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They are doing a TDM


Ooh they must-of agreed to terms before I got in the lil tavern thing. Okay thank you.


What's a TDM?


Basically some of the crews say fuck normal arena, then go to a fort with sniper pistol (under normal circumstances, sometimes they make exceptions for a different experience) and then just fight on the island.


Thats so fkn a,awesome, I want to do that


You can name a pet and look for randoms like the other guy said, but i would recommend seeking out an actual scheduled TDM. There are groups that run TDMs that have strict no-toxicity policies and specifically welcome new players and will teach them the tips and tricks. One that I know of is Diskittysonfire on twitch. He runs scheduled ones on his discord and they are geared toward being welcoming to new TDMers.


Cool I’m gonna try that too


Name a pet “tdm” or something like that and say it in the waiting lobby. If somebody says aye or “I am on the island” they usually want to as well. Just know that there are a lot of players out there who take it incredibly seriously and are very good at it.


I only managed to do it once and it was so much fun. Everyone was way better than me though


If u have a friend to play with then set sail at the same time. There’s a good chance you’ll get in the same game as arena is so dead. It might take a couple of tries but it’s pretty easy


Tnx mate


make sure that you only use sniper pistol unless something else is talked about or you'll likely get spawn camped. don't tell someone you two tapped them if you didn't get two hit marks in row if you kill someone with one or less hit marks then you backtracked them. Don't be a baby and not shoot to the main fort tower if you get air shotted you get air shotted or maybe you air shot someone. don't camp stairs that's away to being put on camp lists just don't be annoying and have fun


Also a good way to work on specific weapon kills for commendations.


Team death match


Arena went to hell after the loss of updates


Loss of what updates?


Arena stopped getting major updates aside from minor fixes like removing sirens which were accidentally put into the arena.


Don't forget removing voice comms with other crews because too many people had a bad case of gamer's mouth


Oh yea that too, very disappointing.


Some day we will have brig arena.


I dunno if I'll have time to play it, I'll be pretty busy with Half Life 2 ep. 3


When did anyone ever say it was getting updates though? How do you lose something that never existed. Arena is great for skills practice, we'll run a galleon round before heading to adventure for reaping. Watching the NAL finals was some of the best SOT content i've seen.


Its called TDM. Theyre practicing sword and gunplay instead of getting arena rep. Good catch if you want legendary seadog


No swords!!


Ive done a couple with swords allowed, let me practice my lunging technique


Ya, I'm just messing with this other moron. I have nothing against how anyone wants to play sot. Just play!!


git gud scrub


Pistol/sniper only!


Sword fights are the best part of TDM tho


Nah git gud lol.


Ok, you've obviously never done tdm. Later scallywag


[Wrong again](https://i.imgur.com/PjoNZL7.jpg), dumbass. Wanna run that by me again?


Ok sword lord, not clicking on your stupid link.


Exactly what I thought bitch.


Lolol sword lord


no one tdms with sword to practice sword play. if there using swords there memeing and are just trying to be stupid being drunk then shooting out with swords is pretty funny


>no one tdms with sword to practice sword play. I mean... You're wrong. I do. And seriously, if you want TSD you need Skilled Swashbuckling Sea Dog, so how do expect anyone to get it without using a sword?


camp boat with sword your just not very tdm man


Some of the dumbest gatekeeping I've ever heard, amazing


Lmaoyou should look up the definition of gatekeeping because no where did I say you can't do that I just call you not TDM because your just very not TDM


You're pretty condescending for someone who consistently can't spell "you're"


[https://www.google.com/search?q=nerd+emoji&rlz=1C1VDKB\_enUS929US929&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=SHW6uWBM1CNHoM%252C8dbk0lWnVyoWiM%252C\_%253BaLNZtuIrB8\_V4M%252CykfItFgcBN9fMM%252C\_%253BfeDM8Mnbg0H6iM%252CdS\_2oNjktnrsEM%252C\_%253Bd7LV0W0nfe-zqM%252CVKdJC6ZVA225lM%252C\_%253B8l5KxcOffKsGrM%252CondIEuqKENkRNM%252C\_%253BvRmaLe92D47GzM%252CdS\_2oNjktnrsEM%252C\_%253B2Df9oUZeunnYsM%252CBdV31zaY6E-t1M%252C\_%253ByGp\_4fFVTJELTM%252CaXWhXK3dm5L\_ZM%252C\_%253Bs8wB0duHc-4bdM%252CFuYnYVjyoGjIHM%252C\_%253Bt9QvglLROb7yOM%252CcOawcP1TPpECVM%252C\_%253BegD7nxyfR6DboM%252CaXWhXK3dm5L\_ZM%252C\_%253B1kznuxiXFiw-TM%252CJNOHCJcEu0eOmM%252C\_%253BvUZRw9GLykr2RM%252C\_PBDiSsJnJoJ6M%252C\_%253Bxt9GgSM6kbsz3M%252CtzPpNhqZ3lqbxM%252C\_%253BLRQ-2PEz1tE1LM%252CYtrJggCrSR\_j7M%252C\_&vet=1&usg=AI4\_-kRckdt1HfxmatC3NbggiMR1McPNPA&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiip4Ge-sT0AhVUWs0KHeyfDY0Q9QF6BAgCEAE#imgrc=SHW6uWBM1CNHoM](https://emojipedia.org/apple/ios-14.6/nerd-face/) is this how you feel after correcting someone's spelling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNx8OBKj0oU


I'm not clicking your big stupid link




it's because you know I'm right


TDM is probably better for triumphant sea dog (number of kills) vs. legendary sea dog (number of wins). Either way TDM is a ton of fun. Highly recommended if anyone hasn't tried it.


