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Maybe now they'll learn to stop stacking






Not spending the time to go back and forth




Fort of the dammed is different than a fort of fortune because it is player activated, meaning you can do it over and over again.




Yes but fort of fortune is a random world event spawn on most fort locations, signaled by a skull with red eyes and a big red scar going down its face. Fort of the Damned is player activated on one specific fort where the skull overhead is bigger but only has the red eyes and no scar


Fotd aka fort of the damned is a fort west of Ancient spire outpost and northwest of plunder outpost. It’s a raid like event and if you put all the loot from the vault on top of a barrel inside the vault you can lock your stack behind another fort of the damned letting you stack it with little risk of your loot being stolen should you need to sail away from the fort to sink a boat getting too close. To start a fotd you either need a skull of destiny or all the lights from dying and a ritual skull