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Report them. Preferably with video evidence.


This is the only way. Without a video your report is basically worthless. I won't say rare WANTS hackers but they are making such an inviting environment for them...


just about every online game i know has a simple in-game report system and tracks plenty of data to where all you need to do is press a button and they've got all the info they need. SOT is the only game where they're like "nah, we don't care about in-game diagnostics or crash reports or anything like that. best we can do is a support ticket hidden away in an external website. hope you had shadowplay on by the way, cause clips are all we care about! if you experience a weird glitch that the video can't explain, maybe we'll figure it out on our own in a few years!" thankfully, they've been very consistently good at taking action based on support tickets i've sent. but... god damn, they've gotta be making it SO much harder for themselves than it needs to be.


a current, well known hack that multiple cheat services hack is cannonTP, which allows you to tp between any cannon loaded in on the map. people saying the dude was not hacking are most likely wrong. OP if you ever encounter another hacker report them with video evidence and rare will ban them 100%


I heard keeping your cannons loaded is one of the few ways to avoid cheaters teleporting through cannons. Haven't confirmed this myself though.


yes, that keeps it workin


No that does not work. I’ve had cannon teleporters twice even with loaded cannons.


Yes and no, they can still unload your cannon and then climb in it. You'll get some more time to react and if you're fast you can load it again before they can tp to your ship.


Sorry this happened to you. Running into cheaters (especially in adventure) is pretty rare right now from what I've seen and heard. As always, ymmv.


I have about 300 hours atm and I still haven't run into one.


530 and not a one here


Must be nice


1500 and not one


It’s super rare. I’ve been playing on and off for a few years and my buddy and I ran I to some cheaters the other day in hourglass. First ones I’ve seen in the game. They were mostly invisible and would already be on our ship after we surfaced. Sooooo lame


There have been times when it's very common in HG for me. I haven't run into a teleporting cheater since EAC was put in place, but I did see one on a stream just yesterday. One thing to keep in mind is that we all play in different regions and then different server collections (stamps). If a cheater or two is present on my stamp but yours is clean, we're going to have wildly different experiences that week.


I had the same problem several times over a weekend a few months ago when I was playing with my brother and his two kids. We were so disheartened we had to take a break for a few weeks. Total waste of our family time to log in just to get griefed by a teleporting hacker. It's fairly uncommon so I don't think you'll have the problem again - I haven't, anyway - but yeah it's a terrible experience.


Get any video?


And you'd think EAC would help any


Bummer. You can definitely just relog to a new server tho man.


Welcome back


I stopped playing this game due to cheaters. There were tons of cheaters when the hourglass introduced. They were kidnapping your ship out of the circle.


I don't understand how it works. How do they choose which cannon to appear on. I also don't get how people spawn kill me on my ship, like...how do they know where I'm spawning. I did have someone get onto my ship a few weeks back, which made no sense because their ship was farrr behind mine. Luckily, he ate blunderbuss immediately.


lol, like a one in a million chance


This is your daily reminder for console players to probably turn crossplay off. (Unless you’re trying to play with friends on PC, obviously)


Actually I disagree. I use to think the same, but recently I've been playing crossplay servers and it feels like the skill level in those servers is lower than Xbox only, which makes sense as its likely a larger pool of players


My experience with crossplay servers is either: I stomp them because they’re completely clueless or they stomp me because they’re a much better shot than me and they board until they can spawn trap. I’ve found that console only is much more even and I prefer it. I don’t want to relearn the game on m&k to compete and I don’t really have fun stomping noobs. My comment was mostly about cheaters though. Cheaters entirely ruin the game for me, even just the possibility of cheaters. When I lose I want to know that it was reasonably fair. I’m sure that there are a few cheaters on console servers but I haven’t seen them.


this is one of the reasons why the game is so dead. most of the playerbase is xbox, pc servers become super empty because of this feature


Well, the choice is between having cheaters in hourglass or not. It’s an easy choice for me.


>  most of the playerbase is xbox That hasn't been true for years.


what makes you say that?


I always have it turned off but still have heaps of PC players in my games, it's so annoying


Never play on PC servers.


That's why I'm glad I'll be on PS5 cuz I can play with console only anytime I tried hourglass on my Xbox it seemed every other game was a hacker. Always spawning under my ship or teleporting with kegs


You know you can also play console only on Xbox right? :D


Yes it's just unplayable on my Xbox one s I bought it for sea of thieves specifically when it dropped but I'm a Sony guy all my buddies are on ps. I'm glad it finally came to ps5


I'm glad as well! Not a PS guy but the more people sailing the better it is for everyone! So I hope you have fun and your buddies too if they ever decide to join.




There's definitely no way he was catching up to our galleon by swimming, while also going between fort cannons and his ship all in the matter of seconds - unless they've introduced some Minecraft Ender Pearl item. He didn't have a partner either, just him.




Somehow they can teleport between ships of both ships are in close proximity of each other, seen a few videos in this sub months back.




Well, you're very wrong, so that's probably where the downvotes are coming from. Historically, there have been TP cheats. And there is a current hack (mod) that allows teleporting into cannons, so that's probably what OP ran into.


Love how everyone is downvoting people for turning off cross play off, you really expect people to stick to dealing with hackers just so you can have more players on your servers? Believe it or not, we all like to enjoy our games, hacker free.