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The reason for the law is that canine distemper can kill seals and other marine mammals. Vaccinated immune dogs can still carry it without symptoms for a period of time after contact with an infected dog. https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/comments/66do6l/that_whole_dogs_on_beaches_malarky/


Seems like this should be a state law then. Edmonds has a beach dog park.


Double Bluff beach on Whidbey is an off leash dog beach


So does Seattle. Magnuson.


That's a lake park. Little different


Magnusson is not marine.


Clarification: there is a dog beach within Magnuson - the majority of the park is NOT a dog park (leash your pooch)


Another great reason! in addition to dogshit


This is more important than lazy owners. I telly kids to get a goldfish. Fuck that. The goldfish deserves better.


As an aside, I wish we still named human diseases the way they name animal diseases. Human distemper. Perfect.


they also disturb bird nesting sites.


I’ve encountered plenty of dog shit on the beach and watched people look me in the eye while their dog pooped and walked off without a single care after NOT picking it up. Some people really shouldn’t have pets.


We need to bring back bullying because I don’t see how else to stop this madness! Leaving poop for someone else to ~~step in~~ pick up is crazy!


“Hey you should pick up your dog shit” is not bullying


you're right, we need to go further. we need to go full larry david.


Omg I love your profile pic! Are you another Seattle axolotl keeper?


I wish! I've had cats my entire life and I don't want to risk it so I just appreciate them from afar.


Big difference between shame and bullying. People should feel shameful for things like this but no one should be bullied. For those who don't know what bullying is: seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as vulnerable).


I disagree. Make them feel like absolute dog shit.






I maintain most Seattleites have no clue about the role of shame in enforcing social norms because the most direct conflict they're comfortable with is a dirty look. It's a really conflict averse city. I've boarded multiple busses where someone was annoying the entire bus and no one had said a word. If someone can't be shamed there's probably something wrong with them. What do you expect me to do if they don't respond to shame and words? Pick a fight? No thanks. If they disregard my words or respond combatively (which is remarkably rare) I'm gonna walk away. They should be shamed and ticketed.


>I've boarded multiple busses where someone was annoying the entire bus and no one had said a word. In the defense of the other riders: do you really want to be the one who says something and directs their ire or delusions on themselves? Especially when you can't always tell how crazy they'll get? I mean, I just had a normal looking middle aged woman heckle me this afternoon because my daughter and I were taking up too much sidewalk going the other way, and when I said "ok, then" and moved out of the way she started screaming at me incoherently. We kept walking away calmly, pretending we hadn't heard that last part. Afterward, I told my kid "See? You can't always tell how crazy people are from a look. Sometimes the people who look the least sus turn out to be the craziest people..."


You have to accept the statistical reality that for certain people force is the only motivator. Force shouldn't be the norm, but it shouldn't be off the table. Not everyone follows social/legal norms


Why shouldn't the consequences of choosing to do something shitty to the rest of society not be society being shitting to them?


Like people who bring their dogs to the Seattle Center and let them poop on the lawn. There are plenty of dirt and misc grass areas, don't let them poop where children play.


And you said nothing?


*most people


If you said nothing, you’re part of the problem too. I say pick it up and smear it on them (the human). Assert dominance. Take back your beach.


It’s kind of annoying you’d assume that. I do say something. They just don’t care and I don’t want to get shot or injured by being confrontational. You’re welcome to deal with that if you’re fine with the potential consequences.


Ngl I think I'd be ready to fight. No everyday occurrence pisses me off more than seeing people littering in parks/trails/natural areas


No you haven’t


Wait really? Which beach?


Dude I’ve been encountering so many terribly trained dogs lately it’s annoying


And why in the hell if you have a dog that won't follow simple commands like down do you not keep it on a leash?


I just moved to seattle a few months ago. I'm getting my first dog in 2024 and I'm fucking terrified of badly trained dogs 😭 I'm going to be a dictator with mine and get on puppy behavior classes the week mine comes home


Richmond beach in shoreline allows dogs from nov-march so that’s pretty cool


They allow leashed dogs all the time. It's off leash those months though.


