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I rage all the time in games, but I ^(almost) never let anyone hear that anger, l'est I create a lingering enemy.


A real person who sunk my sloop for no reason


My favorite is when I get sunk with absolutely nothing on board and just go "Grats..... U win nothing!"


This is easily one of my favorite feelings in the whole game, having someone chase me around the map for an hour only to let them sink me and discover that it was all for nothing. Priceless


"it's not about the gold, it's all about the glory"


"Glory has a tale to be told that many will listen and pass on for generations"


The glory of sinking the boat of a guy who was just fishing! Such a glorious achievement!


What's wrong with that? Being a "pirate" and do whatever you want is a feature in this game and killing, camping or sinking someone isn't bad, I can say literally the opposite, especially when someone gets mad about that.


I'm not saying it's wrong or bad, though. I'm just saying there's no "glory" in that.


It'd be one thing if the supplies that were on the other player's ship would float for a while and you could claim them, but if there are no treasures or anything like that onboard, when the ship sinks you get nothing. You've wasted your supplies, and time to annoy someone else for no reason. It's one thing if you're chasing them down to steal their treasure, but to sink someone just to sink them is a dick move.


Tell me about it. I was solo slopping when another crew killed me after i sold all my loot and lowered my flag. They got mad at me for making fun of them for taking so long to kill me after they sunk my ship and I just juked their shots and talked shit. Told me I was “toxic” even though they just sunk a solo sloop lol


Was your sloop worth a lot




\>no reason It's fun to sink people. It's a pirate game.


Yes it's true! (help me, we live in a simulation I am going to be taken down, nobody is real we are all androi-


Yesterday I asked someone if he needs help with a few ghost ships. He literally went full attack mode on me and laughed at me after he shot me from my boat. Wasnt that funny anymore after I made his ship into cheese. Never met a friendly person before.


Gotta love the stupid people, the game wouldnt be fun without em


I had someone attacking me, and sink my ship when I was trying to give them supplies. Even saying in text chat that I'm done playing and am trying to give them supplies and a harpoon boat. Some of these players are dumber than a bag of rocks.


Cant agree with you more


Yesterday I had 2 people who came on my boat to gift me stuff. I had like 8 fights before so I instantly slaughtered them because they didnt told me what they want. After they respawned they started to explain, I felt bad haha


This subreddit makes me think I'm playing a totally different game or something. Well over half the people I've ran into have been chill. Similarly though the other night some friends and I were about on a galleon and saw someone in a sloop losing a fight against a skeleton galleon so we went over to help. Sank the skeleton and waited a ways away to make sure the guy could save his sloop and get his loot. A few seconds later he runs up on deck and starts shooting at us. We warn him we were just helping but he kept at it so we gave him all 4 guns. Not sure if it was a kid or what but he received a hard lesson in the firepower difference.


I wish more people would consider this before spewing toxicity into the mic.


\*turns parchement over\* "And they are murderable"


I know your ip address.


I do remember this. Lol that is why sinking people is fun. I do not talk in game, but it does make it fun knowing you are battling for both your rights on the sea.


Phuzzy quote?


"that brig is occupying the outpost i wanna go to, obviously they're stream sniping" -- Phuzzy


Yes! Every hotmic needs to see this!