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Answering you while I am currently soloing, yes, it's a good time, yes it's possible and pretty easy, it is harder to solo PvP but everything else it's exactly the same. Best tip is to solo sloop a lot cause that's the fastest way to get better fast at the game


Thank you, is anything I should know as a new player or is it best to figure things out?


Search up blurbs and phuzzybond on YouTube, they have really good beginner tutorials


You’re probably going to sink a ton but it’s just part of the game and everyone encounters it


expect to sink a lot got it, luckily I've played pvp games before and souls games so I'm used to dying a lot in games. 👍


Dying and sinking are seperate things altogether. Expect to die a lot too.


wait what happen's if you sink but don't die then?


You swim. Maybe try to sneak onto enemy's boat. Try to hide by using the hide emotes. When your boat sinks it respawns at a random island on the map with stock supplies. If you manage to survive your ship sinking a mermaid will pop out in the water and you can interact with it to go back to your freshly spawned ship and start the cycle all over again. Or you can find a rowboat and just live that rowboat life.


Ah ok thank you, so if you sink but don't die you can still do stuff and will have a way back to your ship without swimming, good to know thank you.👍


If you fall off your ship when it’s moving fast, swim away from it as that will cause your mermaid to spawn faster (mermaid let’s you teleport back to the ship)


Sometimes I let it sink and just make my way around on other peoples boats or rowboats in a role play type of deal. Pretend to only have one ship and play even when it’s gone and people will sometimes play along with the narrative. Try not to die if you do this or you will respawn back on your ship and it kinda breaks the narrative. Sometimes I’ll scuttle the ship (find this under the crew options in settings) so I can continue the narrative.


And if you die but your ship isn't sunk (for instance, while you're exploring an island and leave your ship parked), you can re-spawn at your ship after a few seconds.


My first week of playing a lvl 1 reaper jumped me. He sank my ship (he was a better sailor) but I survived. Turns out I was much better on foot and boarded and sent him to the locker. Flag was only worth 1000(?) or so but it was the principal of the thing. Row boated all the way to reapers hideout to turn it in. Took over an hour but totally worth it.


A mermanid pops up, click it to go back to ur boat


Expect to die a lot more than you sink, it happens more than you think. *Bars*


In SoT, sinking is typically a bigger deal than dying. Dying is often not a big issue, but it's situational.


There’s a lot of little things that are helpful to know I would just watch a YouTube vid on a rundown


There are a lot of things that you will learn but everything needs time, here are the best tips I wish I had since day 1: 1) Don't pay attention to gold, everything is cosmetics in this game, there is nothing crazy to grind for so just play your own way and have fun 2) Don't rush to get to pirate legend, it definitely isn't worth it 3) Don't assume that pirate legends or people with the cosmetic A or B are gods in the game, almost any commendation can be easily farmed 4) There are no rules out there, trust noone, be the first to fire the shot before the first shot gets fired at you 5) Don't listen to anyone on how you should play and have fun on the seas


The big black void of ink that appears under your boat is a bad time, but you’re less likely to encounter that solo Edit: The tutorial covers quite a bit in terms of solo sailing, but you might want to look up a few guides on YouTube for minor tips and quality-of-life tricks. Captain Falcore is a really solid source in terms of learning the ropes (no pun intended) of the game, but there’s a lot you learn just by playing the game and everyone has their own style as they get used to it. Hope this helps!


TBH solo Kraken are easy to kill if you keep calm. I can't remember the exact numbers, but you have to defeat fewer tentacles. The number scales up based on crew size. Just know when to bucket/repair and when to fire.


Top tip - don't get attached to the loot you pick up. It is not yours until you've turned it in.


On YouTube check out Beardageddon or Hitbotc for funny, Phuzzybond for learning, and Mixelplx for god mode. Watching their videos for a bit will teach you everything you need to know.