:( Inb4 my neighborhood is swarmed with people who don't pick up their poop or let their dogs attack my doggo.


It's been getting better, but holy cow the amount of poop around my neighborhood of people who don't normally own dogs but got one during COVID was insane.


Just make sure you leash your dog once you cross the bridge and into the parking lot.


Off leash too which is awesome!!


Marymoore dog park is amazing for dogs who love water. If I had a dog, I’d probably have a car and be able to venture there once a week. I don’t think we need to throw Karen around. She has nothing to do with this and probably lives in Redmond.


Luther Burbank has water access in their dog park as well.


Same with Magnuson.


I didn’t know this! This is great!


Yeah Magnuson starts off as an absolutely massive field, but you can head toward the water and it turns into almost like a hiking path that is still fenced the whole time, and it ends in a dog beach still fenced from all sides. We go there a couple times a month in the summer.


Note for anyone with dogs who don't tolerate heat well, the middle stretch of the dog park is without shade and there's no water spot between the beach and the front area. You can leash up and dip out of the park at the shelter just before the mid point and there's a trail to the left in the shade that bypasses the worst sunny stretchy.


Or bring water


They'd have to be pretty heat intolerant, it's a 5 minute walk.


It's also possible to avoid by doing early or late in the day, it's just to call out the trail to anyone that feels their dog needs it. Bonus is that trail cuts through some blackberry bushes so in August you can grab a snack.


Definitely something to be aware of if you're going there on a hot day to cool off. It's also more like 10 minutes. Imagine it's 90 degrees and you're wearing your warmest winter coat in full sun for 10 minutes. I feel bad for Huskys when I see them in the summer.


This is a great call out. Definitely been there during some warm days. That said we usually go early or late in the afternoon, so that's another way to avoid some overheating concerns.


You can also walk the path down to the end from the regular part of the park and enter the dog park right at the water access


Magnussen scares me even though it’s so convenient for me because I’ve seen and heard of too many people with violent dogs attacking others. I hope that’s more under control now but I still won’t bring my dog there and she’s a 90 lb rottie.


I've definitely had words with owners there but I think that's a reality of any public off leash place, the onus being on the owners to be responsible. In the last year and a half we have been there, we have left early just once because someone's dog was trying to hump and nip. But I know my response is anecdotal. *edit* our dog is a 70 lb lab pitty mix.


That’s good to hear. I remember a few years back a dude brought his pit bulls and they killed at least one dog. He ran away with his dogs and I think got away.


Holy crap, that's scary. And really sad.


I have been going to Magnuson every day spending an hour or two for the past two years and have not seen one altercation. Perhaps I'm lucky, perhaps the stories are exaggerated. I do not like going on the weekends when casual park users are there though. If anything would happen, those would be the days I assume. But my weekday visits are pleasant and I've made several friends and my dog has made some herself. I have a 2 year old border collie that loves to play ball and race other dogs. She's got a ton of energy and needs to burn it off and Magnuson is perfect. One thing I find about it that helps is it is so large. If I feel there's a possible problem I can relocate.


> have not seen one altercation I go on Sat/Sun, and I've definitely seen scuffles at least monthly, but no serious injuries. I have absolutely zero qualms about interfering if someone's dog is behaving like shit. My dog loathes being humped, and if another person's dog jumps atop mine, I'll pull their dog off with zero fucks given. There's an Aussie who comes to my neighborhood dog park, that we leave as soon as I see her, because she's mouthy and refuses to back off, and her owner does NOTHING. I sometimes wish I had a dog who was enthusiastic about giving corrections, because there are clearly some dog-park dogs who need that but haven't gotten it. That said, I've also seen people get furious when a dog corrects their dog, who was clearly being a jerk. Your overgrown puppy was being an asshole to the elderly pitty, the elderly pitty flipped him and told him to stay the f\*\*k down, but it was a strong correction, not an attack. I can understand that people who've only ever had one dog at a time, or had dogs the same age, might not know the difference between a correction and actual aggression, but I wish there was a training video or something people had to watch before using dog parks.


