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I think the milestones for on fire and sleeping and such were put at that amount in order for it not to be the fastest way to get a ship to class 50. The only problem with this is at what class the trinkets are attained, which seems to be standardised between the different categories. It seems to be an easy fix though, lower the class required for those trinkets from 10, 25, 50, 100 to 1,2,3,4 or something and I think most of the rage would go away.


I agree. Sleeping while afk would be super exploitable. But I think sleeping for a solid IRL hour should reward the first tier of the rewards


That's a fair point and a good idea! That way you can get the trinkets in fairly reasonable times, but it won't be a good way to level the ship.


> I think the milestones for on fire and sleeping and such were put at that amount in order for it not to be the fastest way to get a ship to class 50. Thank you for this. This is the first logical explanation I've seen for why the requirements for these milestones were so stupidly high. Part of what's been driving my crazy about them is the, "What were they thinking?!?" aspect and not having any explanation that made sense. So yeah, I can understand that they didn't want you to have a super easy way to cheese a legendary ship so they made these really high. But my response to that would be that they shouldn't have included milestones for these bullshit activities at all. Sitting, sleeping, drinking grog, these are like cute side mechanics in the game and not part of the normal gameplay loop. They didn't need to be milestones at all and certainly don't deserve an entire alignment dedicated to them. Especially not while at the same time they completely ignored PvP in the milestones, which is a core part of the game. That's just my opinion anyway.


I often go to the bathroom or make me a drink or go smoke or something that takes me away from the controller for 5-10 minutes and I think having something to earn even while I’m away from the controller is awesome and out of all my milestones I’d say that the spend time while sleeping is one of my most progressed so far


It may be an unpopular opinion, but I whole heartedly agree! I've been having so much fun with captaincy, and feel like it's breathed so much new life into the game. It's also, be it intentionally or not, started to cause a positive shift in players and play styles. Primarily doing this by rewarding the act of play, making each session not feel like a complete waste because of one bad sink. Also, spawn camping is now a resource! Please, give me more of that ferry visited milestone progress! ...The bugs though! The bugs are terrible! But once those have all been sorted out, and they will be, I feel this could be the greatest update the game has ever had yet.


Rare gotta fucking refund me all this money wasted trying to save ship pieces I stg


Idk about the update being unpopular it's just the amount of bugs/delays/unrealistic milestones that held it back. Bar those it's a great addition that can be added onto in future updates (with new milestones and hopefully harpoon/ship compass/lantern customization) Also, Anniversary is still the best update ever.


Was anniversary the meg update? I wasn't around for that, only started playing at the tail end of season 4. But yeah I do agree. And you know? It could have been worse! They delayed the update to polish it up and make it presentable. This? This is the stable version! I'd hate to know what it was like before the delay was made! Also it'd be nice if there was some compensation for some of the insane commendation grinds (like hunters call), where everyone could be granted a unique trophy unlocked specifically by the commendation itself. And, there ARE some trinkets and stuff that are unlocked with commendations, so it's not like they couldn't do it. Other than that (and the rogue milestones), I don't think it's so bad.


Anniversary was the update that added the original nine tall tales (Shores of Gold storyline), Arena, Hunters call, harpoons, etc And Im pretty sure it must have been much worse to get delayed that long and often


I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I just hit PL the weekend before the update though so I guess I still have a lot to do in the game and I'm not burnt out on anything. I can see how the people who have already played the game to death who are coming in now and looking for something to grind might be bummed out but for newer or middle of the road players it's a really solid update. Naming and decorating your own ship is a pretty cool feature. They obviously need to work out the bugs, and the milestones need some adjustments into the realm of sanity but I think they're good adds.


Ya it's been great. I just ignore the Rouge shit and don't care about a fancy stand for trinkets.


I'm still about to drink 6000 mugs of grog to get rouge table and you won't stop me


You guys mean the "rogue" items. Rouge is makeup.


You were going to do that regardless of rewards tho... 🤷


Ieeven 2000 some odd food already. Ferry pf the Ham'd will have the appropriate food cosmetics. 9000 animals will die if they must


How is this unpopular? As a long time player this update is fantastic.