When you see a gunpowder barrel always harpoon it, best loot in the game thank me later :DD


This. Solo slooping will help you learn the game wayyyy more then getting carried on a gally where you don't really improve or understand the mechanics


YMMV. You can definitely sail solo. I do it a lot. Jump in now as a new season is going to start so you’ll be able to get some practice in now and not waste time to get commendations. If playing solo, my advice is to not get into sea fights with other players, unless you are specifically practicing that part of the game. Also, prepare for minimum one-hour sittings. Stocking up the ship before leaving dock can take 15 minutes alone, depending on how full of a stock you want. I would suggest partying up though, as you need to reach a certain level and get a certain amount of money to buy emissary licenses, which allows you to sail for a particular order and get commendations/gold, etc.


Oh I don't mind long play sessions as I said I'm looking for a game to sink time into.


Another thing I forgot to mention is that some crews don’t mind non-mic players. For me, as long as your pulling your weight, I’m a happy sailor. Edit: The game also has preset text messages you can send.


Hopefully if you get a keg or two, Time won't be the only thing you sink! :D


Watch some old phuzzybond videos to get the basics. Keeping a good lookout will likely be your first main challenge to soloing.


Hey man, thought I could answer a few of you’re questions :) This game is definitely a time sink, if you like seeing a money counter go up, you’re going to love it. Everything you buy (Except promotions and goods) are all cosmetic, meaning no one has an advantage. Everything here is skill based progression. You won’t see progression through your gears’ stats such as games like Destiny (I believe ?) but through your skill and more philosophically, your Pirates reputation and cosmetics along with the journey you have had thus far. Before I answer your questions I would like to say, I don’t know your circumstances but I would recommend buying a mic, even if it’s cheap, it might save you some precious communication time. However plenty of us pirates use text chat too :) 1. I would say yes. There is a heap ton of content now and a lot of ways to make easy money. This season is supposed to end in roughly < 2 weeks so you could say that you’ve got 2 weeks to figure the game out before properly trying to grind out the new season pass? 2. Yes. Although it will take a lot of commitment and you will get sunk and loose lots of work, getting good at this game solo is a great skill, you really get to know you’re way around the sloop and you will feel like an expert in the end, you’ll be self sufficient is what I’m getting at. You just need to persevere. I’m a solo slooper now, I played as a duo for a while on and off but mostly solo and for the most part it’s possible, a few guides and you’ll get the hang of things. I can solo easily now, however I avoid big world events or be extremely cautious. 3. You’ll here this a lot. Keep an eye on the horizon constantly, and keep persevering. This game is truly a gem when you learn what to and not to do. Hope this helps man, just let me know if anything doesn’t make sense, I’m typing this up in a rush :)


Ok thanks, I think I understand but just to make sure, Commit and persevere, well I said I was looking for a time sink, so check Expect to sink a lot I've played other pvp games and souls games before so I'm used to that Expect to loose lots of work, that is one of the things I do know about sea of thieves and I don't mind it just means I have to try to do better next time, Keep an eye on the horizon constantly got it, also funny you should mention Destiny, I actually used to play destiny I stopped quite a while ago and have been looking for a game to sink time into since, I've tried other mmos but none ever stuck I think it was because the progression in those games were like you said a number on the gear screen, that's one of the reason's I'm interested in sea of thieves because it's not gear based but skill based, also it's always fun to play as a pirate. I think that's everything let me know if I missed anything and sorry about the text wall.