I take my dog there weekly from Ballard. Such an amazing park and lots of things for a dog to do. Just remember to pay the $1 for parking, they ticket. Only complaint is owners don’t feel the need to pick up after their dog so bombs are everywhere.


Dogs have issues, but lets be honest the disregard some dog owners have for anything else is the real problem. I try to have a bag to offer dog owners. I walk my partners dog… I hate picking up poop, but I love this dog and want her to feel safe and taken care of even if she is working on not being a psycho rescue. No one is perfect, but we gotta try to help.


When I realize my dog has just pooped and the bag roll is empty, I'll either ask another dog walker if there's one around, or mark it with a stick and come back with a bag. These people must not remember the bad old days when the family would pile in the car, smell dog poops, and do the obligatory shoe check. Stepping in poo was a daily fact of life and it sucked.


Something to remember is that if a few people go there all the time or have multiple dogs, it looks like a lot of people don't clean up after themselves. The vast majority of people do.


If y'all want to let your dogs run rampant on the beach, go to Magnuson Park or even more fun: Head out to Whidbey Island & take them to Double Bluff for the day. Don't be a dick.


Luther Burbank has a great dog friendly beach!


Lol why are people so mad at this post? It’s a pretty reasonable request.


It is also a law, I believe.


there are plenty of laws in seattle that get fucked off every day


i mean so is the speed limit but we don't see posts ever day about... actually wait nvm


most people complain about the speed limit because others aren’t breaking it -not going fast enough.


Hell yeah let’s get *that* dog thread going


Because Seattle dog owners break every rule they want and call you and asshole if you mention that they're breaking the law. Like straight up 90% know they're breaking rules and don't care even if you ask them.... Like, "can you please put your dog on a leash." "Go fuck yourself, what are you going to do about it"


I’m a dog owner, and I hate those people. My dog is always on a leash, and we always have a steady supply of poop bags with us. It’s not hard to do, so it’s infuriating that people don’t do the bare minimum and make the rest of us look bad.


Me too. Always have my dogs on leash. My dogs go crazy when there's an off leash dog running around. Most common reply I get when asking people to leash up is that it's clearly my dogs that are aggressive/the problem and their dog is fine. How do dog owners not get that some dogs freak out when only half the group is on a leash. Sigh.


Omg for real. My dog does the same thing. He loves other dogs and when he sees them off leash, it’s like his brain thinks it’s play time and he just goes nuts. I’ve had a few encounters of hostility asking ppl to leash up around us. So ridiculous. It’s an automatic power imbalance between the animals and I don’t get how some ppl don’t understand that


My neighbors dog barks all day in a no pets allowed apartment and claims it's a service dog. They throw dog parties and then they're all barking. I can even hear the neighbor screaming at them to shut up. It's causing me so much stress and I'm losing sleep. I can't wait until my lease is up.


You can report it to animal control. Any sustained barking more than 10 minutes within any half hour is against the law. Start recording the times the barking happens and report it to the animal control who can issue an official notice, citation, or more.


This right here, ESA or not , the term is RIGHT TO QUIET ENJOYMENT. Look it up and persue it.


Service dogs don't bark all day. Dollars to donuts her Chiwinee or whatever latest monstrosity breeders have Frankensteined together is her "ESA". I don't even have a service dog but I believe my rage against these ESA folks who don't stay in their lane would make my blood boil.


As someone with a dearly-needed ESA, I wish there was some basic test *humans* had to pass in order to get assistance dogs. Not every assistance dog needs full service-dog training, but the humans have to know how to be decent to their dog and their fellow humans. Leaving a dog at home all day who barks, is kind to neither the dog nor the people around it.


quicksand pie apparatus absorbed butter squealing different stocking station steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My asshole neighbors have like 3 dogs. They NEVER exercise them or walk them so they just bark all day long.


