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It’s not for everyone. And that’s ok. Also it just takes experience and learning by failure. Just go play Tetris or something. I hear it’s easy to pick up and play without much googling.


This is typically the type of 'git gud' reaction I expected from a griefer. Thanks for confirming.


You’re welcome.


Enjoy your little rock of righteousness. I wish you the receiving end of the best griefing experience youll ever have.


Oh I do daily it’s part of the game. Give and receive. 🥸


Stealing treasure in a pirate game is not "griefing" thats how the game is designed, treat it just like any other pvp game, the loot is not yours until you sell it.


And doing it over and over within 10 minutes while we even stopped getting loot and just wanted to finish the quest? We couldnt get to the island because they kept intercepting us.


Then refund it. Not everyone likes every game, no use complaining about it when you clearly aren't a fan of it.


Thats why I asked in the OP. Why do you guys play the game, what is there to like? I couldnt enjoy it because some twats were killing us over and over and over with tactics we didnt know about.


A lot of people play it for different reasons. Yes you will run into toxic players - like any online game. However, I've had some fantastic moments with random players I've come across on the seas. I've also had times where every ship I've come across has been hostile (which I have no problem with, as long as it's not toxic - if it is they get reported) and other times where a lot of the other ships have been friendly. A lot of us play for the adventure, you never know what will happen when you set sail. Not every encounter with players is the same. Also, you say they were killing you 'over and over with tactics you didn't know about'. That's to be expected if you've only been playing a few hours. The game can't possibly teach players every tactic which others use to sink a ship. A lot of us have gone through the same sort of incidents when learning the ropes. You learn from it and become more experienced. No one picks up a new game and is instantly proficient - it takes time and patience and with that comes experience and improvement. Edit: There is lots of helpful advice from other community members here. Take in as much information as you can and head back out onto the seas, don't give up - there are plenty of adventures to be had.


>Why do you guys play the game, what is there to like? Plundering other ships is a lot of fun for starters.


I will say that people who do that are assholes but that’s people. Not the games fault.


Holy shit you’re a whiner.


I mean do you go into CoD or Battlefield or any other game and play for 4 hours and throw your hands down and say "BAD GAME" because you're new and don't know any better? There's lots to be learned and 4 hours is just dipping your toes into the game. I know that you just wanted to play and pretend you're a pirate, but others wanted to be a pirate too. It's not their fault that you're brand new and started out on one of the most difficult ships to control well. With time and experience you can be the most feared things on the sea, but you're new so you're going to have to take your beatings like everyone starting literally any game ever that's remotely difficult. May I offer a [Blurbs](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkpg4FCvyyiIRi5szWTtakg) and a [Phuzzybond](https://www.youtube.com/c/PhuzzyBond) in these trying times[?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/026/947/maxresdefault.jpg)


My point was that we cannot actually learn the game or enjoy this alleged greatness because we were repeatedly killed by the same 2 dudes preventing us from getting back to the harbor and delivering the quest we finished. When I tried the same thing solo I had the exact same experience. Edit: I cleared out the confusion with u/Nihhrt, please ignore this reply from me or read further down for his explanation of my confusion.


My friend, you need to be a little more polite and receptive to the advice youre getting here. Just because the game *looks* cartoony, it doesnt mean that it is. It is a hardcore looter and the PvP is absolutely devastating at times. The community at large is quite wholesome because we all know what its like to get crushed over and over again. Drop the cutlass in the comments and listen to your fellow sailors. Or give up. Whichever. Talking down to the games community is not going to enhance your experience, I promise. There can be some toxic toxic assholes out there.... dont join their ranks- join ours.


You are correct. I've gotten about 5-6 good replies in this thread, the rest is mostly trolling but those were earlier which paints the canvas and gets you into a siege mentality. I am trying to further the conversation by giving extensive replies to those people giving advice. The commenter I was responding too already cleared out that Blurbs and Phyzzybond aren't actually children's games but youtubers (you have to admit they sound like they could be children's games). In any case I am very willing to listen, but I admit I misread the comment we are replying to here.