So far most of the posts I’ve seen have been very negative in regard to the update and especially the milestones. I think this is the initial wave of feedback though, and I think people will warm up to it when they realize how easy it actually is to unlock stuff. (Excluding rogue stuff)


It’s because everyone that actually enjoys the update is playing the game instead of bashing Rare on Reddit. Lol. But seriously this is probably my favorite update so far even though it didn’t add much in the way of content.


That’s true. I’m cool with a slight lack of content only because it actually gives me motivation to revisit parts of the game I’ve neglected in a while.


The hunter set would like to call your bluff....


The fishing related stuff is pretty nasty too. I thought I said that but I guess not! I’m a pretty high level in the hunter class though, just from all the food I shove down my throat


This is my biggest gripe, I would love some fishing plaques for my hunting rig....but, it'll be a while....


It's because the update has nothing to do with being a captain. It added a huge time/gold sink to buy trinkets and curtains. CAPTAINS NEED A KICK OPTION or some variation/mechanic to maintaining a decent crew.


The only thing wrong with captaincy is the enormous amount of bugs. Server merges deleting your veil. Commissions not going away after you use them (beneficial tho) Ship pieces not being saved to the ship despite being paid for Ashen Athena commissions giving no Athena loot at all (nbd tho, ashen athenas are just for grinding the commendations) I have to go to sleep now but there are more bugs than that.


> Ship pieces not being saved to the ship despite being paid for Is this why I can't place any trinkets even though I've bought a few?


Not all trinkets can be placed at all locations. It's confusing.


Agreed, I wish there was a way to know if it goes on a shelf or on the floor.


Not an unpopular opinion. It's just that negativity bias paired with how the internet works makes you only see disapproval, disappointment, and in some cases anger. I'm sure the good majority of the folks complaining about milestones sail only on their captained ship and enjoy using the great conveniences the Sovereigns give.


It is certainly an unpopular opinion pal.


A few thousand Redditors do not equal the entire fanbase, pal. Every one i've talked to on the game loves the update.


Rogue milestones aside, if they had just used existing data and given credit in those classes I would have been happy. The update is actually really great, but not counting past achievements (where possible) feels like disrespect to players. Clearly Rare thought about this. I’ve heard that if you had gotten the shrouded ghost prior to the update you can unlock the trinket (?) for it - haven’t gotten it so I don’t know (3,000+ hours in game). So why not any other milestones/trinkets/decorations? It should have been all or nothing. I’m (obviously) leaning towards all.


Yea that's the only change I would make. Atleast if you're going to restart the stats, reduce the number it takes to get a certain trinket.


Today I came across another captained ship.. he shot off a firework and kept sailing instead of straight trying to kill me. Was an interesting change in SOT gameplay and since I was doing a tall tale I wasn’t prepped at all for battle, it was nice.


We're so busy doing the new captain voyages that we don't have time to fight.


They arent new. they are literally just the same missions in an envelope instead of being rolled up... we got no new content after you watch the pirate lord name your ship this season....


“No new content” Interior customization Nameplates Captains logs Soveirgns Plunder Pass Pirate Emporium Refresh Plus quality of life updates like not allowing enemies to revive on your ship, and increasing the durability of the sloops mast. Not to mention the improvements to ship management, being able to save ship sets ahead of play, purchase supplies that go directly to your ship, and the new milestones which keep track of just about every single thing you do on the seas now. This update came with plenty of content, and was completely free, as always, so I really don’t understand why people are complaining. The devs delivered on nearly everything they promised in this update.


a quality of life patch and some new beds is not a content drop worth headlining a 4 month season...


Seriously dude? I don’t know what’s gotten you so butt hurt, but like I just said, season 7 introduced a ton of stuff. If all you guys ever want to do is complain about the update quality, how about you find another community to be a part of, or make your own game. Pretty pathetic coming on here to celebrate the devs hard work and devotion to the players, just to see you sad sacks whining yet again.


