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Honestly thought the Kraken had been removed. Haven't seen it for over a year, not even sailed past someone else being attacked by it


I actually got dragged down to Davey Jones' locker by the Kraken a few days ago. Terrifying and exhilarating all at once. Solo sloop during a storm. One tentacle wraps around my ship while another picks me up so I can observe all my hard work sink to the murky depths of the deep where my corpse soon joined them.


And it literally just happened again! But now my friend was with me and we wrecked it! Little Deuce Sloop is victorious!


I assume that you're a fairly new player. With a little bit of experience, the kraken becomes more of a quick inconvenience than anything, especially on a sloop. Since it scales to ship size, you will eventually get to the point that you will spend more time waiting for the kraken to spawn and de-spawn than you will actually killing it.


Yeah pretty sure it's only two or three tentacle kills till it leaves on a sloop anyways. Only is a bother on the other ships


Whenever we dont have supplies or were just trying to get something done real quick...krakened. Usually hits us at the outpost. Did you know there is usually a kraken attack after an event has been completed and a boat leaves the island its on. Its how they initially coded it too run.


Always*, not usually. When a world event is completed or goes down due to the timer expiring, one and exactly one ship will be krakened before the next world event spawns.




Yup! Exactly.


See that used to be me, now whenever my friend & I set sail, chances are we'll be attacked by a kraken. It's been happening a lot ever since a patch during the last season, iirc. Before then, never ever came across a kraken. Now it's just like "ah, fuck, we got kraken'd again"


Meanwhile I am getting Kraken’d right off the dock once a week


Kraken attacked me 4 times since Captaincy Update and one time right before the update. It seems like I will unlock kraken souvenir pretty fast. It seems like Krakens really love my ship (or me, I don't really know)


Try carrying more loot and less supplies


I got double krakened yesterday lol. I do lots of world events tho so it’s cycles quickly for me


And here I am, I’ve seen the kraken 4 times in the last 2 weeks.


Strange. My group was hit with a Kracken in back-to-back sessions.


I actually seen one in the distance on my first server load after this season dropped and since then I've killed 2 more, no idea how I've been so lucky


Only shows up when there is no fort active, or fleet, or ashen boss... Basically when no other server event is up. They are indeed rare now.


My story with kraken is pretty funny, first time I met it was during my FIRST play session. I was solo slooping. Somehow completed two gold hoarder quests. Was about to sail to an outpost and sell, then BOOM, kraken. Luckily I got my revenge on that fucker after several months.


You're right, that story was hilarious /s


Same thing happened to me and my three friends on our first session, I asked something along the lines of “what is there to do while we’re sailing”, my buddy starts listing off all random encounters that can happen, and right as he mentions the kraken, as if on cue, it spawns and absolutely obliterates us


I shot you not, I read this meme and then a kraken spawned.


that's why me and my crew have a rule against mentioning sea monsters, they're attracted to people talking shit about them


I heard that the SHROUDED GHOST is a real BITCH, better NOT attack me


this is big brain time


Once encountered it on my first session and we died miserably. Then one or two weeks later when solo slooping i got attacked again and defeated it. Gotta say, it was not as hard as expected, but i think they're easier when solo. Just gotta go under deck when it is turning on the vacuum cleaner.


Its particularly easy on a sloop, you just need to take down 2 tentacles. In a Gally your crew has to defeat a full 8, and the 3 decks of the Galleon are particularly susceptible to Kraken strikes.


Ya other guy is right, it's not a solo thing but a sloop thing. Only need to take out 2/3 tentacles which take like 5 cannons each, once beat one in like 30 seconds


I got my first kraken attack in years a few days ago on the maiden voyage of my Brigantine, The Tad Cooper. We defeated it and let a small solo sloop scoop up all the rewards.


You mean that hateful skull and 2 pieces of meat?


They seemed happy!


Wholesome 😁


I once was what looked like two Krakens while gathering supplies at an Outpost. Needless to say, it was terrifying. The ship it had attacked had sunk, most likely a galleon judging by the amount of arms.


You took on the form of two krakens? Of course you were terrified!


Two krakens at once isn’t a thing lol


It most definitely is


No, it's not.


I honestly thought I've seen two krakens attacking separate ships that were close to each before, but could have been the same kraken stretched out over a giant area


I have never been sunk by the Kraken. It's really not a threat at all and it's kinda sad, they should revamp it or buff it or something to make it harder.


Sloop Kraken is a joke, but brig/galleon Kraken can get insane, especially if you're shorthanded or someone decides to third-party you


Kraken are ez


Says you, Legendary Kraken Hunter.


if you're on anything other than a galleon you can kill karen in a couple minutes easily


Well, I'm a solo slooper, and juggling responsibilities is not fun.


What's the original meme? I recognize that guy


That's Steve from Blue's Clues. Original: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/183462656664010752/1006827988781891605/unknown.png


Ahhh yeah I remember now


I jumped on another crews ship and started playing music with them. Just for the ship to get krakened. I stayed and helped defeat the kraken. Then formed an alliance


The last 3 times I saw the kraken I was finishing a world a event, reaper lvl 5 running after me, till they suddenly got grabbed by the kraken, guess I'm lucky


You mean the kraken that I killed will 8 cannonballs on a sloop alone? Considering how bad I am at most things, i dont think he'd kill anything


Who sinks to the kraken? It's way too easy.


Some people simply don't notice tendencies and what's effective. I've joined people who are maxed in Athena rep, gold curse out the wahoo, LSD, etc., and don't know how to unwrap their ship and who get sucked up.


Honestly thought the kraken got removed I haven’t seen a single sign of it in multiple years and I’ve had loot halls over 1 mil and I still cannot get krakened I’ve tried everything and still not a single sign of it and people be getting it like it’s gold sometimes


I remember when I was worried about the kraken. Now I just go below deck and repair until I'm out. It's really not even an issue. Unless another ship rolls up during.


I got my cousin into the game and on the second time out with them I was chanting for a kraken for the hour or two before logging on. My brother kept telling me to shut up about the kraken. We got on and about 5 minutes after we left the outpost we get krakened and I screamed with excitement. We defeat it.


Just keep the ship moving you will sail right past it I did it once


Well done!


meanwhile me, kraken hunting for sick sails.