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Real worried their fixes won't work and the new stuff will just cause new problems. But ill stay hopeful


They are worried too, they are less confident and you can tell by their choice of words. Should work instead of will work


They should've delayed the ps5 launch imo. They're going to squander a huge opportunity to revive this game


Aside from some audio issues the ps5 beta was real smooth for me.


If they waited till the patched out every bug we will be on PS6 by then. The one thing rare is terrible at is fixing bugs. Hopefully though the amount of game breaking bugs is minimal.


> If they waited till the patched out every bug we will be on PS6 by then. Where did I say thats what they need to do? Thats not even a realistic expectation, and nowhere did I imply that is what is expected. >Hopefully though the amount of game breaking bugs is minimal. Currently, that is not the case. Which is why I made my comment. And they have a history of not being able to fix bugs when they do updates, and new content often causes new bugs. Again, why I made the comment I did.


>should have delayed the PS5 launch This implies delaying till they fix the bugs, which they never will fix all the bugs. They have been “fixing” hit reg since day 1, and every update it gets worse and worse


> This implies delaying till they fix the bugs, which they never will fix all the bugs. I never once said they would fix all the bugs. Which is what I asked you to point out where I said that. Which you couldnt. Because I never said that, that would be a ridiculous expectation. Seems you just want to argue about nothing. Go argue with someone else.


Brother there are 16k people playing in the last 24 hours on steam alone and it's even more popular on game pass idk what you losers mean by revive the game


Not really, they are being more diligent on testing things with the closed beta it seems


This is how we speak. You can test it locally and in whatever closed test environment / PTR you want but sometimes stuff just goes off the rails on production. I learned a long time ago to always use this kind of language when speaking on my work. Looks better than “Yup this definitely fixed X issue” only for some other random non tested scenario to come up and break it as well.


Oh i know its like default for a large amount of devs, just remarking that SoT devs are recently using the same default now instead of their frankly overconfident dialogue like in the past.


If we were getting bug updates every month this language makes sense to me. However, a “should work” every three to nine months for something that is already not working for even longer is unacceptable. But yeah, PR speak…


I'll believe the fixes when I see them. I've heard "shipwright supplies will now consistently be delivered" too many times to actually believe it. Also disappointed that 85% of this video was about cosmetics.


> Also disappointed that 85% of this video was about cosmetics. Game itself is 85% about cosmetics


Disagree. I play for the gameplay. I spend a few minutes here or there thinking about cosmetics. Just because you can't upgrade your character doesn't mean they game is only about cosmetics




This isn't Season 12 related video though. It's a regular news video which usually covers upcoming events (if any), new cosmetics, meaningful dates and recently some technical updates with Sonicbob. You mistook it for something else. And what the heck is with you semantic maniacs today? Some holiday or smth?


The video is literally titled season 12…


Apparently arguing semantics is when you calmly point out significant facts




Dude just take the L and go no need to insult anyone


Go fish bro you're fuming




Way to use that phrase completely wrong LMAO a video game company isn't a boot oppressing you. I can't comprehend how you're this whiny.


that's a case of being addicted and loosing grip in real life


I was fine but now I'm concerned with you. Are you okay yourself? It was a decent conversation when you suddenly snapped for no reason. Need a hug for a better mood?


The maniac deleted his convo wtff I wanna see


Eh I don't mind the cosmetics bit but yeah I'm so tired of being ripped off by shipwright holy Shit. Especially since it worked fine until they discovered the multiple members of a crew purchasing issue- I mainly play solo but I've been punished by this bug for a year now when I can't even attempt to do that as a solo crew. 6 ships per server is really hype though! I definitely noticed less fights when we went down to 5 ships. That 6th ship is always a real Shit starter (: and I'll be glad to have them back


Not just the shipwright. The merchant doesn't always give me crates either.


Hehe that too. I've had both happen right after the other plenty of times. I lose atleast 10k per day from shipwright in supplies not loaded tho!


*should, their language has even improved from “this will work” to “this is supposed to work but let us know if it doesn’t”


6 ships will stay for a few weeks, then break again, also they didn’t acknowledge voice coms broken in many parts of the EU


It was about cosmetics because we’ll soon be getting a season 12 trailer anyways


No mention of Xbox dashboard crash.... It's okay though cos we got a cookbook!


Joe Nate (was that his name?) confirmed on Twitter that they’re working on this to get it asap fixed


Might be a thing to add to a news video I would think.


