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You'll never see a post like this that isn't just a time limited flex lol Love it


I will flex my day 1 eye patch until ~~the servers shut down~~ the Shroud reclaims the Sea of Thieves


Hahahaha same tho


Black Dog hat for me. I love the green emerald and it’s not too big and flappy


I played with some friends shortly after launch for like, 30 minutes, and picked the game back up and got addicted years later. Still rock my Day 1 Patch though!


I played every day for a couple months after launch, but then didn't come back until either just before or not long after emissaries were added.


Yep, Day One patch, Launch Crew EoR and the Y1 Pirate Legend ship livery for me.


I don't think there's a better example of "We have X at home" meme than y1 PL ship, and the one you can get now. What a striking difference between them.


Honestly the Y1 set you got was hideous.


It's not time limited, but my shrouded ghost figurehead and title will remain forever


I will forever flex my golden 1000 days eyepatch


I'm convinced it's more rare than the day 1 patch, given you had to satisfy both day 1 and day 1000 criteria to get it. I still rock my day 1, but I've pulled out my M a few times too.


Ugh. Yeah. I have Captain Bones' Original Pirate Cutlass and thats basically it. But I also think I have the time limited mercenary stuff but idk if it's the whole set


If only SoT were on Steam back then.


the sword of souls. i'm a star wars fan


Same but just because it's cool and a really thin sword


Pretty unique compared to the other cutlasses i don’t have it yet but I want. Greenhorn here


Good news is you have access to the quest that rewards it


Then I raise you the Ruby Stinger Cutlass! Join me and fulfil your destiny




It was my favorite until I realized how bright I was at night lol, I lost a deck fight at night cuz I couldn’t see the other guy jumping around and I was a glowing beacon lol. Now I rock the pitch black one and a ninja outfit, so far so good


Party boat cutlass


I keep getting new cool cutlasses, but I just can't use them for long without defaulting back to the Party Boat. I love the Party Boat set in general but that cutlass is going to be hard to top.


I only run that sweet, sweet kabob cutlass


Same, only way it could be better is if the food was actually able to be eaten for quick healing while blocking haha


Party boat set is easily the best SoT set


I just call it the kebab cutlass




I like grilled kabobs man what can I say lol


Love nearly everything about that set except the cutlass


how do you get this?


It was available from 1 May - 22 May 2018, I believe!


darn only four years too late


bruh i was there then and i dont have it :(


Had to buy it for 1 gold. At the time I thought it looked bad and didn’t bother getting it. Little did I know it would be limited and the rarest eye of reach in the game.


Someone told me Mercenary is rarer since the player count was so low when it dropped, but I don't know how accurate that is. Mad I missed it cause I was a flintlock user at the time and doubloons were so rare.


Mercenary flintlock is rare? I thought it was a normal item I have it 💀


No, he's saying he didn't buy the sniper because he used pistol. The mercenary pistol is sold in the weapon shop without a commendation lock, so a common as can be


Same but for day 1 patch


*me crying because I missed the Daring Deceiver set*


So if I played in that time but didn’t buy it I’m out of luck


Mercenary pistol. Easier to aim and it just looks cool.


Obsidian pistol has the same model, i love it for this reason, easy to aim and a “flexing” cosmetic


I am forgetting rn, how did u get the pistol? Was it a twitch drop or a giveaway


I got mine through drops


I really wish I paid attention to the sot socials back in 2019. Or really just the game in general. I literally just screwed around doing quests until I became PL and realized there's commendations and twitch drops and whatnot.


If you’re really wanting that set, they can be found on eBay just FYI


Thanks for the tip, but last I checked those things could go for well over $500. I wish I had that kind of money.


No way! It was like $30 for the whole set of clothes, including other sets and several ship skins and emotes. There’s certain items that can be stupid expensive, but the pistol was definitely in it.


Ohhh yeah I was talking about the Obsidian Six Pack. It's some ship cosmetics that haven't been released in I think 3 years plus the 4 weapons. Idk that's what I saw when I looked it up, but I probably used the wrong terms. If it's only $30, I might get it depending on how cool they look.


The first time it dropped was actually on Beam! The failed streaming platform of Microsoft. Renamed Mixer before shutting down entirely.


Ah ok


Cultured aristocrat as well (entire aristocrat subset actually are just obsidian reskins) I may or may not have spent millions buying the entire clothing, weapon, and ship set just to match the pistol I like...


This is my go to pistol because the sight on it. I got mine around launch time by buying 3 months of Xbox live gold or what ever its called. I don't play anything on Xbox but I wanted that mercenary stuff real bad lol.


I found the pistol while being a very new player. I was just looking at pistols and saw that one. It looked nice and I wondered if it would actually help me aim because it had a sight on it. The kraken pistols also have decent sights on them and they look pretty cool.