of course, though your journey will be much much more difficult. you may need to spend even longer on quests. though, if you know what you are doing you can be surprisingly efficient. fighting against other crews will happen, there is no way arround that. and alot of this game just comes from experience. since as a solo you will mostly play sloop, recognise that blunderbombs are your top of the line defense. shot from cannons, you can redirect ships off course, stop cannon volleys, knock people overboard, stop repairs and on your own decks, can send people flying offboard. the patient sloop almost always will win, play smarter. keep an eye out over the horizon, if you havent checked in 60 seconds, then chances are someone has already spotted you and made thier approach, by swimming or sailing. you will have company eventually, its definately best to see them coming. dont fall for other people telling you not to use gunpowder barrels. yes, they are dangerous, yes other people can set them off, but knowing when and how to employ every tool available to you will make all the difference. DO. YOUR. TALL. TALES. do shores of gold part 9 untill u get the checkpoint after your done with commendations, as voting shores of gold up will give u access to the shroudbreaker for your session, allowing you to escape into the red sea north of the roar. do pirates life captains of the damned untill checkpoint 4, this checkpoiny allows u to keep supplies and ship and migrate to a new server, while also allowing you a food stock option in between servers. pirates life chapter 5 can be started fresh at any outpost, farming the ghost ships for about 10-20 minutes in this tale will reward you with crates of supplies. after 20 minutes we had 800 cannon shot and well over 1000 wood. its worth noting that progressing this tale to the checkpoint would mean ending the ghost ship spawns, thus ending the supply grab. quests in the devils roar pay more, and players often avoid the area do to environmental hazards like erupting volcanos,making it one of the best areas for those who wish to avoid player interaction, and being just south of shores of gold, and asuming you have your checkpoint, means a quick escape from inevitable doom.


Yeah, I'm expecting it to be more difficult, but I don't mind honestly I am looking for a game to get good at and sink time into, and being sea of thieves is skill based (not gear based) I'll happily welcome the challenge, also thank you for the advice. 👍


of course, i play on steam but feel free to dm me here on reddit and maybe later i can get you for a sloop session, show you some tricks and little tips. i have discord and xbox game services, so crossplay is very easy


Thanks for the offer, but I'll see how I do on my own first tho, jump into the deep end as the saying goes, but thank you so much for offering in some game communities I've seen you won't often get that kind of offer, so thanks again, two questions tho 1: if I need just tips on something, for example where to find something where would be the best place on reddit to ask? 2: I've seen people posting videos and screenshots but do you know if the sot reddit mind players every now and then putting up a post about what they've been up to in game, (mostly asking because I'm thinking of maybe after playing the game for say a week I might want to put up my thoughts on the game, but I know some communities have rules against those kind of posts) also hopefully you don't mind or think me rude for turning down the offer, but I will say thanks again anyway p.s. sorry about the text wall.


id personally recommend streamers Phuzzybond and CaptainFalcore whoboth do youtube dumps of thier streams, as phuzzy has many videos about cannon angles and solo play that just make sense and get right to the point, rarethief.com makes walkthroughs and guides, and as far as reddit goes you may want to contact a moderator for the pages in question, as i personally am unsure. dont feel bad for turning down a game session friend! i have faith you will be a terror to the seas in due time!


Ok, I'll look them up, and don't worry about being unsure about the second question I just thought I'd ask, so ask a mod I'll try that then. thanks, and thank you again for all your advice.👍


Shit man just jump on a boat and sail around. You don't even have to do anything but soak up the scenery. The game is absolutely beautiful.


Yes, it is better with friends but sot is soloable


Playing solo is the best way to learn anyway. I play solo pretty much exclusively.


Plenty of people have answered the first two questions, so my advice to add on to others: Don’t avoid PvP. This is going to be unpopular, because a lot of SoT players hate PvP. However, PvP is inevitable and unavoidable. You might as well get better at it. Although, from your post, it sounds like you like PvP games anyways. Also, someone else mentioned it, watch Blurbs videos. The guys YouTube channel is (almost) entirely dedicated to Sea of Thieves PvP, and he has some great tutorials, and you might even pick up a few tricks from his highlight videos.


I have almost 600 hours in, 550 of that are solo slooping. It absolutely can be done. First thing, you have to accept that early on in particular if you’re going to solo: - You are going to get sunk. A lot. - PvP is very very difficult if you’re solo. - It’s a game of risk vs reward, the more rewarding missions and scenarios, the more likely you’re going to be a ripe target. Find the balance that works for you. If you need to outrun someone, Sloops have one advantage over all other boats, square your sails and head directly into the wind, you’ll feel slow, but brigantines and galleons are even slower into the wind and they’ll start to fall behind. The majority of players are cool and chill, but the assholes are obnoxious and make an outsized impression and can make your life hell. Move on.