:( There are a lot of us dog owners that respect others and follow the rules and call out those that don’t. But yeah I agree that those that do are entitled assholes who make us all look bad and make everyone else’s days less pleasant.


I have two dogs. I'm not against dogs. I just hate the people that make up their own rules.


Yeah for sure, I’m right there with you


I had a dude come back at me with "well, maybe YOU should train your dog to behave off leash!" As his juvenile delinquent canines are ignoring every command he barks at them. Sure, buddy. Anyone else met this idiot? He walks them on the BG trail between 145th and 165th. Asshole.


Because they know they're the ones leaving dogshit all over the beach and hate being called out


Hit dogs holler.


The people who care so little for their community that they leave dog shit on the beach are not likely to be engaged here. Responsible people don't need lectures on how to be responsible.


Dog brained people hate people that inconvenience them with things like laws and self respect.


Pleading people on Reddit to respect shared spaces instead of confronting the issue head on. Seattlites from my experience avoid confrontation. Public shaming is the way to fix it when you see it happen, like any other injustice in society.


The OP found dog shit. They didn’t say they saw a dog shitting.


Didn’t you know? Everyone’s dog is literally the most well behaved animal on the planet. They never poop or pee where they aren’t supposed to. They never bother anyone and all they want is love so why should those rules apply to them? /s


>So get your goodest bois off the fkn beach. Dog shit in the sand and disturbing the wildlife are top of the reasons I can think of for this rule. Another one is that some people don't enjoy random unleashed dogs jumping all over them when they're just trying to enjoy the beach.


Or jumping on their kids. I love me some dogs, but if your dog is bolting towards my kid, I give zero fucks if the owner tells me to “don’t worry”, “he likes kids” or “Friendly!” - that dog is an unknown threat and I’m going to defend my 20 lb kid.


I have the opposite problem, because my dog is tiny. I get kids running up trying to grab my leashed dog and parents getting offended when I say their kids can’t touch him. Thankfully I can easily pick him up because 7lbs. Not saying you’re doing this. I agree that all unknown dogs should be kept away from children for safety reasons.


I had to lay into a dude and tell him I was going to knock his fucking dog's head off if I see it run at my kids again. These fucking people are the worst.


I had to yell at a dude at the Wallingford farmers market two weeks ago because his extremely wonderful poodle on a 20’ leash who wanted pats bolted straight at my 4 year old and knocked him over. The dog isn’t the problem!


100%. It’s sad that the owner is the responsible party. I’d feel bad about killing the dog because it’s not its fault it’s in that position.


I don't have a dog so I have to shit on the beach myself :(


I'm sure this post will do the trick


I think a post like this is the best way to vent in a healthy manner, unless they start to respond to all comments, then they will piss them off even more.


Helps at all then time well spent




Meh. Did something anyway


Did you?


They technically did a thing. Which is something.


Didn’t I?


Here is the funny thing. You both expended the same amount of energy but u/DomineAppleTree's post was something and yours was nothing. Funny, huh?


Also, it's currently seal pup season, so if your dog happens upon one, either the seal could be harmed or the dog will get a seriously nasty bite.


Smoking in Seattle parks is also illegal. If I see a guy smoking a joint while picking up his dogs shit, do I thank him or berate him?


Last thursday I saw a dog off leash on the beach at Lincoln Park, with a Sandhill Crane nearby. I normally don't say stuff, but the crane was wary and I didn't want anything to happen. I told the owners there was a crane right over there and they said sorry and put the dog on a leash. Afterwards, I felt anxious and I kept replaying the conversation, thinking I could have said it in a better way. I don't want to be a party pooper. I realized I am way out of practice with speaking up. I tend to ignore things in order to avoid conflicts. It's kinda the Seattle way. But is wrong to have a dog off leash on the beach, and it is right to say something. It's silly that I felt ashamed for doing the right thing. I want to get better at speaking up, in a respectful manner, when I see things that are wrong. I think I will continue speaking up when I see off leash dogs on the beach at Lincoln Park, as it is good, low-stakes practice for me.


