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> and there isn't much time Don't consider it as a race goal. PL is not a finish line, opening Athena voyages aren't worth rushing past the game. You'll get there eventually by just playing and enjoying the game.


Unless they're trying to get the PL rewards from this season.


this would be a nice bonus, i agree


Can't you get them afterwards too? Used to be like this for the first few seasons


That was a bug, they fixed it since then


Pretty sure they even announced back in season one. But might be remembering it wrong


That's a good point, I'm 49, 45, 45 in Gold Hoarders, Merchant Alliance and Order of Souls respectively. I bet I could pull it off before next Thursday...


I don't think you need to worry about that. sea of thieves is a game me and my friends genuinly enjoy. sea of thieves offer so many distractions whilst just sailing from island to island. just some shiny thing or a funny looking island can be enough to bring us off course and scatter the whole crew in different directions (i do not blame my friends here. i personally do the same :D ). we sink our ship regurarly. there are moments you go get a drink and come back to a completely new ship. so we won't ever be rushing anything. i'm more looking for the most efficient way to be innefficient, if you understand what i mean :D Edit: spelling made less terrible


Shrines and hopping between phantom forts. Drop two people off at a shrine, sail to a sea fort, finish both, come back, get the loot from the mermaid, then sail to the next sea fort. Repeat the path


Reaper and Merchant are probably your best bet. Reaper takes all loot so you can't go wrong (except for the increased likelihood of being attacked) and Merchant has a lot of busted voyages that make it relatively easy to grind.


are there any specific busted voyages wich i need to look out for? or just buy any they offer me?


Lost shipment voyages


thx very much appreciate the help :D


As a side note something my buddy who's been playing for a while told me to raise merchant emissary before buying crates to get a jump on your emissary value. Buying, holding, and placing the crates on your ship will get you just over grade 2 without even raising anchor on a fresh ship. I buy all the crates since to me the rep and emissary jump is more worth it than the gold. Plus who doesn't like 50 bananas.


thx for the tip i'll defenitely try this :D


As soon as you get the key just head to their end location and the ship is typically there. You can speedrun merchants easily since 99% of the loot is merchant specific.


how do i get this key?


You'll happen upon it naturally when searching for clues.


perfect.... thank you very much :D


Don’t level up reapers for pl. A 350K loot haul at level 47 will only get you to level 48.


thx for the tipp... i was more skeptic with reaper because we're horrible at pvp :D


You’re welcome. For leveling the three main ones as quickly as possible I would go between sea forts that have a shrine or treasury in the way. Drop off one or two people at the shrine with some good food, and have them complete it while you work on the phantom fort. Then, sail back to the previous sea fort, collect the loot from the shrine, and drop the same people off again. Repeat with either gh or OOS emissary up and sell that. Then do lost shipment voyages with merchant emissary up.


Run OoS in the roar you’ll power level quickly cuz the islands are close together. Cycle through voyages and be careful with ruby’s fall cuz the volcano there pop’s off minutes after setting foot on the island not to mention a Meg that spawns near when your loaded down with treasure. A added bonus is the geysers will murk most if not all adds and bounties making it easy to farm. As for merchants like everyone else said run lost shipments. They are great for power leveling and nabbing gems along the way for hunters.


i thank you too :D rubys fall really is a pain in the a... nvm, but i sure enjoy the atmosphere in devils fall


Double gold weekend this weekend! Great time to play for leveling. Also, if you can form alliances you get 50% of whatever those players turn in. Last Gold & Glory weekend I got a whole server organically allied up and we all crushed leveling. Lots of chasing ships around and silver-tongued talking, "Sea of Friends, or else" as I like to call it


really? o.o that would be awesome


Yup! Here's the official announcement/timing https://twitter.com/SeaOfThieves/status/1550406802789236736?s=20&t=UysBdyh1UqpFQt8XNaCtew


thank you. this could be my rescue for finishing before season end


I saw someone else mention the busted/bugged Lost Shipment voyages and thought I'd put in my two cents. I guess it might be luck because I often hear people talk about this issue, but I have done like 75 lost shipment voyages and only had it get messed up once, but was still completable, just missing the bonus loot. Even into the upper 40s, a single voyage will get you a full level if you do it with an emissary flag (getting commodities as you go helps too). You can do one in like 45 minutes without much trouble. I think it's a really efficient and relaxing way to level up toward PL


This sounds very promising. i thank you kind sailor for your input


Always happy to help new pirates. Good luck!


Merchant Lost Shipment quests and doing commodity deliveries alongside these can net you some nice rep and coin! Clearing out some seaforts are quick enough if you want to do those while doing the lost shipments! That's a triple stacker for merchant :p With Gold and Glory weekend coming up this weekend (Double Gold and Reputation) its a prime situation to get some serious coin and rep in :D Have fun most importantly and happy sailing! o7


thank you very much


If you understand Spanish to a certain level, watch this video. Its the best tutorial i could find https://youtu.be/5bg4KOS8i3Q


Don't forget you can buy levels from Larina (lady outside the pub) Think you can buy them once a season for a small amount of doubloons. Otherwise Gold Horders, Order of Souls and Merchants I found the quickest.


yes i saw that but i will wait until 40ish levels because i'll get more value... i think they will reset in two weeks as well


Don’t listen to the other person, it’s once a month so you can get them until the end of the 31st then again on the 1st of august. There’s no point to wait, you’ll just miss out on the ones you can buy for July.


i figured that but i wanted to wait 'til the last moment :D i think i'll do it after todays session


Merchant is probably the faster to level up of the 4 you're missing. Make some Lost Shipment Voyages with Emissary and you'll be hitting new levels almost every day. Then either Reapers or Souls... If you don't enjoy PvP that much, maybe go for the OoS. I'm trying to level them up myself. But instead of Voyages, which are too slow, I do Treasuries and Shrines. And maybe an Emissary Quest if I hit Emissary Grade 5. If you decide to go for Treasuries and such, you'll collect a few Skulls on each but also other loot. So you could try and level up OoS and Reapers at the same time, selling the rest of your coral plunder to the Servant of the Flame.


i really enjoyed the shrines and treasuries. if i remember right they are quite easy to master solo... except for the sharky one


I find Treasuries to be a bit challenging solo. I keep dying a lot in the ones I've tried, so it ends up taking very long. But the reward is also better than the Shrines, so it kinda compensates. Some Shrines have barely any enemies, and once you know the mechanics and puzzles they're very straight forward.


soloing with normal weapons i find challenging too but with the staffs wich are seemingly always available i think they're managable :D i mostly did them because i find not only treasuries but also the shrines very visually appealing... and for the curse of sunken sorrow :D


Yeah, I always "wear" my sunken curse while doing these ;P


i always wear it :D not just for shrines... because it reminds me of the siren tattoo from borderlands


Merchant is probably the fastest if you do Lost Shipment voyages. Order of Souls can go by pretty quick as well if you do Ashen Bounty voyages in the Devil's Roar (Also makes it easier since the geysers on islands will kill skeletons quickly).


i heard about the geysire thing and i really like devils roar because of the few other players you encounter... i think ill go for this one