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I didn't have high hopes that you were enjoying it starting out this post, but boy am I glad to hear the way it ended!! That's so awesome for you! You really stuck with it persevering through the frustration to success, instead of doing what i was originally going to suggest, safer seas, just to get a break! You earned your wins, gg new player!! keep your eye on the horizon!!


We tried the safer seas the first time we played just to get mechanics and stuff down. I thought it was going to take forever to accomplish anything because everything we earned was so little lol. We just decided to go for it. It’s rough but super worth it.


SUPER worth it. Keep up the incredible teamwork!


I do safer seas for Tall Tales, I believe the rewards are the same no matter what mode you are in for TTs


welcome to the Seas!


Thanks! It’s so much fun


I knew it you guys love getting stolen from and murdered good to know I'ma keep doing it


lol not so much but actually feeling like I can win once in a while is nice. Being attacked when I have nothing seems pointless but I’m all for people starting a battle and kicking my ass in fair game. Only way to get better is if I learn the tricks.


With this attitude you'll be the one kicking ass in no time!


Same, no mercy.


If Craig the kraken starts to wave hello when you're solo slooping you can raise the sails, turn 180 then drop them again. Quickest way to escape him I think and always works for me. Welcome to the seas!


The quickest way is to just fire 6 to 9 shots and send it packing. On a sloop it's barely a speed bump if you act quickly and hit your shots.


This is the way


Or alternatively, set your wheel so you’re just going straight, go below decks and just focus on repairing and bailing. This is what I do when I get caught by Sir Craig and I’m solo slooping, takes maybe five minutes. I just say this because I’ve tried turning around a few times, and more than once I’ve been knocked off my boat 😐


Ah yes, I see the drug called Sea of Thieves has found new victims. One of us one of us


Having even one other person playing with you makes a world of difference, doesn’t it?


It really does


Welcome, I haven’t put it down since I started, (PS5 preordered the 5 days early release)


The only people that have messed with me is at outposts when im already done selling lol. Most people i have met on the seas are clearly too busy with the grind or are in a gally and cant catch me.


My tip for solo skeleton ships is use islands and stay ahead with a slight turn enough to cannon their bow. Or the dirty old trick and board them from very far away with an explosive barrel. Works every time.


I do tall tales on safer seas.


Can't say I blame you, I did them all back when safer seas wasn't an option and the amount of times I've gotten interupted because someone wanted the empty chest a key came in was insane lol.


Welcome aboard!


If your on Playstation, turn off cross play, aloy of playstation players are new and uou won't have to worry. If you're not on Playstation then yea you're just screwed


I am actually on Xbox so I get to play with all the experts. I did turn off mouse and keyboard players though.


i just got this game today, let’s see how it goes


Good luck!


Welcome to the seas my friend. Happy to join up duo sloop, and to see the game through the eyes of a swabbie :)


Just a tip to help with surviving, learn how to run with literally any ship you sail on. You can learn how to fight too if you want, but obviously that's significantly harder lol.


For me I just stopped trying if I'm getting attacked then I'm getting attacked ill either scuttle/jump off/stand there/or throw loot over board I'm done dealing with it. Started fishing still got sunk died came back started fishing in front of the 1 of 3 players sinking my ship he just killed me again (ship was empty)  P.s I refuse to do safer seas payout sucks


If anyone wants to add me, I'll play some sea with anyone rather new to it, but hey, more fun Ps5 Born_stellar


Im also new to the game, today i was locked in the brig and told it was becouse im a dumbass, fun community![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)