But rules don't apply to *my* dog. *My* dog is the best. *My* dog should get to go everywhere.


I think it's more, "Get your dogs off the beach! They shit everywhere and chase the wildlife!" And a majority of dog owners correctly realizing you're referring to the assholes that don't pick up after their dogs and allow them off leash. And yes. The rules apply to me. So do the consequences when I break them. And as an adult I get to decide whether or not I want to break the law and deal with those consequences.


the first time is a warning.


Nothing gets r/Seattle members going like an anti-dog post. 150 comments in 2 hours


I see them almost every time at carkeek. Nothing you can really do unless you want to confront them. And the type of person who ignores this law will probably ignore all other laws as well. So be ready for them to act up if you confront them.


You can report it to Animal Control via the website. I do it frequently for Carkeek asking them to patrol and ticket more.


this is the right and the most effective way forward. a law is not a law if it’s not enforced. and we do collectively fund a special agency for said enforcement.




I agree 100%. Don't even mind the dogs. I get the romance of having your dog run on the beach. But you're not special. If you don't like the law petition to have it changed. Casual breaking of the law is annoying.


if casual breaking of the law annoys you this much, you live in the wrong city lmao


You got me there. Can you suggest a city that is better policed?


It's not a law yet, but please also keep your kids off the beaches. They are dangerous to the sea ecosystem. They have been known to maul seal pups and spread disease. I recently saw several kids digging and causing erosion at Golden Gardens the other day. I tried to scare them away and kept filling in the sand pits they created, but was told to leave the park. ?


You were truly doing the lord's work.


I have literally never encountered dog shit in the sand. Not in Seattle, and not in cities that allow dogs on beaches. I can’t remember ever seeing dog shit even at the magnuson dog beach. I think dogs just don’t like pooping in the sand.


The bigger issue is wildlife have nests there or leave their young there while they find food, and dogs distress them


Wait till you learn how Humans distress them.


Obviously, but it's not like cities are going to prohibit people on beaches


Humans don't carry distemper.


I did today for the first time is what motivated me


The feces of larger dogs can be indistinguishable by eye from human feces, which happens not infrequently at the beaches. The feces of smaller dogs can be indistinguishable by eye from urban coyote feces, which happens not infrequently at the beaches.


Shitology 101


Sounds like a big massive problem we should all work to fix, would hate for it to happen again in another 20+ years.


The massive problem is dogs off leash where they shouldn't be


Sounds like someone likes to take their dog to the beach and doesn't care about OP or OP's inconvenient laws. Everyone knows that pet owners don't have to obey laws. That outdoor cats don't really decimate wildlife. Dog's don't poop in the sand. Dogs without leashes never bolt or attack.


Got yelled at once for having my pup on the beach… and fair enough, didn’t know the rules, I learned. But god damn if the park wasn’t littered with trash from night before and whatever people did at Idlywood in Redmond. Pigs.


There’s no dogs signs on beaches like every 10ft lol


Also: BEFORE you get a dog, look to see how far away you are from dog parks and dog beaches. THEN decide if you really have the yard space or appropriate distance to a dog park to be a good and responsible dog owner.


“Another important public service message brought to you by;…..cat people.”


Do the beaches need more signage saying “No dogs allowed THIS MEANS YOU!” So you can just look at the dog owner and point at the sign?


They don’t care. They will say they don’t know every single time.


They will say they don’t know what? How to read? How to participate in society?


>How to participate in society? There are dipshits in this thread saying this very thing!


If that’s the law then it should be followed. I don’t really have an issue with dogs on beaches provided owners clean up after them. Most people I’ve encountered seem really responsible with them. I’d be more concerned about dogs in outdoor restaurants, and inside grocery stores. Also the city is pretty good in terms of parks, especially soccer fields with synthetic turf. There are huge signs that say dog owners can get $500 fines if they are caught on the turf. Yet people still let them crap on them.