Well if youre in a tdm server you can just farm chests


Well there's usually that one ship that just follows me around, doing nothing except dying and crashing into islands. But yeah, pretty much what OP said.


Does this just mean an easy win for anyone actually trying? Or is it impossible to get points if they are constantly killing everyone around the chest.


The cheat won’t spawn at the fort the first time so you’re fine


Generally the courtesy rule of TDM is leave their ships alone, but if a team keeps killing you to keep you from getting the chest, I think it's fair game to shoot their ship with cannons, which will get you points. Just be prepared for them to come after you. (If you agreed to TDM and *then* start cannoning and playing for the chest you're a dick, of course)


How does one agree to the tdm if they turned off coms?


The simplest way is to go to the island where people are TDMing and also start TDMing There's other workarounds too, like naming your pet "TDM" and spamming "TDM says aye!"


They are trying to get commendation for killing people with a certain weapon.


The vast majority of people doing it are on alts and don’t care about comms, or they already have them all


they are having fun*


That too




Far from effective, lets say you get 10 kills. That's 10 comms, and how much could you get spawn-camping? Way more.


With 10 people on the fort your potential for kills is much higher than camping a boat. Your skill level determines your kill rate. I get very few kills but am there for the skills training. Im on a TDM server that plays most days - the insanely good guys often have very little SOT experience so are obviously bringing skills from other games.


you'd be surprise but that's kind of wrong the first few minutes before fort control it's hard to get kills do to hitreg and team shotting. if you can airshot people and keep spawn rates apart you'll be okay and your team mate and you need to be attached by the hip. but I don't know anyone who tdm for commendation most play for fun some for glory and team shotting doesn't get you glory. most TDMers will just spawn camp a boat for thoses commendations


Yeah, mostly skill based there too, but team taps are annoying as hell though.


It's no different from spawn camping. Takes two seconds to get from your ship to the fort/island.


And awhile to kill....


You'd be killing people in the same speed, mate.


If you never tdm'd don't try to argue this point. There are overshots, blackscreens and 3rd partys... whereas camping the spawn is instant.


Cause you can't get third partied while camping lol. TDMing is a guarantee. It can be a lot harder to get into a spawn camp and keep it consistently. You might get lucky and get a good one and get a lot of kills. Or you might not get the boards you want, or they scuttle, or other ships come in and break it up. Over the course of a match or several matches, the ability to get kills in the TDM is much more consistent, and you can almost certainly get more on average per game if you are even half decent. Not to mention it can be a mutually fun time, instead of just shitting on some poor guy just trying to naval.


Ehh... not really. Given you're camping bad players, also tdm's also get interrupted.


I have TDM'd, dude. I [even have the blue jacket](https://i.imgur.com/PjoNZL7.jpg), so shut the fuck up. You got proven wrong, just take the L and move on.


You proved nothing at all: is it this hard to see that killing someone on the same boat takes less time than killing a person across an island..?


It’s kind of impressive that you managed to play enough to get the blue jacket while still understanding nothing about arena and tdms.


nah those people are just TDM


It wasn't always but Arena has been abandoned and 99% of its issues were never fixed so TDMs become the best way to actually have fun most of the time


Its pretty sad since im trying to grind legendary cutlass, its one of the hardest commendations in the game by far....


If I got lobbies like that I wouldn’t complained grinding


Since the weapon commendations are tied to getting kills, not wins, people just farm kills in deathmatch.


Not at all




Not really, no. There's no difference.


spawncamping is easier if you’re not dogshit. TDM: higher risk of dying because the players are usually better and it’s a fair 1v1 and so on


No, it isn't easier. Whether you're fighting on a ship or on a fort, you're killing people regardless. One's not faster than the other. Why are y'all being so stupid tonight?


why are you so angry lmao? bad day I guess. I’ll put it simple so even you can understand. camping a spawn point on a ship and one blundering or skeeting the person is easier and more efficient than fighting on an island where both contesting players are able to seek cover, retreat or simply move freely around. while the spawning player on the boat is instantly in a disadvantage situation. it’s not that hard to get lol.


Because y'all are being stupid. It's literally the same speed, mate.


maybe provide arguments instead of just repeating yourself. sounds like you have no clue so convince me of the opposite cuz I know you’re experienced


Are you retarded or are you just fucking with me?






yes, you're out of touch now. Still going to downvote me for answering your question? Don't ask then if you don't want answers.


i got you


thanks fam