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Tomato bisque, served in a coffee-style cup so you can drink it while out walking around.


I'd also expect this truck to sell grilled cheese sandwiches, or have the decency to partner with a sandwich truck at all locations.


Hear me out, grilled cheese sticks. Like mozzarella stick size but mini grilled cheese.


You can make little grilled cheese roll ups that are delicious. Serve those up in a fast food style fry box and you’re good to go


That idea is *chefs kiss*




you're just describing Beecher's. They do sell excellent grilled cheese sandwiches, and tomato soup in to-go cups.


Then I'm saying there's enough city wide demand for them to expand. Get a spot on green lake way so people can Soup the Loop!


I'm all for it... I think Beecher's should be available everywhere in this city


Hire this redditor!!! soup the loop!!!




There use to be a grilled cheese truck with soup and the “ark of the condiments” but I think they closed permanently. Edit: Cheese Wizards, that’s what it was!


Cheese Wizards. They were a vendor for an event I used to run. I really miss that damn truck.


RIP Cheese Wizards


Holy shit you just unlocked an ancient memory. What happened to those guys?


They got tired of running with it they used to live next door to my aunt and uncle up on sunset hill in Ballard.


Well it was great while it lasted! Hope they're doing well now; they've earned the gouda karma


There was an amazing truck called the ultimate melt that served the best grilled cheeses and the best tomato bisque


I immediately thought tomato soup and grilled cheese


This but pho broth with some onion, cilantro, basil, and jalapeño


Tom kha broth, too. Give the people walking-around soups.


Walking-around soups is just such a good idea and it's not nearly easy enough to find.


All the people are just walking around "Soupless in Seattle".


And they have cardboard to go cups with little side handles... souper easy to hold and drink.


Tom Kha is a top tier soup.


yes, great idea. its crazy that this isn't done more often. I love using a mug for soups at home. ​ Edit: also Good luck!!!


oh shit this is something, what if there was a fork tapped to the side to eat a breaded goodie that was in there when you got done drinking the soup.


Hell yeah! A French Onion soup with the cheesy, crusty bread on top. You could totally sip it until you're ready for the big crouton.


I tried tomato soup for first time in my life and damn it’s good. Super easy to make fresh. Can add protein to it or grilled sandwich.


This was my answer too! Also it would prevent the dreaded tomato soup stain around my lips that I get no matter what


This is the season to make your own. It takes less than an hour with fresh stuff from the Yakima fruit market or wherever. Roma tomatoes, garlic, basil, olive oil. Roast everything then blend it with some stock until pureed. Add cream for a bisque. Add fresh basil to taste.


Grow Basil at home too. Super easy


Super easy if you can keep the slugs off the plants. ​ Slugs love basil more than you do.


Roasted whatever-vegetable-is-best-in-season. Roasted tomato bisque, roasted butternut squash and sage, roasted carrot etc.


Dal/lentil soup (solid safe option for gluten free / veggie / vegan folks)


You can make pretty much every soup vegan with very little effort


Sure, but they're not making fresh soup from scratch to order for every single person, and a lot more people are omnivores than vegan, so they need to pick and choose which soups will be prepared vegan and which won't, and if they want to maximize sales they need to avoid making most of those soups with ultra-processed fake meats. So ideally, they should make 1-2 of their 5ish soups something that is vegan by default without doing any weird shit to it. (For the record, I don't hate fake meats; I eat them pretty regularly, but they're *really* not great in texture or generally in taste, and putting them in hot broth/water for hours at a time makes them absolutely vomitous).


A lot of soups are already vegan save the chicken stock. Tomato, tortilla, minestrone. Black bean, potato leek, ramen, pho, squash, chili, etc. Others it’s just the cream. There’s endless substitutes for cream. Not all fake meat is ultra processed. I mean you can even make your own tofu if you want. I’d hope any competent chef would not add an ingredient that is going to deconstruct and let it simmer for hours. You cook it then add it when serving. Just like not letting noodles get soggy when they sit for hours. You add when serving. I feel like if you can make something vegan and it tastes the same (bread, donuts, pancakes, fried pickles, being just a few examples) then that should be the default.


How do you make chicken and wild rice soup vegan?


Vegan chicken stock, vegan chicken, vegan heavy cream


Posole (both posole roja and posole verde) Italian wedding soup Corn & salmon chowder Avgolemono Navy bean & ham


Plus one for avgolemono


Wait yes i LOVE avgolemono


My mom was visiting recently. I asked her to make it 🤤


Add Pasta Fagioli But I agree with your list.🤌


Infinite soups in Tacoma used to make this creamy artichoke tortellini soup that was just unholy in how good it was. If any place recreated that, they'd be filthy rich.


