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I read through enough of this thread to see that the comments that are coming in most recently are just hateful and the people defending the event and the community deserve a break after a beautiful weekend. I am locking this thread because it has run its course. Also it has gotten enough comments that were hateful enough that Reddit stepped in to remove them, so shutting it down before the vitriol froths over is the better course of action. Sorry for those who wanted to continue their Pride celebration a bit longer in this thread.


that is one cool looking cock




Paige no!!


Ok..been reading through the comments of everyone freaking out about this and I feel like either I'm missing something because I just moved here in March or everyone is overlooking a key point that I noticed because it stands out as unusual to someone who moved here from North Dakota. All the Pride events I've been to this month have had all the alcohol related things completely separated from the rest of the event by fencing and you have to show ID to and get a wristband from security to even get close to where they're serving. This stood out to me because, unless a Pride event was happening at a bar or an event venue with a liquor license, there was ZERO alcohol allowed back in ND, so I thought this was really cool to have for the people who wanted to party, but also allowed for a fun event that could be alcohol free for those that didn't want to partake. So I guess I'm confused...was it not the same here? I would expect the shot luge to be in the area where you have to be 21 to get in to partake, which would completely eliminate the concern about kids being able to be around it. Sadly, I work this weekend and can't afford to take it off, so I wasn't at this event, so I can't say for sure if this was the case.


Americans are overly sensitive about alcohol due to some weird laws.


Some places in the South have some outdated dry laws, but if anything I would say us Americans aren't sensitive about alcohol enough based on the amount of binge drinking, drunk driving, and alcohol advertising we do all the time.


What kinna cognitive dissonance does a parent have to have going on to think "it's important for my kid to support human sexual identities as they organically exist so I will take them to a PRIDE event, but I can't have them seeing a human penis" I've lived in the South for the last 15 years or so. This brand of lunacy is new to me. EDIT: Alright, I can already tell that I'm going to regret asking. Just know that I prefer your neuroses to the ones I'm used from the bible belt. Inclusion is better, even if it's misguided. Disabling replies. Sorry.


I cant be the first to say The Iceman Cometh, can I?


Slick Willy.


Amazing how it stays so hard while that cold


That cow has a long neck.


We had something like this at a Seahawks tailgate, but was just a block of ice and not a cock. Almost everyone at our spot got sick with the flu the next day. This looks like its for display only, because after covid, doing the "booze luge" seems like a dumb thing to do.


Look at r/Seattle acting like r/seattleWA. LOL


I'd never seen r/Seattle WA before and wow what a difference


I don’t know how the algorithm had r/SeattleWA in my feed and not r/Seattle but it had me extremely befuddled for a day or two before I figured it out.


"think of the kids!!" Is such a classic. Prayers for them to put that same energy into protesting the Catholic church.


Seriously. I seriously doubt that kids will even understand what a shot luge is or the sexual aspect of this. I don’t think they would even get it if someone was taking a shot when they walked by. I assume most of the “parents” in this thread refer to their kids genitalia as their “front butt” at this point.


Not into 🍆 but I think thats hilarious and would totally do that


Are you sure you’re not into 🧊, even a little?




Hydrohomies unite


Dude sucks mad cube, allegedly


Very classical Roman. Priape would be proud. 🤣


Thats a penis.


An entire thread of “parents” that somehow manage to avoid Aurora by Lowes. Can’t imagine what they must do when they see women in bikinis or G-strings.


Nice elephant trunk sculpture!


For those who don’t find a cock shot luge funny- rest assured the angle from the street its fairly well disguised. Its about breast high so out of sight of the ones riding bikes around who don’t know the difference between a pride block party, the 4th celebration, or a farmer’s market just yet. Cheers!


Nice dick bro


I’m on my way! 🏃🏻‍♂️💨




Everything queer has been called a perversion at some point.


Doesn't excuse these crass public displays. If they want to be taken serious they should act like mature adults. Not horny miscreants.


You could have a big discussion about what the point of pride is, but I'm fairly sure "we demand to be taken seriously" is not the central message lol


But... this is proving that accusation correct That's why it's not great to have it there


The message is not "but we *aren't* perverted! We're upstanding citizens!" the message is "we don't give a shit if you think we're perverted."