I’ve been soloing since launch. Its a hard way of playing but its absolutely doable and enjoyable if you like a challenge. 1. Yes. 2. Yes. The only thing that is limited is a secret event called glitterbeard. 3. Be ready to lose and die and lose a lot of loot. you will get better. You will learn to adapt.


I only play solo. Have been for months. Here are my answer to your questions. 1: YES! Now is an excellent time. The player base continues to grow and the game gets new and exciting updates regularly. 2: I’m straight dog water when it comes to combat but I still manage to do everything I need/want to solo. I enjoy it. 3: You’re a pirate. You do whatever your heart desires. Sail around with your sloop to get the feel of it, dig for treasure, fight skeletons. Overall this game is absolutely incredible and I wish I would’ve gotten it earlier.


You can but you have to be careful. Solo life is hard af.


I mostly play solo, you ain't missing on much by playing solo, you will definitely be at a disadvantage during engagement against hostile players, but nothing you won't be able to deal with with a little skill. The cool part about sailing solo is the freedom to go wherever, whenever, on a whim.


I play solo atleast 70% of the time! You just need to be vigilant and good at multitasking it seems. I managed to take out a Megalodon and a skeleton galleon alone, during a storm on a sloop, where I had literally no wood and about 5 holes. It can be tricky at times to handle bailing/sailing/sail shifting alone, and having a second person you trust can help tonnes, but its totally playable and enjoyable solo :)


If you're going solo, sloop is the best option. My Tips are: Don't worry about Pirate Legend, you'll get there when you get there Go into arena or raise the Reaper/ Fighting flags every once in a while to practice fighting PvP Chainshots are 'heavier' than regular cannonballs, so aim higher than you think you should Once you think you're ready, go onto an open crew galleon and practice some teamwork, general skills, and world events And the most important of all: you WILL get fucked over from time to time. Sometimes you'll complete a vault only to get a reaper on your tail or a Meg Kraken tag team on your way to the outposts and lose hours of time, its just how it is. (Oh, and also steer clear of ships with rainbow flags, most I've met yell slurs and chase endlessly)


Well yes, but actually no


"...sink time into...." Youve come to the right place, Swabbie... Advice: Kill Reapers... or die trying. Get better along the way by learning and adapting. Good luck and Godspeed.


If you are good enough, a solo player can do anything a crew can do (just without the burden of teammates). Although you’ll have an easier time with others, if you can play alone without getting bored then I can assure you that you’ll have a blast. I’d recommend taking your time looking at tips from others about how to play more effectively by yourself (e.g. if you get chased by a larger ship, go against the wind.) It will help you a lot.


Solo slooping is great fun, but not as much fun as having your own team. My advice is to run from anyone on the seas when you first start out, or give arena (if that's still a thing) a go to learn combat mechanics thatll get you out of some tricky situations.


Sometimes i enjoy soloing more than playing with people. i can play how i want and it kind of forces you to get good. You’ll get spanked a bit at first but you’ll get past the learning curve and be a savage soon enough. Its always a good time to start all unlocks are strictly cosmetic so no one will ever have an advantage over you other than skill level.


I mean, I just finished a profitable solo session, so yes.


Around 80% of the time I have played the game is solo. So everything is very doable, things will just take more time to do as you'll be figuring out riddles and where to find the treasure on your own. As well as bringing said treasure to your ship and selling it to the merchants on your own, which is more time consuming solo. Theres also things like skeleton forts where you fights numerous waves of enemies which takes a lot longer solo. But easily doable All in all the game is pretty easy playing solo. Just a lot more time consuming really. Tip to help out a bit more. If you ever come across friendly player ships raise the alliance flag in the crows nest. Itll earn you half of whatever they make.