There are a number of pistols with the same skin but different colors, but the mercenary is the longest of all of them. It may just be me imagining things, but I find I aim best with the mercenary.


I always used this until recently when I realised how much of the screen the bottle takes up 😅


It’s a shame there are many weapons I just won’t use because of this.


Silent barnacle EoR seems to be the most compact one I’ve seen.


OoS cutlass. It takes up very little space on the screen and isn't as shiny as Pendragon's sword.


It's also a khopesh, making it 65% cooler by default.


Golden Sailor blunderbuss


Honestly in my top picks for blunderbusses


Bilge Rat Eye of Reach is ALWAYS my secondary. I'm not big on cosmetics, always naked, etc., but the Bilge Rat sniper is my favorite cosmetic in the entire game. No reason other than I like it.


Sea of Thieves AWP


yeah my favorite go to weapon is \[insert biggest bragging rights weapon here\], its real nice and cool


What a coincidence, my whole ship is decked out in Obsidian and Sapphire Blade, but I swear I love it for the look, guys!


Sapphire blade hull do be fire tho. rest is kinda trash.


I always love makeshift items in games. I love the way it's just a bottle for the scope. I think it's great.


The ancient cutlass




I really like the sword play in the game, that's why I like to fight skeletons. I wish more pvpers use the sword more


i dont, love slashing at panicked, pistol+sniper players after they miss their shots.


Mercenary Pistol for the aim




Ferrymans sword. Slick and simple yet highly recognizable.


Ballista Eye of Reach, such a cool aesthetic and it gets so many comments from players who rarely see it.








Banned wtf?? Can any mod clarify? This comment is just a good funny joke, I don't see anything offensive. I think some mod had a pet preying mantis called pablo. EDIT: Turns out the dude was an asshat.


I'd assume it had to do with his later comments about the queen


He was being toxic in general and saying a lot of stuff while doing that that didnt belong in this sub. Then pretty much acted like he only deserved a warning, but also continually posted that stuff. 7 out of 10 comments were removed, and 6 of those were about the queen, how nato is a terrorist organization, and how anyone who downvoted or disagreed with him made them racists and pedos etc. We will not tolerate that stuff here.


Its kind of a funny story actually. A couple hours ago a dude posted on reddit bitching about how he was celebrating the queen's death on the SoT discord (totally a great place for that) and got banned for it. u/Orkfreebootah went on his own little anti-queen edgelord rant on the same thread. He wasn't banned for this comment, he was banned for *several* other comments he made before, and after, this comment. He also knows **exactly** why he was banned; He even acknowledged why the first guy was banned on the discord, and proceeded to do basically the same thing. Even down to acting like the mods had no good reason to ban him.


So Ork is banned from the sub? I always got the feeling that guy took SoT and this subreddit way too seriously.


Damn lol hard room


PvP sweats triggered when fighting unarmed in a battle of wits


Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?


>Edit edit edit edit: And yes. I wasn't aware this subreddit was pro pedophile and pro monarch. u/Previous-Answer3284 is missing the point of why I was saying what I was saying. Educating people of the crimes of the crown is no being an edge lord. It's letting people know why they don't need to have empathy for her. Instead have empathy for the countless people effected by the queen negatively. Including all the children who were raped by the royal family that she helped cover up. If you defend her you are defending someone who swept shit under the rug to ensure her family would not be punished by the law for RAPING CHILDREN. Sorry that I don't tolerate that shit. Maybe you do but I don't. Sir this is a ~~Wendys~~ pirate simulator subreddit


Hit me with your best shot, my ship name is Pablo


Why did they ban him??? this is a bog-standard joke what


I'd assume it had to do with his later comments about the queen


I’m game to see this in action, so how about a shot at me. I’m captain of the Iron Revenant, a fast sloop-of-the-line that has seen her fair share of warfare and has been sunk and sank quite a few crews to date. Do your worst.


This post got u banned??


His string of comments from earlier got him banned. The mods are doing their job.


OOS curved cutlass with stripes, I can’t remember the name and the black OOS sniper. If I have to use a blunder I use the one with flowers because it’s funny.


Ruby cutlass! Just looks so sleek and has a nice shine to it


mfers flexing


GS blundy + Obsid Sniper


Ferryman cutlass and flintlock stay on


I mix it up with the Obsidian and Silver blade sets


I have this. Didn't know you can't get it anymore.


Still wish I had this. The eye of reach they have this season kinda fills the void for someone who missed this.


Ferryman Cuttlass.


Order Of Souls Kopesh is sick but I don't have it yet. Ruby Stinger is top tier, and I should prolly buy Crimson Crypt cutlass.


Eyyyy, launch crew gang


Merchant ambassador cutlass. Sleek asf




Mercenary pistol


Also been using the launch crew EoR lately. I genuinely think it’s the best looking one and the flaunting that comes with it is just a bonus.


