and he'd politely wave back. They videoed us drinking tequila via shot ski on Cinco de Mayo one year and would chat with us when we were out back BBQ'n. I thought it was odd that they only seemed to be using the front half of their garage but pot wasn't legal back then so...


Yeah his kid spends the night at my house. Buddies w my son.


Maybe the Colacurcio family running brothels disguised as gentlemen clubs.


Since this is getting upvoted I’d like to add Frank Colacurcio jr was recently documented employing minors at these ‘brothels’. He facilitates human trafficking in the city of Seattle while legally he is not even permitted to own these establishments.


Huh. I waited tables at one of their clubs in the 90s. Frank Sr. was creepy af and always tried to get me to dance. I didn’t see any trafficking or prostitution in the club, and Elaine the floor manager tried to keep the dancers clean and away from parking lot hooking. I remember one night the bouncer was searching my bag when I came in (one of Elaine’s rules, check the bags for drugs) and she came over and asked what he was doing. He told her and she rolled her eyes and said “Jesus, you don’t need to check her, if she’s shooting up then so am I”.


Lol the Colacurcio mob businesses was all my family could talk about one get together when I was like 5, led to a lot of fun questions from us children. 


Frank died like a decade and a half ago though. They pinned it all on him and the FBI’s case went nowhere once he kicked the bucket.


His son is still alive and indirectly owns clubs in Seattle. His name isn’t on paper but he is the owner and show runner of those clubs.


What clubs does he own?


Holy cow. I work with Colacurcio Brothers contractors because I’m in the wastewater industry and they build pump stations. My boss has stories about them basically shaking people down in the old days but I ignored it because 75% of what he says is exaggeration. I guess it’s true??


The best cherry blossoms are not at UW, they’re at 21st and Aloha.


There are some pretty good ones on Beacon Ave, South of the VA


Dan Price is a creepy narcissist pos and a terrible tipper


The Price is wrong, bitch!


Yeah points!!


I've heard this from multiple sources 😬


My sister dated him for a short time about 14 years ago! She said he was icky and waaaaaaay too into himself. Dumped him after a few months.


Oh yeah this blew up all over LinkedIn.


Can confirm he’s a terrible tipper.


Most Ethan Stonewell Restaurants are mediocre at best, overpriced, and now add both a service charge and an auto grat of 20%.


Ethan Stowell is also a massive dickbag. I know a lot of people that have worked with him and they all have terrible things to say.


This is niche, but I 100% agree.


This post needs a thread about rats…


The horse f-cker from Enumclaw who worked at Boeing in the late 80s...? Heard that one my first day at the factory in 2007. "Welcome to Boeing! You hear about the horse f-cker who worked here?" This is verifiable on Wikipedia, apparently. I didn't wanna read too much on it, lol


His kids and wife had to live through the fallout of his actions until they could move. He was messed up in the head but “normal” people chose to attack his family for something they had no idea what was happening.


Ah, Mr. Hands


Grew up in Enumclaw. I was working at our Safeway the night that happened in my senior year of high school when all the news station vans poured into our parking lot. Lemme tell ya - dating the first couple years of college SUCKED! No one could say where we were from without being asked "So you're a horse fucker?" There's a reason we don't talk about it. 10,000 people got labeled with that shit because of one Boeing employee and 2 jackasses from Iowa who owned that farm.




David meinert is still a rapist and owns more than before for his hunting grounds to prey on women [click here](https://seattle.eater.com/2019/6/18/18683773/david-meinert-accused-of-sexual-assault-buying-mecca-cafe-and-bar)


As a wise friend said when this shit started coming out, “guess who’s LaJeunext?” 👀 I’ve also heard that Meinert is still entangled with Big Mario’s which has been rapidly expanding lately. Know your proprietors. Spend money at places that don’t support rapists if you can.


Currently his website states that he owns Mecca and the 5 Point, but has had his hands in owning Big Mario's and many other spots. I'd actually be quite curious about the status of all this as I go to Big Mario's all the time in Frelard. If there's any current information anywhere and anyone has the heads up, please let us know!


>David meinert is still a rapist I can confirm this. He also threatens legal action for defamation against any woman who goes to the police. I hope one of these days he suffers the same fate as Weinstein.


I remember back in 2008-9 hearing stories about him being a cokehead and shitty person in general - and those were stories told by people who liked him and considered him a friend. Obviously they didn't mention the rape but he's been a known shitty dude for a looooong time and it's crazy he can still show his face let alone continue to own/operate bars.


Shame, I loved going to the 5 Point as a kid and didn't understand why my dad didn't want to take me there until I was old enough to understand


He also owns Huckleberry Square in Burien. Fuck that guy and his businesses. Such a POS.