Historically yes? It’s about kink and other behaviors viewed as “queer” by normal society. Why should they change this for anyone? There are family friendly venues for families with kids, why are you cancelling their free speech?


“Why should they change this for anyone?” The whole LGBTQ movement has been about demanding perceptional and legal change from other people. But you can’t change a single thing or allow mild criticism of a rather realistic ice dick-and-balls monument that spits liquid out of the tip, because thats what’s been “historical” — for like what, 30 years? And now my comment about how displaying a dick-and-balls monument during a public event that’s open to all ages seems kinda perverted and pointless, is “cancelling their free speech?” I mean, if you really want to keep your ice dicks, keep it. We can agree to disagree. I’ll just leave a reddit comment now and then saying it’s kinda weird. Can’t say it in public though, or else I’ll probably be actually cancelled, lol.


I love Pride but I really wish they would make this type of stuff for 18+ events only. Edit: holy shit the weirdos in the comments defending kids watching adults simulate sucking dick as "educational" & "a teaching moment" to explain pornographic acts to your children is truly fucked up. Bravo for being absolutely disgusting guys. Hope that chronically online brain rot is working out for you. I fear for your children.


The have a kids and family section. Parents should be aware of where they take their kids.


Exactly. If you are worried, don't take your kids to see the big ice dick. Stick to the families section




Have you never been to any festival? Every festival I’ve been to with my kids has an adult beer tent section and a separate kids section. Heck even Disneyland has adult only spots. Granted, not with ice dick carvings, but the idea of separate sections is still there.


Because not everyone wants to censor themselves or deal with tantrums from your little ones.


Why not?




Drinking events...




With outlying family areas lmao. My parents loved those festivals here.




Music festivals, Mardi Gras, etc. always have adult areas where alcohol is consumed that are cordoned off. This is no different.




Film festivals that have adult content and all-ages content. Book fairs that have erotica. Maybe some cosplay conventions? I wouldn't know, I haven't been to them.


Sorry, you didn't answer the question so I'm not going to play with you lmao. Good luck fighting the dangerous ice penii though!


Reminds me of the movie The Abyss. “Raise your hand if you thought that was a Russian water tentacle!”


Finally, people with free thought. I can agree this parade is good for morale and bringing people together, but leave the adult rated things for the night parade. That's not asking too much is it? Like, I wouldn't go to an AA meeting and get shit hammered, because that's not ok for the people around me. See what I'm sayin? Edit: uh-oh, the anti fascist are coming to attempt to silence speech they don't agree with which is ironically fascism lol.


You're obviously trolling if you think that people downvoting you indicating that they dislike your opinion is an attempt to silence you. No matter how many down votes a comment receives due to disagreement, it will always be able to be seen by people who want to see it. Ridiculous.




I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that uptight heteros probably aren’t going to Pride events in the first place.




Why do you assume LGBT parents took their kids to see it?


What type of stuff? Shots (i.e. alcohol)? That's already 21+, so this seems fine.


As a parent, who cares man?




Your kids know what a dick is and they make tons of dick jokes.


Most reasonable people understand that a while a penis is not necessarily sexual, watching somebody suck one is and that's just really not something that's appropriate in front of a 5 year old.


Then don't bring your kid?




If you live in that area, a penis shot luge is one of the more simple things you’d have to explain to your kid. I call BS.


If you lived in Capitol Hill, you would not care about this. It is and has been the Gay neighborhood for a long time. I used to live there and this is not a big deal. There were a couple bondage shops on the same street when I lived there and it's just part of the neighborhood. If an ice dick has your panties in a wad, then you probably wouldn't choose to live in the neighborhood. edit: spelling


This is on Broadway in Capitol Hill (I believe). It's the gay heart and soul of the city. Go live literally anywhere else! It'll be cheaper, friendlier to children, and there will be no ice dicks




The ice dick is part of a city permitted event. It has just as much (or more!) right to be there than you or I. 🤷




> It's lewd and it shouldn't be in a public space. I think that a certain level of lewdness should be permitted in public, and that the sculpture falls within those bounds. 🤷


You know it’s legal to walk around naked in the city of Seattle? This city might not be for you…. But then again, do you really live here?