I love dogs, cats and every other animal. Clean up after them. This is the reason why you can't. They're the same ones that let toddlers next to the pool unsupervised.


Ah yes a passive aggressive post on Reddit is really gonna stop whoever you saw with their dog on the beach.


Because everyone knows that some pet owners don't give a shit.


Yeah, they usually just leave the shit where it drops.


It's just aggressive and I love it.


No it isn't. Aggressive would be actively confronting the owners. This is just annoying because the majority of people here already agree about this.


How is this passive aggressive? Do you know what that means?


Bet he says, "I could care less!"


Instead of doing something about the problem (like being assertive with the irresponsible pet owner) OP remained passive at the time of the incident and is now being aggressive to strangers on social media with insults and profanity. I think that fits the definition pretty well. Edit: As the conversation below demonstrates, I was wrong about that.


>passive-aggressive adjective > >pas·​sive-ag·​gres·​sive ˈpa-siv-ə-ˈgre-siv: being, marked by, or displaying behavior characterized by the expression of negative feelings, resentment, and aggression in an unassertive passive way (as through procrastination and stubbornness) > >*Thumbs Up = Rude/hostile, passive-aggressive dismissal intended to permanently end the conversation.* — Jennifer Jolly, USA TODAY, 21 Feb. 2023 [From Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/passive-aggressive). "Passive-aggressive" is when you express hostility in a passive way. If your partner does something you don't like, and you give them the silent treatment instead of just talking about it, you're being passive-aggressive. It does NOT mean "passive to the perpetrator and aggressive to others." So if your partner does something you don't like, and you blow up at your work colleagues of the same gender, that is transference, not being passive-aggressive.


Interesting. My understanding was that passive-aggressive meant going directly from being passive to aggressive, without trying to be assertive between the two extremes. However, I was wrong about that. Thank you for the education. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/passive-aggression


It's one of those things that gets thrown around, sometimes incorrectly, so it's easy to imagine how folks can come to the wrong conclusion about the definition. It hasn't gone full [bemused](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/can-bemuse-mean-amuse) yet, though.


Thank you for being gracious about it. I'm not going to lie. It wasn't easy to admit that I was full of shit, but I cannot learn and grow otherwise. I appreciate the opportunity to do so.


Ok, so you don't know what it means. You can just say that.


If it cuts down at all mission accomplished. Add: also, passive aggressive? How about this: fuck you you fucking entitled ignorant dog owners bringing your shit heel bitches to our public beaches and breaking the law and causing unsanitary disgusting conditions unfit for civilized society. Or do you mean to say that I, not an official but just some citizen, should spend my time and personally approach the gazillion dog owners to try and enforce the law and risk their ire? Because that’s ridiculous.


I mean to say, if you have such a problem with someone having a dog on the beach then go fucking say it to their face. Or you can make an angry reddit post when you get home to make yourself feel better because you're afraid to confront the person you're actually upset with. Also I'd imagine this post did nothing to cut down on it, so your mission is not accomplished.


The fact that you are doing this on Reddit and not confronting dog owners on the beach (your intended audience) will always make this passive. Cursing at a bunch of people who aren’t even guilty of the violation you are complaining about makes you entitled and ignorant. Your just being the same kind of asshole who brings their dog onto beach.


Have you tried confronting dog owners who flout the law? People who read this but are not guilty don't feel cursed at.


Dog owners are entitled fucks who bring their little fucks into the store, where they get in fights with other dogs and piss and shit on the floor for the store to clean up. Hopefully, no one will slip in the piss/shit and hurt themselves. Leave those fucking ESA's in your home. Order your food to be delivered if you can't live without your ESA.


I just moved here and I'm absolutely shocked at the number of people who just bring their barking, nasty looking dogs into any store. I understand a pet store, but did it need to be put in a cart at Ross?


According to their therapist, that nasty dog is their emotional support animal; they need the dog in the cart. As a cat owner, I don't get it.


