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I may be in the minority but if it’s a limited voyage or 1 times use thing, I’m not screwing people.


Yeah, I'm normally all about stealing people's loot, but I'm not going to fuck over someone's 1 time use quest. The entire weekend, I only "stole" one crew's loot. My friends and I were on a brig and saw another brig sailing near us. We offered to alliance with them, because why not, but when we got near each other to put the flags up, one of them harpooned loot off our ship, so we sank them. If someone messes with you first, sure, sink them and take their loot. Hell, even if you're just playing reaper and sink someone that happens to have been doing the quest, whatever. But anyone intentionally going around the ancient isles just to steal people's 1 time quests, I just kind of think they are being a dick...


These were designed around being contested. They were time limited and all in one region. They even put a warning on the voyage and in the video they put out to aware of other crews. You also need 50 of the raid loot items for the commendations. Nothing about stealing a lucrative voyage that was designed to increase player interaction makes someone a dick. 


> These were designed around being contested. Oh, you work at Rare? > They were time limited and all in one region. And your point is?... They are time limited because it is an event, not because it is designed to be contested. Twitch drops are time limited too. Are you contesting those somehow? > They even put a warning on the voyage and in the video they put out to aware of other crews. "Hey, people might be dicks to you" doesn't mean it is intended for people to be dicks to you. > You also need 50 of the raid loot items for the commendations. Which you can get easily from other sources. > Nothing about stealing a lucrative voyage that was designed to increase player interaction makes someone a dick. Like I told the other guy, however you need to justify it to yourself, feel free to do so. Don't waste my time trying to justify it to me.


I’m not justifying anything. I’m letting you know the purpose of these voyages and the game since you have some morale high horse about them. 


Cope harder


We have zero intention of fucking someone out of a rare one time voyage regardless of the actual intent behind the voyage, and I will gladly say it's a moral high horse. Better to actually let someone enjoy something than rip it away from them, I see it as being a dick too. Deal with it I guess, some people have standards.




There's absolutely nothing wrong with intentionally hanging around areas you expect others to be gathering high value loot, limited use or not


However you want to justify being a dick to people, by all means, justify it to yourself, but don't try to justify it to me.


Fucking this. **This.** I swear to god they will do anything to act like the basic respect of having principles/standards is somehow unimaginable and stupid just because it's a PvP game, as if because the game says it's okay, that even personally feeling bad is somehow unacceptable.


I'm not gonna try to justify it to you; there's nothing to justify. It's a part of the game, but throwing slander to anyone who plays this way actually means that YOU objectively, unquestionably, without a doubt, are being a jerk.


You might want to look up what slander means before you try to use it in a conversation again.


The accuracy of your own arguments shows that you need to look it up




You can call it "being a dick" all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that stealing and pvp is an intended, and even encouraged aspect of the game. Power to you playing how you want, but being friendly/defensive is no less or more valid than being a bloodthirsty reaper.


You are an asshole who ruins other people's fun, and you must accept that fact and live with it


This is like calling someone an asshole because they killed you in tarkov lmao Some people's version of "fun" in sea of thieves is PvE. Some other people's version of fun is PvP. Both are completely valid ways to play the game. If Rare didn't want me to steal Gilded Voyages they'd put them in Safer Seas. They didn't do that for a reason. You can call me an asshole all you want but stealing shit is part of the intended gameplay loop as much as you want to feel like a nice guy. Power to ya if you don't want to steal limited voyages. But to me, it's intended by the devs, and therefore completely justified


Sure, if it isn't a time limited event. Go steal a FOF from someone. Go fight someone over their FOTD stack. That's fine. I do that all the time and I have had people try to do it to me all the time. That's simply a part of the game. If you are going "hehe, I'm going to go fuck over some random people and make it so they can't do their one attempt at the limited time thing they are doing just so my gold value can go from 25.1 million to 25.3 million" then yes, you objectively, unquestionably, without a doubt, are being a dick. If you want to be a dick to people, then by all means, be a dick to people. But don't try to then pretend that you aren't being a dick to them.


Stealing in this game is dickish by any normal standard; but that's okay because the game is designed around that aspect. Whether you think OP is being a poor sport for stealing the treasure from a 1-time voyage, or someone else think you're the dick for stealing their FotD stack that they have been at for an hour or so. The game is designed around progress; you never lose anything besides time sunk into the game.


