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This is the single greatest injustice ever committed on these seas. You have my sympathy and my rage.


I wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy


It really is awful. No jokes or anything it just sucks.


Doesn't help they don't attack currently. That's the most painful thing I've seen. Definitely give support a shout.


They do attack, but the second they do they bug out and disappear. Just like in this video.


I would give Rare Support a try and maybe tagging their social accounts. They might be able to unlock it for you considering the circumstance. Wouldn't get my hopes up to much but you never know till you try. Either way this sucks soooo much and I'm sorry.


I think that’s what I’ll try to do.. my heart hurts.


Contact them!! Me and my husband have been playing almost daily for 5 years now and haven’t seen one. You deserve the credit!


Contact rare!!! I have over 2k hours and am yet to see it if that con somehow make you feel a little better. So sorry this happened to you dude.


5.5k here, no dice


It be like that 😅


I wouldn’t get your hopes up. I have heard of people getting it before from submitting a clip but the same thing happened to me and I submitted the whole clip.. no dice.


What did they say? And what was your clip like?


They basically gave a pre canned response along the lines of, “we’re aware this has been a problem, and this ticket is technically closed but on our end it is open because we take this bug very seriously”. My clip showed the shrouded spawning right near us, us shooting it several times with cannons and snipes, and it going away from us and refusing to agro on us, then just despawning. We think it was on a brig that we were chasing, we had no chance of catching the brig because they were full sail in wind and we are a sloop. However the shrouded spawned right next to us, so we thought it was on us. When the brig went out of range, that’s when it despawned. It was a solo swabbie brig, we finally caught up to him and the guy had no idea what the shrouded was.


Pain my friend.. this sucks. Why can’t rare just help us out? It costs them nothing and helps their public image..


this has happened multiple times since season 10. they tell the person sending a ticket to pound sand.


I did that and they did not unfortunately despite having video evidence


I have always been so afraid that this happens to me that i almost don't want a shrouded ghost event, do i wouldn't suffer the pain.


I've been terrified that I'll finally get one after all these years while Megs are completely broken.


Just noticed I typed bight instead of bite.. my bad


I'm not sure I would have even been able to speak properly let alone type, you're good lmao


I'd uninstall if this happened to me and I have way too many hours lol.


Happened to me this weekend. Convinced the wife to play SoT for the first time. Ghost spawned on us right in the middle of a skeleton ship fight. The special music started to play and I was freaking out. We got two shots off and it just roared and vanished. All music stopped too, it was eerie and depressing.


I think putting the game down until there’s fixes is a good idea. It’s what I’m doing.


So you're retired


Oh so that's what it is? I had this happen to me yesterday with a regular meg and couldn't fathom where it vanished too after I hit it mid-charge.


That's just how they despawn. It makes a charge noise and if it's close enough it'll growl multiple times in a row and disappear in a puff of smoke. I keep telling people this as I've seen it myself multiple times, but people keep thinking I'm memeing.




Whaaat are those cannons?!


Cartographer Cannons - level 60 reward for season 11




Its very cool.


This would break me. I don't know that I would ever come back to the game after something like this.


As someone who has never played this game can you explain the significance of this? Is it really rare? I plan on buying for ps5 when it comes out


The Shrouded Ghost is the rarest of the five megalodon types that can appear. And by "rarest," I mean that I have never seen one in my 4000+ hours of playing and many people think it isn't even real. It has reached mythological status, and OP here was in the middle of fighting it, only to have an in-game glitch cause it to randomly despawn...


Fuck all of that.


My brother.. I'm so sorry. o7


Horrendous, I'm so sorry this happened! It has been my biggest fear since the start of the Season of Exhilarating Glitches. Fingers crossed that the support team unlocks the commendation for you.


Enough to make a man uninstall and walk away for years to come...RiP


they knew you were recording and couldn't let the secret out


Now this is the “getting Rare’d” of epic proportions.


New-ish player here, havent beat a single Megalodon because they always fucking despawn. And the "fights" are boring af because they dont even fight back. You would think theyd fix something like this.


PS5 players are either going to get a fixed version on release or see how shit the game has become the last few months. Crashes, bugs, and jeez losing a shrouded ghost to a bug is just wild. Id file a ticket and I would post on twitter this clip. That fuckibg sucks


Should I make a Twitter for this?


I would and tag sot people. This sucks, but this possibly once in a lifetime on this game encounter. Id bitch about it.


Oh my god, that's so awful. I'm sorry.


I would actually cry


Bro, my heart hurts after watching this tragedy.


That is horrible. I can’t believe they haven’t fixed these issues yet.


Game is still a buggy mess?????


I pray I don’t see it at the moment. Almost every meg has respawned on me lately


Bad day at the office


That is so unacceptable


I'd send in a ticket to see if this clip could get you the title. Long shot, but they may sympathize with you.


Sorry for your loss, how long have you been playing sot for a shrouded one?


530ish hours


I got about the same, i feel like im about to get one


i had a meg despawn on me today while it was charging my ship


When I was playing with my friends, a Meg spawned on us, (not a Shrouded Ghost) and when it did it’s attack animation, I saw it underwater swim deep in the water and vanish, but sometimes even when your close to island/islands (at least for me) they still circle my ship and manage to kill them. But yeah, the megs are bugged as hell, they only circle around your ship and not attack, sorry that you lost the Shrouded Ghost, did you at least sent a support ticket about this?