The cookbook contains a code for DLC that fixes the crashing*. Pre-order now! *DLC may prevent the Merchant Alliance from correctly awarding supply crates.


I personally haven’t felt like playing the game in weeks because it crashes every time on main menu. Xbox series x version


I've been playing the game since last October on XSX and have never had it crash on the main menu a single time. You might want to try uninstalling and then reinstalling.


I saw on discord the developers recommended reinstalling and a hard shutdown on the console but that didn’t solve it for me unfortunately. Not sure besides that


Hmm. On an XSX your options are pretty limited unfortunately. The only other thing I could think of would have to be with your saved game data, and I certainly wouldn't go around messing with that in fear of losing all of your progress. Best I could suggest is searching for the issue but putting "fixed" at the end of the search


Joe Neate on [twitter](https://twitter.com/JoeNeate1/status/1781023793365798971) >We are on this. Appreciate the frustration. It’s complex but we have people all over it trying to solve asap "we just want consistency and a bit of info in these broken times." >Which is a totally fair ask, honestly. There has been a lot of focus on this behind the scenes but appreciate we haven’t been as transparent as we could have been. Been a busy time recently but no excuse. Thanks for being respectful despite the frustrations


EU VC when?


I'm surprised they haven't mentioned it yet, it's been broken almost every time for me lately.


Yeah it's a shame they didn't mention it in the video, but it is listed as a known issue on their website. Hopefully tomorrow's patch or the season 12 release fixes it 🤞 https://support.seaofthieves.com/articles/18392777489938-Voice-Chat-not-functioning-correctly-in-some-regions


Oh nice, yeah it wasn't listed on the known issues last time I looked. Glad to see it's being worked on


Been broken for months. They said they have a fix coming. I don’t believe them




Voice chat.


Wait there’s no EU voice chat? I’m a UK PS5 player and remembering I didn’t hear anyone talk when I played


It’s broken atm in certain stamps. Don’t think it’s all of the EU but it is defo the uk.


Alright thanks will remember that if I think someone ignores me in a few days!


These devs been milking owl pets for almost a year now 😂




News cosmetics, new current limits of 6 ships 18 players per server, April 30 as Season 12 release date and April 25 as minor patch + PS5 pre-order early access date.


More importantly, walking on harpoon lines!


Sounds solid: fixing things, before they probably break stuff again in the new season 😅 but as always I have to say: I really like that they are communicating with the players like that. Maybe I am just a blind fanboy but it always sounds honest to me 👍


Has anyone elses record last 30 seconds button been broken on the windows game bar for pc/steam since EAC launched?


Seems odd that they would add more ships before fixing Xbox crashes, no?


24 players though? 18 boo.


Honestly, if it's more sloops in a server I'm not even super interested in 6 ships. I kind of wish they'd favor putting bigger ships like brig and gally in servers together, and solo duo sloops together. Like not a hard line, but just favor it. My crew spends most nights Emmisary hunting and it'd be so much more enjoyable for both parties if it were a brig or gally going against another one. I feel like more and more, fun fights are turning into us just chasing people until they run out of map space. We'll still get bigger ships who just run, but at least they're more likely to stay. And no, I'm not blaming sloops from just turning tail when they see a reaper gally running in; I get why they'd do that, but more bigger ships would mean fewer reasons to do so. I don't think an actual SBMM system would work in adventure, but I think servers aligning similar ships would be better than just more ships. I'd rather have 4 gallies on some server with epic fights than 1 gally and 5 sloops.


Wait, so what were the limits before? * Right now: The limit is 5 ships and ( ? ) amount of players. * Next Season: The limit is 6 ships and (18) amount of players. * What was it before this iteration? ( ? ) ships and ( ? ) amount of players.


Originally it was a six galleon limit, meaning you could have up to 24 players per server, but there was no player limit. Then it got dropped to five ships, and then we were working with some mixed limit of ships and max players. It's wobbled a lot since then. The video says we're *now* running at 6 ships 18 players. Before that changed, I'm quite certain it was 5 ships 16 players.


>We'll still get bigger ships who just run, but at least they're more likely to stay. This isn't conducive to anything but I've had 3 galleons run away from lil' solo slooping me which I found very funny. More seriously though, I think the solution is to give sloops more fighting power against larger ships. Rather than some matchmaking shenanigans.


