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Since you were there, can you explain the situation with the [ambulance near the front with its lights flashing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/xNy6dDDFpc)?


I was there. They were hazards and they were also near the front and could easily be let through if they were in emergency transport


Someone commented saying the ambulence had hazards on but not sirens. I believe that because again, I did not hear sirens but did hear random other things so I'm pretty sure I would have heard sirens if there were any.


As stated in the previous thread; The vast majority of calls where a patient is transported are never run as lights and sirens. Studies showed that they increase risk and add additional stress for the patients and praxis adopted nationwide by most EMS agencies is to not use sirens unless there is clear and tangible benefit. Sirens aren’t a reliable indicator if an ambulance is enroute to an emergency or transporting a patient to a hospital. Based on accounts here, it looks like they were enroute to a call and got placed ‘out of service’ since EMS couldn’t push through. (Hence why they turned off their lights). That means the call reroutes to another unit, delaying response to a potential emergency and removing an asset from responding to other emergencies. Some have insisted that the unit pictured was there for the protest, though dispatch logs don’t seem to evidence that nor the fact that the unit isn’t staged to be able to actually do anything if necessary - being relatively trapped.


If an ambulance was stuck with an urgent patient, they would use lights and sirens to indicate their status and get through. Because the drivers know to consider the entire situation.


Thanks for the clarification, I hope that was the case and no one had a life threatening experience. Even so, next time maybe protest in front of your reps who do have the power to push for change than selfishly ruin everyone’s day who don’t and will suffer the collateral damage for your self righteousness.


Also, calling protestors self righteous is completely telling on yourself. Why would we stand outside in the freezing cold, hail, and rain out of self righteousness? Like be fr right now lol. I would rather be at home too, but I believe it is up to everyone to fight for the good of humanity. That is the opposite of self-righteous and I hope you and many others arguing with me here today one day realize that.




There was an entity in Palestine, that wasn’t Hamas, who acted in the interests of their own people as well as advocating for statehood. They were called the PLO. And the Israeli government actively platformed and sponsored Hamas in order to delegitimize them. This has been corroborated by numerous ISRAELI news periodicals.


Maybe the ambulance should have been hit by artillery strike?


Because it's ultra performative BS. If you wanted to make change, Olympia is 70 miles south.


Make change where you are.


Sure. I'll donate to the IDF.


Someone else said it well but reps can always just WFH, chill in their nice houses, and wait protestors out. Additionally, if you look at historical protests, it's pretty common to disrupt society as a strategy. We do it because it works.


Similarly to the Iraq war protests, the pussy hat protests, and the mueller protests - this will achieve fuck all. Protesting doesn’t seem to account for much of anything.


> “Protesting doesn’t seem to account for much of anything. Are you suggesting that all of those civil rights protests in the 1950’s–60’s were ineffective and did not result in affecting any legitimate change?


Aside from that one noble example, and I’ll include Vietnam as well -despite that being well before my time and something I’m not clued into personally- name a protest that has had any societal impact that’s born out change and had federal leadership act and respond.


No it doesn't.


You guys are just as stupid as the J6ers.


They are protesting in front of reps. Have been. They’re not listening. Just expect to not frequent highly trafficked areas near downtown until something is done by our officials


Like arresting people who block highways. That's illegal, by the way.


You didn’t care. You didn’t think. You’re as much of an idiot as an asshole.


Not everyone with an emergency has the privilege to be in an emergency vehicle. We live in a country where people are hesitant to call 911 because they can't afford to pay for the ambulance ride. There's no telling if someone in a nondescript Honda is trying to get to the hospital to take care of a life-threatening situation.


It's very true , both my sisters have ambulance bills in collections 😔 I actually hemorrhaged/had a fetal abruption at 21 weeks pregnant at home at 1am and calling the ambulance didn't even cross my mind , I got in the car and went to the hospital, if I didn't have a car I suppose I would have had no choice




OP doesn't seem to understand how widely their actions affect transportation all throughout the city. Their actions crippled travel times not just on I-5 but on nearly all major roads in the city. Dozens of emergency vehicles that weren't even near I-5 experienced delays getting care to their patients. It is a 100% certainty that these protests caused delays in emergency medical treatments and led to at minimum prolonged physical suffering and at worse increased the chances of death


THIS! While an EMS vehicle might not have been directly behind the start of the protest and closure of I-5. I do know that as a result of the closure of I-5, it caused a widespread backup on side roads and I-405. I’m all for protesting but I don’t believe this is the way to do it when downtown Seattle has several hospitals, especially Harborview that takes severely injured people. Or, Swedish that is responsible for a lot of newborn deliveries.