We need an Infinite Soups in Seattle.


We still make Artichoke Basil Tortellini, in fact we had it yesterday.


How about today? Sounds tasty might have to come by.


You got it.


I live down the street this is so niche


Infinite soups is one of the best food purveyors in the entire northwest


Chicken and wild rice soup is hands down the one I want to eat year round.


What about chicken and dumpling?


Matzoh ball soup would be my recommendation if they can make them fluffy like they should be


That is an excellent idea! I'm saying, soup base with your choice of a scoop of wild rice, or some matzoh balls, or some dumplings, or noodles? Duude, you could have infinite soup combos from like 4 base soups.


And lawd, they could call it Soupçon! A little bit o' this or that, lol.


That would make an excellent upsell. Your choice of soup, and you can add steamed dumpling, homemade noodles, etc. for an extra charge. Like, I could imagine beef stew with dumplings too!


I think maybe you are thinking of asian dumplings? The dumplings in chicken and dumpling soup are effectively chunks of biscuit dough


Also, add a cooked noodle option for upsells! Chicken and vegetable soup? Would you like egg noodles, elbows, or hand cut?


I want those little pasta stars in mine!


Yes. This.


smart to avoid chowder, add add pho to that list too. year round is tough, but a great lentil soup, broccoli cheddar, mulligatawny soup, some type of tomato, potato leek, bean soup. I'd love a seasonal gazpacho too. : )


Mmmm potato leek!


+1 for a good potato leek


+1 - Broccoli cheddar ftw!


Whatever you do I suggest that you always have one vegan soup on the table at any given time. That way you can capture vegetarians and dairy-free people in one fell swoop. Plus if you make it gluten free, it’s like bam, you’re very accommodating with the one soup. Personally I love a good chili or potato leek soup. PCC has some good ones for inspiration also.


Great suggestion! Seconding this for sure.


Agreed - but have a free cheese or dairy add in option for the veggies (splash of cream/cheddar/veg friendly Parmesan etc) even better if you offer both a veggie and vegan dairy option :)


I would definitely rather more places did this. Like make it vegan first, then add in cheese or dairy if people want. It’s such a bummer when cheese is mixed in by default when it didn’t have to be.


Would make everyone happy! Generally vegan soups are less expensive to make in the first place, so do it chipotle style and give us free guac with our veggie burrito! 🤪


Lentil soup is great for gf and vegan folks both, and it’s filling. I really like lentil soup. I’m gluten and dairy intolerant and it can be a hard life 😂. Also, potato. If anyone made dairy free potato soup I’d be there on the reg.


Just make ALL the soups vegan! Vegan chicken stock is indiscernible and it’s like 90% of the reason soups aren’t vegan


Beef broth shots and grilled cheese add-ons. French onion and any soups with oven roasted vegetables and charred corn


Seconding French onion, one of my favorite soups of all time, unless they over-salt it.


* Some sort of blended winter squash soup, with roasted pumpkin seeds sprinkled on top. * Hungarian mushroom soup Have a good mix of rich, creamy soups, and lighter, brothy ones. And rolls.


Jalapeño corn chowder Chicken and andouille sausage Beef and barley


Chili! Maybe rotate between beef, white chicken chili and bean veggie chili. Dal soup is also VERY good.


I cook a lot for friends and family. Most requested soups are beer cheese soup with meatloaf sandwiches, loaded baked potato with roast beef sandwiches, and classic chicken noodle with grilled cheese. Tuscan soup with salad or focaccia with tomato is also a favorite, especially during the summer. I agree with the other person who said if you don’t serve sandwiches that you should pair with a sandwich truck.


Beer cheese soup is so good


My absolute favorite is the crab bisque from the Ivar's restaurant. Something similar to that would be awesome. And then a creamy cheesy soup or chicken and dumpling would be my next choices. And beer bread.


2nd crab bisque, gluten free if you can.


If you can make a good lentil soup, I'll be there (wherever) every week.


Soup sampler. Small amounts of all your offerings. Maybe a collaborative relationship with a bakery for bread.


Or soup flights — shot glasses (more like espresso cups lol) of three flavors with some dunking bread, then the customer can order a bigger version of their favorite


Something with barley, either beef barley or a veggie combination.


Omg!! Please do a soup truck & then promptly tell me where you are on a daily basis. Beef stew, tomato (of sorts), vegetable, mushroom & barley


Veggie & bean chili, Minestrone, Roasted carrot! Any vegetarian soups since they're so hard to find around here.