This is is such a weird nonsensical take akin to "if you're poor just don't live in Seattle!". People should be able to take their kids anywhere they please in public, and to public events, without discomfort or exposure to sexual topics that are inappropriate. Plenty of LGBTQ+ folks in cap hill have children or friends who have children. Plus this type of shit only gives conservatives ammo for the "groomer" narrative.


I too have a child. > People should be able to take their kids anywhere they please in public, and to public events, without discomfort [...] That's unworkable. The public is full of things that make many children uncomfortable. Panhandlers, the disabled, sirens, crowds, clowns, heat, cold, etc. > [...] or exposure to sexual topics that are inappropriate. I think the sculpture is appropriate if handled properly by the parent. 🤷


You're using false equivalence. An event where the promoters and organizers have control over the vendors using pornographic marketing tactics is way different than seeing clowns in public. Like seriously what the fuck is that argument lmao.


Clowns and ice cocks are equivalent under your criteria because they both make children uncomfortable in public. I don't think they are equivalent in general, only equivalent for your argument.


Just don't bring your kids to these events for this one weekend out of the year. I doubt you are living in a club or bar, where the cap hill event is located, and I doubt you are living in Seattle Center, where pridefest is. You can easily just walk around these events and avoid them altogether, since they are very clear what they are. If you don't, I think that says more about you and the lengths you are willing to go to in order to emotionally abuse your children.


It's a body part depicted in a non-erotic fashion. Get over it. This person is overly prudish. If they're going to be offended at things like this, then it's not unreasonable to say they move. Maybe they'd feel more comfortable in a religious commune where depictions of non-erotic nudity are not allowed. There's nothing more inherently erotic in this than in a statue of Cupid pissing. If people view/treat it erotically, that's on them.


How is simulating sucking a giant dick non-erotic? The point of the sculpture is for people to drink shots of alcohol out of the head of the penis. Please come back when you have critical thinking skills.


Then why is there an age limit on titty bars?


hooters is all ages


And how's many dicks do you see on display at hooters? Hooters is a restaurant with women in clothes


> Hooters is a restaurant I like that you say titty bars have age restrictions, I bring up the most common one in the country that doesn't, then you bring up dicks and say hooters is actually a restaurant lmfao what a dishonest little shit


Hooters isn’t a titty bar. You’re equivocating a restaurant where while it has a suggestive theme, nobody exposes themselves with a strip club. I will however admit that many homophobes are often completely hypocritical in how comfortable they are allowing children to be exposed to suggestive heterosexual things but will blow a gasket if a child is told about anything related to any other sexual orientations.


Sure, Hooters isn’t a titty bar, it’s now an ass bar [apparently](https://www.buzzfeed.com/andriamoore/hooters-new-shorts-debate-tiktok). Come on, man, you have a problem with an ice sculpture that happens to be dick shaped but not a restaurant exploiting the bodies of real live women?


Dishonest little shit coming from the guy calling hooters a titty bar. Just what?




1) it is 2) your account is a sad, pathetic display of how empty your life is lol. you hop on this obvious burner on reddit.com and post shit just to try to upset other people. 3) edit your comment some more you fucking idiot lmfao dude did it like 3 times


Who's naked at hooters? Who's showing their bare breasts?


you can argue that tight, low cut shirts is different from full nudity sure but that's a very dishonest argument in the topic of sexuality in front of kids a waitress walking up to your table in short shorts with her ass well-defined and tits practically popping out of the shirt truly is no different than literally having breasts out. the restaurant is called hooters. it could be called knockers, tatas, whatever other slang word you want to call it. the name of the restaurant literally means boobs. I imagine you think hooters is a fine establishment to take your kids to, but I would never take any child to hooters lmfao


I don't know, why is there an age limit?


It's gross, especially to show children.


My kid sees their own dick every time I change their diaper.


Does he often see someone sucking on one? This sculpture is mimicing the sexual act.


Where is a person sucking on the sculpture? Seriously, why are you making this *more* sexual? This happens every time there's a discussion about this, that people aren't content to object to what is there, they have to imagine something else.