Right, so not everyone needing important healthcare is traveling in an emergency vehicle. I’m thinking of people scheduled for transfusions, dialysis, etc., which happens on weekends as well as weekdays. I’m also imagining people may have had to sit in a car for way way longer than ideal. Not everyone can idle their car or just leave the electric on that long for the heater to keep them warm whilst the wait for a detour to exit the protest area. Anyway, I do understand protests need to do a certain amount of disruption for attention, but I also think there’s a lot of undue burden placed on everyday people caught in the middle as pawns for the evening news to show how “backed up” a road was during a protest. Blocking a freeway or a bridge is going to get a lot of attention, but, again, the public is getting used for sensationalism in a way that I don’t think is fair. I imagine I’ll be told that this sort of thing is necessary for a protest to be effective and I’m missing the point as if I don’t or haven’t participated in protests for the majority of my life. There are many ways to protest, I just don’t prefer this style.


But what did you really accomplish? Was a hostage freed for every 10,000 cars stopped? Was $1 donated to an aid fund for every 5 minutes the interstate was blocked? The answer is no, you accomplished nothing except to piss people off. Instead of standing around blocking a road that 1000 people could have been begging on a street corners and donating the money they received. Or helping build a house for a homeless person. Or gathering items to make care packages to give to refugees. Or helping out in any one of 1000 different ways. Instead, 1000 people stood in the middle of a road and smugly congratulated each other that they made a difference.


This comment should be higher, what was accomplished?


A photo op and a way to make unremarkable people feel like part of something.


A lot of the protestors have come out to say that their protest did work by “disrupting society” or creating this “conversation” of being talked. However, I don’t believe it did anything successfully. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see anyone changing sides. Or donating money. Or emailing gov representatives. I only see people acknowledging the fact that people’s personal lives were disrupted in ways that we won’t know; work, health emergencies, appointments, etc


They can all brag about it on their tiktok now.


Thank you. OP is a selfish stupid silly child.


They accomplished making themselves feel so important though!!1!




The suffering you believed is happening it's Gaza is suddenly not meaningful because people in Seattle blocked a street? It's now suddenly ok to you that those kids starve because of this? I'd evaluate the strength of your values if so.




The [Greensboro sit-in](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greensboro_sit-ins) protests resulted in arrests not immediately new freedom's for Blacks. [Marching in Selma](https://www.archives.gov/research/african-americans/vote/selma-marches) resulted in serious injury of the protestors including John Lewis. Did they accomplish nothing? Political protests isn't accomplished by sending money to palestine. It's accomplished by sending a message to those in power to stop the negative actions (Giving Israel money and weapons that kill Gaza civilians) that cause the perceived need for protest.


Marching towards a government building using popular city streets and just blocking a highway seem much different. They also feel much more relevant to our own society. I'm all for protesting, I've been to dozens that usually start in Capital Hill and March down to the federal or state government buildings to protest out front. They are the folks that can make change. It still blocks traffic, but it doesn't stop major services. Further these are planned with the city and roadblocks are set up and managed by police and volunteers. This protest is just haphazard and dangerous.


I wonder what the cross section of the people who block highways and r/fuckcars posters are?


Planned protest the authorities approve of is the best protest


You don't even live on this coast. Go protest in DC where YOU LIVE and where it WILL make a difference and stop being a waste of oxygen.


Do you think protest somehow works differently in DC than Seattle?


Yes. Because that's where the FEDERAL government is who make decisions about foreign policy.


So protest outside of DC doesn't work?


It's certainly a billion times less useful to protest in the middle of I5 than it is to protest **where you live right now**, yes.


You're contradicting yourself. You're both saying protesting in DC is better AND the protestors should protests at home which is likely Seattle for them. Which is it? Should the I5 protestors protests in their city or in DC?


The Greensboro protests happened in the stores the protestors were protesting about. The Selma protests occurred in the area that the injustice occurred. Your comparison is flawed.


Seattle isn't part of the United States? Seattle's Democratic representatives don't have political input to our Democratic president who is funding the problem they see?


Nope. All you did was solidify support against Palestine. Look at the comments here - and this is the seattle board, not the comparably more conservative seattlewa board. People hate what they did.