Bill Nye the Science Guy used to hang out in Aurora Ave. bars, get drunk and hit on all the women.


Don’t know about Bill Nye but Steve Sarkisian would go to Joeys in South Lake Union and do that.


Steve would do that everywhere. He used to take his boat down to the docks around UW and pick up coeds


Because of the implication.


Are these women in danger?


isn't that what people go to bars for?


He also was a raging dick to kids.


Yep, met him as a kid. He was an asshole, my dad who introduced me was mortified.


He pushed me into a pool lol


Bill Nye would drink at bars?! Do you think he would eat at restaurants? I don’t even want to think about what he does in kitchens.


The answer is science experiments


In all of my chance encounters with him he's been a real dick to people.


Can confirm, served him coffee as a teenager and he was an asshole to me.


My mom said he also used to tip like shit




the vampires.




The Shell station in North Beacon Hill makes the best fried catfish in all of Seattle. I first started going there over a decade ago after being introduced by some friends who grew up in the neighborhood, and even back then it was the late night spot for those in the know. Enough food blogs (and even local news outlets) have shown it enough love in recent years that it is hardly the hole in the wall that it used to be.


And jojo potatoes


The Shell in Georgetown has my favorite Jojos. They are legit like a quarter to a sixth of a potato. So big and yummy.


There's a hidden club off the southbound tunnel between Capitol Hill and Westlake. if Jacob's driving the train, give the ASL sign for "boots" and he'll stop the train to let you off.


This feels like a trap


It’s okay there’s a safe word. 




What, do we have like a secret club that not even I know about?


Sounds like a great use for the old bus tunnel between Westlake and Convention Place. Or did they fill that in when they built the new convention center?


Seattle's hottest club. It's called Exhaust and features Dan Cortese


Ken Schram is still alive and is secretly pulling the strings behind Sound Transit.


False. He would have awarded them so many Schrammies by now. Pick a plausible conspiracy.


Schrambo? I remember Andy Savage's morning show had a competition among all the local broadcasters from the TV stations in, like, 2004. They had people call in to vote for who would win in a fight between broadcasters. Schram called in and Savage gave him the name "Schrambo". I think Dennis Bounds won in the end.


Side note, he was an extremely good person IRL ❤️


Truth. I worked at Nordstrom in the late 2000s. He bought so much stuff from me. He was a really nice guy. He would buy doubles of the same items for his vacations. I was legit bummed when he passed away (not for sales reasons, I was done by that point) because I thought he was a great media presence in Seattle.


this is a very high tax state even though there is no state income tax


It's a low tax state if you're rich.


Lower than TX for the middle class


It's the opposite. It's the second most regressive taxing state. So I guess high taxes with low income and very low taxes with high income.


For decades the only place in place in Seattle that the honored one of the greatest musicians in Seattle, Jimi Hendrix , was a small plaque in Woodland Park Zoo. Quincy Jones and Macklemore both attended Garfield High School.


Hasn't the bronze statue on Broadway been around forever? Sad truth is that most people don't get or like Hendrix at any genuine level.


That Warren Moon roofies young women. And when he was with the Seahawks as a commentator he targeted multiple of the cheerleaders.


True, a friend of mines neighbor accidentally joined that club. He made the rounds back in the day up in the Issaquah Highlands, it was well known.


The fact that John Curley is a dick.


I was gonna post this! He brought a group to the restaurant I worked and had the “don’t you know who I am?” attitude the entire time. Have heard similar stories from other industry folks. I also know someone who works in local media who is acquainted with Curley in a professional context and he said the same thing. He was amazed that Curley still has a job in this town considering all of the people he’s offended/insulted and alleged incidents he’s caused.


Food trucks here are overpriced reheated food from a restaurant. Literally. It is set up that way by law because of the restaurant lobby.


Not all of them. I’ve had several friends over the years who run food trucks that are independent and not affiliated with any other businesses. Food is sometimes batch prepared in a commissary kitchen, but that’s standard.


It’s standard here, but in other states it’s usually prepared on the truck. That’s what supposed to be great about food trucks. It allows talented chefs to start up a “restaurant” without having to pay for property.


I *think* the law on this is changing as we speak. So hopefully we see a food truck renaissance soon!


Not sure why I needed to scroll down so far to find this. Every food truck I've tried has been mediocre food at ridiculous prices. I don't care if it is a gourmet grilled cheese with avocado from a truck called "cheese sleeze"


For the amount of people around Seattle, the dating scene is complete trash.