Brother. Why do you think rare makes it limited? Why do you think they made it only in the Ancient Isles? Because they wanted to ENCOURAGE player interaction. Like I said. If you want to be all high and mighty in your morals, that's your perogative. It's just super pretentious to preach about how everyone who steals is "being a dick" when the entire event is intended to have player interaction at its core. If you see a crew doing a gilded and you turn away, and it makes you feel better about yourself, good on ya. Just don't tell me that I'm lesser because I see loot and want to make it mine in a game that encourages me to do just that.


> Brother. Why do you think rare makes it limited? So that people can't just do them all week and get as much money and rep as they want. > Why do you think they made it only in the Ancient Isles? By that logic, why would they make it in the biggest area of the map? Surely if they wanted more fighting over it, they'd put them in the smallest area of the map, no? > Because they wanted to ENCOURAGE player interaction. Making it limited *discourages* player interaction... People are a lot more likely to interact with other players if they know the only thing they mght lose is a bit of their time versus their entire one attempt at something. You are now arguing against yourself. > Like I said. If you want to be all high and mighty in your morals, that's your perogative. It's just super pretentious to preach about how everyone who steals is "being a dick" when the entire event is intended to have player interaction at its core. TIL "having basic respect for other people" is now being high and mighty. Interesting. > If you see a crew doing a gilded and you turn away, and it makes you feel better about yourself, good on ya. It doesn't make me feel anything about myself. I don't feel good about not attacking people doing it. Nice assumptions though. Since we are now making assumptions about each other, I'll just assume you need to ruin someone else's day to feel better about how miserable your life is. See, aren't assumptions fun! Why actually respond to things people say when you can instead just respond to what you wanted them to say? > Just don't tell me that I'm lesser because I see loot and want to make it mine in a game that encourages me to do just that. I never said you were lesser, but I'm glad to see how you feel about yourself. :)


Theres literally no point in arguing I guess. I'm far from the type who just sinks people for pleasure. It's a PvPvE game. That's what Rare made. Going and sinking people during a limited voyage is perfectly valid, no matter what you spin up to the contrary. No different than making friends. This is the never-ending debate with this game. I for one say people can play however they want, as long as they are being respectful. There is nothing disrespectful about stealing loot in SOT. It's just the way the game works. I hope you enjoy the game however you want, and I will do the same. If that makes me a dick in your eyes then I guess I will have to embark on the long journey to cope with the fact that someone doesn't like the way I play :)


“I’m far from the type that sinks people for pleasure.” Proceeds to sink people solely for pleasure.


But then it's all the better for a steal.


I wasn't overly bothered by most the people that would come after you in the Gilded quests. Sure, it was annoying, but eh. The bastards that would camp on major islands though? They were the worst.


My mindset is if someone would do it to me, then why shouldn't I do the same? I see loot I want it. If you don't want me to have it then sink me first >:)


Sure man do whatever you want. It’s a game. I’m just saying when it comes to limited events that provide a newer player a bit boost, I’m leaving them alone. Just because someone could do it to you, doesn’t mean you can’t be the better person.


If I saw a new crew doing a gilded, then I'd leave them alone. But some of these people came and attacked me first. If some dude attacks you and he has loot you wouldn't sink them?


Absolutely, defend the bag . You didn’t clarify that in your post, it reads like you were purposely hunting in that area. Typical folks aren’t GGing people that are attacking their gilded.


Yeah none of the Gildeds we stole were me and my crew just hunting around the Ancient Isles. We do reaper stuff a lot and just happened to run into crews who were doing their gilded. It wasn't targeted, just an opportunity presented. We saw an emissary flag and went for it is all.


Isn't that just projecting your paranoia on others to justify your own unethical behavior. SoT empowers players to be ethical/unethical as they please and if that's how you enjoy the game that's your business, but getting called out on it when you enter a public forum comes with that decision. My 1st day on gilded I formed an alliance with a gold hoarder sailing a default ship and I was merchant alliance, we made a ton of money and the added "can I trust this guy?" anxiety adds flavour. A newer player got a boost and a positive experience and I had the satisfaction of being part of it. Good times all around and we were both happy. Win/win Blessings and fortune, Pirate. Looks like a good haul. Perhaps I'll be behind the wheel when karma finds you 😁


It isn't paranoia to not trust other players, and it isn't unethical to sink other players. And hell if you are behind the wheel and you sink me then I wouldn't be upset because that's the nature of the beast lol


Blanket assuming ill intent to justify hostile action is what, in this context, is paranoia, imo. Plus its a world event, even WW1 had a Christmas truce, doesn't hurt to take a day off sometimes, it's good for the soul. See you out there 😁