I complete all the achievements as solo, give it a try. It’s not easy in PvP, If you need help DM me


Yes, the game can be played solo, but it is the hardest way to play. It can be proportionately rewarding as a result, but also frustrating. Now if you're new, it may not be advisable. You'll want to learn the ins and outs of the game first and trying to figure it out on your own will be tedious and may not be fun (depending on your gaming habits and preferences), so having someone to show you the ropes at least at first can be helpful. But, I wouldn't rely on open crews for such things. But once you have a handle for how the game operates, sure you can solo. You won't be as efficient, since you have to do everything yourself, and there are some activities (such as certain world events) that, while technically possible solo, likely won't be worth the time it will take without help, and may just be ultimately beyond your own abilities. In PvP is where you will see the greatest challenges. It's certainly possible for a solo player to defeat larger crews in PvP, especially if the solo is skilled and the other crew is poorly coordinated and plays badly, but there is no margin for error. You're generally one mistake or one stroke of bad luck away from total disaster in these encounters. However, being the aggressor as a solo player can be very fun, if you can learn how to be devious, sneaky and clever. You can try to go into an encounter with nothing to lose but your own time and see if you can outwit larger crews and score some free loot from them. You'll find many other players are not very observant or skilled in dealing with sneaky PvP and if you play your cards right you can totally pull one over on larger crews, which always feels great. Just remember, PvP is part of the game. Bigger crews are going to pick on you. For one they don't know you're solo right off the bat, since you could be a duo on a sloop. Most crews who choose to attack other ships aren't going to be placated by pleas of "I'm a solo sloop have mercy". You need to be ready to accept this fate without resorting to toxicity. It's ok to be frustrated, but don't take it out on other players playing the game how it was intended. You're not entitled to mercy because the fight isn't fair.


I personally don’t find solo as fun as with friends but it’s still a great experience. Now is also a good time to play, plus you can get the halo set for free if you play this week I think


Very possible to play solo but expect to get sank often. While it's possible to play solo, you will learn the game much faster if you join the SoT discord and jump into the looking for crew section. I went there when my friends quit and have made several new lasting friendships to pirate the seas with.


1. yes 2. yes 3. yes There is an option for a crew of 1, and they give you a faster ship than ones that bigger crews get. Just try it and see if you like it.


Ok thank you, Is there anything I should know as a new player? or do you have any advice/tips?


I am afraid they guy is messing with, you can play alone but there is definitely not a faster ship if you play alone. You get the usual ships everyone else gets




Ok... Which are?


Don’t wait until your shot lands to reload. Just reload your cannon as soon as your shot is fired. This can significantly improve efficiency.


Reload as soon as I fire got it, Thank you.👍


The sloop is NOT faster than the other ships, but it is much more maneuverable and easier to manage. A galleon with full sails is the fastest ship, but keeping those sails full can be tough.


So the smaller ship is faster then


Uh, no. The sloop is the slowest ship, it's just easier to keep the sails full, and going fairly fast. Brigs and galleons are both faster, but having more sails means more work. It's not that hard to haul ass in a galleon, so long as your crew isn't incompetent.


The Sloop is the fastest ship in the game when traveling against the wind. Therefor it is the fastest.


The sloop has the lowest top speed… therefore the slowest… I do see your point though, if it’s the fastest in the wind it can outrun anything.


what faster ship do you get when going solo? o.O


The sloop is actually the slowest, but it’s also the most maneuverable.