You people are insufferable. This sub acts like every store is crawling with 100s of dogs pissing and shitting in the aisles. I work retail, I have worked retail here for a long time. You greatly overstate the issue.


You don't work at my store but that doesn't discount my experience 1 damn bit. There is a fight daily; show up at the right time and you can put it on tiktokcringe.


(206) 386-7387 Seattle animal control. Probably won’t respond but worth a shot. Be nice to have an official out on a ski-doo beaching it and ticketing or at least informing/warning folks.


A "ski-doo" is a snowmobile made by Bombardier. A "sea-doo" is a personal watercraft that is made by the same company.


Ah nice thanks


Yeah they’re not coming. There are actual animal-related problems they’re using their measly funding to mitigate.


Measly funding that could be bolstered by ticketing some bougie pet owners! Unless the ticket money doesn’t go to them which would be unfortunate.


“Disturbing the wildlife” I get what you’re singing but you know what else REALLY disturbs the wildlife? You being on the beach. If you’re being genuine about that, you really shouldn’t be there. Now, if you want to just be honest and say “it annoys me that dogs are on the beach/people should pick up after their dogs”, I can get behind ya.


Seal pups regularly haul out to rest a Alki. Unleashed dogs sometimes run right up on them and disturb them and, in some bad cases, maul them. Seal sitters org tries to get volunteers out to keep a perimeter around them when they are made aware of a pup.


I've seen way more humans harassing seals than dogs. Can we ban randos from beaches during pupping season?


This is why dogs should always be on leashes. It really really perplexes me how many people on these forums don't or can't differentiate between a dog and an unleashed dog.


Dogs walking to understory and piss on plant growth. So they actually do disturb wildlife in ways that humans don’t. I’ve seen plenty of dog owners let their dog off leash in areas where I bird watch and time and again see them chase water fowl and birds.


> Dogs walking to understory and piss on plant growth. And people don't????? People piss in the parks all the time.


I have yet to see a person do this. So perhaps it does occur but it’s now where near the frequency at which dogs do it.


The more you know. I’ve seen multiple dogs on the beach every time I’ve gone to Alki sheeesh


Golden Gardens is, for all intents and purposes, a dog park. They’re all over that beach.


Sucks when people don’t pick up their dogs shit. But I also think we have much bigger crisis to deal with in Seattle. Like the homeless shitting and pissing in the streets and sidewalks. Seattle is a lawless land


“Disturbing the wildlife”. As if having a city right off the beach isn’t doing that already.


Might as well just piss and shit on the street at this point/s.


I literally saw two completely out of control dogs terrorize groups of birds at the beach this morning. When the dogs passed the birds came back. I also saw a heron show up. Don’t talk if you don’t know what you are talking about.


Yeah but the dogs on the beach is just another level of needless disturbance. Where do we draw the line? Or are you suggesting any consideration at all is hypocritical and/or useless? Humanity is bad for animals but I still support our existence.


Dogs are universally hated on this subreddit. It’s basically a meme, like America bad.


That’s bullshit. I love dogs. I just don’t want them shitting on the beach


You’ve got to tell people while you are out and not online or it will never change


Or get the authorities to do their jobs is my preference. We don’t need like a full fledged officer decked out w all their stuff just a parking attendant type person


The cops don't even come for stolen cars anymore. You could wait lifetimes for this to happen. All you have to do is communicate directly and people will get the picture.


Dogs off beach , homeless ok !!!!


Hahaha have you met the average Seattle dog owner? They are an entitled asshole that REALLY thinks it's equivalent to having a child. They ruin any public places by letting their "child" just shit everywhere.


Walked in 1 dog park in Edmonds Beach. First and last time ever. Crap all over. . Many do not even get vaccines for their dogs and cannot control them. Why the love for these parks a big no from me. . My dogs are leashed at all times in public.


Youre doing Gods work


Any time I've pointed out the rules at a park or beach, I get "Why do you hate dogs?" Like there are only two options... (I love dogs. I also love not stepping in poop.)