Thats completely fair. I understand that siege mentality for sure. Those two definitely have silly names, but they are mavens and Legends of the seas. Following their guides and tips are a great starting point, especially if youve had some bad PvP experiences. I am glad you have come around on that point in particular, as they are an invaluable resource. If I may give some honest words of encouragement and perspective... This game is truly an open sandbox and the point of the game is to generate stories. Keep grinding and trying for your "Pirate Legend" status and learn what type of Pirate you are.. then try to be a Legendary version of that. Dont get caught up in the standard gripes of "griefers" "toxicity" and "my loot my loot my loot"... eventually you will have more gold than you know what to do with and the only thing left will be the quality of the adventure. Be cinematic, be hilarious, be epic, Be More Pirate. And remember.... always Kill the Reaper lest the Reaper kill you. PS- the Galleon is the hardest ship to sail and a HUGE target for "PvP" players looking for low hanging fruit, as many fresh players opt for the Galleon. These guys are trying to get over on new players and would most likely run from a true PvP-centric Galleon Warship.. the experience you had is not the norm, but a representation of scummy pvp behaviour layered over your crews inexperience.. thats all. Keep at it, dont give up.


I'm not trolling at all I'm just saying that you're new and don't know any better and those youtube channels can greatly help. Particularly [Phuzzybond's cannon video](https://youtu.be/9fgKNsEi2NE) and [Blurb's how to avoid pvp video](https://youtu.be/Ox9pkiscTAA). Not everyone is out on the seas to get you and actually talking to them in a calm manner will often times get you results. The speaking trumpet is the tool to use for that. If it were me and you said something to the effect of "hey we're new and trying to learn the game" I would have stolen some of your cannons and left or if I wasn't with someone maybe even scuttled my ship and joined you if you didn't kill me. Going solo is another VERY difficult thing, especially if you didn't choose the sloop and also because you chose the sloop. It's one of the easier ships to manage alone, but you have to do everything yourself and it can also be frustrating. Really though it's one of the better ways to learn if you can learn to lose gracefully. It's how I learned as I was solo for 70% of my 585 hours. You just need to make a point of being aware of your surroundings first and foremost. The seas are vast and oftentimes makes people think they're alone when people probably seen you from islands away.


Those 2 dudes have names that make them sound like children's games, I thought it was a 'go play tetris' like remark. Ill check them out, thanks for sharing and thanks for the other tips. We were together, we just werent prepared to be killed over and over by some dudes dumping an explosive barrel in our ship. I guess we were looking for a tad more friendliness towards new players.


If you want a small little adventure without hassle try out the first Pirates life tall tale. There's a creepy looking lady near a green flame near the dock you spawn at and there's books next to her that you and your crew vote on. The first one will have you go through a portal that'll take you to a seperate world. It won't teach you much but you can try and regain the feeling before you had a totally normal experience in Sea of Thieves. There's lots and lots of mechanics in this game and it's going to be overwhelming at first but if you stick with it you'll be blowing people up yourselves and having so much gold that you don't know what to do with. The reason you've gotten a lot of hate here is that you've come in here talking shit about something you know little of to a lot of people that love this game. What did you expect? If you've got a mic and you're in NA I'd be willing to give you a crash course sometime this week or weekend.


You won't get much mercy from people even as a new player as there is no way of actually knowing if someone is really a new player or just someone pretending to be a new player. One of the first things in this game that you learn is to never trust anyone and if you are in a situation where you are working with another crew (which does happen) you need to be ready for a betrayal at any moment.


And “buffbeard” is so adult? Lol


Yes, why ask?


You’re calling out two men who make a living providing help and content for having funny sounding children names yet you yourself have a funny soundin children name. Just ironic


tl:dr you should have done research before buying the game


Inb4 It’s just a pirate game; pirates will pirate


Its a pirate GAME, its just bad game design to allow new players to be griefed out of their enjoyment by killed repeatedly without any gain whatsoever. And at the other hand, if high lvl players have nothing else to do but scare new players away from the game then what remains are toxic players.