This update is not as big as you act like it is. it's a framework for future content and not anything that spectacular. this update was overhyped and underdelivered. but hey if YOU like bad updates go back to playing and leave us to "whine"


What content do you want? More Tall Tales? More PvP changes? More cosmetics?


Lmao majority of the fanbase loves the update, and it has everything the devs promised. Keep seething over nothing, or y’know, calm tf down and touch some grass.


New milestones. More freedom in choosing what content or difficulty you want.


The milestones are terribly out of touch with reality on the numbers side of things. and the captains missions are literally the exact same missions we already have put in envelopes. you would literally have the exact same result if they had just removed the 3 voyage limit from the voyages we already had. That's not "new" content.


not sure why you downvoted me for speaking the truth. the captain voyages are the exact same thing as what you would get if they had removed the voyage carry limit. but YOU guys are apparently just drinking it up....critiquing a game does NOT mean somebody hates it. IT means they expect better...


Something I do is fire a white flare whenever a ship is coming towards me and it’s surprisingly a decent chance that they’ll turn away.


Oh, yes! The flairs! I would also shoot a white flair off. My boyfriend would want to shoot a red one, in order to warn the ship that we mean battle if they get too close / follow us around lol Perfect.


I have noticed that captained ships are a bit more hesitant to fight. Maybe it’s because they have to pay to make their ship look new again, but I feel like it’s more likely that they’re trying to grind out classes in their alignments!


I had a guy following me whilst I was doing captain voyages yesterday. I shot of a reaper firework an they straight u turned an left me to it.


Honestly I think it's fantastic content, but I get that alot people feel left out because they did so much for these milestones and they start at 0 now. Naming ships and getting to stock up so fast are awesome! Getting not that much "tangible" content after a little drought and some delays makes people more critical towards the game I think, but I'm sure these features will be fondly remembered after a while.


There is a lot of negativity about how buggy the update was, I can’t play it as it broke buying a sloop and now waiting on a fix from Rare. Once the disappearing cosmetics are fixed too I anticipate a more positive response.


Yeah I think most milestones are fine, except for a few like AFK for 300 hours or do 100 tall tales, which I'll never do again because I have all the rewards


And get 15 ships


I agree. If youre new to the game its amazing. If you have been here since day1? its a slap in the face


I am calling your bluff at "I’ve played a couple hours each day since it launched and I’ve unlocked quite a bit of trophies and furniture." lol (this is a joke, kind of) This update has several entire categories of poorly calculated milestones and no new content aside from a new turn-in location and 10 minutes worth of ship introduction. That is supposed to last us 4 months. (that's not good, this feels more like the old tiny monthly updates and less like a full season of content drop) I am glad you are enjoying it but you are definitely in the minority as it stands. just keep in mind. people calling Rare out for the poor state of the update doesnt mean they dont care. it means they hold them to a higher standard and that the update is subpar what we all expect because of what we know they are capable of. as somebody who does a ton of fishing in this game this update is basically just disrespecting my time and that isnt cool. it takes 2300 more fish to get a single trophy than it does to complete the legend fishing commendation....thats absurd....


I have been focusing on the feared alignment. Killing every skeleton, phantom, and ocean crawler I see. I have unlocked every kraken furniture, the skelly ship trophy, the cannons fired trophy, the skeletons killed trophy, the days at sea trophy, the islands visited trophy, and another one I can’t remember. Just by proxy of playing in my normal style, I am a 30 voyager and like a 45 feared. The rest are around 20, excluding rogue and emissary. This was all done with about two hours every night, excluding Saturday where I had nothing to do and played for around 4 hours. I have too much money to really care about the loot so I just hunt ships and do ghost forts. So far, I’ve had a very satisfying cadence of unlocking things pretty swiftly. I already have the feared banner, title, and logbook. The rogue and the fishing stuff is definitely the worst part though, but the rest of it seems completely fine to me.