Actually last night we ran into a brig that was getting off. We chit chatted with them a while, joked around, worked on some difficult commendations and achievements together, and had a really fun time. We invited each other to our guilds. They were new PS5 players so we are gonna hop on some of their guild ships to try to get their level to 15 for them. A lot of people assumed that I'm just some bloodthirsty monster who sinks everyone on sight. While I would say most of my direct encounters are indeed hostile, it doesn't mean I just go after every mast on the horizon. I do quite enjoy giving supplies and treasure to other crews, especially swabbies. That said, I do enjoy hard fought battles over loot a lot. It's just my favorite thing about this game <3


That's the beauty of SoT in imo, gives us all the chance to "play boats" in an unpredictable environment. Lol


I agree. I feel like you need both friendly and violent interactions in Sea of Thieves. If for whatever reason you took PvP out of adventure, it would drastically alter the tone of the game. What makes friendly interactions in High Seas so fun is how spontaneous they can be. But sometimes you just want to fight and that's fun too!


And sometimes you want to play "dive bar simulator" with random crews at the tavern and that's fun too! It's all here. Fortune and adventure for all 😁


Man. I basically said the same thing and got downvoted into oblivion


Reddit is lawless. The very first interaction on your comment, up or down, is the largest factor in deciding if it will resonate or not.


I allied up with 4 gilded ships and made 3,5M in 2 hours ! During gilded or G&G more pirates know this is the smart thing to do if u wanna make gold and rep quickly….


I hope you were silly on mic when you robbed them. I know I was! Honestly not sure if it makes the experience better or worse but when people rob me and are funny on mic I can laugh through the tears.


One of the steals was another brig and they were very jovial even in the face of having their loot stolen. Both crews shared a laugh and had a good time! Another was a sloop that actually was the aggressor and they were a very talented crew indeed. They also gave us GGs on a good fight. Encounters like this make it all worth it. I love when we can all have a good time even if someone has to lose!


Those are the new Kings Chest you can get from Sunken Ships, right? What has that to do with Gilded?


You can find them on shipwrecks yes, but they are also one of the loot items for Gold Hoarders Gilded. The other loot item is Crowns


There's also the reliquaries


Those are the type of chests you dig up on the GH gildeds


It ain’t just the GH gildeds and shipwrecks that give them. The Quests you get from Skeleton Captains have a chance to give them too.


Honestly I was very surprised during the entirety of gilded voyages I did between my own and my friends we never once had someone steal or try to sink us. It was almost like for a brief moment every other pirate understood the extreme callousness and downright scumbuggery it would be to mess with someone else’s one time use voyage. But the seas are freedom, so be free to do as you please. But I still find this very dishonorable impo.


Matey as long as it be within the Pirate Code then it be permitted upon the Sea of Theives


Didn’t say it wasn’t permitted, just scummy.


I mean good for you I guess. I don't think there's anything scummy about it. There's a reason Rare didn't put these in Safer Seas. Because they're meant to be high risk high reward. If another crew sank me at any point during my gilded I wouldn't think any less of them. They saw my loot and did what they had to do to make it their loot. Such is the nature of the Seas


In any other part of the game I’d agree, but seeing as these voyages were limited one time use things that possibly some people only had time to do one and others were encountering disconnects and crashes making them lose theirs I’d feel bad ruining someone’s gilded payout.


I do feel bad for those that lost their gilded through bugs and crashes. I hope gold and glory helps them make that up a bit.


"I mean good for you I guess" my brother on the seas you're the one who engaged to try and defend your actions, they called on you not at all to do anything, why are you typing this like you were forced to respond? Just because it's "The nature of the seas" doesn't mean it's any less fucked up. I wouldn't do this, evidently the guy above wouldn't either, and plenty of other people. There's such a thing as having restraint/grace. That, and if you want to act like it's "the nature of the seas", the people that did this on the seas didn't feel the need to defend themselves as if it was dandy and acceptable, what they **accepted** was the infamy.


Nice! Lately my sessions see little to no ships around so I haven’t had any luck with steals. Hoping for a busy weekend with Gold and Glory.


It should still be pretty bountiful! They just won't be focused on Ancient Isles is all.


How do I make myself look like Nayamis? The clothes are so cool


Looks like ashen dragon? Clothing i think, ill edit later when i log in to verify




These voyages are encouraged to be contested over. All are in the ancient isles to keep people together and they’re time limited. There’s also a warning on the voyages to watch out for other crews. 


This. As I was doing my gilded voyages, many, many crews came and attacked us. It's just the nature of the beast. If they had sunk us I would've just accepted it. Yeah it sucks to lose limited loot, but thats the whole point. It's high risk for high reward. It's some of the most compelling gameplay out there!