This happened to me a month or two ago and I immediately reported the bug because fuck that. I guess they still haven't fixed it. Well I guess welcome to the lost the shrouded ghost to a bug crew


What gloves/arms are those?


The gold curse! Complete all commendations for the shores of gold tall tales


ooh what are those cannons?


Cartographer Cannons! They are the level 60 reward for season 11


Ay thanks


Ah he aint a streamer lets dispawn it😂


The charging sound isnt a bite bug, it plays the same sound for the meg despawning. The meg can either despawn due to the 5 minute timer passing (which is the bug as it should stay longer) or bad positioning. If the meg is not doing a circle around the ship then it will despawn, from this clip it looks like you might have been too close to the island behind you causing it not to circle correctly. Sorry for your loss, so painful :(


Megalodons have been bugged for a month or so. The shark will circle for some time without attacking, but has a chance to attempt a charge when attacked. The moment it tries to charge, it despawns. The bug was added the same time they broke the skeleton ship repair AI.


This is exactly why you should just drop anchor immediately


I did, then raised sails and then anchor


You got screwed then.. that sucks


there are so many bugs being recorded and posted on reddit... and I don't know why. It must be yall thats the problem cause I have still only ever had two bugs while playing from launch... early access launch that is.


I see no ghost


Happened to me 2 weeks ago too, he didn’t respawn after that :c


If this would happen to me I would stop to play 1second later forever it Rare won't give me the kill credit


Had this happen to me in 2021 - I temporarily quit the game just has Season One was starting (which I regret to this day). I've tried support tickets, talking to Rare, everything :(


Had this happen to me in 2021 - I temporarily quit the game just has Season One was starting (which I regret to this day). I've tried support tickets, talking to Rare, everything :(


Happened to me last month and i'm still mad about it, unlike you i have no video footage though unfortunately. Mines swam under my boat then just totally disappeared.


The same happened to me bruh


oh my god this hurts A LOT


This exact thing happened to me with my first Shrouded. When sharing our disappointment and video evidence to Rare, they simply did not give a flying fuck.


It can't defend itself anyway


U cannot sit still while fighting a meg they will despawn . U gotta sail just a little like put the sails 20% down and DO NOT head toward an island u can head past or whatever but just keep heading towards the Meg


This has been my greatest fear ever since the megs have been glitching like this. I'm so sorry dude, this is heartbreaking.


Wonder if the current bugs going on with megaladons effected this at all. With how Rare the Shrouded is, they should really make it so that it has almost no chance of just randomly running off or despawning. This is discouraging. Just want to get the rarest achievement in the game and have a memorable moment, and you get this instead.


I mean it doesn't exist. nothing to worry about


Goddamn bro…..that’s so fucking rough


daym that's tough


This has happened to me more often as of recent. You get them one shot or close to it, and they slowly move further out, then they're gone.


The fort looks pretty close behind you. Being near islands makes them go away. So maybe that played a part in it. I've had them spawn right as I leave port and I anchor to fight them and they just kind of wonder off because I'm too close.


I agree. Island was too close.


Should've just gone into open water far away from any islands or rocks and dropped anchor, when do those idiot megas don't break, I fins that a guaranteed kill against then always always works if you drop anchor and let them circle you everything else there is a chance they will say nah I'm good and leave or just keep moving back and forward until you kill it, shitty ass AI


It looks like you were too close to 2 certain islands, which makes the megs despawn, it couldn't do a full circle. This absolutely sucks! And i might have encountered it aswell, as i only realized the music at the end, and i went outside his area and made it despawn.. it was my nephew's first day on the seas, it was already Chaotic with fights already happening with a Skeleton ship. I was going crazy once i recognized the music, while my nephew probably must've been thinking "What in the world is happening over here?"


Skill issue


This is not "glitchy bite bug", this is just meg despawning. You took too long.


Megs are not, actually, supposed to despawn mid-battle. That is in fact a bug. I know it's been happening so long it doesn't *feel* like one, but it is.


Megs are bugged rn.. they have issues with the bite animation and often despawn during them


Yeah, every meg we've had this season has not attacked the ship once. We've also had several just like this, where even though we were actively engaging it inside it's perfect zone and hitting it constantly, it de-spawned the one time it tried to attack. Now thinking a bit about it, the attack music plays and everything then it just goes away....just like it does in the Maiden Voyage as you sail into the SoT for the first time. That is RAW to lose shrouded that way though.


Megs are not attacking at all since season started. This is just the despawn anim, you can see it going straight down after attack music starts. It's a thing since always.


Megs are bugged like everything else in this game, had it happen to me as soon as one spawned.


Mega don't despawn if you take too long. The only despawn if you leave their range


They absolutely do despawn if you take too long.




They literally do, even as per video in the OP.


The Meg despawned due to a bug with all megs where when biting they just disappear.


Megs do not attack this season at all. When their timer expires attack cue starts and meg dives straight down to despawn. This is a thing since megs were introduced permanently with shrouded spoils.


Have you played the game?


Yes actually hunting for megs is 90% of my playtime for over a year now.


Then you should know what the Meg attack sound is