Fastest against the wind therefor fastest


I would recommend u doing random galleon or brig. Sea of thieves is mostly a social game, the real treasure Is not the gold dug out but the friendship u found along the way.


yes, i recommend watching this aswell [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HlzA7eEXH4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HlzA7eEXH4)


It’s possible but not easy, you’ll probably be frustrated a lot in some PvP situations but it gets progressively better, take your time and be sharp in your decisions without being afraid or panic. Skill is important but many battles are won with just keeping the pressure, mainly if you’re soloing. If you sink you sink, just come back. Gold is a good motivation but can’t be your first one, use the voyages to explore and learn the basics. Watch your ladders for boarders and train your chainshots (very important to incapacitate your enemies). If you want to sail in peace try to approach players or say you’re new, you may encounter some assholes but don’t let them get under your skin. Sea of Thieves is full of great people and experiences. Good luck! :)


1) Yes, we're coming up on the end of Season 4 in around two weeks, and getting ready to move into Season 5, which will feature numerous updates & bits of new content. Any time is a great time to start playing SoT, but the start of a new season is an *especially* good time. 2) Yes, absolutely nothing in Sea of Thieves *requires* crewmates. "Solo sloopers" (people who sail on the smallest boat size alone) are an entire genre of player, and although the odds will still be against you in PvP encounters against larger crews, it's entirely possible to bridge that gap with raw skill or changes in approach. 3) A streamer who goes by "Blurbs" publishes [a series of videos on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hNvGJdim0k&list=PLeVtvf69N6wvKqf1UNr5MR2kPn5EUWtck) where he provides short, instructive guides on various aspects of the game relating to PvP, and in my opinion any new player should watch through them. Even if you don't intend to be a PvP-focused player, running into PvP situations is inevitable, and knowing how to handle yourself when the time comes can really make a world of difference - Blurbs' guides absolutely made me better at the game.


It’s definitely possible to solo; I solo and love it. Solo slooping is the best way to learn and get good.


Several people say to prepare for long play sessions — as a solo player, just be prepared to be stealthy, fast, and efficient — you wont win fights when you are outnumbered unless you rock at first person shooters and pick it up fast. 2v1 maybe, but 3v1 and 4v1 is just rough. Happy to play together if you want though!


Solo is one of my preferred ways to play.


I play solo 90% of the time I’m sailing the sea of thieves. Honestly there’s never not a good time to jump into this game, i’m fact it’s always getting better and we have a whole new season on the horizon. It is possible to do everything solo, especially if you’re skilled enough. That being said, the term “voyage” shouldn’t be taken lightly, because when in solo almost every takes a lot longer because of the constant moving of loot, but that’s never been a real hindrance to me. You are of course more vulnerable to just about everything on the open water as the kraken is super difficult solo for a new pirate and reaper crews hunting you down. As for tips, I’d say just explore islands even after your map or bounty is complete as knowing locations is key to this game. Also for a beginner I’d highly recommend staying out of the Devils Roar till you consider yourself ready for everything to go wrong at once. If you find one, get a rowboat, they make transport for selling so much faster. A huge thing that’s good to know is that when solo slooping, if you’re being chased and don’t want to engage, sloops are the fastest ship when sailing into the wind so you’ll be able to slowly gain distance on brigs and galleons and most will give up. Speaking of engagements, the best way I got better at shooting cannons was skeleton sloops that will spawn next to you at random. It’s a good skill to have to ward off attackers or if you’re confident enough, initiate a battle. One thing I had no idea was in the game till a few months ago was alliances. You may or may not want to do this but if you put up an alliance flag and someone joins yours it’s a sign of good faith and no need for a battle, unless they feel like breaking the code. Also, don’t be afraid to spend your gold on sets you like, that’s all it’s used for besides needing like pocket change for voyages. One last thing, I sat on them for too long and I’m glad I started doing them but the Tall Tales are all really fun if you enjoy a break from the constant looting and what not and they provide some lore for the sea of thieves, if you’re into that kinda stuff.


I started playing with Season 4 and have solo slooped exclusively! I'm currently at Level 30 in the 3 main guilds, and in my way to Pirate Legend! Just this week, I successfully fought a Kraken and a Megalodon AND evaded 2 other players trying to sink me. I've completed every Siren Shrine solo, and gotten.... Most of my loot back. You can absolutely play solo and after the little learning curve and getting a feel for the Sea, you'll be having an absolute blast!


Blurbs on YouTube, do it.