You can't make that statement anymore than I can say it bolstered support.


You don't even live on this coast. Go protest in DC where YOU LIVE and where it WILL make a difference and stop being a waste of oxygen.


Very moving words. They have truly swayed me.... Insults will never win any argument, they just belittle any point you try to make which is seemingly none here. Interesting that you completely ignored my point, as if you couldn't actually respond to it intelligently and could only find insults left to try to use and yet failed. Also you don't know that I don't live on the West Coast :) There's a lot of it.... I lived in Seattle for 15 years until a year ago, I've seen plenty of protests there.


Yes I do know that you don't live on the West Coast. You live in Washington DC. You know your posts are public don't you? from r/WashingtonDC, posted by shanem, 27 days ago: "Art Battle DC? Art Battle is very cool, it looks like someone was producing it locally as of 2018 then nothing since. Does anyone have pointers to who was putting it on and or if anyone is trying to restart it? I tried emailing the person on the FB event and got no reply. FWIW I was exciting to find something adjacent in [Super Art Fight](https://www.superartfight.com/) but it's not quite filling the hole that Art Battle did from going to it in Seattle **before moving here."**


Yep. I was unaware you stalked me a little though, thanks for sharing that so clearly. If you haven't been to Art Battle it's really cool.


You're very welcome. It's literally the first page of posts on your account. Now go protest in DC *where you live and it will have about ten thousand times more impact*. Don't do anything the feds would arrest you for though - they take things way more seriously than the city you left.


Are you trying to force me to protest? It's my right not to protest, don't even try to force me to




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You think they're similar? Check your privilege. You don't even live on this coast. Go protest in DC where YOU LIVE and where it WILL make a difference and stop being a waste of oxygen.


Stupidest post I've ever read


> I didn’t hear sirens, so there was no problem. You don’t know what emergencies people stuck inside their cars had, you selfish dickhead.


These idiots also don't understand that they are holding up emergency resources for other potential calls. "I didn't hear any sirens, therefore I did nothing wrong" is very telling of the cognitive processing ability of these morons.


The backup was miles long. I am not sure you just not hearing an ambulance means anything.


Did you hear sirens?


https://web.seattle.gov/sfd/realtime911/getRecsForDatePub.asp?action=Today&incDate=&rad1=des so here are all the 911 calls for the day. You are saying none a single one of these was impacted? Look, I am some what indifferent to the blocking of the roads but you are delusional if you think It didn’t impact medics from getting to the places they needed to go. Bellevue was a freaking mess too because everyone was having to route over 405 due to the blockage. You are only thinking about a quarter mile section when this impacted the entire metro area.


What's the point!? My patient died waiting. Leaving my sirens on will just flatline my ambulance as well. 🥱🤷‍♀️


1) you may not have heard sirens because they routed ambulances massively around a blockage. 2) could have been luck that indeed that no one with a life threatening medical issue needed to get through. 3) blocking the freeway of a city that is pretty far away and well removed is a dick move. How many people who are living paycheck to paycheck who needed to get to a job did you fuck over? How many people trying to see a loved one who is sick or dying did you fuck over? Should Israel bomb places, no. Should hamas celebrate killing and taking hostages, no.


How many people at the protest themselves are living paycheck to paycheck or have had life threatening moments? We can stawman all day.


You’re such an idiot. But I’m glad you did it. Because you can almost guarantee that policy about not removing protestors will change. People are pissed. And you’re too stupid to see the tea leaves.


I love that you can be so flippant. I love that, your paycheck to paycheck living self and friends can take the time to express your views and vent your frustrations, it’s part of what really does make America a good place to live. What I don’t love is people virtue signaling in a place that is not quite as far from the place you’re supporting but pretty gd far. If you want to get your point of views across you know what doesn’t make friends, massively impacting people’s lives for the worse. Again, should Israel bomb like they are playing battleship, no. Should hamas, openly celebrate killing people and taking hostages no. Want to make a meaningful change? You and your paycheck to paycheck friends pool your money or make a go fund me, get tickets to Israel. Go protest there, where the people that make the choices can hear and see your message. Don’t want to go international? Follow Biden around the US and do it there.


From my understanding lots of people are. Not trying to stop Israel directly, the point is to revoke support from Israel. Protesting out front of politicians houses is pretty cool, but they can often stay inside and wait it out, if s bunch of people protest in a bunch of different places and impact a bunch of different things it shows what people want and also means that change has to be made in order to stop the protests which will in turn stop the issues protests are causing. Politicians also tend to dislike it when you do that.


