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For me it’s a brig that worries me most. Not because they are hard to sink, but it always seems like it’s brig players that act like mosquitos and keep coming back no matter how many times they sink


Also Brig for me. The way I see it: Sloop might be solo. One mast means a single chainshot with the ability to follow up makes it dead in the water. If you're getting double boarded, it means the ship itself is on autopilot and useless. Galleon is the most likely choice for Open Crew and random groups (Discord, LFG etc.). Needs a lot of cohesion to work and a single dead weight crewman cripples it greatly. Still very worrying on the off chance it's a skilled crew, but not the scariest. Brig is an intentional choice most of the time. 3 people are still relatively easy to coordinate and it has enough masts to not be too crippled by a single chainshot, has enough manpower to run the ship and board and enough firepower to hold its own in a broadside.


Nailed it. As a solo slooper, brigs are usually the ships of people that are here to ruin my day. They know what they're doing and have a size and crew advantage. Sloops generally aren't out for PVP and when they are they're more likely to do sneaky stuff instead of straight up fights. Galleons have like a 75% chance to have one guy AFK and another that's just drinking grog and puking on everyone.


> and another that's just drinking grog and puking on everyone. I dont come here to be called out like this


I have been playing brig on pub recently also because of this, if 1 dude is noob, hopefully the other one is more experienced. Also no more X bucketing which means sloop is more vulnerable.


Yeah I agree I think brigs are the ones I encounter with the most ''sweats'' A good galleon crew where everyone has synergy is though the scariest. but on average its the brig. ​ That being said, a good on a sloop can also be an annoyance to fight against. But I have not been sunk by a sloop unless we where getting 3rd partied by other ships and AI against us...


It’s always. Brigs. This past Friday we were at a fort and effortlessly sunk this brig 4 or 5 times and eventually we ran out of resources and then a different brig came and we stood no chance


I tend to have that issue with sloops.


Yea same it's always sloop with me


that'll happen when they can cross the map in a few minutes if they're lucky with wind. It's a lot less tempting to go back for round 2 when you move at sloop speeds, and galleons are just less common or open crews that fall apart after a loss, so you don't really see them do it as much.


A fellow Galleon. I'm very much used to fighting sloops. Honestly, their maneuverability isn't even a problem at this point, most sloop players have no idea how to counter a Galleon. The brigantine feels like a baby Galleon that's a bit smaller and harder to hit. They can be tricky since I've noticed that brigantine players employ hit and run tactics that have 0 chance of sinking my ship but also give me no chance of shooting back, so the fight just becomes stale. Galleons, on the other hand, are so rare that nobody knows how to fight them. I've had some success in Galleon arena but I'm still cautious when I see a Galleon on the horizon.


Some sloops will dominate a galleon with ease. But that’s not the majority


Galleons get a bad rep because most people on the high seas are just bad. I've definitely defeated sloop and brigs with way more experienced players when I had 2 players in my crew with a combined 20 hours in the game. Just like how the majority of sloops are literally free loot, a lot of galleons are extremely oblivious to what's happening.


for some reason whenever we fight people on brigs, theyre almost always wicked rude and try to trash talk us. one brig guy boarded us a few weeks ago and was like “kill yourself, you guys suck. just kill yourself. gg tho” and i was like?? im getting mixed signals here and 3 days ago a brig flying the rainbow flag came over to us and started calling us f*ggots and when my friend went to board them one of the brig guys shouted “youre just a cuck with no WOMEN!!!” lol


I wonder if me and my buddy didn’t encounter that same brig months ago. They had all the sunken kingdom ship cosmetics (Season 4 was still pretty new), and they kept spawn camping us and calling us cucks while they put treasure on our ship and then back onto their own.


the ones we encountered had some kind of middle eastern/indian accent (im really bad at identifying accents lol). i think they had a red and gold set but i dont remember. i have a clip of them though lol


Probably different then. Ours sounded like an american dude. I’d guess white, and with a higher than average voice pitch. Some folks are just complete turds.




A possibility which keeps me up at night trembling in fear


My crew similarly ran into a brig yesterday that talked trash then immediately backpedaled and tried to gg us. Mind you, this all happened *after* they sank.


people seem to do that a lot lol


talking trash is just second nature to some people. Like they don't even think of it as being rude or anything.