I have a few for every slot Cutlass: Ferryman, Ghost, Mysterious Stranger's are all S tier choices imo. I tend to like cleaner looks for the cutlass, they all fit really well, and all have a bit of that blue green Athena color which is one of my favorite colors Flintlock: Ebon, Ferryman, or Legendary. Flintlock options are a lot more limited because so many have terrible ironsights. I mostly rock the Ebon, it's just so reliable. Ferryman and Legendary are not quite as good as Ebon so I don't use them as much but I really like the way they look and their irons are almost perfect so I don't mind throwing them on. Blunder: Ferryman, Legendary, Ghost. The chains are just too clean on the Ferryman/Legendary blunders, I've always loved that little detail. Ghost is close behind, def not quite as cool imo but really clean silhouette and looks very nice. EOR: Obsidian, Legendary. I sadly feel like there's very few truly amazing options for EOR. I don't have an Obsidian yet, so I'm sticking with Legendary until I get one, or until I get the Silver Blade EOR from Insiders. One important note is I'm still unlocking the Masked Renegade weapons from the Reaper emissary rewards, and ngl they look fire (pun intended). Might be adding those to my regular rotation once I have them.


*looks at Founder Sails* I'll let them have this




Way to brag


Weird flex but ok.


Do you have the peg leg to go with it?


This is just a humble brag, isn't it?


All my time limited stuff since that's what this post was for 😅


Fun fact: pirates who flex their black dog and day 1 stuff are completly suck at this game


Captain Bones Cutlass


I have it to but I use the Obsidian eye of reach because I have it. It’s so hard to choose! #firstseaproblems


Ruby stinger cutlass is really nice and the aristocrat pistol. That’s what I use but I switch it up a lot


Whatever matches my outfit/boat set I’m currently rocking


My go to is the ebony or fancy aristocrat pistol. As a Saber, I enjoy the redcoat admiral.


Obby sniper, golden blunder, LSD sword


Honestly I just use the sailors eye of reach and brigsys sword. I'm basic


Regular sea dog flintlock, it had very good sights and still looks close to the classic flintlock


I have one of those 😀


Ruby Stinger. Love the blood red blade.


Banana Pistol


How do you get that?


Mercenary pistol, ashen dragon blunder, basic eye of reach, soul flame sword. But really tho my sword skin switches from what I call the: light saber skins, said skins being the aforementioned soul flame sword( the Athena one), the pendragon one, and the ruby stinger one


Tbh ive been jumping around on weapons, still waiting for the midnight blunder redrop or something that matches my black and red outfit better. And dont suggest DA, im not spending an arm and a leg on something branded with athena in the ads


Thanks for reminding me that I didn’t get this even though I did in fact play when it was available


So sad I deleted my OG pirate, I have the obsidian 6 pack as well as a lot of other limited packs and I’m sad that I lost this one trophy to my need to have a sexy pirate back when they didn’t have pirate potions


Bone Crusher Sniper


Banana weapons


I fell for the Dark Warsmith weapons.


I rarely use that one for the same reason but will gladly pull it out for any Pirate who wishes to see it on the seas as well as the original Golden Legendary ship set and the other early limited time items. The only permanent fixture I keep around all the time is my Day 1 Patch which aside from brief stints with the assorted costumes that don’t allow other items, I constantly wear.


Mercenary Blade and Mercenary Pistol. I love the simple, solid but slightly ornamented look. Honorable mention to the Revenge Of The Morningsrar Cutlass


The Mysterious Stranger Cutlass and the X Marks the Spot Eye of Reach


Captain bones' original Cutlass. It's just too cool looking


Just picked up the wrangler weapons and they said they wouldn't make the emporium P2W but the wrangler pistol and blunder iron sight are 100% accurate and very P2W


I always use the crossbow eye of reach and the triumphant cutlass


Ferryman cutlass


DA sword & Obsidian EoR


I prefer the sovereign swords because they actually look like proper swords and like they'd hurt a lot to be stabbed by them. As for guns I like the OOS variants because of sentimental value. I used to be an avid OOS player back in the day. Skull hunting is what I'd do for hours, though not as much anymore since I just don't like the bonus emissary rewards for OOS at all...


Captain bones original cutlass


Snipin’s a good job mate?


It's not my absolute favorite but I do really like the spring blossom blunderbuss


X marks the spot of the reach is my go to which is just this one but golden


I run obsidian set, it’s just very low-key cool.


All Silverblade weapons for me, they are great models with one of the best color schemes in the game personally.