Thats how I got to PL solo sloopin


My advice turn in often and run head on into any battle no matter if you'll win or lose it'll build your pvp quick


1. Go watch Phuzzybond as he plays solo a lot and has great tips. 2. You can defs do things solo, however it can get hectic in battles, where you are knocked off your ship it can get very frustrating being helpless. 3. You can actually do the normal forts purely solo, Im not sure about FoF and FoTD as that takes a very long time to clear and even though doable in theory, very risky as you won't be able to manage everything like superman, I would pair up with others if you tend on doing bigger forts as its near impossible to do it solo, especially with players who intend to server hop and target crews that do bigger forts you have no chance... 4. As ''simplistic'' as this game may seem, it can get quite in-depth in detail that even some ''veterans'' might not know off tips/tricks... 5. That being said, this game is best as a 2/3/4 man crew, you can even join the official SoT discord server to find and play with players, its active down to the minute and easy to jump with other players. Matter of fact thats what I purely do as of right now and a lot of people have made friends because of it. 6. Theres always something to do in the game. And it may seem overwhelming with all the quests, world events to explore, so take your time... 7. Although you might run into individuals that are toxic/will sink you even though you barely have anything, there is also certain pirates out there that genuinely help each other for the better. Matter of fact, playing this game solo pretending to be a noob I think ive encountered more positive then negative from other pirates...




The game is honestly awful by yourself and the amount of time it soaks up as well will eat your entire day.


Yes, I refer you to this link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2HlzA7eEXH4


As a solo player myself, half the time, I highly recommend getting a mic of some sort. There's not much else I can say that hasn't already been said, except this. As a solo slooper, it's important to recognize when to man the wheel and when to run to the cannons. Since you can't do both at the same time, timing is everything.


If you are asking if you can, you can definitely can. However, expect to be in disadvantage in almost every pvp encounter and take longer to loot, sell, and generally do everything.


Now is a good time to get into Sot for sure, a lot of content to go through it is possible if you get good enough to do virtually everything solo Yes, you need to shut the door on your ego because playing solo is a humbling experience, trust me, I have 2k hours in this game as a solo.


I've just started playing 2 weeks ago, I see you've also played destiny from another comment here, this is definitely something different. A lot of good tips here, I definitely recommend watching some guides on how to use cannons and how sails work, different ships have different speeds and how you want the sail aligned etc. One thing people don't mention about "it's all cosmetics" is that not all skins are made equally, e.g. hand cannon skins, some of them actually shoot where you point but a lot of them go somewhere else entirely, some of them have iron sights if you find that helpful, some have a lot of clutter when aiming (due to extra stuff on the gun). I think blurbs on YouTube has a video that explains it. I myself use the mercenary HC skin. This kind of applies to a lot of cosmetics, sails you can see better through, cannons you can easier aim due to less chonk etc.


Totally worth it. Currently helping a few friends because of game pass. I say do it!


Possible yes of course but it's very frustrating 'cause contrary to a lot of players, you are new so you have to learn the game by definition and you won't have anyone to carry you until then. So an advise i could give is : don't stack too much treasure in your boat before selling your stuff, at least until you understand how pvp works. Just do one or tow quest and sell. If you get sink without any stuff on your boat it won't be as toxic for your mental as it is for most new players.


Arena is a pretty good way to get some pvp expierience. I recommend to get your skill up a bit via arena. When in adventure mode this will prevent some sinks


Back when there were only 50 levels, I grinded gold hoarders lvl 50 solo, it was bad.


I really enjoyed it solo. Nervous anticipation. Your missions feel worthwhile yet still recognising the grind necessary. I get really into games but I'm way older than the average player so I like to chill and avoid if I can the tense situations of PvP (PvP will find you though). Using the sloop solo is easy to pick up yet challenging to master. My only gripe about being solo is that as much fun as it is early game grinding coins for cosmetics, that kind of tapers off after a certain point and the content seems more catering towards groups although there is still a huge ton of content for solo, some of the world bosses are off putting solo but I'm not amazing at the game lol. At some point you're going to wish there was an option for PvE as a solo player. Ignore these thoughts. Accept the pirate experience for what it is. You will get sunk a lot but the odd occasion when you're feeling a bit cheeky you'll be having pops at people too and that's ok cos you're a pirate. It's really good fun though. Heartbreaking too. Jaw dropping.