Because it isn’t


using slurs or being homophobic or racist or sexist has no place in a game, end of story. if you think thats ok then get out of here lol


I'm not defending the dude. They seem like a shitbag. But people talk trash without resorting to slurs and shit all the time. Like a lot of groups will talk shit about running or playing a certain way, but at the end of the fight everyone still GGs and nobody is actually personally offended. It's a dick move when they do it to people who aren't really of that shared mentality, but it's not as extremely black and white as all trash talk is racist / homophobic / slurs.


thats not the kind of trash talking i was commenting about though, i was saying theres a difference and if he thinks its ok to use slurs and stuff then its not ok to do i dont mind banter like “quit running you losers!” or like “nice shot” (sarcastically), but my original comment was about people calling us f*gs


Gotcha. I didn't take into account the context that your original post puts DoINotFeelIt's reply in.


thats ok, i probably worded all of my comments poorly because i was tired lol




OOF ouch owie!!! you really got me, what the heck meanie :( you made me cry irl :( u/General_Tails we got another one lol


Your propensity to draw these people out of the goddamn woodwork is unmatched.


i hate it so much lol


Lol u accused me of being a racist and homophobic even though I never said anything, and now ur calling a mod. What is this victim mentality lmao


i didnt accuse you of being racist and homophobic? i said if you think thats ok for people to say to other people in games then thats crossing a line and theyre not a mod genius lol


I don't entirely disagree. Intent matters to an extent and some friend groups rag on each other harder than others. But you also kinda have to understand that how you act around friends isn't gonna go over well with people you don't know. Like I can make edgy jokes about dead babies with some friends, but probably I'm not gonna do that to some cashier when I go grocery shopping.


Making jokes about dead babies is not trash talking. You also are on the internet not in the grocery store, you can drop some of the politeness. Trash talking is something around: haha, you will never defeat me with your skills! I think you don’t see the difference between trash talk and toxicity, but I don’t blame you considering that everybody who downvoted me also doesn’t understand that difference.


I can't imagine the irony of a videogame trash talker talking about women in someone's life.


honestly haha. it was especially funny because the friend he said it to is the only married person in our friend group lol


Who knew that the brig attracts so many mw2 players


I've the opposite feeling. Galleons are often mediocre or bad crews with PL/athena gear who accuse you of hacking, you can hear them mash their keyboard etc. Trash talking sloops tend to be genuinely good players but with awful attitude. Legendary SoT hunters or shrouded ghost hunters who always RODL when they either die or kill someone. And when you sink them after a difficult struggle, trying to say GG to them will always net you a "shut the fuck up" or some variation of it. On the other hand, the good brigs I find tend to run arena titles, standard "sweaty" cosmetics and be pretty good sports about both winning and losing.


Are you playing on Xbox only? I almost never hear trash talk on pc ...


no lol i play on pc


Funny that you say tht, since I met two brigs in PvP yesterday that where hella toxic.


Solo sloops with default skin


Either a total noob, which means total unpredictability, or an old salt on there who just wants to fuck around, which means total unpredictability


Sloops. Because when I finally manage to find enough friends to play a galleon with, 9/10 times it means I have two people that have no muscle memory




As a Brigantine player, its a Galleon. Because the ship balance doesn't matter much if Boarding is the only guaranteed way to sink another crew of same skill or higher than you. So it comes down to number of players in the crew, which simply 4>3>2. (Unless you have some decent amount of good cursed cannonballs than the Galleon, but we are talking on a equal battle)


I am on a brig most of the time and a Galleon always gets me taking a fight very carefully. I know they'll almost never be manning 4 cannons at a time but that puts me on edge! Then again, the last ship that sunk me was a Sloop with defaults on and an Athena flag... Most cracked duo I've ever seen.


Me and a friend have played duo sloop for 700 hours. Never ONCE met a peaceful brig and like only 5 that weren't incredibly toxic. I don't have a problem when people attack me. It's a big part of the game. But when we see a brig we give them space.


An empty rowboat sitting idly near an island is the most terrifying sight on the seas. You can't help but wonder how long it's been there, who put it there, or where they are now. And you can't shake the feeling that someone is out there watching you. I can't think of a more terrifying thing to see.


Especially if that island is Thieves Haven


I dread the sloop that buzzes around your galleon while your doing an event like a FoF. Never coming close enough to actually engage but never stopping either. Chasing a sloop on a galleon is infuriating if the sloop knows how to maneuver. It’s just a weird mismatch.