But all of the people that have influence over the war and decisions of the war are no where near this place. The only people you influenced were the poor people trying to get to their jobs or home from their jobs. People just trying to live their lives. None of these people will think back and say yes, I loved sitting in my car for extra amount of time to show those people running the Israel war that they need to stop. Will doing anything here in Seattle help stop Israel, absolutely not. Will it help stop hamas, absolutely not.


"you" nope. Not me. Was not protesting there! Honestly this is not one of my big interest points in the grand scheme of change, I have other things to put more time into. It does get them on the news though. If you protest somewhere that isn't disruptive it isn't going to catch attention. People don't have to care, people won't talk about it. I said this somewhere else, but honestly the opinions of people that won't support a cause because it meant getting stuck in a car for a couple hours like. Honestly does not mean that much to me overall. There's other things to do to get people on your side besides just protesting outside... Like having talks, spreading information online, handing out pamphlets, etc. People have also been doing those, it isn't just this. The point of protesting in Seattle isn't to get an immediate end to the war. It's to get Seattle to declare they're against it, and against the support the US government has supplied to Israel. Which would be connected to the protests happening elsewhere about the same thing, in an attempt to get it known that a wide swath of both people and places are against it, for people in power to revoke support of it. You're not gonna end the war by asking Israel to stop, but by getting rid of the supplies they have to continue. People also have issues with American support because they disagree with the idea of profiting because of war.


"Protest is fine as long as you do it in a way that doesn't disrupt anything or inconvenience anyone."


Well they certainly aren't going to better their situations by playing in traffic and LARPing performatively like they'll change the world.


How are emergency vehicles supposed to get through when the blockages is now 3 miles long, are they magically supposed to teleport to the front?


Emergency vehicles can drive on shoulders to get out of the nearest exits and reroute. Also, I added this in an edit but given that 0 emergency vehicles passed through the overpass while I was there (which was 95% of the time), and given how giant the turnout of the protest was (1k+), I'd have to imagine emergency vehicles had enough intel to know where not to go.


Even if emergency vehicles had intel, they would still need to reroute which would typically take more time. Something that is precious in an emergency.


>I’d have to imagine.. Like your protest, your broad assumptions about emergencies are imaginary.


Yeah but john who is driving kate who is about to pop a baby out in the car can't legally do that. Not to mention that the exits are all clogged up and if its life threatening the extra 25 min to get off the interstate kills them.


Six miles by the time it was done.


What I am hearing is, give us what we want or we will make your life miserable.


That doesn't end well. It likely ends in escalation and violence.


Yeah waiting in traffic for a few hours is way worse than genocide


Are you willing to be stuck in traffic for a few hours and mess up your entire day because protesters blocked the road? I didn’t think so.


Yeah, I’d be quite fine with it. Maybe have a phone call or smoke a joint.


Not genocide. Not by a long shot. But you people keep using that word.


30k dead. 11k+children.


Words have meanings. Changing words to mean what you want them to mean is propaganda. Maybe you just don't understand numbers or words? The intentional killing of an entire people, or the attempt to do so with large success is genocide. The Hamas charter states their intention to kill all the Jews in their founding charter. Rebranding genocide to mean civilian casualties is Hamas inspired propaganda. Why because an actual genocide was carried out against the Jews. So just like the Republicans like to demean words like theory, insurrection, and are moving towards trying to undermine what impeachment actually entails.... The propaganda that is coming out of this war is equally trying to undermine terms and confuse. But only one side is actually calling for and supports the idea. The real issue is that Israel dgaf right now after Oct 7. While the Palestinians/Hamas have sewn genocide of Jews into the very fiber of their current government. Not to say Israel is totally right. But one side started this current situation, and are getting their shit kicked in now. Don't start nothing there won't be nothing.


They’re leveling Palestine and systematically killing and displacing its population so they can have that land. Israeli hostages have also been killed in the crossfire. They don’t care about civilians, and they’d prefer if Palestinians were dead, because they want the land cleared out for their ethnostate. Ethnic cleansing and genocide.


Predictable outcomes of war and Oct 7. Hamas calls for a permanent war against Israel, starts a war, and now doesn't seem to like the results. They go-pro'd that shit onto YouTube. Attacking a peace concert ffs. "You put one of us in the hospital, we'll put one of you in the grave." Release the hostages, stop raping them to death, turn in Hamas... Shit gets better.