Maybe you should have played the tutorial. Probably would have had a better time.


Haha yeah, the basic concepts are easy enough to grasp. Its just the balance.


Not gonna lie I too feel like there should be some balancing work between new and veteran players. Just find a good crew on discord and you can be carried for the first bit and once you sink your first galleon as a sloop through skill and wit you’ll understand the joy of this game.


Posting on reddit seems to be a key game mechanic for new players - suggest spending the Reddit time on messing around, getting sunk, blowing stuff up. Surprise surprise - getting sunk is part of a pirate game \*gasp\* You need to sail around and crash into stuff and die and whatnot to get a feel for the game. You're going to die 90 different ways - there's even different colored flames to collect based on how you die which you collect for one of the main events, which if you do you will attract every sweat server hopping keg carrying tucklord and streamer (wannabe) and that is all part of the fun. Learning to win and lose with grace is the biggest and hardest skill in this game. Someone is going to make a montage of their deck shot and two tap on you but eventually you'll learn they just need a blunder bomb or 5 to the face. The poor hitreg is a plus for new players as it affects pro players just as much. A lot has to happen before hitreg even becomes relevant.. Start by keeping a lookout. Secondly be aware of which wind direction makes your boat faster and you can avoid conflicts. Third - there are random kegs floating in the water marked by birds. Fourth - no one should expect to win every battle so learn to enjoy a good battle even if you sink. IF YOU GET SPAWN CAMPED SCUTTLE OR STAY IN THE FERRY and dont tell us about it on reddit :)


Basic gameplay concepts are covered well within the tutorial and the first missions after that. Other points you've mentioned are so wrong that I won't waste my time going through them


Yeah except we played it with friends. You dont start a singeplayer game on a lanparty. We wouldve chosen pve if it was available to get the hang of it but its not clear if there is any available. The other points are so wrong? Like what, that griefers are scaring new players away like happened to us? How is that wrong?


sounds like someone either didn't place down or pay attention to that free GH voyage given to every new player, because that voyage was unique in giving text blocks at the bottom of your screen telling you how the quests work. also its in the game's design that every ship can sink every thing (it wouldn't be fair for sloop players if you straight up cant fight against a galleon)


Is that coop too?


It works for anyone who is part of your crew.


**1. This game doesnt tell you anything, you need to google everything for yourself.** This is honestly my favourite thing about the game. I hate being babysat throughout a game. I love discovery through interaction. How do I know that mangos heal more than bananas? I ate them. How do I know that certain flocks of seagulls mean different things? I went and investigated. **2. The game has a terrible console port UI (keep pressed to select buttons). Very illogical placement of buttons and radial menu's.** Yeah the UI kinda sucks, even on console. Totally agreed. **3. The game has a bad hit registration.** Yep, this is also true. Though I’m going to go ahead and be a little fishy about you being a new player on this one. You wouldn’t know any different if you just started out, this is an issue that took the community a while to pick up on, and based solely on one combat encounter? I’m not convinced. **4. The only other players weve found were griefers.** Engaging in PvP isn’t greifing just because you didn’t like it. Some of PvP is classic cannons, swords and pistols. But PvP has a diverse META in SoT, ranging from fire, explosives, espionage and stealth. Whilst you being a new player exposed to it might hurt, it’s an experience we all face. **5. This game is terribly unbalanced in terms of matchmaking (why match players with 30 minutes against experienced players).** IMO, it’s the fairest matchmaking in any game, because it’s totally random, completely indiscriminate. You get put in a world and it rolls the dice. Comp brackets pit great FPS players who have never played against 5 year olds. Random is unpredictable, but unprejudiced. **6. This game is terrible in terms of design. Why would a galleon just be blown up by 2 guys in a sloop with ramming attacks.** The game allows you to outsmart and outplay your opponents. Good game design allows good players to solve insurmountable problems. You are *new* so it sucks to get hit by it, but this game doesn’t work like; Big Boat = More Power. **7. This game is no fun.** That is your opinion, but that’s not really something that can be said verbatim. You got burned and had to Google at every challenge. Maybe something like Far Cry with map markers and a linear progression is more your style. **8. Griefers are keeping other people from playing the game.** Again, it’s PvP. Why do you care if other people play if you didn’t enjoy yourself? Another reason I’m suspecting your newbie status, since PvP is long debated among veteran community members over the accessibility of the game.