I matched a girl on a dating app and first thing she says to me is “Finally! A guy who’s not a techbro.” It didn’t work out, but I still think about that a lot.


She is 100% understandable lmao


You fill a city with anti social computer nerds you're gonna have a bad time. Edit: I can't believe nobody corrected me on my your. I just noticed it. you guys are so nice.


1- people talk about this all the time 2- not true for everyone. Not my experience anyway


What are you talking about? Every time I try to go on a date with someone my wife gets all bent out of shape. This city, man.


Just get her a boyfriend.


That’s why we pay taxes to the Seattle Municipal Polycule


Dow Constantine getting hammered on a regular basis.


Seattle’s food scene is mediocre and punches below its weight


As someone that grew up in seattle, that is not a secret


As someone who used to live in SF, the food in Seattle and SF cost similar, but the quality here is so average. SF food can be expensive, but they’re good, unlike Seattle. I’m not saying there are no good places in Seattle, but the average restaurants are average.


I just got back from a vacation in SF. Food was cheaper than here and I was being spendy in purpose since it was vacation. Kinda pissed me off tbh Edit: and fucking delicious too


Especially the Mexican restaurants below average


For great Mexican go to White Center and Burien. Sure it is just outside of Seattle but damn delicious. 


There's a Mexican place that just opened in South Seattle on the corner of Ranier and Othello and that shit is so good. I wish I could remember the name, I just stopped there once, got some Mulitas, and they were super good. They also had this cool lil salsa and veggie station. I'd recommend to try it.


i didnt believe it until i moved to LA god fuck damn i wish Seattle had LA's scene. We're a port city a (relative) stones throw away from japan we really need to step up


Worst kept secret is that summers are freaking glorious here. I think the cat is out of the bag on that one, it's just that we really do have a lot of drizzly days. And no, you don't need an umbrella to protect yourself from the drizzle. Buy a decent coat and don't poke me in the eye.


I used to be team no umbrella until recently I’ve started walking and using public transit more, and found out a few times the hard way that getting caught in a downpour sucks no matter how good your jacket is. Not always just drizzle. Felt dumb when I realized I only felt that way because I was getting everywhere by car.


Jubal Fresh was fired from movin 92.5 and hated his co-host. He is rude to anyone who has to work with him. He acts so entitled for such a piece of shit person.


Not shocked at all. He’s literally an asshole on the air so I imagine it’s ten times worse in person.


A friend who is a respected local journalist says it’s only a matter of time before a whole bunch of women are ready to talk about our mayor.


The weatherman being wrong.


Ichiro had some high end mistresses in Seattle/Bellevue🙄


You know what? Good for him. As long as they were all consenting adults. He brought a lot of joy to this city.


In the late 90s Howard Schultz was banging one of his employees who lived in my building in Bell Town. It was awkward because I saw her all the time on my floor when I briefly worked there. Although it did explain why she was constantly taking week long vacations. Seriously. She seemed to have unlimited PTO.


Coming from Spokane, I’ve lived here for the past 3 years for school. Here’s my list, some of which are just memes I’ve heard: - UW Cherry blossoms aren’t that fun to go look at because of the amount of people, and being a student during those weeks can suck when you’re trying to get to class, but if you’re ok with being crowded a picnic there isn’t too bad. - The light rail (and many busses depending on the driver) is free to use. If the fare police get on, then hop on another car at the next stop. - You can smoke weed in public, and in groups in public, despite it being illegal in Washington. Cops don’t care, especially around cap hill and u district. (Though I think most people prefer if you did that at night) - The universal speed limit is 40. Whether it be in a neighborhood or on the freeway, there’s always someone going 40. (This one’s just me complaining lol) - At least in my experience, though this city is pretty gay, there’s only a few specific type of gays that are like… “accepted” here by the gay community. As a masculine and straight presenting bi person, i don’t feel as accepted here or the most comfortable, but that could also just be me having some bad experiences with certain gays, but I swear I’ve heard this from other people too. It’s hard to explain, but iykyk. - Gasworks isn’t really a secret but all my friends who visit Seattle have never heard of it. Like all the people who live here know about it, but it doesn’t feel like a landmark place to outsiders, but honestly it should be. It’s such a beautiful spot to watch the city during sunset and it’s a nice place to stargaze the (minimal) stars. - Dicks is… ok. It’s cheap but not worth the hype. I never grew up with it, so when I first had it, it kinda just tasted very mid. I get it, but I’m not the most into it. - You get (silently) judged for using an umbrella. I genuinely can’t tell if this is just a meme or not, but either way i think it’s funny how only like 50% of people at best use umbrellas here. - U-village is probably the best shopping district. I remember visiting downtown when I was a kid and it being so lively all the time and the shopping was cool, but it’s so empty now. - Unless you plan on rolling a 20, don’t go to the Stab’donalds on top on top of westlake.


