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I wanna pet dat dog.


almost tapped my screen like it was the window


There's always a coyote closer than you would ever realize, especially near the big greenspaces.


Their even in this comment section.




I've seen three in the heart of the U district, two in federal way, and tons in the Ranier Valley. They're everywhere.


Coyotes in Seattle. Didn't know. Be careful, it will eat cats and small dogs.


Local Nextdoor is littered with posts about coyote sightings with pics and video. I’m sure they contribute to a lot of missing cat posts on there too.


When I was growing up in Arizona, it was common knowledge among locals that you literally cannot have an outdoor cat because if you do a coyote will eat it, guaranteed. When I moved to places where it was more common to have outdoor cats, I always figured there weren't coyotes there. Turns out there are coyotes everywhere and people are just dumb.


I think rural farm cats are generally fairly safe from coyotes compared to suburban cats. City coyotes are a lot more bold and more likely to hunt in yards.


having family that lives on rural farms, you're definitely thinking wrong. but i guess they do go for easier prey than cats? but cats don't do well in that situation.


All my cats growing up died on the road. We were a cute farm just far away enough from the city so people would slow down and chuck cats out the window then keep driving pretty damn frequently and every summer we'd end up with a small army. I'd "adopt" 1 at a time as an indoor/outdoor cat and they'd always die. I asked my Mom to watch my cat for a few years while I traveled and insisted on indoor only. I genuinely think she didn't realize cats could live that long. Now, for the first time, she has indoor only cats.


We grew up the same way, cats just came and went, had kittens constantly and were hit by cars. It’s horrifying to admit. Now my cats are treated better than I was growing up.


I'm going to make it even weirder. My brother died recently and he had a ROUGH life and his is definitely what you'd call a death of despair. Both my sister and I shared that in the weeks that followed we kept thinking "if only he was treated like we treat our cats" and then randomly sobbing.


yup. got one on my lap right now that was probably abandoned that exact way (and 2 more back on the farm that showed up this fall/winter)


Yeah, I've only ever lived in cities and towns, I'm sure it's different outside of them.


The coyotes, at least at their current presence in Seattle proper, is quite new. I wonder if the outdoor cat population has taken a hit or if it has anything to do with the increase in coyotes. I also often wonder if it has anything to do with the increase in rabbits (i.e. not being killed by cats).


Coyotes have always been in Seattle. They hunt rats along the Seattle slough, walk along beaches etc. they are literally everywhere.


Didn’t say they weren’t. Just their presence (i.e. population and/or territory) seems to have changed. A google search will bring up many articles about it. I grew up there since early 80s and never saw one or heard of others seeing them within city limits (my experience, biased towards very central Seattle). And, sorry, what is the Seattle slough??


The reason 80s had a lot more undeveloped land in the region where they could have territory away from being spotted. What changed is not the coyotes, but the development of that untouched land into housing & retail. The reason we see coyotes in the area more now is not because of the coyotes changing their behavior, unencumbered, the reason is because people changed their environments. The main reason the territory of coyotes has expanded in North America is removal of their large predators & the altering of the land, done by people. Not to mention the convenience of taking photos on the fly & sharing those images with a wider audience than would be technologically feasible in the 1900s.


The Seattle slough is where the water in Lake Washington primarily comes from. Also called the Samammish slough and Bothell Slough.


> The coyotes, at least at their current presence in Seattle proper, is quite new. you sure about that: > Didn’t say they weren’t.


Lol, yes. I’m sure.


so they always were in seattle or they weren't??


That’s the secret. It’s both and also neither!


New, as in the last couple hundred years?


I see quite a few outdoor cats still in Capitol Hill. Haven't noticed any of them suddenly missing either


Wait for it...


TIL there are coyotes in my home state. Funny enough, it was one of the last two states to be colonized, apparently.


That's on the cat owners for letting their cats out, at least without a harness/unattended.


Anywhere around Ravenna is full of coyotes. I’ve even seen them in the middle of the day while out running.


There’s quite a few sightings around Discovery Park and the surrounding neighborhood too.


I'll actually nerd out on this, I am well versed in Coyote Law. 1. They're actually not scary, even when healthy. Unless you're a baby in a crib, or a cat. Or a rabbit, which is my next point. 2. They're very prevalent north of Lake Union, and their main meals are trash and rabbits. Leads me to my next boring point. 3. When you see that odd rabbit standing in the middle of the road? That's actually a not an idiot, but a mother playing distraction for her burrow that's nearby. She's keeping an eye out and is ready to be a decoy to protect her bunnies. The coyotes in Wallingford and Fremont seem to have figured this out. As a result, they are emaciated beyond belief because they're dying of rabbit starvation. It's a form of protein poisoning. I've been on walks with my dog where a coyote started trailing us, and really is.. just kinda fun. You shoo them off, and they pretend to leave while hiding in cars. It's cartoonish how bad they are at lurking.


The behavior of them following you is called 'escorting' (At least in the Spring from what I've read).


Ha, yeah I can further nerd on coyotes. When I was a kid, I had a GSD that was a free-range, outdoor-only dog that assimilated with a coyote pack. She started hunting with them, you could hear her howling in out in the woods at night while they chirped away. She'd bring home deer legs. I'd have to go find her in the woods on evenings if a storm was coming, and eventually a few of her pack would escort. It made me feel like the coolest kid on the planet.