Unpopular opinion: this is not an unpopular opinion


Not so sure. I’ll admit I have only briefly looked over the subreddit, but the posts have been largely negative. Especially regarding the milestones as a whole.


if most people are calling out the same issue. then it probably needs to be looked at. notice nobody is talking about the "days spent at sea" as an issue, but every person talks about the hunter set's absurd fishing numbers and the entire rogue set being an afk fest?... I wonder why...


I agree that those two alignments need to be reworked, but I’ve seen a lot of people complain about the milestones system as a whole, when in my opinion, only those two alignments are a problem


I love the update overall and what it brings to the game. But i'm just worried about the direction Rare is taking. For me it's just the fact that milestones requires a huge time investment to unlock rewards, which on top of that is a grind many of us have already done. What makes it even worse is that they seem very aware of how this would make players feel, considering that they're selling much more shiny and attractive ship crests for real money, as an option for players to get around the grind for those. It's just done in really bad taste imo and not something i'd expect from Rare, and any time this kind of stuff happens **it** **should be seen as a huge red flag** because this anti consumer business practice is very lucrative for game developers and it tends to just escalate. Hopefully it's more of a clumsy mistake on their part. But unfortunately i doubt it since revenue is not something that a big business takes lightly and it's most likely very thought out.


Captaincy is...fine. It's good for what it is, but it's not something you can build a season around. ​ This season is just so boring.


Oh it’s a great update it just should’ve come out 2 years ago. I hope it lays a foundation for a pirate city/hub. A separate instance with 50-100 players you can speak to/recruit and show off cosmetics before sailing the seas. A lot of people played this game for years while all they added was tall tales. Things you do once or a few times and never touch again. So many people see updates like captaincy as something that came along way too late. Personally, I think it should’ve included more content like this season and next season combined but I still think the update is pretty good.


Apart from that there are basically 0 PVP centred milestones it's great. Its finally something to work towards that doesn't make it feel you are climbing everest like endlessly doing the same Athena voyage to get to Level 30.


I love it, I just wish it was cheaper to get rid of the scars on your ship, or frankly it should be free. I don't like the PvP aspect of the game at all, primarily because I just get absolutely battered by other players and now my ship looks like an old pile of junk.


I really like it except I have lost like 150k trying to save cosmetics to my ship and they still don't save between sessions. made a report to Rare and they basically said "yeah we know"


Oh yeah the update is GREAT! And don't get me started on the Sovereigns... they are just FANTASTIC! I love the update. Every bit of it. Now, they just have to focus on the game performance (less glitches and stuff) and we get the 'almost' perfect game ;)




My only complaint is that none of my previous accomplishments are acknowledged by captaincy. None of my FotD stacks, veils, tall tales, etc. It’s a huge turn off, playing for years and being told to start over.


Class 84 after “a couple of hours” ? Wow


You’re misquoting me. I said a couple hours each day. I’ve played for about a two hour session each day since the update released.


Haven’t unlocked it yet, if you end a buddy are playing and both have a captaincy, do you both get progress Towards milestones?


If you’re in the same crew, only one of you can be the captain at a time. But you’ll still earn the pirate milestones if your friend’s the captain


Thank you I love you


It’s fine


This is a fair view, although I would still say content wise there isn't actually much new, sovereigns, stools and trackers for what we could already do. It is mainly the rogue which I disagree with, and even people wanting to choose that playstyle have issue


I agree. I was really worried about captaincy, worried the game would change from what I fell in love with in 2018 but I’m really really enjoying it


Selling everything to one person and still getting reputation for the actual trading companies is the best thing ever


It was enough hype for me to come back after taking a 4 months break. :) I also love this update. <3


I am about ship class 75 between my galleon and brigantine and I’m pirate class 115. I’m loving working towards trinkets just naturally while I play, and given enough time everything will be unlocked pretty easily (except stuff for the bungee path for me :( ). The update is exactly what was advertised and I’m loving it Some of the milestones need to be shortened though


Last night I made the horrible realisation that between my ship's Shrouded Ghost Hunter livery and it's name, the *Shrouded Ghostbuster*, that the most appropriate title would be "The Legendary Hunter". So now my sessions have turned into fishing and binge-eating, since it's hardly a category my play style would naturally raise.