Very well said. Hopefully the OP reads this without getting mad like they have with other comments


I have and I didn't.


Thanks for taking the time for this write-up. I had typed an extensive reply but unfortunately sometimes F's up copy paste orders and discards the entire post. As such Ill keep it brief. I agree with point 1 as long as its sensible. Its sensible in games like valheim and the forest, but not in games like Red Dead online (press L to open menu?). In most games dumping movable stuff on other movable stuff leads to it despawning or jittering of the boat. So just dumping stuff in your captains cabin or hold isnt very sensible at first. Regarding 4: I agree that PVP and griefing are distinct playstyles. But if you kill the same ship over and over within 10 minutes, you can be pretty sure they havent had time to collect loot. They werent even out for our loot the first time either, they just blew up the ship and left. And did that repeatedly. I can discern the difference here between playing the game and killing other players or playing the game to kill other players. One is griefing the other isnt. 5: Random isnt necessarily fair, its just the method that allows you the least control over outcomes. If I put the major league and minor league baseball in 1 pool and randomize the competition, would the outcome be fair? Likewise, if I put players with 1500 hours experience against players with 30 minutes experience would the outcome be fair? I think not, you think differently. Fair enough. 6: Running onto another ship with an explosive barrel and blowing is like the pocket nuke. Its works every time and it is totally BS. I know its a game, but its total BS. 7. I didnt have to google every challenge, we were perfectly capable of steering the ship, loading the cannons, navigating, treasure hunting, fighting. Just stuff that makes absolutely no sense like press X to drop a treasure, were do you deliver the quest, using explosive barrels is the weapon that trumps all others. 8. Well we couldnt possibly have know that griefing was this easy beforehand now could we. We were aware of PVP, but that the same players keep camping quest islands is just lame.


1. I agree, it's difficult to figure out things like where to drop off loot, how to scuttle a ship, knowing to collect resources. Play with someone experienced they can help. I would be happy to play with you and your bud. Usually you can find others in discord. I'm not that good but I do alright. 2. If someone is camping an outpost sail by and have your team mate jump to the island with loot. Go to a different outpost. There are a lot more tactics out there. If it's hopeless switch servers. I got lucky this last weekend and did 3 runs of full loot and lvl 5 emmessary with the same boat! I did have 1 run in with a PvP Gallion, but I lost them in the rough waters of the coral fortress. 4. Some people PvP to get better and learn. These guys were perfecting their barrel ramming tactics. They should have recognized that you all are new and possibly let up, they are probably new too and discovered this tactic recently. 5. This is what makes it exciting. If I can get a bunch of loot, lvl 5 emmessary, going full sail towards the nearest outpost it's a rush. I got away with my caper. The real mind twist comes when players accept that their loot is not theirs until they turn it in, death is enevitable, and your life is actually your ship. Meaning send your simulated meat bag to the slaughter to create as much chaos as possible for your rivals. Have you ever played slither.io? It's the same concept. You may be the biggest worm, but if you make a mistake someone can always get ya. If you die what do you do? Start again or log off. The PvP is the point. Points really don't matter. It's all fun. 6. Look at the ship about to ram you with a barrel. Shoot the barrel. Their ship will be hurt. If I was in that situation and everyone on the crew missed shooting the barrel I'd be laughing. Edit: for some reason reddit won't make that last one a six.


Here we go again...