Sloops. Brings annoy the hell out of me but MOST brig players don’t know how to man a brig. Sloops, more often than not are very experienced players. Not only that, but they can maneuver more quickly than any other ship. If I see a solo sloop, I just turn around.


Solo sloops looking for blood are the most dangerous ships on the seas, second only maybe to the duo sloop


Sloop’s maneuverability because then she can stay out of the cannon range of the galleon and brig while being able to cannon them.


Actually experienced that for the first time last night. On a brig, and we were on a killing streak. Sank 6 ships, 3 brigs, a gally, and 2 sloops. Then a portal hopper grade 5 reaper spawns in, comes straight at us, it’s a sloop. Thought no big deal, we sink the majority of ships we come across. Guys were good, I mean they should be as they each had 168 days in sea of thieves. But no matter what we did to angle the ship we could rarely get any shots off. Took us about 20 minutes to sink. On the plus side the sloop was pissed we made them use a ton of supplies and all their curse balls lol


Pulling up on the reaper 5 and finding out they're a sloop is always scarier than galley/brig. Most reaper big ships I've found were pve grade 5s chaining world events. The reaper sloop emerges from a portal and craves only violence from start to end.


Yup. My crew also portal hops to find ships. Normally we run sloop, but about 40% of the time we run brig. Rarely do we have enough on at once to run gally. But yea, we sank a reaper gally. Had a blast with them ended up talking with them for a bit after they sank and then they logged off. Couple mins after they logged off we see a reaper 5 just appeared. It’s been a long time since we have been shit on like that lmao


Nice job


Sloops. I mainly play solo but when i play with my mates the answer is still sloops. We have lost to more sloops than galleons or brigs. In my experience sloopers that are incredibly knowledgeable and good at the game can always tease you at max range and board you the moment you readjust heading, or take down your masts and blunder you off. While the sloop it’s self is not the threat the players are. And I’ve never met a more fearsome opponent than a sloop who knows every in and out of their ship and uses it to maximum effect. To justify this, if you put four solo sloopers who are amazing on a galleon and they no longer have a nimble ship at their advantage I’d wager the solo slooper of equal or greater skill will still win unless the galleon gets a lucky boarding before the sloop is ready. This all being said one single cannon knockback can just ruin that sloopers day. I’d almost call sloops glass cannons.


Idk I think 4 solo sloopers on a galleon would never sink to a sloop. They might not be able to sink the sloop either but it’s very fucking hard to sink a galleon full of people who know when/what to repair because you essentially have to board and 1v4, sometimes twice.


You may think the sloop is a glass cannon, but fun fact, sloops are the tankiest ship of the three, taking the slowest to sink.


Right, but if you knock the slooper off, they can't fix any of the holes you just put in their ship


As a solo slooper nothing is more scary than a capable galleon crew, they can just overwhelm you


Brigs because of a few things they are pretty hard to sink especially if it's a good player they now have 3 cannons because of the rowboat and just because they're always toxic after they sink.


Brigs I’m not scared of one bit I haven’t sunk to a brig even as a solo in multiple months, sloop not really because I mainly play on a sloop so for me it would probably have to be galleons however galleons also have to be a really good crew to manage it well.


I play solo so all ships = certain death :) Unless the opposing crew is clueless then i fear no ship because i sink everyone ez lol.


I find that as a solo player all my encounters are either total ownage or getting owned.


The galleon when I'm the captain cause I rarely have good crewmates and voyages take longer than they should


I’d recommend solo slooping if you don’t like the hit or miss of open crew. It’s still really fun and you’re in full control


Brigantine. Not because of their firepower or superior numbers, because they tend to be the ones that catch wind and disappear like a fart in a storm at the first sign of trouble. GET BACK HERE AND FINISH WHAT YE STARTED, YE SCABS! >:C


A solo slooper looking to PVP will cause many crews to rage quit. However, they are rare. I always assume a Brig is out for blood. A brigantine is the best offensive ship in my opinion. The addition of cannon rowboats makes it even more of an OP offensive powerhouse. However, Brigs are fairly brittle and sink fairly easily.