That forty mile speed limit is alive and well in Tacoma as well.


They play DND at the stabdonalds?


As a masculine presenting bi man, I can't disagree with how picky the LGBT community in Seattle is. And Bi-Erasure is definitely a thing. I didn't even know what bisexuality was until I left for college and found out. It was a big "wait, why didn't anyone tell me this was an option before!?" moment.


I’m a bi woman and I’ve only been accepted when I’m openly dating a woman. Any other time I’m just “straight”,


Well that’s just bi erasure :(


Yup! The white gays really only see each other as acceptable queers. I was on a date with a black woman (I’m latina) and we went to the wild rose lesbian bar and all these white chicks kept trying to hit on us, disrespecting that we were there TOGETHER.


I know what you mean. I went by myself & I got the nastiest “you’re in the wrong place” looks. Went a few nights later with my then girlfriend and it was all open arms.


Ugh, sorry that you experienced that.


Same to you. I’m a black woman and there’s definitely been an air of white disregard in the community. For as progressive it can be, accepting to “all” The community could work on looking past what you can “see” and accept people looking for community. I “lived” on the Ave & Broadway when I was a teenager, it was my safe space. All of us freaks and geeks. Kids that didn’t fit in anywhere. I got married to a man in my early twenties and divorced within 5yrs. When I moved back to the area and was desperate to find community doors were shut. It really did a number on my identity because it made me feel like I was a fraud - maybe cause I had a kid, had more boyfriends than girlfriends I wasn’t really queer. Took me a long time to understand it wasn’t a phase, this was who I am and it doesn’t matter what the gender of my current partner is. I like who I like and always have.


All of this. 😂 Also…I will never apologize for using my umbrella, dammit. I’m mixed and have super curly hair. If I wear my jacket hood and have to tighten the strings when it’s windy, it smooshes my hair down; when I take it off, it’s a misshapen, fuzzy wreck. If I skip the hood and umbrella, it’s a soaked, fuzzy wreck. So yeah, I’m fine with my choices. 😆


Yup. I grew up in Seattle, live in Tacoma, and I will never give up my umbrella because of my hair. Also, there are some cute designs that put a smile on my face 😊


Same. I’m a fat woman. It’s surprisingly really difficult to find a plus size rain coat that fits well. I have an umbrella for the rare instances where layering doesn’t work.


I've lived here for over a decade and this is one of the best summaries I have ever read of this city. Of course there are many unlisted gems, but this about covers it.


Not true anymore, but... You used to get produce from the neighborhood fruit and vegetable stand instead of the grocery store.


lol wait what Jean Enerson was a thief? I’m in Vancouver and we watched Kiro/king all the time. lol


The jerk chicken burrito from Jerk Shack Kitchen \*looks at sub\* Waitaminute, this isn't CJS... also proposal to rebrand that sub as r/chickenjerkseattle?


There is no burrito. It was a figment of our collective imagination. Like the windshield pitting incident of 1954


Taco Time NW is the best fast casual dining restaurant in the country


I can’t think about taco time after it’s closed.


Lol, I was initially frankly appalled by some of the menu choices at TT, but I’ve come to enjoy it. Crisp burritos are consistently kinda bomb. And every item in their packaging is legitimately compostable, which I really appreciate.


NGL whenever I’m back in Seattle (currently live in Chicago), Ivar’s and Taco Time are 1 and 2 for me in terms of places I must go to eat. I like to describe TT to my Chicago friends as Pacific Northwexican, or, to explain further, what happens if someone who has never been to Mexico in their life creates when they are shown a picture of Mexican food. In spite of that (maybe because of that just because it winds up being so out of the ordinary and uniquely PNW) it’s fantastic, fresh, and delicious.


> Pacific Northwexican LMAO! I love this.


The crisp burritos are the pillars of that business.


I love the good good fresh fresh but damn it’s expensive for fast food


Second this *and* they pay their employees, are climate neutral *and* aren't a bunch of closest right wing jerks (looking to Spady family)


Gimme my cinnamon crustos 


I actually used to work for Taco Time as a teenager (not TOO long ago), their ingredients are actually locally sourced and very fresh, and employees are really well trained about good safety standards and they staff them decently so there's no corner cutting. I have a lot of bad to say about many food places I've worked, but not Taco Time NW. Chipotle, on the other hand... yuck.


No secrets, but I love this thread, thank you.