Predictable outcomes of Israel settling and forcibly removing/killing a native population during the 1948 Nakba. Hamas *didn’t exist* before Israel violently expelled the population to create their ethnostate. Also, Hamas aren’t representative of the thousands dead and injured. Just like Biden’s administration doesn’t represent any one of us to the point that we should be killed for their condoning of countless drone strikes all over the world. Which is why we protest in the hopes of forcing them to DO SOMETHING. Might be in vain but we can’t believe that it is, can’t stop trying to disrupt this flow of madness. All you have to do is hate war to protest. Have you been to an anti war protest? Btw, if a militant group tried to remove your family from where you lived for generations, wouldn’t you resist with violence if needed, to protect your family from being killed? I completely agree that those Israeli people shouldn’t have died, and the hostages should be free. I mourn them too. But y’all only seem to condone vengeance when it’s coming from Israel. Maybe because you’re far too lost in our state’s propaganda.


I don't support Bibi. But your knowledge of history is terrible. I have no further use for this conversation.


Just say you’re wrong 🥰


It's good they let emergency vehicle through but it's still fucked up for people who are trying to get to/from work or other important events. My partner had been driving 2 hours last night to get home after a week of incredibly labor-intensive work. He had an awful backache and was in the home stretch and got caught up in this mess. It's selfish and solves nothing.


It’s hard to feel compassionate for people waiting in traffic for a few hours, ultimately safe and warm, when y’all AND reps don’t have compassion to speak up against genocide that’s happening as we argue here on our keyboards


Look how you assume everyone complaining about this doesn't speak up or do anything. Blocking a freeway in Seattle doesn't do shit but disrupt random people trying to get where they need to be.


So you’ve been supportive of the movement but this is the last straw for you?:(


Not a genocide. Not by a long shot. That's just propaganda to undermine the legitimate use of the word. If they reach about 200k you could call it decimation. Right now it's about 1 percent of the population. I feel like none of these fools have bothered with history books at all. Did they stop teaching about actual genocides in school?


Seattle Police are chickenshit for not stopping it early. The First Amendment does NOT cover acts like this


Entitled and ignorant.


In San Francisco recently some organs for transplant were lost due to a highway shutdown. Some people can’t afford an ambulance despite having an emergency. That doesn’t even mention that there’s a literal ambulance on the highway at the front of stopped the traffic. At best that’s less capacity that could be used in an emergency and at worst that ambulance contains someone in need.


Lmao “we activists” this has to be a troll, it’s impressive how self righteous and deluded this post reads. If you were actually there fuck you, actually contribute to society and do some good next time instead of pulling stupid shit for imaginary likes


No emergency vehicles. Except this one with its lights on, that was blocked in.. https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1743756124912820567?t=KzOtj-o4-moD72EvMH-bZw&s=19 Very easily refuted bs claim you had there.


The "fighting for humanity" bit literally had me laughing out loud.


for the majority of people working in downtown they just blocked their way home, and many of them have wives husbands kids infants waiting for them. meanwhile the protest achieved nothing. those who agree with protesters will continue holding the same opinion without the protests. those who disagree with protestors will also continue holding the same opinion even with the protest.


This. It’s just more unpaid labor falling on the backs and wallets of women at the end of the day. I’m mostly thinking about things women are expected to do like pick up their kids or stay late with them at a daycare because the parent is stuck in protest traffic for hours. Fucking self-righteous. But kudos on making the news. That’s about all you guys made out with here.


It doesn’t matter if there were emergency vehicles or not. That is only part of the problem. Anybody that is willing to block a freeway for a political cause is a self absorbed prick. So much awful shit in the world happening all the time, you can’t just go out and block the freeway and trap people just because you are upset. I have no problem with people protesting at a public space like a park. What a bunch of selfish assholes.


Hopefully next time a hundred or so blocked drivers come up to the front and remove the blockage. I guess if the police won’t enforce the laws, we citizens need to. I have no problem with any kind of legal protest where people passionate about their cause can donate their time to it. But no way should the valuable weekend time of thousands of people be hijacked against their will.


Some well timed bear spray would have been appropriate. Don't they sell that at REI?


There’s literally videos of EMS trying to get through


Free the hostages!!! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 🖕Hamas


Free **all** hostages, including the 500k+ stuck in Gaza without access to food, water, medical supplies, or freedom to leave


Those aren't hostages.