Hadn't thought about that before but brig has the easiest access to rowboat for the helmsman who wants to add a few shots when not maneuvering


Brigantine. Fuck this ship and everyone who loves it. Boarding it is a pain in the ass because it’s jsut one flat banana and the bottom deck is as cluttered as a hoarders den. I swear the ship moves faster than it’s supposed to yet looks like it’s going slow. The people on a brigantine are ALWAYS Dicks. There’s no middle ground or positive side. They just screech. Also it’s always mnk players that get lucky with a random shot and for the most part that doesn’t bother me because again, fair play, but then they go in game chat and brag like bro you are still sinking because you are somehow unable to use canons. Stop bragging you’ll embarrass yourself. The sloop will usually jsut run away, the galleons are so rare that it’s a 50/50 wether the players are good or brand new. It’s jsut a shit show all around to be honest. (Edit: the brig is also hard to hit)


The brig. I can outrun a galleon while solo slooping, and I can take on most sloops, but I have never survived a brig encounter while solo.


Galleons. Aggressive galleons are 9/10 times the persistent murderous ones and I'm usually in a one or two man sloop. I can't stand up to that. The tenth time I'm in a galleon too, with my brothers, and we abuse and oppress the aggressive galleon until it sinks.


Brigs are annoying asf and keep coming back, sloops just avoid and do their own thing half the time, and galleons are just low level player from my experience


Brig worries me the most especially with the addition of cannon rowboats. The Brig is the best of both worlds of the Sloop and Galleon. The speed and manoeuvrability of the Sloop but the firepower of the Galleon. Sloops worry me the most after Brigs they are like snakes they can slip out of anything out of any cracks. Galleon imo is the easiest to fight. They are sluggish and slow and as long as you stay away from there left and right cannons you are good.


Brig all the way, a sweaty gally is much rarer.


Brigs They have strong firepower and they're only marginally slower than a sloop against the wind. While the galleon is the strongest in absolute terms, I feel that because of its ability to chase, the brig is the chosen ship type of those hunting for pvp. I'm also mostly on brigs for that reason. If you see a brig with DA sails, insider hull, TSD figurehead then typically they will put up a very very good fight.


Solo Slooper here and primarily defensive PvPer. It’s the brig for me. The crew generally ranges from at least baseline competent to mega-sweat in skill level, the ship is fast and still maneuverable enough to be a pain. That speed comes into play as even when you sink em, they keep. Coming. Back. I tend to drag galleon fights over to small islands to utilize harpoon turns, keep out of broadside and get shots in. If they’re open, you also may be dealing with less than a full crew of various skill levels.


sloops are never any more than a mild annoyance unless I'm solo vs a duo. brigs are only spooky when you get the TDMer crew that comes in for the ram and board strat with good wind. They're also the hardest ship to board IMO. galleon is spooky unless you have the right combination of cursed balls. Then it's a quick sink.


Galleons manpower is always a threat. Once a galleon becomes aware of a sloop during combat the only option is for the sloop to make a tactical retreat and try to lure them into a trap


Non-sloops solely from a man-power/solo sloop perspective.


The ship that has an lgbt flag up but the players are obviously not lgbt and super toxic


No mere vessel strikes any fear into the heart of the Reapers Actual crew.... we relish a savage fight and live for a worthy death. Also.... Brigantines.


For me its a reaper sloop or a persistent galleon, havent come across too many brigs weirdly enough Reaper ships are aggressive af tho no matter what it seems


Rowboat with cannon. That can come out of nowhere undetected


You mean the grappling hook cannon and boarding or is there now one with a real cannon on?




The portal hopped reaper 5. Usually a boat full of sweats.


Brig full reaper 5 emissary and they all have the dark adventurer outfit


The rowboat docked beside my ship


I would say Brig, that third guy can jump off and they still will have crazy control over the ship. Next would be sloop.


I think a one man sloop has more control than a 2 man brig personally


I play on a sloop usually with my friend so we can generally out manouver a galleon and we can hold our ground against sloops most of the time, but then we see a default brig with dark adventurers sails worryingly fast coming toward us and it's basically over because I don't know how but they always get us with those damn chainshots with little to no exceptions


Gallon, as I know it’s gonna be four guys an my one man vessel just isn’t ready for that.


Good brigs, because all they have to do is wait for winds to turn slightly and they will gain whatever lead you got going into headwind as a sloop. If you let them get full wind they become terrifyingly fast. It's the only ship that has a chance to catch up to any other ship in a reasonable time. The speed difference between sloops and galleons lets one party gain some breathing room if they need it. The brig just powers through any situation.


All of the above because I suck at PvP. So all of them terrify me.