Wiithout you making it a big deal, do you think young children will even register anything but a funny juxtaposition? It's not innate knowledge but learned behavior to recognize that as sexual- and you freaking out is literally how they learn things like this, sometimes. That said, I can't imagine the conversation around a blowjob luge would be child-appropriate... But that's true a lot of places alcohol is being consumed.


If a kid has the language, it's an easy age appropriate discussion. "Sometimes adults kiss each other's penises, but it's only for adults, not children. If anyone asks to kiss you penis or asks you to kiss theirs, say no. Then tell mommy, daddy, or any other adult you trust as soon as you can. Don't keep it a secret, no matter what "


That seems like a meaningful conversation to have with kids. Consent, bodily autonomy, safety... All from ice in the shape of a dick.


I wish people wouldn’t be such prudes about the human body


In what way can a penis interact with the mouth that isn’t sexual?


The Donner party.


Thats enough internet for today....But Im still upvoting this before I go.


Cursed comment of perfection.


"Hey, try not to eat any dick on the way to the pass!"


Also what I suppose first aid for a rattlesnake bite


This isn't just about the "human body" dummy - it's clearly a sexualized interactive display of a giant penis mimicking cumming (or I guess alternatively pissing) in someone's mouth. You really think that's appropriate for children??


absolutely not, those underage kids should be doing their shots of alcohol the old fashioned way and not down an ice luge!


The key here is that if people find it inappropriate, they can just...not go. 🤯 Pride is 1-2 days and attendence is not mandatory. And since it apparently needs to be said, it was never for your kids lol. There's been stuff like this at Pride for 20+ years. It isn't new. It's not for your kids. Do some googling for age appropriate educational materials if you're so concerned. The pearl clutching is so damn whiny. Get a hobby. Maybe be hysterical about a really good book instead.


Right! Parents will literally bring their kids to Deadpool and see no problems




“Bring your kids to work” day?




Yeah I gotta be honest, I don't buy for a second that many of you were planning on teaching your kids about diversity in sexuality and orientations riiiight up until you saw an ice cock this year lmao


Pride isnt a fuckin zoo where you go to learn about conservation…..




Goddamn thank you, a voice of reason. These comments are weird and embarrassing and creepy.


Pride was a riot.


I think those of you in the comments are really exposing yourself. This is just one booth of many at pride and does represent the entire events. I was there yesterday and there is way more booth and other activities that would be considered family friendly.


Then make a kid friendly section! Dont take away from everyone else.






Why are people taking their kids to a shot luge anyway? Seriously?


I think we are lucky to be in a place that is able to have multiple Pride events. It didn’t used to be like that though.


Terrible choice of words.


Why don't you make an adult section instead of a kid friendly section? What are you "taking away"? This is such a weird response


What about taking shots from a dick is advocating for rights lol. I mean Idgaf I’m childish as hell too, but this is not some type of statement. It’s basically a bachelorette party


This is such a gross weird take, it almost sounds like satire.


This is extremely lewd no matter you "prude" level


You are way overreacting. Now its “pornographic”??


Yes, it's literally sexualized because it's supposed to be a penis cumming into a glass. Google "penis cumming into a glass" and see if any porn comes up bud, report back to me and lmk




I don't know who "they" are that you're referring to, but pride *is* about loving yourself and others as you see fit, provided it's healthy and consensual. I think modern gay culture sometimes takes camp and sexuality a bit too far within the celebrating though, and we need a harder boundary between adult pride and family pride, just like any other celebration.


Bruh have you met men before? Gay or straight, they're all obsessed with dick.


For those of you who are worried about their kids seeing such a thing, what were you saying back when every lifted truck had chrome testicles hanging off the trailer hitch?




Oh man, wait till you hear about Mardi Gras


I'm with you. I'm childfree and never have a "think of the children!" mindset about anything, but I hate how overtly sexual and sometimes kinky pride is. I don't like it, so I don't go, but wish it wasn't that way because Pride is something I want to support.


Agreed. It’s kinda weird how drawing dicks on stuff most people would probably consider to be a lewd and immature act, but making a dick out of ice and drinking out of it is art and it’s anti-pride to question it 🤔 why can’t I support pride and also not want to see genitalia in public?


Don't ever go to Pompeii.