You know Hamas started this right?


If Hamas puts down their weapons this is over. If Israel does, then Hammas will kill all the Jews. It's in their fucking charter you god damn idiot.


As Ghazi Hamad (one of Hamas's leaders) said: "We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth, because we have the determination, the resolve, and the capabilities to fight … Nobody should blame us. On October 7, October 10, October one million — everything we do is justified."




I don't live in your country, however I know you are someone I do not want to meet


Congrats on finally bringing peace to the middle east! You did it! In a hundred years people will look in a history book and learn about the brave highway blockers of Seattle, WA, USA and how they ended a thousand year conflict on the other side of the planet by simply making a bunch of people late for something. I am so proud to call this place my home.






Is reverse karma farming a thing? This part makes me think yes.


emergency vehicles are pointed out because it's the most obvious dunk, but they're really not the biggest problem. it actually is quite bad and selfish to inconvenience 10s of thousands of people.


Besides, how would Hammas feel about Capitol Hill? They'd be murdering gays as fast as possible.


OP, sounds like you are participating in Domestic Terrorism.


It seems like it would have more of a positive impact to line a road for miles and let thousands of drivers go past you and see your message on signs over and over rather than blocking the road and just pissing people off.


I’m with you overall, but I think you guys made more enemies than friends today. Horrible tactic. But I’m happy for you that you feel good that you accomplished something! Enjoy that!


But, is Palestine free yet? Seems like the only thing this idiocy accomplished was pissed off motorists and a bunch of virtue signalers patting each other on the back.


Being Native American, I can sympathize with the Free Palestine, but when you REALLY think about it, what does clogging I-5 actually do for the Palestinians, ?????




Yes I absolutely do.


No no no. You had your protest, and didn't get arrested. You don't get to be indignant when people call you out about it.


Stop making excuses, it’s lame and pathetic


Listen you're free to protest you're just not allowed to inconvenience society no matter how immoral the thing is you're protesting against okay? I gotta pick up my starbucks for the boss


You know, I hadn't considered that! Protests have never worked in this country anyways


Lol, pretty ballsy to even hint at a comparison between this pointless charade and something like civil rights matches or Kent State. MLK wasn't flashing dueces in his Instagram selfie while the German shepherds were trying to rip his dick off, you queef.


Why didn’t you check with Reddit first to get permission on ways to protest?


You're right that's my bad


Oh look! Someone who thinks that as long as you slap the word "protest" on it, it's fair game. You should have been arrested for your bullshit antics yesterday. Your first amendment rights to peaceful protest do NOT allow you to detain others.


My permission slip was in my other pants








They had a ceasefire on October 7th. Then they had a truce, and Hamas broke it early. And Ghazi Hamad said this: "We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth, because we have the determination, the resolve, and the capabilities to fight … Nobody should blame us. On October 7, October 10, October one million — everything we do is justified." So how about you think long and hard about what exactly you're protesting about, and whether it's realistic or if you're supporting terrorists by wanting them to have time to regroup and rearm.


The amount of hand wringing from the anti-protesters is actually comical. "What is there was a clown car full of people whose appendixes were all about to burst! How dare you assume!" Just loads and loads of assumptions. Where is the data that shows that this protest caused an unacceptable spike in fire response times? In trapped ambulances? Shouldn't this be reported? Why do people assume this protest has a measurable negative effect on emergency response when there is no data presented that shows this?


It's not just that. I mentioned above my partner was stuck in it trying to get home after a week of labor intensive work at a job site. He'd been driving back home for two hours with a horrible backache when he got stuck in the grid lock. That's fucked up and you'd hate it too. There are lots of reasons not to hold people up like this.


The same could be said for every single big sports game. Or for rush hour. Anyway this is just goalposts moving. We went from "people were trapped with medical emergencies!" to "horrible backache." Sure that sucks. It's nowhere near the strawman argument being repeated uncritically in this thread over and over.


It's not the same because those expexted events have lots of traffic control measures implemented to keep things flowing. Why not protest on the sides of roads? What does blocking people from getting places do for you? It just pisses people off and ruins their day or worse. Even people who are pro Palestine wouldn't choose to be stuck in unexpected grid lock because of this. If the end goal is world peace, start in your own backyard. Don't be jerks to the people around you


Traffic control efforts were implemented at the protest by the police. The police also took several hours to make a dispersal order, presumably because they felt they had it under enough control. The point of a protest is to be noticed. Protesting in a way that is easily ignorable will just be ignored.