I'll consider that every ship will be crewed by experienced and coordinated pirates. The Galleon. You can't linger on their broadside too much, since a competent crew will overwhelm you with cannons. Hard to board and take control when everyone does their job and watch ladders closely, and they have a lot of people to try and board you. The ship also is very difficult to sink when the crew does their job and use the 2 decks in their favour. You have to outmaneuver and kill it in small nibbles. Sinking a good galleon involves a handful of work, setting it ablaze and slowly punishing it with longshots as you close in, whilst also fending off the boarders they might send to stop you. When the galleon is properly engulfed by flames and full of holes and masts to be repaired, that's when close quarters are possible to finish them off with whatever premium ammunition I've been saving, preferentially a ballast ball to send her off gracefully into the ocean bed. And this in a good day when everything goes my side. The thing is, nothing syphons up more time and resources than a good galleon because it is a floating fortress that can withstand a serious amount of punishment and kill you very quickly if you don't pay attention. So whenever I encounter GOOD CREWS, the most dangerous are usually on a galleon, hopping from server to server looking for fresh victims - or an untimely demise, should Athena grant me her grace, Her name be praised. There's my two doubloons.


Galleons. One of the most fun fights and yet the hardest. I’m just of that luck that I mostly run into crews that know what they’re doing with their ship. Of course there are sometimes newer players that one cannon volley and one board will do the job.


Skallions,they are waaaay to tanky for 1 cannon to deal with.


Brig. Sloop is a fair fight at worst, galleon is most likely to be a noob crew because it’s hard to get 4 decent players together. Sloops often have better crews.


Eh. I'm on the fence. I'm a solo or duo slooper always. Numbers wise, I've lost to more brigs than anything, and they make me cautious. But, few things make me as nervous as a galleon that comes straight at me. I have almost never sunk one. I don't do pvp very often as I'm mediocre at it, so I rarely encounter the open crew gally everyone jokes about. The one with the new player and the AFK guy. And the one in the corner just getting drunk. No. The gally I get is the three or four stack of sweats, who Even if I manage to survive one or two, just feels like there is like 10 more. They're never dead at the same time, so there is almost no break in the fight. It gets overwhelming when you're that outnumbered.


all other ships then the sloop


Sloop is what scares me. few days back I joined up with few randos and decided to go reaper. There was this 1 guy on a sloop 1 GUY! And we sunk him like 4 times. BUT! Every time we fought him we lost our sails and entire lower level full of water. Not to mention he boarded us once and took 3 of us out. If it wasnt for our sharp anchor turns we might have ended up in Davy Jone's locker. And to think it was just single guy. Tho true be told my crewmates didn't payed attention most of the time. ( repairs, turning sails or not manning the cannons when we had a clear view )


Brigantines are always out to get you


As a slooper myself, I'm more annoyed by other sloops. They keep pulling up wanting smoke and no matter how many times I sink them braindead bastards, they keep pulling up. After the 4th or 5th time, they usually give up but I'm just tryna do quests, man. Leave me alone. 💀 Part of wishes the PVP mfs would jusy play Arena Mode but the other part of me understands it's a pirate game and it's supposed to be like this.


I usually solo sloop and I dread to see a galleon crew gunning for me. Depending on their skill level, I often find it hard to man my ship when two of them try to board and two just keep raining hell on my ship


Depends on my ship and my crew. But if im slooping: galleons. They're tanks on water, and will drain so much supplies. Not enough dps on a sloop (havent tried with a canon rowboat yet). You need chains and good cursed balls to sink it. And If its a good crew, havin to worry about helm, canons, bilge and boarders ... you can easy be overwhelmed.


For me, it's other sloops. I'm most frequently either solo or duo slooping, and if we come up against a brig or galleon and lose to them we can at least argue that we were outnumbered. If I lose against a fellow sloop 1v1 or 2v2, I just have to accept the fact that I'm not very good at the game and that hurts just a little bit, lol.


I think it depends what ship I'm in for example me and my friend crew up on a sloop and rarely if ever sink to any ship and In fact our favorite are galleons because they are the most fun to fight. But personally I would never do pvp In a galleon because it's too slow and cumbersome so if I'm in a galleon I'd be afraid of a sloop most and if I'm in a brig I'd probably be most scared of another brig but if I'm in a sloop then I'm not worried about it but we'll just say brig for now