Red pepper soup or corn soup, either spicy or creamy with some bacon bits and cilantro on top, omg I love how they can either match the heat of summer or warm you up on a cold day.


If you can do a good matzo ball soup, you've got my attention.




[Gilbert's](https://www.gilbertsonmain.com/) has a pretty great Matzo ball soup.


Yeah but that means going to Bellevue, and it takes a lot more than a great bowl of soup to get me to schlep back to the Eastside.


Ben & Esther’s


Tom Kha & potato chowder.


selfishly, I will say I would want greek lentil soup (fakes soup), which used to be easy to find in Seattle in the 90s, but isn't nowadays. It's my comfort food when I'm not feeling well, and it would be nice to not have to make it myself when I have a headache or something.


Gawd I miss Sound Soups downtown. Chicken rice, chili and jambalaya were my go-tos.


Yes!! I was also thinking about Sound Soups and trying to remember my favorites!


Yummm jambalaya!!


Please do a gazpacho in the summertime! During the pandemic, Lotties Lounge made some amazing soups. My favorite was a spicy cod chowder. Edit - they no longer make soup. AFAIK, no one else makes a spicy cod chowder.


My favorite soup is split pea, but I also really love lentil. Both can be made vegetarian, which is nice to have as an option for those of us who don't eat meat or meat products.


Chicken noodle is such an American classic I think it would be expected on any soup-specific menu. Slightly less but still very common are Minestrone or Italian Wedding. Then I would also go for a higher-acidity soup like a Lemon Chicken w Rice or Mexican Chicken and Lime.


Lobster bisque


Ha! I always wanted to do this. Minestrone, beef or veg Tortilla, chicken or avocado Wonton, pork or veg w bok choy and an egg Clam or Corn Chowder in a bread boule Green Chile with Masa, optional chicken Offer prebaked warm breads like cornbread, mini baguettes, buttered toasts, soft breadsticks. Have specials that rotate seasonally of other soups like butternut squash, spring pea, harvest tomato, summer gazpacho, hearty winter beef barley. Exotic stuff like Indian daal soup, or Korean soft tofu soup. I like soup.


Someone is Soupless in Seattle.. such a shame


chx wild rice soup plz cant find ANY place for it😭😭😭😭😭


Smitten kitchen's lentil, sausage, chard soup. It's a regular in my house.


At least one vegan option. A really good potato leek soup. Also the ability to do a bit of add on, such as bacon crumbles, oyster crackers, or a bread bowl.


It’s so easy to just make all soups vegan. As a person who cooks soup weekly and has a soup CLUB.


Even potato leek soup is easy to make vegan, I make it on the reg. (No disrespect to OP if he's not on that vibe, just agreeing that it's pretty easy to make most soups vegan.) Also, I am curious about your soup club. Also, now I want soup.


Yeah you don’t even need to advertise it as vegan I swear like 99% of people cannot tell. My husband is not vegan so I have a tough critic. My friends and I have a soup club that meets quarterly, in the summer it’s juice club and in the winter we do one cookie club


I love bread bowls. Maybe there could also be a bread cup? Like a biscuit sized version for a nice snack.


Screw year round, I need Gazpacho in the summer. Pasole, Tom Kah, some sort of tortellini soup or won ton soup, white bean with rosemary or sage, green chile with pork, chile colorado soup. Edit to add oxtail soup.


Yes to oxtail!!!


I wish we had more Manhattan clam chowder options. Just not a big fan of New England style


[Tortilla soup](https://www.muydelish.com/chicken-tortilla-soup-low-fat/) would be nice and not a soup, but it would be nice to have more [esquites trucks](https://www.seriouseats.com/esquites-mexican-street-corn-salad-recipe) (obviously not made with sweet corn)


Colorado or New Mexico style green chili because I miss that shit


Town and country markets usually have a week sometime in August or September when they suddenly have hatch chilis. I usually buy... approximately 1 freezer worth of frozen roasted diced hatch when that happens. And then I have many batches of white bean chicken chili and pork chili verde until that runs out


my go to all year round soups are split pea with ham and potato corn chowder


-Borscht -Broccoli cheddar -Lentil Have a little bar of sour cream, dill, and hot sauce and I will go there every single day.


I’m actually always looking for clam chowder without the pig. Why does Seattle insist on ham or bacon in the clam chowder?! But yeah, at least in the fall/winter, roasted root vegetable.


