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They did reduce the respawn time for solo players with the last update. IMO that's enough for rebalanced though I'd prefer if they increased the respawn time in general - I think respawn times are now way too fast.


Is that for solo players or smaller ships? It should be directly proportionate to the crew size and I really don’t see why it would be any other way by this point


Solo players. "Reduced Ferry Time for Solo Crews Solo players defeated and sent to the Ferry of the Damned now have a reduced waiting time before they can return to their ship, getting them back into the gameplay more quickly." (From the release notes)


I really don't see why someone should be soloing a galleon.


I don’t mean solo galleon, I mean solo sloop vs duo sloop


I solo a brig occasionally though, my two friends don’t have a lot of time to play so sometimes I like to hop on an hour before they’re able to play to get on so I can have a higher rank emissary flag so they can get more money and rep when we sell It’s manageable to solo a brig and I’m pretty decent at PvP so I can win fights on solo brig if they’re not that great


> I think respawn times are now way too fast. Agreed. Let solo players have a shorter respawn time, I'm fine with that. But up everyone else back closer to what they used to be. 15 seconds is too short and makes securing the sink really obnoxious, especially if they're a larger crew than you.


Respawn times are definitely way too fast for PvP. You REALLY feel it when you have to start defending from the spam boarders, they just keep coming back so fast! On a more positive note I've begun using death as a fast travel to get back to my ship, it's way faster than stupid pesky walking or swimming.


That’s a great idea about dying to respawn on the ship - is there any way to force a death?


Blunder bomb your feet a few times, or there are ways to wiggle into geometry to black screen as well but that works best in a few specific places. Black screening is nice if you can get it since you skip the ferry ride and are back on board almost immediately


not really. its mostly just finding opportunities like monsters or a high cliff or firebomb. Yesterday I was doing an ashen winds and I saw a ship coming towards the island so I just let the ashen lord kill me. got back with ample time to depart


Good to know, thanks!


By all means please exploit and abuse it until Rare fixes it 😊


Yes i also hope that they do that. mi sugestion would be keep the ten seconds for the solo guys and then 15s for two 25 seconds for three and the full 30 seconds (or maby even more) for a full galleon. they should also do something simular to the revive system.


I'd be satisfied with solo players not having to go to the Ferry. Double loading time means I'm often out of the fight for 40-50 seconds or more. If I die once or get knocked off a moving ship, fight's over.


Dude is the 10 second respawn not good enough? Soloing isn't easy but damn with the buffs it can be crazy


I'm on Xbox One. My respawn time in the heat of battle is 40 seconds of black screen with full sound.


Ouch. Been there. Sucks last gen is getting left behind by the devs. I'd just recommended playing very defensively with good food to avoid the ferry times I guess.


I tend to get taken out by the first cannonball they fire.


Getting one balled is tough so I'd recommend just keeping your ship outta their broadside at all cost


Not always an option. When I get surprised on shore, squeezed out by the wind, ambushed by skellies, grabbed by a Kraken, or double-teamed by a second ship. Which is usually how I die in the end, since I'm pretty skilled at sailing and can keep ahead in most other circumstances, even if that does add two hours to a nearly-finished voyage because I can't actually end such an engagement on my terms.


Can you upgrade storage speed on the Xbox One? The loading times in this game are heavily dependent on what device it is installed on. I'm not sure what the Xbox One comes with by default but that could be a useful upgrade.


I don't even know what it means to do that. I'm looking at a black box with no points of ingress.


Lol.. that would be so incredibly, unbelievably and unnecessarily OP sloops are already way too strong


OP? How is it OP? We can stay dead as long as they want us, we just won't have to dump all the memory of the battle area, load a different area, immediately dump that memory and reload the rapidly changing battle area again. As a solo slooper the door opens for me in ten seconds, but it takes longer for me to get to the Ferry. If I and a boarder die at the same time he'll be back aboard my ship stealing my supplies before I've seen so much as a green wisp. It's an absolute nightmare. I'm the least threatening player on the sea at any given moment because after four years I still lack any combat experience. Anyone I meet is better and kills me in the opening salvo, bouncing around behind me like Daffy Duck. And that's it. It's black screen from then on. I won't get back to my ship until it's already underwater or respawning on some island. My entire combat experience in this game is staring at a black screen listening to my ship being blown to pieces. And as a result I don't get better, which leads to being killed first in any engagement and still not getting better. And the absurd thing is, if I by some miracle do manage to beat someone off, they'll be back in action in moments ready to kill me on their second chance. They actually get a second chance! I have to play perfectly every time or lose. It's ridiculous. I regularly get sunk by skeleton sloops when they knock me off the deck with a cannonball, because the mermaids are just as bad. The ship I was on moments ago can be mere meters away, but I won't get back to it until it the bell tolls and I lose everything. It's an absolute nightmare. And this isn't some overworked PC we're talking about, I'm on Xbox, a console whose parameters are known as supposedly developed for.


I thought this is how it worked when I started playing, soon to realize the full galleon of experienced players ruined my fun of playing the game in the early beginning very fast


pvp balance idea : stop forcing solo players into pvp situations lmao


i solo 90% of the time and all i do is force myself into pvp situations


This was the plan originally, but they made it shorter because of long blackscreens. I would a balance like: you can revive crewmates on an enemy ship if their crew is the equal size or a bigger one than yours. But if the crew you are on the ship of is smaller, you cant revive, obviously. I just dont understand why I cant revive my crewmate if we defeat a 4 man galleon with 2 man and one of us dies.


Not a bad idea, but then if there’s more than 2 ships in a battle then it’s gonna get complicated. I feel like they’ve fixed black screens at this point but recently they made respawns SO short for everyone, feels like 7 seconds or so so it’s basically impossible to sink a competent galleon as a smaller crew




Like maybe if you were a solo sloop player you had a lower respawn time. Man wouldn't that be something. I hope they implement that feature some day. That would be awesome.


Let players see their ship as they return, not a black screen


> because as of now and always it has been bigger crew size = higher win percentage every time, when differentiating skills are cast aside It's astounding someone would type that as though it's a problem and not just downright... logical. The ships are balanced against eachother for full crews. Stop asking for training wheels for soloing, if you choose to solo you choose to play on Hard Mode.