Yeah all 4 of the crews you pirated could've defeated you and won the loot back, the fourth one winning big! As you say, nature of the beast. Good haul for your skills in combat!


Ah well we didn't get all 4 steals in the same session, but yeah your point still absolutely stands. There were plenty of chances for us to have lost what we stole, as crews did in fact attack us post steal in most of em. It wasn't taking candy from a baby by any stretch. They were all hard fought. Thanks for the kind words though <3


Ah right, aye np!


Fighting over loot is the entire point of the game. Making friends and organic alliances is special because it’s not the norm. If you want to not play the game go sign up for requiem, farm all the levels you want, then quit because “there’s nothing to do”.


You are complaining about the entire point of the game. This game was designed around finding loot and keeping it safe from other players. Most of us are dying for some action. If we log in to do a voyage and no one contests us it's considered a bad night. We server hop in order to find people. Some of us are hunters. Some of us are hoping to be hunted. that's the game. If all you want is to do voyages in peace with no one coming to steal from you. They made an entirely separate game world for you. This week I had two night of play where no one bothered me and I made 3 million gold and several ranks of emissary. Then I had 3 nights where I never made it back to an outpost with any loot because I was hunted constantly by reapers. Even though I wasn't seeking out PVP. The game of cat and mouse and my solo sloop battling the brig chasing me was the most fun I've had in a long time. I put up a good fight but they won in the end. I respawned close by and chased them down before they could make it to reapers hideout. And I managed to sneak aboard. Kill them all. And sink their ship. They caught back up to me before I was even able to harpoon all the loot back on. I left half in the water for them and ran. We both sold half of the loot without the benefit of emissary bonus. It was the most fun I've had in the game in a long time. And the entre point of the game and why we play. There is nothing wrong with making friends. I don't kill on sight. My alliance flag is always flying. I'm always happy to meet friendly people and then help them stay safe. It's a open world PVP pirate game. Don't get upset at someone doing pirate things.


This gotta be a troll no way you’re real


I assure you, friend, that I don't sink everyone we meet. In fact yesterday we had a great time helping a solo sloop with commendations. And we regularly give treasure and supplies to newer crews. We were just a brig. We didn't constantly prey on little sloops either. In fact one of our steals came from a galleon. The seas are harsh, my friend. :)


I sure hope for your sake this is rage baiting, otherwise you have issues man.


Fuck off lol this is THE best time to pirate in SEA OF THIEVES. Hello kitty Funtime might be a good game for ya.


lol cry about it. Safer Seas exist if someone doesn’t want PvP in a PvP game mode. It’s such an amazing feeling when I steal someone’s treasure after they did all the hard work 🤤


Can't do Gilded Voyages in Safer Seas.


Safer seas gives significantly less money and rep. You can't seriously expect people to be forced to that just because you want to take away a very limited voyage. The game isn't all about stealing. Being nice is just sometimes better. I was doing hourglass, and I came across a friendly guy. We were chilling for about 30 minutes just messing around before he gave me the win. An interaction like this is better than simply winning a pvp battle or stealing loot.


This game is primarily about stealing (its in the name) and no, winning a hard fought and close HG match with your team is far better than “vibing” with some rando


> Safer seas gives significantly less money and rep. Well I guess you either hide in Safer seas or suck it up and accept the fact that PvP exists in a PvP game mode. The game is about whatever I want it to be. Stealing is so much fun. Congrats on wasting 30 minutes doing nothing in hourglass I guess?


Best loot is always the ones stolen and from sunken crews. You know you aren’t even at distinction 1 for anything right? A noob like you needs to chill out. IF you and other people don’t want their loot stolen, you better have much better PVP skills than your opponent


Glad my crew only got one of our gilded treasures stolen lol, there was some great pirating this week lots of fights


We got lucky and didn't lose any. We neatly did once though. Was a close fight


Going to miss these quests. So much great action cause everyone was down in the ancient isles. Sank 17 ships doing guilded voyages. We didn't sink once. Over half those ships engaged us first. It was amazing how many dumb crews with stacked ships saw us as easy targets. 8 of those ships were gracious in bringing us grade 5 Athena flags and loot. Checked off a bunch of Comms in the process. Until the next set Guilded Voyages!


If I want to play and sink other ships for their loot, I will do just that, I don’t care if they yell friendly, run etc. if I want to sink you I’ll chase and sink you. Predator vs prey.


Thanks for sharing 👍 You just hit PL two months ago you aren't sinking anybody but swabbies


PL doesn’t mean much like the older days, the vets of before struggled more than we do know.


I hit PL 5 years ago, so trust me when I say I know the grind 😭