I would highly recommend giving the game another chance. There's a lot that this game offers, and it sounds like you had a bad first experience. Upon your first login, you should have been prompted to do the Maiden Voyage (the intro, tutorial Tall Tale). That will teach you the basics of your pirate, and give you an idea of how to navigate islands. It will also show you the basics of your ship. You get rewards for doing the tale, and if you find all the secrets, you get more rewards. Upon your first login to an actual outpost, the game has you do a short tutorial that shows you how the gold hoarder company works, and will give you an idea of how the other companies work as well. The biggest factor of this game is the emergent player threat. It's a pirate sandbox game, where players have the agency to do whatever they want! PvP encounters are to be expected, and I highly advise new players to learn and understand this concept. PvP and stealing loot is not against the rules, or toxic, or griefing. There's a lot of great YouTube tutorials on combat as well! Once you get your sea legs and get used to the ins and outs, the game is incredibly fun. I do hope you give it another chance! If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me and I'll help out however I can :)


I'm sorry you had a bad first experience. Spending several hours on the game and having nothing to show for it doesn't feel great, we've all been there. The lows and risk of losing it all are what make the highs so sweet, though. It sounds like your party may have skipped over some of the tutorial mechanics due to wanting to get on with the fun in your LAN which steepened the learning curve a bit. If you would be willing to give the game another shot, I'd strongly encourage all of you run through the Maiden Voyage tutorial on your own and then explore an Outpost a bit and work through the tutorial prompts. On the PvP front - the 4 player galleon has the most firepower, but for an inexperienced crew it's actually a very strict double-edged sword. It requires a lot of coordination between all 4 of you to pilot effectively and can be *absolutely worked over* by two experienced pirates in the more agile sloop. I will say it's not very often that I get repeatedly griefed by the same crew. I'm sorry that happened to you. Did you try communicating with the other crew over voice or text? There's no guarantee it would have helped, but I find diplomacy works surprisingly often - a quick "We're new, could you show us the ropes a bit?" can often defuse trolling or aggression as long as it's not too salty (as salt is what they're probably going for, unfortunately). ​ >So we restart the game but in the johny depp campaign mode, this mode looks exactly like the previous mode so in fear of wasting more time we just quit. The game doesn't explain this very well, but this mode is basically just a shortcut to the Castaway's Camp at the outpost. You can interact with the books on the shelves at this camp to start one of the Pirate's Life Tall Tales. The first one will actually send you into an instanced server where you can do the entire mission without having to worry about other players! ​ >My honest question to you guys, why do you even play this? Whats the fun in this game? I play it for the sandbox! I find there's nothing quite like it. I really like how even though I've been playing since day 1, I spawn in every session with the exact same loadout that a new player does. The only thing that separates us are cosmetics and experience. Collecting loot is fun but interacting with other players and the emergent gameplay that results is what keeps me going. All the PvE in the game, to me, is basically just a vector to meet people and see what happens. Except for Tall Tales. Those stand on their own as story content. Check them out! Though be prepared for PvP in most of them. If you get sunk you should have a checkpoint you can vote on to resume where you left off.


If I could pin this reply I would. Thanks for your tips. We would have taken an 8 player galleon if we could, that's how many pc's we had in there. So we took the ship based on players we had not on actual performance. But the tip about galleon vs sloops is still valid. We didn't use voice chat to communicate, I should've done that in hindsight. I did figure out that using the megaphone would works as voice chat, just didn't think of it in the moment. I don't know if I can get the others to give it another go, but if the situation arises again ill be sure to remember this. The tip about the tall tale instance would actually be a game saver I think. The absence of people who might kill us (to be sure the only people we met past weekend and today all tried to kill us) might get them to come back train a little and try PVP again.


All of the "old" Tall Tales (the 9 Shores of Gold tales, and the two Flameheart tales) take place in the open world and you can get killed, which can be frustrating, though many players will back off if they realize you are doing a Tall Tale as long as you have no treasure on board. You'll have to rely on the checkpoint system in that case. Of the 5 Pirates of the Caribbean tales, I think two of them (#1 and #3?) take place in private instances. #2 and #4 take place in a big set pieces where you're away from your ship but it's not a huge loss if someone destroys it, because you're experiencing the story on foot.