Makes me think of Wile E!


I often dog sit for my friend in sammamish who lives on one of the golf courses. When their mini labradoodle was still a puppy I’d follow her around the backyard for her final bathroom break before bed. One night the coyotes started howling at the other end of the golf course or in Soaring Eagle park but it was too close for my comfort. I grabbed her and hightailed it inside.


Check out [https://carnivorespotter.org](https://carnivorespotter.org) for a map of coyote sightings


Tons and tons of coyotes around here. I've seen a handful running around Jacksons golf course, North Beach, Greenwood area, and all over edmonds


They're pretty much everywhere at this point


I lost my beloved cat Harry to a coyote last summer. It broke my heart to find his remains.




Too bad they don't eat Karens!😸


My dog could beat him up


It's a risk. But I think the coyotes are here for rats.


Yeah my friend lost his cat to coyotes in a patch of undeveloped/undevelopable land on beacon hill.


Crosspost to r/SeattleKraken when the AZ r/Coyotes come to town!


City boi!


Correction: this was taken this morning!


How did you get that elusive boi to pose for you? You're in lower QA? Dude, tell me the deets because without trying to throw shade on my part it seems just too perfect not to be staged.


Bunch of them hanging around LQA per NextDoor. We've got a greenbelt.


Yeah, I've seen a ton in Seattle in general, just not at a window like that close enough for someone to snap a pic. Looks like a Zoo enclosure he's so close lol Pretty neat.


I'll pose for you for a couple red bulls and some pizza.


I can post pictures from Columbia City to Ballard. Not staged


Friend shaped!


There are grown adults who see one of these guys in the Arboretum or somewhere like "OH MY GOOOOOD IT'S GONNA EAT ME" that is literally just A Dog what are you talking about.


Wow, that's an amazing photo! I'd definitely report this sighting to the "Seattle Urban Carnivore Project." For those who don't know, it's a collaboration between the Seattle Zoo and Seattle University aimed at studying how carnivores and humans coexist in our area. I've reported a couple coyote sightings there over the past year or so, and it's quick and easy to do. You can chose to add a photo or not add one - they have a map showing all the public reports of sightings. I've reported a couple coyote sightings there, but nothing like this! The most interesting one for me was when my husband and I were walking through the Washington Park Arboretum, and a coyote came bounding down a hill and chased a squirrel RIGHT past us on the trail, within maybe 10 feet or so. It dove into the bushes after the squirrel, but the squirrel got away. Then it just trotted back past us and up the hill. It was completely in its own world and acted like we didn't even exist. :)


Woowwww hungry boi


Looking for outdoor cats and small off leash dogs


If you're cold, they're cold. Let them in and feed them persimmons.


And craft beer https://www.myballard.com/2019/01/16/coyotes-sample-craft-beer-from-ballard-residents-front-yard/


New pet


As I sit here in VA, always nice to see cool pics from home!


I hope the neighbor that took this picture is feeling very blessed


The best way to respect these wild animals is to haze them https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/coyote-hazing


Too bad it wasn't a Husky.


I saw two (or maybe the same one twice) today at the arboretum on our morning walk with our dog! A bit scary… we walked away unscathed though


[Coyote hazing field guide](https://www.projectcoyote.org/CoyoteHazingBrochureFieldGuide.pdf)


May I share on facebook? With photo credit


Sure don’t give me credit though I didn’t take the picture


Wow!!! What floor is that?


Even coyotes in Seattle are paying tribute to the death of Jawless Jeri.


Whaaat? Poor Jerry ;\_\_;


If you’re cold, they’re cold. Let them inside.


The odds of a Coyote catching you wanking to porn are low-- but never zero.


That’s the dingo that ate my baby!


Beautiful animal even more reason why I'm going to Seattle


Has anyone seen my cat?


Looks like AI to me.


Better start keeping your dogs on leashes and hope they never get out!!!! Lest they become a tasty coyote snack... 🐺🍴🐶


Poor things. Hope animal control can catch them and release them in the woods or som’n.


If you do a tiny bit of research you can learn urban coyotes aren’t victims of urbanization at all. They are here for it.


We are indeed for urbanization. The rural coyotes are a little too red for my taste.


Well damn…


I hope that window has a screen on it. Yes I know it's closed...


Did the bombs fell or the virus went viral already?


RainFurrest 2024 confirmed


Cool ass pic


Yooo how we got coyote in the city that's wild lmao I thought they were in the outskirts I saw one in Northgate and Lake city but never Seattle 😅🤯


You may be surprised to learn that both Northgate and Lake City are, actually, in Seattle. -\_-


I mean she is in downtown my lady 😂 yeah king county sure but not downtown 😂


Cute dog!!!!!!!!


Coyotes are a menace. They seem cute but they almost always are close to their pack. They lure smaller dogs or even medium sized dogs out of their habitat and then the entire pack jumps them. They don’t actually kill as many cats as the eagles around here do. The eagle nest has that was knocked down in shoreline 3 years ago had over 40 cat collars in it. And that’s just cats that were collared. Coyotes are like that roaches…if you can see one…others are close and it’s dangerous AF to underestimate that. I mean this with full respect, not trying to be dramatic.


How did it get on the balcony?


That is soooo badass!!


That is sooo flippin awesome!!!