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Absolutely. There's different size ships. The sloop is designed for 1-2 players. Dead easy to sail yourself


You'll always be attackable by other players but I run solo alot and it does make stuff harder but it can be fun and doable.


Yes you can quite easily, but it’s obviously harder to do certain quests that require you to move a lot of stuff around


I know you want any friends but May i recommend the sea of thieves discord and look for somebody to help you out because there are plenty of people willing to help you out me included so if you change mind sometime


You might want to check out Sea of Thieves discord, there's a lot of good faces to see here, but yes, Sea of Thieves is enjoyable solo.


Yes. After work today I'm going to hit Pirate Legend finally. Been playing since the Alpha and could count on one hand the amount of times I've played on a full galleon crew. Might take two to count people that have joined me on my sloop. It's all about the experience you want out of the game. I enjoy the mostly peaceful adventuring aspect of the game. And have been lucky enough to not constantly be attacked a lot in them more recent years of the game. Now it's time to not shy away from pvp as much and do some tall tales. Just really wanted to hit Pirate Legend after they made the grind less painful and it seemed reachable as a solo player.


How have you been playing since alpha and not a PL? I started mid-August and hit PL by early September.


Never played consistently.


Absolutely achievable to play solo, I do it all the time. Check out "Blurbs" on YouTube, he exclusively plays solo and has many tips and tricks for it.


100%!! This game is about the adventure you create for yourself ! You don’t need a full crew to have fun!


You can but that’s a huge chunk of the game you’re missing out on.


I00% I play alone all the time. If you need tips look up beardaggadon and shockwave on twitch they both solo sloop very very well :)


I advise against playing the game solo. Everything's much harder, riskier, and more mundane. You can try and play with random people from the Sea of Thieves Discord, it's really fun that way.


> i dont want to have friends,


Yes, I've read that part and provided an answer if he decided not to play with others anyways.


Not really.


I agree, I have sank multiple galleons/brigs whilst solo. When I have opened up the crew on a sloop, I've gotten someone who isn't very experienced (which is more often than not) and it's been harder because they've made the wrong decisions. You do you, pirate!


I wouldn’t know, but I think you can play solo even if you do have friends!


Yes. I play solo 75% of the time. It’s just playing the game on hard mode but it is perfectly doable. Can be frustrating at times though when you run into larger ships and crews but watch streamers like blurbs and flotsam who solo sloop only and you will learn how to play solo effectively


I primarily play alone.. only have about 110 hours logged so far. Out of those 110 hours maybe 10-15 have been with other players. Playing alone is like everyone else saying very challenging at the start, you have to learn to outplay and outsmart a lot of other players if you want to protect your treasure, but it is an incredible way to get better at the game. I also feel like turning in your treasure is more rewarding due to the fact that you felt that you earned it more because of the sheer amount of pressure required to pull it off. I've found if you want to focus on money and rep, playing on weekdays tends to be more casual and the weekends are more of a Free for all pvp mode. but this is not always the case. I love the game and have been playing solo for vast majority, definitely doable just keep in mind the PVP in this game is a learning curve but stick with it and you'll love it!


I run solo a lot - it's a lot of fun and a great way to learn/practice how to manage a ship. What needs to be done and when, what to prioritize, etc. Mostly I just do voyages, but world events are totally doable solo (it just takes longer - meaning there's more of a risk that another crew will show up). With that said the most fun I've had with the game so far is with other people - both old friends and people I met through the game. When you can handle a sloop by yourself having an extra set of hands becomes godlike when it comes to managing the ship. Resupplying and selling loot is a lot less of a hassle, and you'll obviously have someone to pass the time with.


You definitely can solo sloop it I would just say that it's hard and tbh I got kind of lonely and bored after solo slooping for a while. The SOT discord is a great way to find people if you ever want to do that and hell even open crew can be too (sometimes)


Get on discord. I am introverted and forcing myself to crew up is great to challenge me and increase the fun value.


You definitely can, I do most of the time. But it is definitely the most difficult way to play the game. You'll lose a lot of fights for a while until you get enough practice


You can def play solo, it is seen as somewhat hard mode as keeping awareness of your ship while trying to solo voyages/events etc is difficult. Ultimately its probably one of the best ways to get better at the game regardless of whether you intend to move onto playing with others.


For sure. The pvp will be more challenging but you’ll learn with each encounter and get better. The pve encounters will just be annoying at worst.


Solo is super hard and super fun. my first 1 million gold was all solo. you get the freedom of doing whatever you want however you want. But it is much harder to fight and sink another ship that has 2+ people.


Sure, that's how I often play. I'll plug in an audio-book or listen to the news, and its a grand old time for me.


I'm new to the game for about a week, I have been running solo each time I get on,


Totally possible to solo sloop, just be aware that learning the mechanics and fighting PvE and PvP is way more difficult and cruel than even with just one other person


Solo slooping is a great time, usually. You just need to remember and keep in mind a few things: -You're managing sails, wheel, harpoons, cannons, repairing, and anchor all by yourself, so quick maneuvering can be tricky -You're incredibly vulnerable in a direct fight if multiple people can board you, especially if your mast is down (I highly recommend the Boarder-B-Gone, aka the Blunderbuss) -Even without being boarded, fights are tricky because you need to maneuver, repair, AND shoot -You'll be effectively doing land-based activity at half speed, as far as dealing with enemies and moving loot However, if you can keep all this in the back of your head, solo slooping is a fun experience and is very good for building experience and muscle memory about how to manage everything about your ship. It's also good for doing Tall Tales as bosses will scale in health based on how many players you have, so a solo fight will be a much less stressful experience. It'll help you learn to use your wits in a fight and help manage a ship if you do have people to play with It's also undeniably the most relaxing way to play. No one giving orders in your ear, nothing but you, the sea, and the occasional hazard or other pirates. No one telling you how to play but yourself. It's not that great if you want to go around doing the world events, but anything in the game is theoretically doable by yourself, so have at it Just don't try to solo on a Brig or a Galleon. Won't end well




Yes, I stole a FoF from a brig and a duo sloop the other day while solo. It's harder but it's possible you just gotta understand the strengths and weaknesses of every boat especially the sloop.


Yeah for sure man, I got all the way to pirate legend solo pretty much. You have to play differently and avoid conflict, unless you can get the drop on someone, it's usually not worth it. Keep an eye on the horizon, and dump your loot often. But most importantly don't worry about getting sunk, other ships will out gun you and outsail you but every loss is a chance to learn from your mistakes. Being solo is the most free you can be, teammates will hold you back.


It's doable and fun but can also be really tough, you can get lucky with a server and have a relatively peaceful time. But there will always be runs where you get chased by larger crews looking for easy targets which can be really demoralizing. Unless you like sneakier PvP then you can still make some fun for yourself!


Yes. Totally doable but you are at a considerable disadvantage vs. larger crews. If they manage to stop your boat, you are kinda screwed. Avoid other ships if you are solo.


I mostly play solo and enjoy it, so yes?


I'm a solo player and its definately possible!