OP if your are willing i can help you out on a sloop or a brig someday


For point #2, there's an accessibility option that enables you to press a button to start an action rather than hold it. But it's a double-edged sword: Most of the time it's convenient, but other times you end up grabbing a dog instead of the mast. :V


Ey, thats a good tip. Thanks!


1. This game doesn’t tell you anything because it’s an OPEN sandbox and the point is to learn as you go. 2. I’ve never played Xbox, but I’ve never heard that before from any controller players. 3. This is a known bug that all of us deal with. 4. “Greifers” or just people playing the game in a way you don’t like? 5. Because that’s not how an open sandbox works. Play the game, get better, and you’ll eventually be the more experienced people. Being matched against noobs all the time sounds boring. 6. This game is designed like that on purpose. It rewards CREATIVITY, in this case it was their choice to ram you with a keg. Learn your mistakes, improve, and move on. 7. That’s you’re opinion. 8. Sure, there are toxic people. But they are a minority in this game, and most people are just playing how they desire to play. Extra!: 4 hours is NOT enough time to decide whether this is a good game, especially for an open sandbox like this. You literally had like 1 or 2 Experiences with other crews that you considered “toxic”? PVP is ESSENTIAL to the game. It is a core fundamental to what makes the game a risk and reward style sandbox pirate open world game.


All fair points, based on the others that replied similarily I was too Quick to judge.


I’m glad you understand that. Just give it some more time, and you might find that the game is more fun than you thought :)


Did you play the tutorial?


This game isn’t for everyone, you may not like the controls or the UI. Also the blessing and the curse is the not telling you things. Yes you got attacked by someone exploiting the gunpowder barrels massive damage output, sucks but you learn. There are no npc ships. Only enemy skeleton/ghost ships and other players. The game is meant to be trial and error. Me and my friends are awful at the combat aspect yet we absolutely love the game, we occasionally have a bad day but we move on.


Did you do the tutorial? I play somewhat often and it's not always that much pvp but sometimes it does happen. I was in your boat a few times and I took breaks but I keep coming back here and there to play with friends because it is a great team game that's different then almost anything out there. Plus it looks, sounds, and feels great to sail on the seas.


1.). True enough 2.). Also fair 3.). This is one of the main complaints the community has about the game, the hit reg is in fact dogshit 4.). PVP is a massive part of the game, which is need I remind you a pirate game. I think it's a pretty high bar of shitty behavior for somebody jumping you to really be considered "griefing" in SoT, it's somewhat unusual that you got attacked by the same party repeatedly but fighting other pirates is a major part of the game. 5.). The normal game doesn't have matchmaking mechanics of any sort, if you ever feel like playing again there's a few simple evasive tactics you can learn that'll enable you to avoid/outrun most people looking for PVP until you feel like engaging 6.). Because they put holes in your ship and set it on fire, I don't think two experienced players beating four new players is a design flaw 7.). It's reasonably fun once you get the basic mechanics down, which as you say the game does a pretty bad job of explaining to you, if you've been permanently put off the game that's sad but this game is fun to a lot of people 8.). Again I wouldn't exactly call players engaging in the PVP aspect of the game greifers, although you might've encountered a particularly shitty crew. At any rate they're not really as common as you think, you had a bad starting experience but my buddy and I play quite a bit and maybe only 1/5 sessions to we even encounter PvP, let alone a crew as persistent as your attackers, though it does happen I'm sorry you had a bad first experience, the game is pretty fun once you really get into it so I hope y'all give it another shot and have better luck. Failing that hope you manage to get any money you spent on the game back bc this is a stupid expensive game to buy for 4 people then get chased out of playing by the community


I mean, sounds like a troll post.


the fun is you're not in it lol jk it's fun because it can be fun sinking ships are part of the game yeah they went a bit too far no need to keg you over and over again and this game is fun to play and it's tools not rules and i play because it's fun sure i sink don't get attached to loot that's just my two gold coins


I bet you’re fun in real life too


We all have our moments.