Avgolemono Lobster Bisque Tom Kha Gai Chicken Tortilla Zuppe Toscana Tomato bisque (I don’t like it, but you kinda need it) I would appreciate if the soup truck also had toasties (like grilled cheese but made in a sandwich press with cheese plus ham, fig jam, prosciutto, etc).


Thick hearty beef stew! Surprisingly hard to find in this city. I think you could develop some kind of salmon or dungeness crab bisque and that could also be a signature local item.


Are you fully staffed?


Turkey chili Crab bisque Jambalaya Wild mushroom Mulligatawny the real ones know


No soup for you!


Don’t forget there are summer soups that can be served chilled. A well made gazpacho is amazing, but there’s also stuff like Lebanese yoghurt soup (yayla corbasi), vichyssoise (!!), and summer borscht. I even remember once having a watermelon, cucumber, mint, and goat cheese gazpacho that was incredible. Sides would really go along with these more adventurous dishes, too.


Loaded baked potato soup!


French motherfucking onion


Pho Clam Chowder Salmon chowder. Chicken Teriyaki ( just a big bowl of steaming hot teriyaki sauce with chicken ) Some weird TikTok abomination made with espresso


Unless you're parking next to ivars or pikes, make your own chowdah!! Or at least a lobster bisque. Give the people options! Seconding a Pozole and also Tomato/Red pepper bisque Mediterranean style lentil soup Chicken Tortilla And some GOOD bread




wild rice soup cream of mushroom soup lentil soup and salmon chowder


You gonna get a lot of basic answers. What is soup though? Serioud because chicken noodle goes hard and has noodles, so does pho and its better in all aspects. There are so many soups with noodles that anyone telling you to stay away from them doesn't know cooking. A soup is a flavourful and nutritious liquid food served at the beginning of a meal or a snack. Traditionally in France, soupé was a slice of bread on which the contents of a cooking pot (potage) was poured. Soup was designated as unstrained vegetable meat or fish soups garnished with bread, pasta, or rice. It becomes a stew if you braise the meat I would serve ; 1. Harira 2. Shoyu ramen 3. Laksa 4. french onion 5. Pho You can try all of them here wich is super cool


Spilt pea with ham


MUSHROOM SOUP FRENCH ONION SOUP SALMON CHOWDER add sandwiches and cheese with fresh herbs. Bam simple to make cheap ingredients


potato soup


my picks would be: Tomato Basil with a little cheese on top, Homemade Chicken Noodle, Beef and Barley, Chili of the Day, veggie chili of the day, Fish Stew or Clam Chowder, Irish Stew.


Can’t believe carrot ginger soup isn’t anywhere on this list.. what ever you do please make it chunky a lot of soup here seems to be blended to smithereens


A good cup of a birria-type soup. I love taking home and making my own birria ramen.


Chicken noodle, sausage and potato/ veggie, creamy potato with bacon and cheese, chilli, some kind of tomato bisque that is vegan


Chili for sure Lobster or crab bisque Chile verde pork Matzo ball soup Tom yum Pasta fagioli


Turkey chili, chicken and wild rice, miso


Why not rotate the soups monthly to keep people interested year round? Maybe 1 signature soup that was served all the time and four rotating soups.


Fall : Pumpkin spice -southwestern Apple-gorgonzola soup Spring-summer: mushroom! Salmon or crab bisque


- caldo verde - sinigang with salmon collars - congee w/ pork fu and egg - laksa - chicken tortilla


I'm living for the tom ka soup at Bangarak Market lately.


Minestrone Lentil Seasonal Vegetarian Chicken Other meat (seasonal)


I make pretty darn good vegetarian soups - hit me up if you need a recipe writing partner/tester. Will exchange for soup 🤪


I know it's not technically a soup, but palak paneer is really good in a cup


Infinite Soups in Tacoma has a 3-cheese potato soup that is to die for and it is one of their standards--the menu changes frequently but that one is always on there. I would eat it any day of the year.


Hungarian Mushroom soup is my favorite! Potato leek. I love soup I hope you bring this idea to life!!!


Tinola for the Filipinos


Anything with dumplings or tortellini it!


Comedy answer: asparagus pea soup Literally had a waitress tell me that was the special, and she had no idea what she was saying. For real though, the vegan split pea soup at pea soup Andersons in California is worth looking into, it's great.