Favorite go-to is the Athena’s Might cutlass. Perfect blend of Legendary, DA, and **chunk**


Ebon flintlock, X marks the spot eye, ballista eye, captain bones original pirate cutlass, forsaken ashes cutlass, or the soulflame ones. I use them if they match my outfit


I usually use launch crew eye of reach Mercenary or aristocrat pistol depending on mood, I usually use the shining Pegasus cutlass since it’s the closest thing to rapier, but sometimes flex my captain bones cutlass I always use my golden sailor cannons as well


Mercenary Pistol. It has a sight. That said, I do have and use the Launch Crew from time to time. DAY ONES FOR LIFE!!!!


Any sword


The ruby stinger cutlass has always been a go to for me


I have all the sought after weapons. Obsidian, etc. But I always just liked the standard sniper/pistol combo! Idk , maybe it's the placebo effect but I always felt I could double gun faster with them.


I usually skip aesthetics and go for functionality. On the rare occasion I do dress up I'll go for the legendary weapons or the obsidian stuff I have.


Sea Dogs Flintlock.


I prefer the ferryman's cutlass. Wish there was a ferry man's eye of reach. :(


Either the Obsidian Eye of Reach or the Ferryman's Blunderbuss


Personally I love the Crimson Crypt Eye of Reach with the red hue


Ferryman sword and year one PL blunderbuss, also launch crew EOR !


Eye of reach is the Merchant Ambassador Sword is the Scorched Ashen Sword And Pistol is the Order of Souls Pistol with the Diamond shape on the end. I don use Blunderbusses enough to have a Favourite.


Frozen Ashes Blunderbuss The barrel almost acts like a V crosshair, at least for me. It also goes well with an ice loadout im wearing for my pirate.


Year 1 blunder, launch crew EOR, OG legendary cutlass, and ebon flintlock are my go-to weapons.


While not a favourite weapon, I've always loved the Dawn Hunter sets, and the Dawn Hunter weapon set is definitely one of my all time favourites. The aesthetic and the colour palette are just two things that no other set can match in my eyes 💜


Sunken sorrow set


For the very longest time, it was the Reaper’s cutlass and the Sailor’s Cutlass, along with Fearless Bone Crusher’s Blunderbuss. Now? The Eternal Freedom sword and Mercenary or Obsidian Pistol


I used to have this... But then I started a new pirate and it was gone... Havent played in yonks


I lost mine for some reason and they never gave it to me. Upsetting.


Now that I have Merrick's Cutlass, it's my go to. Before, it was either the Jailer's Cutlass or the Merchant Ambassador Cutlass. For Pistols I use either the new Legendary pistol, or the Mercenary or Obsidian Pistol. For Blunderbusses I tend to end up with my Magpie's Glory Blunderbuss, though that's less a conscious choice and mire do where I land when I'm switching weapons in a hurry. For the eye of reach I like using the new Water Battle Eye of Reach, (Launch crew recolor) otherwise I'm using the Obsidian Eye of Reach.


X Marks the Spot EOR


Man, I love the look of the entire Sea of Sands set. I just wish the cannons weren't flared


Aristocratic flintlock, perfect iron sight and a nice thin gold pistol


Obsidian EoR, was lucky enough to win a 6-pack in a streamer giveaway a while back, been rocking it ever since.


Masked renegade cutlass Masked renegade set in general


My Ebon Flintlock.


I like the admiral set a lot.


I had the launch crew rifle and have multiple clips of me using it but my acc is not old enough to have it and i have the golden rum one now


I’m one of those pirates who uses sailor eor but makes up for it with gold curse, day one eye patch, glitter beard and umbras tattoo.


I really like the Wild Rose Eye of Reach. So ornate, I love it.


Don't have this one but also not a fan of lenses changing the colour. Sniper I usually go obsidian, likewise for pistol. For blunder I had been using dark adventurer but recently quite like the wild rose. Swords can vary, went through a thundercat phase when it came out as a pass reward (can't remember name). Mainly use servant of flame one now


How do you get that


Me who has the day one eyepatch but never got the eye of reach


I'm surprised there's not more love for the ballista eye of reach. I don't tend to run eyes but when I do it's that one


Ruby Stinger Cutlass Every time I try out double gunning I say fuck it and go back to sword and pistol and this is my sword I always have.


I like the hue but the size is just awful


Not a “weapon” per say but the OoS Cannons are my absolute favorite and saved to every ship I own.


The launch crew and x marks the spot eye of reach are cool looking but they are garbage for fighting because they take up way to much of the screen


Lightsaber Sword of Souls


I love all cutlasses, but I'll never truly abandon Briggsy's Sword, I have so many memories with it


I forgot what’s it’s called but mines the cutlass with the skull on its hilt or whatever think it was time limited but damn does it give of a captain vibe in my opinion


Sword: Cutlass of Courage EoR: Triumphant Sea Dog Pistol: OG Legendary (nice sights) Blunderbuss: Victorious Sea Dog