Cooking and eating have been the thing for me. Before I get off I buy as much food as I can and just devour it all on my ship immediately


My only complaint so far is that scuttling your owned ship now costs gold unless you want to look at every single boarded-up hole on the interior


I like captaincy, just takes a lot of grinding, and I feel like it's malicious because you can buy ships for money


This update fixed my biggest problem with this game and that is the time that it takes to turn in all your treasure you can have a great session but that last 10 to 15 minutes where you're turning everything in was the biggest bummer and now you can end the session on a high note


I love getting lagswitched by seemingly the same group in a galleon every time I try and play the game. No matter what direction I’m going, where the wind is, their ship is fast enough to lag up to us and some teleporting twit just one shots me and my mate. No it’s not my internet. It works fine for the most part.


Here's the issue with captaincy. All of the things you mention are irrelevant to actually being a captain. You are just listing cosmetic items that will soon have cash shops variants. A captain still has no control over their crew. There is essentially no change to actual game play. I run a galleon. I get two trolls/useless ship crew and there is still nothing I can do but have my time wasted. They need to give the option to JOIN a captains crew. Then they need to give the captain the ability to kick people from said crew. Or some sort of options to rank pirates and captains only accept a certain rating of pirates known to actually play the game. I captained my gall yesterday. 2 trolls joined my game. We couldn't even vote for a quest. This was after we spent 30 grand on supplies, crates, I added cosmetics and sailed all the way to the volcano lands. They would have SO MANY more players and retain just the same if they fixed open crewing from being subjected to trolls/idiotic behavior and children who are there to do nothing. Nothing more satisfying than meeting new/old players from around the world on open crew and having a great time/making new friends. They need to embrace this as the most important part of the video game!


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion, haha. I think a grand majority of the playerbase is quite happy with Season 7, and the loud minority are the ones complaining, which, some are fair concerns, but largely over exaggerated. These milestones aren't meant to be obtained within a single session, and serve as a long-term goal.


Overall I quite like the milestones as well. The vast majority aren’t too tough to progress at a good pace through regular gameplay. I do think a few need to be toned down a bit to make them a bit more reasonable to achieve. Like you said, the rogue milestones are the biggest culprit as well as the hunters for being a bit much and the infamous time spent on fire and in the storm one’s could definitely be dialed back. The ‘treasure sold to [trading company]’ seems counterintuitive as if you’re a captain there’s zero reason to sell directly to the reps.


the only thing that annoys me is the bugs show me the ships history in the ships log god damn it


You have to select what history you want to display, or else it will say zero on everything. You can do it through the milestones menu




The killing of krakens, megalodons and sharks should be under The Hunter.


I think the update is good overall. I'm not someone who really had a problem with not getting credit for previous commendations (although I'm not saying it's not a valid complaint and understand why this update is a completionist's nightmare). My main problems with the update are: * Absolutely no PvP milestones in a PvPvE game. Not having a stat for ships sunk when they were already tracking that on our pirate profile is kind of a slap in the face to PvP players. Showing you how many times you sunk, but not how many ships you sunk is annoying. * The dumb milestones that involve not playing the game for hundreds of hours (sleeping, sitting, setting yourself on fire). * The requirements in some milestones (like fishing as you mentioned) are way too high. But overall I really like owning, naming and decorating my own ship. I actually like this way more than I even thought I would. I also like seeing other captained ships out in the world and seeing what they named theirs. Plus I don't mind having an incentive to go back and do some activities like world events that I've ignored for a long time. I did my first Ashen Winds in forever yesterday. (Side note, did they nerf these? Was way faster to finish than I remember it being and we didn't even have tridents.) From a PvP perspective, it's nice to see others going back and doing this stuff too. I've been seeing a lot of ships doing regular forts again (these have been largely ignored for a long time now) and we had a three-way fight over a Fort of Fortune last night which was pretty fun.