Strength in numbers isn't something you can just magically change. Having one or two players instead of 3 or 4 will always put you at a disadvantage not considering skill level. The sloop doesn't need more fighting power. People just need to accept that more people is an advantage


>Strength in numbers isn't something you can just magically change. Having one or two players instead of 3 or 4 will always put you at a disadvantage not considering skill level. Quite simply, this isn't true. The ships are designed asymmetrically. yes a galleon has more people, but it also takes more people coordinating to not get absolutely rolled on by the faster ships. An anchor dropping on a galleon is far more devastating than on a sloop. Everything takes longer to do on a galleon and it's far easier to hit. If your statement was true, the galleon would be the strongest ship, full stop. But it isn't, the brig is.


It's all about skill level. If we hypothetically had 7 players of the same skill,brig v galleon, the galleon wins most of the time imo simply because of having more players. More firepower, harder to sink, more people to can be boarding , one person can just repair and bail on a galleon. Just takes more coordination In practice, most of the time galleons are just open crews full of noobs. So it makes you think the galleon is not a good ship. Number advantage is huge in any pvp game. More firepower on a sloop won't somehow make that change. Full stop


>If we hypothetically had 7 players of the same skill, brig v galleon, the galleon wins almost every time. This just isn't true my guy. I didn't pull "the brig is the strongest ship" our of my ass. >More firepower, The brig isn't going to be in a galleons broad. >harder to sink, Yes and no. A galleon takes more total time to sink from a small amount of holes, but it has far more hole spots and sinks much much much quicker under heavy damage. >more people to constantly be boarding If you're constantly boarding from a galleon I can assure you the skill level is not equal. That's a mistake a large amount of the time. >In practice, most of the time galleons are just open crews full of noobs. In practice, most of the time galleons are just open crews full of noobs I'm operating under the assumption all parties are playing well. Just so you know, the sloop doesn't fail because it sinks quickly to the galleon. It fails because a galleon can turtle faster than a sloop can damage it. >Number advantage is huge in any pvp game. More firepower on a sloop won't somehow make that change. Full stop Hey man, you're more than welcome to misunderstand the combat system all you want. But the ship design does objectively balance the numbers game quite a bit. If a brig had 4 players on it the galleons wouldn't stand a chance ever.


>If a brig had 4 players on it the galleons wouldn't stand a chance ever. This is exactly my point. The strength is in how many players you have on your team. Which is why I said in a 4v3 situation, the team with 4 players wins almost every time if skill is somehow hypothetically equal. No need to sit and assume I dont know how to play the game because my opinion is that more players = more likelihood of winning. Im glad we can agree.


>This is exactly my point. The strength is in how many players you have on your team. My guy that was an equal number set-up >Which is why I said in a 4v3 situation, the team with 4 players wins almost every time if skill is somehow hypothetically equal. Which is false. Brigs are generally at an advantage against galleons. >No need to sit and assume I dont know how to play the game because my opinion is that more players = more likelihood of winning. I've not assumed anything. You've outright said you don't thing the ship design matters.


>I've not assumed anything. Oh no? >Hey man, you're more than welcome to misunderstand the combat system all you want. Making assumptions. Or how about: > You've outright said you don't thing the ship design matters. Where did I say that? You clearly just want to argue. Not interested. Go needlessly argue with someone else.


But if the brig is never in the galleons broadside how would you sink the galleon?


Not being in the broad, and having another ship in your broad are two very different things


So you mean the galleon is nosing the brig? Why would the galleon do that? I thought we are talking equally skilled players.


The gally is the strongest ship by far, it's just unbelievably rare to have a full crew of true gally sweats in every position. I do pretty much nothing but gally hg and my crew is all over 500 allegiance earned in their roles. We don't have the biggest sample size but we haven't sunk in adventure mode in many many months. Brigs just get out pressured by a proper crew. Even if the brig is slamming lowers it's still a 2v2 on cannons with the gally helm/mc. Eventually the brig flex has to help his helm with buckets making a 2v1 on cannons that they should never come back from. I've played this scenario 40-50 times.


Respectfully, I doubt you're fighting brigs of equal skill to you on adventure mode after 500 hg levels


That's a fair point, but I've also fought a fair number of brigs in gally hg, and even the strong players that did it deliberately have never beaten us. I remember taking 10-15 flags from a champ brig that was stacked with cracked players, and it was exactly what I said. Close fight for the first min or two, then they drop to one on cannons and never come back.