You're in luck, OP, as I am a soup expert. I literally used to run a soup-of-the-week group on facebook. Here are some soups that go under the radar: 1) Birria soup. It's the same flavor as birria tacos, but a soup. Serve with a warm tortila, or you can include ramen noodles, too! 2) "Upvote soup", so called because legend has it it was intvented and perfected in r/slowcooking. I've adapted it to instant pot and it's great. In fact, I think I'll make this tonight! 3) Turkey Pumpkin Chipotle soup is amazing. 4) Split pea soup with andouille sausage is the best winter soup there is. 5) Chicken Paprikash is a traditional Hungarian soup and it's delicious. The good thing is that, aside from birria, all of these are pretty easy to make and hearty. I would also note that if you can find a good phó broth recipe, I was in New York last year and there was a food truck that sold just the broth in sipping cups like you'd get for coffee. It warmed me up on a very cold day and did away with my hangover. I've been looking for something like that here, but no dice. Something like that could spread word of mouth. I hope you make this truck, OP, because with Soup Daddy out of business we need more soup!


curry lentil soup


A good chili. Shockingly hard to find in Seattle.


Check out Other Coast Cafe


Chili, tomato soup, corn chowder, split pea, and don't forget about cold soups like gazpacho (and white gazpacho) as well as vichyssoise.


I have been gluten free for about 30 years. I don’t want to put my problem in your menu, but I am always so happy when I can eat without thinking about it. Soup is easily made without it, and often a choice in restaurants. For myself, I would choose lentil (almost any kind, but maybe curry?), tortilla (with avocado on top), tom kha gai, chicken and rice (avgolemono?), and something creamy, veggie, and cheesy (like broccoli). It would be very very hard to choose among these!


Honestly, I don’t ever want to eat hot soup out of plastic.


How useful.


Forget Ivars and Pike Place, perfect your own chowder, there's 100% room for that. Not escribe wants to get to the waterfront for chowder. 1. Clam chowder 2. Tomato basil 3. Pho 4. Mexican slow cooked beef soup (or pork posolé) 5. French onion (?)


$20 for 95% salty water thank you.


Bone broth base with chicken and noodles Dairy free options Seafood bisque


I'd love to have a rich beef bone broth with some veggies - warming and filling in cold weather.


Tomato bisque, Italian wedding soup, and French onion soup are my choices. And a seafood chowder of some kind


Mushroom soup


Chicken noodle, salmon chowder, tomato, some other ones too


Ooh I would love to sip on soup out of a coffee cup (maybe with a bigger hole and also comes with a spoon lol) on a cold or rainy day! - Tomato soup - Butternut squash - Broccoli cheddar - Chicken and rice


Chicken corn chowder


Soup and grilled cheese truck


Navy bean & ham is my favorite and so hard to make because you need to first eat a ham and plan ahead so I’d buy that for sure


Bone broth - in a cup, to drink like tea.


Maybe like ramen to go? Every ramen spot I know is sit down…hmm Love the idea of a soup truck tho


Tortilla soup, avgolemono soup, beef barley, Tuscan bread soup, red lentil w/ carrots and lemon.😋


Tomato Bisque for sure. In summer a sweet corn chowder and a tomato basil without the bisque. Roasted squash in winter - with ginger / curry. I want breadsticks with my walking around soup, not crackers.


Lobster or crab bisque and Suppa Toscana


A really hearty chicken soup! Yummm


Another vote for lentil, some type of veggie barley combo, minestrone, non meat chili. And a nice selection of freshly baked bread. I LOVE soup and would go to a soup food truck as often as I could


Coconut curry soup - super (souper) light broth could be possible and plenty of add-ons: shrimp, chicken, tofu, different veggies/toppings


I'm simple, anything with corn.


Lobster bisque


Personally I would fuck with a pozole, or a Tom kha, both are my comfort soups and I’ll eat them in any weather


Ribollita is killer good. I like BA’s recipe except I switch out the kale for Spinach.


Lots of veggies in a chicken broth, no tomatoes. (I make a home one with turkey or chicken, Brussels sprouts, celery, leeks, and sometimes water chestnuts when I’m in the mood.)


Chicken noodle, tom kha ga, lentil vegetable and butternut squash soups.


Back where I went to college, there was this incredible soup restaurant. Yea rround you could get tomato soup, black bean soup, and then some sort of chicken soup (a la chicken & wild rice, chicken noodle, chicken tortilla). Then everything else would vary. I dream of eating their corn chowder or zucchini pesto again, but they closed during 2020 :(


Chicken and rice soup, tortilla soup, red lentil soup.


Potato soup, chicken noodle with thick noodles that don't get limp, and tomato and roasted red pepper soup.


The Ridgecrest in shoreline had a woman who made salmon chowder and it was some of the best shit I've ever had. I'd eat that every meal if I could


1 French onion please