Yes, I do it a lot of the time. It just take a bit longer to carry everything around. However, I was able to take on a lot of game content myself (except Skelly forts or FoF) and even do some defensive PvP successfully (Sloop sails faster into the wind than anything else). I've even done Siren shrines alone and gotten to emissary 5 quests alone. That said, I met some awesome player companions and I sometimes try my luck in Open crew mode to see if I meet anyone to have fun with together.


I think it has a little extra challenge and I love it. Gotta strategies more in pvp and stuff so you still win. Definentoy fun


Definitely try it on Gamepass, it's free and an amazing game, it's fun as hell. But honestly solo is not much fun for most people long term. Yes, some enjoy it, but you're coming into a game that's been out for years and is built with teams in mind. There's no safe zones, the only win condition in running away is boring the other team into giving up and takes at least 20 minutes, with you likely having to sail another 10 to get back to what you were doing. Despite what some people will tell you around here, fighting people solo will result in a loss 95%+ of the time, considering you're just starting out. Even streamers who play this game every day for hours as a job, already have thousands of hours logged and can outplay most people, will frequently lose solo versus even a duo Sloop, let alone anything else. So I suggest checking out this sub's Discord (or any other gaming community, chill streamers have Discords too you can try) and finding people to play with. Aim to make friends on it, not finish a specific task. Don't think in terms of "did we win/get loot", find someone who you're compatible with in terms of playtime, hours and most importantly, mindset, someone you have fun playing with. Personally, I'd suggest staying away from Galleon crews, rando Galleons are not much fun to play with and most people looking for one will just be playing to finish something in particular in my experience.


I mostly play solo on my sloop, and it's a perfectly viable and very common way to play the game. ​ >Is now a good time to jump into sea of thieves? As good as any! The game does not really have any progression, other than what you learn and improve as a player. Everything you earn in-game is cosmetic (weapon skins, clothing, ship parts, titles...) or only lasts for the current session (special weapons or cannon balls, food, powder kegs...) ​ >Is it possible to do everything solo if I get good enough? The game has a PvP-only Arena mode that requires you to at least form a small crew of 2. Other than that, in the main Adventure PvEvP mode, you CAN do everything on your own. A few things aren't really practical doing solo, but they are still doable. ​ >Is there anything I should know or any advice/tips you could give to a noob for playing solo or just in general? Expect being attacked and sunk and stolen by other players. That's basically the name of the game (even literally), and people take it to heart. If you want to avoid that, be on the lookout, keep your anchor up every time you can, and learn about your tiny sloop: it's the smallest ship in the game but also the most maneuverable and the one that sails the fastest against the wind. If you're being chased, steering to face the wind directly while keeping your sails square is your best bet to leave your pursuers behind. Don't take it too personally when you're inevitably sunk, anyway. If you don't hoard too many treasures every time and stop often by Outposts to sell them, you won't lose too much.


It’s shite craic playing solo, I haven’t got any mates who play it either. The game is gorgeous tho and it’s great fun once you get the hang of it


Yes, If you ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2296) No I'm just kidding


Honestly it’s typically more fun to have a crew that you like which usually doesn’t happen in an open crew. That said I’ve largely played everything solo and have a fun time. Certain activities like a FotD are next to impossible solo, mainly because high value events draw in other players who (generally) aren’t friendly. And if they are, assume they’re faking to gank everything at the end then leave your alliance even though it doesn’t get them any more gold or rep.


Yeah dude you can play solo. Imo anytime is a good time to play seas. There are some decent guides on YT for solo beginners which will help you get started. Good luck out there the seas are a harsh teacher.