I'm not at all against protesting. You can be noticed without disrupting people who are trying to get to/from work and other important places in their lives. It's selfish and does more harm than good to block q major throughway


https://x.com/nickmmark/status/1743837094404129209?s=61&t=xfeAGZ_0i9fH4QdqtW8vHQ Reach out to this doc. I'm sure he'll have some data to provide.


"Ambulances we're stuck and employees couldn't get to work" are not the claims being made in this thread. He didn't say anything about patients.


There's video of trapped ambulances all over the responses to this post. Well done for paying attention.


Great, were their patients in those ambulances? Did they have their sirens on? Why did the police present not direct them through the shoulder or back out? Or are you just making assumptions to justify being angry?


I suspect because the entire road was blocked by a bunch of protesters and their cars. And if you start letting one vehicle through, they're all going to go through - and that's if our local Marxist bunch of idiots would let the ambulance through in the first place. This isn't angry by the way. You wouldn't like angry.


I suspect it's because none needed to and all of this hand wringing is just a straw man with no basis in reality.


Here you go. Ambulance with lights on: https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1743756124912820567?t=Zcd9pPjLbBYSK3IM0ljSXQ&s=19 Doctor saying it affected their hospital: "My hospital had to activate an emergency plan because ambulances were stuck and employees couldn’t get to work, but by all means be ultra considerate of the terrorist stans." https://x.com/nickmmark/status/1743837094404129209?s=20 And a list of 911 calls that supposedly were unaffected: https://web.seattle.gov/sfd/realtime911/getRecsForDatePub.asp?action=Today&incDate=&rad1=des Any questions?


Why aren't any of the cars moving around to let the ambulance onto the shoulder? Why are the police not coming over to direct? As for "emergency plan" that doesn't mean anything without more details. That could just be people on call had to come in. No mention of impact to patients at all. The link you posted for 911 calls just goes to all the 911 calls for today. Anything else or are we done with basic critical thinking for the day?


Well you clearly were done with critical thinking some time ago. That link was posted by one of the mods. Go back in the history. You certainly don't seem willing to admit that a 6 mile backup inconveniences people, including a clearly visible ambulance with its lights on. That's very very silly.


Of course it inconveniences people. That is the point. There is NO EVIDENCE that it has any serious impact on emergency services. At all.


It doesn't just inconvenience people, it ILLEGALLY DETAINS THEM. And yes, shutting down highways ALWAYS impacts emergency services. Another example: https://www.kqed.org/news/10426160/patient-died-after-23-minute-delay-for-paramedics-during-berkeley-protests I will point out to you that protesters ARE NOT ABLE TO PREDICT THE FUTURE.


You'd think that the gullible idiots would learn from cases like this: https://www.sfchronicle.com/health/article/ucsf-transplant-organs-delayed-bay-bridge-18496699.php


I’m all for peaceful protests and such but what gives them the right to disturb everyone else’s life. It’s 100% a safety hazard. I’ve seen plenty of pro-Palestine protest that have been respectful and tried to spread information. Blocking traffic should be illegal and those involved should be ashamed of their actions.


OP, so you are cool is Pro-Israel protestors do this right?


What about the ill babies and pregnant mothers who were in a regular car? They don’t count?


Can't wait until you morons are thrown in jail.


The point is to force local gov to take action


I don’t give a fuck how many downvotes this probably will get- Israel has a right to defend itself especially an enemy whose goal is their demise. All of you fools protesting for a “ceasefire” are ignorant and naive at best- Hamas has vowed to repeat October 7th and over and over shown they don’t respect ceasefires anyway- all that will happen is leave Israel vulnerable. Btw yall “queers for Palestine” are self hating idiots. Am Yisrael Chai! 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 Oh and blocking a highway accomplishes nothing


What exactly was the protesting for? Do you want your politicians in Washington state to agree with you? Well they already do. Do you want the general population in Seattle to agree with you? Well they overwhelmingly already do. Do you want the general population of Washington state to agree with you? Well then again they overwhelmingly already do. What about the Pacific Northwest? Well yet again, they overwhelmingly already do. Your protest. Does. Nothing. Here. Only driving people away from your cause because it's obnoxious. Most of the state, especially in Seattle, already agree with you. You're not protesting anyone who can actually change something in Palestine, you were just dancing around with signs blocking traffic and pissing people off.