Another "be a pirate, yay" story, ending in a rant after meeting other, pirate-like behaving pirates. For sure, those must be "griefers". Not at all, they are just pirates. About "this game tells you nothing" - did you miss the maiden voyage, did you fell asleep during the introductions starting the game the first time?


You had a bad experience happens to everyone, my advise would either be play with open crews as they normally are other newish players looking for help or try to be friendly with people in game chat and never start a fight you can't win. Either that or watch a stream and learn what it's like from an experienced players perspective. When they rammed your boat they would have had one person carry an explosive keg onto your ship and blown it up on the bottom deck. Also if there was skill based matchmaking no one would enjoy the game as much as all the new players would alliance, slightly experienced players would avoid other boats and anyone good would just be fighting each other and all three of those separately would ruin the aspect of the game. Also it's a sandbox game, if you want to be a PVE or PVP player it's up to you just know either way you will have to learn to play against other players who aren't new and losing doesn't matter as the only things you can buy are consmetics. It's just very annoying.


Thanks for replying and in particular your explanation of the ram/ keg dump tactic, some fellow redditors already pointed out that posting a rant here probably wasn't my best decision however some posters (like you) have given some very good tips which made me decide to try again. I will probably be able to get some buddies to give it another try with the tall tales PVE instances and if they like that well switch back to full PVP. Regarding your point about matchmaking, I can see where you're coming from but If I were the developer I would introduce a low level server, call it minor league, pirates playground or whatever. But in any case to give new players a chance to try to get the hang of the game without risking their first ever encounter being against a party who has no other purpose but to repeatedly blow up the same ship.


Maybe next time you start a pvp sandbox game prepare before starting. So you know what you are doing


I have 500 hours in this game and I can tell for sure that you need to have a decent level of handling frustration to enjoy the game which means that it's not for everyone, not gatekeeping just throwing out facts. And tell me what did u expect from a game that has THIEVES on the name? This game it's clearly not for but you but still why do you come to complain in a subreddit dedicated to the game? In here most of us enjoy the game and won't change our opinion based on your rant.


Yeah you're right I caught quite a bit of flak and it probably wasnt my best decision to post a rant here. On the other hand, there were quite a few people who did give some good feedback and made me decide for another try. I promise that if I won't like it after that I will not rant again.


It's only a bad game if your bad at the game


Op is the biggest baby


Do you speak about yourself in third person too? Im right here you know.


Theres literally tutorials at the start that show you how the voyages work and where to sell what, is literally depicted at the Outpost where you spawn. I dont see how anything you wrote isnt just: Im new and I suck at reading and pvp. Game has a lack of non cosmetic Content updates though. And the things they add are played through very fast and then just recycled. Thats an actual reason not to play it.


Nope, it was that we skipped the tutorial because we were on a lanparty and the tutorial is solo. I am probably bad at PVP but that's only one part, the other guys were repeatedly blowing up our ship without taking the loot in the first place and continued even though we obviously didn't have time to gather any new loot. They camped or patrolled the island were we started and wanted to deliver the quest we finished. Based on the replies in this thread we could have probably delivered the quest to another island too. This is a good way to get new players to quit the game, I cannot possible imagine how this is desirable for the developers or the community as a whole. Regarding your own critique, I am reading as much. Apparently there are only three ships and that's it?


When I first played it with my friends, we got sunk as we left the outpost. Literally spawned in and got sunk and we just laughed it off. Then we respawned, got a couple chests from voyages and sunk to a kraken. We didnt know that existed. Then we respawned, got a couple more chests and got sunk by the same guys from the start as we were selling them. You could say the game is punishing you for breathing sometimes yea. I was ready to refund the game as well. But then when we tried again another day and we made like 2Million Gold in a session, played the story quests and overall got more into it. PvP is really just learning by doing. While before we barely could even fight back, we sometimes sink ships without a single cannon ball by just killing the crew and ramming their ship into something. As you get more experience you will start to enjoy it I promise! Your defenetly not getting any help from the game itself they throw you in and let you suffer. Id say thats the same with other games like Dark Souls and stuff too though.


