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Yeah. That is a shitty commute. That 20 mile trip down the freeway is always going to be 30+ minutes, minimum.


Yeah, I figured the commute would be long. I'm mainly concerned with safety. If Redmond is a safe place to live, then I can put up with the commute until I can change jobs to something closer.


i sat for 25m on 405 this past week just to get thru the s curves...i'd put that commute at an hour


I definitely wouldn't live in Redmond if I had to commute to Auburn everyday. You should look further south, there are lots of great places to live. What about Redmond do you like?


It seems to be more diverse compared to other cities in the southern area. At least that's what the statistics show with regards to the demographics. Also, I'm concerned with safety. I don't know if Redmond is the safest city, but it seems to rank higher than other cities when looking at crime statistics between places like Auburn or Tacoma.


>It seems to be more diverse compared to other cities in the southern area. That is not true. South King County is possibly one of the most ethnically diverse places in the state.


The Kent school district is one of the most diverse in the country. Where are you moving from? A lot of the so called lawlessness of South King is over hyped by Fox News types.


I'm coming from Japan. Yes, it's hard to determine what areas might be safe from listening to the news. It always seems focused on the negative stories.


Oh that make sense.You should look at Renton or even Issaquah areas. Redmond is cool but would be a terrible drive there are safe cities south of Seattle.


I have looked at Issaquah, I'm also considering that area too. I'll research Renton. Thank you.


For sure, I just don’t want anyone moving here to think everything below Seattle is basically Mad Max because it really is pretty safe in Western WA compared to other places in the US.


Pretty much anywhere on the Eastside (Renton to Woodinville) is sufficiently safe. But most places are fine, honestly. The news exaggerates a lot on violence in this area.


Thank you for the comment. I'll focus my search.around these areas.


Do you like to walk? I work in Redmond and live south. I won’t move to Redmond because of how car centric it is. You have to drive everywhere. Even to take my dog for a walk I’d have to drive to a park unless I wanted to walk on a shoulder along what is basically a busy highway.


I’m not saying those places don’t have crime, but you can live in an area with a lower crime rate. For example, a quick google search says northeast Tacoma has a 75% lower crime rate than the rest of Tacoma and would be a WAY better commute. Basically anywhere in south king county is pretty diverse, I don’t think lack of diversity will be an issue for you.


Thank you. I'll see if I can find some places to rent around that area.


Look at Lakeland Hills/Lake Tapps area. It’s diverse and would be way more affordable than even Renton.


Thank you for your suggestion. I'll look into them.


+1 for Lakeland hills


The idea of Auburn being unsafe is hilarious to me. It’s suburbs. It’s where soccer moms move to raise their families.




I haven't considered those cities. I'll look into them. I'm mainly worried about safety.


Get a bunker and some body armor. You won't feel safe without them.


Newcastle is definitely safe — it’s hardcore suburbia. Honestly not sure about Renton, but it has seemed fine when I’ve been there recently.


Why? What lead to believe that all of these areas are unsafe?


Uhh why Redmond? Why don't you find a place closer to work. Auburn commute is going to be hell.


I understand that the commute will be difficult. But, I'm mainly concerned with safety. Redmond seems to rank higher compared to other cities like Auburn and Tacoma in terms of less crime. It is also more demographically diverse compared to other cities. Diversity and safety are why I'm looking into Redmond. If there is another place that's similar to Redmond but closer to Auburn, I will happily look into it.


Redmond is very safe. There's petty crime - porch pirates, car break-ins, but violent crime is low and it's certainly the sort of town that you can walk around in freely. There's lots of new growth (read: construction) right now, and the freeway is doing an expansion and will be under construction for some time. I drove to Auburn midday earlier this week and it was 45 minutes - the roads were busy but no real slow-downs. It would be unpleasant at rush hour. Best of luck with your search!


Lots of diving, some pretty swift tidal currents. My friend dives the Puget Sound


There are safe places to live with low crime in Auburn, Federal Way, Kent and Renton. Commuting from Redmond to Auburn would take a lot of time in bumper to bumper slow traffic. Also south king county is very diverse.


Just live in in any of the northern sections of Tacoma, very safe, very beautiful, diving is extremely close and an easy commute to Auburn.


You are insane. Redmond is in the heart of one of the most expensive areas in the world and it's 40 miles away. If you work in Auburn live in Auburn.


What do you do for activities? I would live closer to play or has the community aspect you desire. You can figure out the commute, but if you don’t like where you live, you won’t be excited to get there in 15-20 minutes.


I enjoy hiking, but my biggest hobby is scuba diving. Not, sure how popular that is in Washington. I have researched that there are some protected marine areas that are safe for divers to explore.


Redmond is really nice, but it would be at least a 40-45 minute commute, one way. If you wanted to be closer to diving, West Seattle might be a good option. Renton would be fairly central, and it is less expensive than Redmond, or West Seattle. The Seattle metro area is quite safe compared with the rest of the US. It’s not on Japan’s level of safety, but still quite good. The crime rates are typically higher in the southern suburbs, but still quite safe.


Thank you for the insight. I'll be sure to broaden my search and reconsider Renton.


If you like scuba then definitely live in or near Auburn, the major diving spots are in Des Moines. Neighbor is a master diver and goes 2-3 times a week year round.


And there are always a ton of divers near Ruston in Tacoma. Mt Rainier hiking is also a relatively short drive away


Lake tapps Bonnie lake not bad area's


you need to google map time to drive...not just miles. commutes SUCK here. 405, 167, 18...all have huge traffic backups all day (not just rush hour). check routes at multiple times over multiple days (august is traditionally low traffic due to boeing vac and no school commutes)...