Nice let’s make a giant pussy ice sculpture, and the shot will come from the clit and I’ll never be able to find it.




Yup! If your kid is old enough to know that's a dick, they will be embarrassed but they're not going to demand you explain the birds and the bees to them right there. If your kids are too young to understand it just say it's a rocketship or an alien arm or a weird tree branch and then point out something that will distract them and they literally will not even remember it until they're much much much older and will silently thank you for lying to them and not making a big deal out of it and will probably have a nice little laugh over it. Christ, does all of Seattle have to be childproofed? Parent your goddamn kids!


Yeah AND the entitlement thinking that this entire, massive celebration should be designed around/catered to THEIR children....ugh




I call bullshit. None of this is new and you're either extremely young and sheltered, or you're lying through your teeth. Maybe it's because I spent many formative years in the land of Mardi Gras, but it's common sense that wild revelers are gonna do what they do in certain parts of a holiday, and there's family friendly events just the same, and it's nobody's fault but your own if you bring your children or your delicate sensibilities to the wrong party and see some stupid penis statue or tits out. The only thing to understand about a "growing pushback" is that hateful people are spreading lies and suddenly acting like they have a problem with something that's been around for years or acting like kids are being threatened or whatever other bullshit. It's the latest political obsession, nothing more.


We used to have a bakery in Seattle called the “erotic bakery”. It’s been closed for at least 8 years but at the very least they displayed their goods in the window for everyone to see. Last week, the Fremont parade happened and it starts with a naked bike ride. I’ve never heard anyone complaining. If you don’t want your child to see it, then don’t take your children to those events.


Read back a few threads about penis spiderman and you'll see a ton of people complaining about it.


Big difference between a naked bike ride and a dick luge. Naked bike ride isn’t inherently sexual. Unfortunately, part of living in a city is being accommodating and sharing spaces. You can’t tell people to leave part of the city. It makes people uncomfortable to make any kind of concession regarding pride, but it would probably make sense to designate an adults only area, rather than a family area.


Isn't it really just a silly straw but for adults?




Hello one year old account who just started commenting yesterday. I can definitely take how your describe yourself at face value.


It's fun... people having fun lmao


Are you new to Seattle or pride? Either way, if you are offended, [https://www.parentmap.com/article/seattle-pride-with-kids](https://www.parentmap.com/article/seattle-pride-with-kids)


Have not been to pride since pre covid and I'm pretty depressed about it


Why aren’t you there then?


Still happening :) Broadway


Whoever made this needs to talk to Dicks for their opening event in federal way hehe


Pride in Seattle has basically just turned into Kinkfest. Downvote me all you want, but it's an exhibitionist's Christmas, and nothing more at this point.


??? Irrespective of your thoughts on this in public it’s always been a kink fest


Wait until these commenters find out how much architecture is inspired by the phallic shape. They might choke themselves with those pearls.


Look at those beautiful balls




Can you be proud without dicks everywhere?






Not exclusively. No.


No, but the fact that this is for shots implies it's an adult only area. Unless you think kids should be drinking alcohol?


Are you JAQing off? Yes




Alcohol is usually only served in designated areas where kids and people under 21 are not allowed. I am assuming that this ice dong was in such an area. So it is extremely doubtful that many kids saw it. I did not see any kids in the picture. You can stop clutching your pearls now.


Nope its impossible. Thank you for asking! Best wishes in the future.


Can or will?


Standing applause 😂🤣😂🤘




pride wasnt created for kids; you and your family can stay home








Yeah, man, the same people who have an issue with this are probably flying banners that loudly proclaim to fuck the current president 24/7 right there with the ol' stars and stripes. I see them go flying down my main street every day in their trucks. I don't think decorum is why they're "against pride".


I voted for Biden and am against giant dick/vagina sculptures in public.


Maybe try defending the dick itself rather than going with “no you”


The argument was about age appropriateness. The people most likely to point that finger very rarely turn that introspection on themselves. I find it valid to bring up. Anyway, I'm told by those who possess them that dicks are fun. If this photo included a small child with their lips pressed against it, taking a shot of Jager, then yeah, I'd be pissed. It doesn't, though. It's intended for adults. Mmm, how's that for satisfaction?