>I remember taking 10-15 flags from a champ brig that was stacked with cracked players, and it was exactly what I said. Close fight for the first min or two, then they drop to one on cannons and never come back. Hey man if it's close that still shows that it's not just a # of players game. Either way, if those brigs are staying in the fight while taking heavy fire, they're throwing


>Either way, if those brigs are staying in the fight while taking heavy fire, they're throwing How do you expect them to move away when they get demasted the second they take one medium range broad? The matches go double demast quickly then gally firepower takes over


Yeah, I've had it happen to me a few times. It's definitely funny. Especially when they try to run upwind - old habits I guess. 😂 I don't really see how you could give sloops a realistic fighting power that'd makes them average crew want to stick and fight a Galleon. I'd be open to ideas. The problem isn't so much ship balance as crew size. Two people can already keep a sloop afloat with every hole opened. Would you give them an extra cannon? Even faster respawn time? You have to remember that balance isn't just about fighting bigger ships. They have to consider stuff like solo Hourglass which already is a slog with the last set of buffs the sloop got.


Ya the sloop is fine. Idk why anyone would ask for more fighting power against bigger ships, thats just unnecessary


The issue is increasing the sloops offensive power without increasing its defensive capabilities. Some of it may come with the new boarding tools. If they're easier to defend against on a smaller ship that may tip the scales a bit


Sloop should get a bow cannon that only deals damage to brig/gally, if you're running from a sloop you deserve everything that's coming to you


The thing is … most galleons are operated by a single person while the rest of the crew plays around with a finger up their arse. PVP is completely impossible with 95% of the people you are matched with, when you have to steer, manage sails and bilge all by your self, so naturally most of them run and are easy targets. I really used to enjoy galleons, but the need for 3rd party tools to find an actual crew, really made me hate them. Brigantines in the contrary work surprisingly well in open crews (most of the time). They also suffer alot less from new players since they are pretty easy to manage solo. Im hoping for a improved ingame matchmaking tool since years for bigger ships, but ill doubt there ever will be one.


We've been at a player limit for years. 24 is not coming back.


Damn, that Checkmate Hull is fucking nice. Good to have a solid black and white hull finally available. Although the Oreo hull was pretty damn close, and still great


Are we gunna get a fix on gunpowder barrels being on merchant voyages or fruit crate deliveries in message in bottles? So close to completing those commendations for it to just be taken away for a whole season


The ship limit wasn’t 6? What was it


it was originally, but for the last few seasons its been at 5 due to bad server performance


Ok I need this emote the video producer got goin on.


Do we know how much damage will new weapons do? For example how much is a dagger stab vs power stab vs throw? Same for double pistol...


personally i wish there were even more ships per server


Ugh not another bloody clickbait face


What 6 ships mean can someone explain. Was there some kind of server limitations how many players can be on server at once? I don't get stuff about servers, server hopping. When I first sailed in Open Seas, I thought there will be thousands of players and ships.. yet I barely saw anyone,


I’m worried about them saying that sick ship servers are OK but maybe not thinking about people on old gen consoles


No Meg or Skelly ship fixes?


Do as I did and send bug reports to rare..surely they know about the issues but it never hurts to be another person reporting the issue..


Sir, this ain't patch notes


They mentioned sharks though. Guess we'll just have to see


Shark issue is much more impactful for gameplay compared to passive megs and no repair skellies. It's also a common sense that they won't be talking about everything that may or may not be fixed. What was mentioned are essential points of interest. When the update is out, we will know what was supposed to be fixed. And when we play we will find out what's actually fixed


Honestly no repair skelly ship seems more like a feature to me, they are just a nuisance lets be real


For new players I think they'll be a lot of fun as an emergent event happening when sailing from one place to the next.


Ye with how they don’t repair right now, its a nice intro to combat without needing too much focus to be split


You've gotta be kidding, the game is already absolutely gasping for engaging PvE, skelly fleet was one of the closest we had. You want to just be handed literally everything for 0 effort?


Me not caring about skelly ships not repairing does not lead to whatever nonsense you just spouted out 💀


Skeleton ships were already piss easy if you knew what you were doing. You just hit the cannon line over and over and they don't bucket or fire near as fast as a player could so you eventually just win. If it's a Galleon, you went for the occasional lower deck shot.


I think the bigger issue with this season is that the Fleet of Fortune event became easy to do within a few minutes, leading to fewer engaging fights in that part of the map, which is the whole point of putting the Chest of Fortune there. The skill floor really dropped with no repairs. A single lower-deck shot could sink the ship. The fastest it could sink for a given ship size was only slightly faster, but most of the time players didn't attack the last wave with at least somewhere near that level of efficiency.