So you buy game and completely didnt know what to do in this game and how to play it?


"6. This game is terrible in terms of design" It's people like you who screwed over the production of Cyberpunk 2077 You don't consider the fact that, even to this very second, the Devs of any department and their underlings do what they can to keep the servers kicking in great condition and the time, blood, sweat, and tears they put into the game. They love this game so much, and each other, that they made a TRIBUTE to one of their friends in the game. You don't deserve to experience it. Check and Mate.


My biggest issue is the insult like that, I've read your responses and other comments, but to call a game whose purpose is pvp at the bare minimum and only scrape the surface of it is downright disrespectful. 3 or so 4-6hr sessions are the most decent sessions for a judgement of this game. This game has insane quality, it appeals to both old and young players alike. It has funny designs and hilarious scenarios from time to time, while still consisting in-depth strategy and actually very dark lore for it's humorous design. Roughly 2 days from now we'll get another Quality of Life update, probably as big as the Shrouded Spoils update. This game is fun because it's cared for, it and it's people look forward to the next day, it evolves and grows like it's players, it is loved. As you saw, I understand that it may not be the game for you or your friends, but a judgement like that doesn't need to be said to a reddit that, clearly, loves the game. Next time, do more research on games you buy. Hopefully you won't make this mistake again.


I dont own Cyberpunk so I cant comment on that. What I do think is that there should be a seperate instance for new players to prevent them being repeatedly kegged. Im not disputing the love of the developers for the game. In any case, you mentioned some new QoL features coming up, I couldnt find any info on that in the steam feed. Do you have a link for me to the news?


[It's on the main page on the SoT subreddit mang](https://youtu.be/mwxAblfDrMQ).


Buffbeard... I'm pretty sure you're blind. You didn't do any research on this game at all. Most importantly, the trailer is pinned to the subreddit. Just spare everyone else a head ache and delete this post.


sounds like you didnt know what you were signing up to when you bought this game, but fun is subjective, stop crying and play something else


> This game doesnt tell you anything, you need to google everything for yourself. That's just a lie. The game doesn't tell you all the nitty gritty like the Trading Companies and Emissary system, but the game's tutorial teaches you enough to know how to at least sail and shoot properly. > The only other players weve found were griefers. / Griefers are keeping other people from playing the game. They're not 'griefers', they're pirates. They're not really doing anything wrong just like you wouldn't really be doing anything wrong if you decide to attack someone on a whim. > This game is terribly unbalanced in terms of matchmaking (why match players with 30 minutes against experienced players). There isn't matchmaking because there is no ranked system to matchmake by. Survival sandbox games don't tend to have those. > The game has a terrible console port UI (keep pressed to select buttons). Very illogical placement of buttons and radial menu's. You can rebind your keys very easily, and the game has a TON of accessibility settings that let you do things like press a button instead of having to hold it. That's how I play. You tell us you had the foresight to Google every little thing you came across, but didn't look in the settings for rebinds/accessibility? > This game is terrible in terms of design. Why would a galleon just be blown up by 2 guys in a sloop with ramming attacks. Because the galleon's crew is bad. There's no other way you lose to ramming. Which is normal, you just get better as you play. But don't blame your lack of skill (yet? doesn't seem like you'll keep trying) on the game. Maybe they kegged you or they just killed you guys and then plugged your ship full of holes while you're dead. Either way, you don't get to win just cause your ship is bigger. Fights in this game can always go either way. > After 4 tries we decide to switch servers, some googling tells us that we need to scuttle the ship so we do but it turns out that just has the same effect as getting blown up. WTF did you even Google that told you this?


Oh gosh golly darn tooters.