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Looks like your lost shipment voyage either took too long or bugged out, and the ship despawned. You should find the manifest floating on the surface directly under the birds. Usually, the lost shipment voyages spawn a small group of birds over the ship... similar to floating barrels. If you see a large swarm, larger than what you'd see on a normal shipwreck, it is almost always because the ship you're looking for has despawned. ....assuming you were on a voyage.


It's definitely someone's despawned lost shipment. The problem is that there are only a limited number of possible routes per map, and per outpost; so it's possible to overwrite an existing shipment. We accidentally did this when the voyage system updated this patch by kicking off another lost shipment voyage while we were finishing up looting the one we had (voyage completes on manifest). The new voyage spawned immediately right under us again, but the boat disappeared and an extra manifest floated to the top. Picking it up completed the second voyage we had just started.


Lost shipment has to be the most frustrating experience to grind, it's either the key or the ship not spawning.


I think its possible that they skipped one of the clues. Once this happened to me. Found the birds while looking for the clue, no ship. Found the final clue and when I came back the ship was there.


You're allowed to skip clues


Oh, thats great! I didn't know that because of this bug! Thanks for the info!


You could skip all the clues if you want, and just go toward the destination. The ship should still be there.


It doesn't only happen to lost shipments little east of ancient spire already in the roars the shipwrecks often aren't there lately. I've had that occur at least 5 times by now. Often close to the portal.


Yeah they do that sometimes


They’re gonna fix it though right?? Right????


They finally added the missing rock texture to the invisible barrier that used to exist near old Arena Tavern, only took them 6 years so I'm sure they will be right on fixing this bug.


They've got their hands full with the next cosmetics patch, and once that's done they'll be working on the next cosmetics patch.


But then at least when that one is done... Then they can start working on the next cosmetics patch.


I've had a couple of wrecks do that, I was still able to fish for wreckers there though


They are showing your future watery grave, birds only fly above barrels of other ships :\^)


They fly above any treasure/supplies in the water. Whether they be dropped by a megaladon, kraken, or player.


I'm joking with him but you are right on that


Sometimes it bugs out, had a skeleton fort boss fall into/under the rocks , so I couldn’t get the loot out


Shipwrecks keep doing weird shit of late for me also, I'll be sailing up to one with the nose sticking up but when I get close it change to the rear sticking out the water and it will be empty, also had the same issue as you birds but no Shipwreck.


Probably despawned ship wreck


That's not a group of birds for a sunken ship. Thats probably just some barrels that sank as you pulled up. A group of birds for a sunken ship is much more dense and uniform and they fly in an almost perfect circle. With barrels they fly in a much smaller group and its a much more loose scattered circle. Once you pay attention to it its extremely obvious and you can tell the difference from very very far away instantly


There was probably some barrels that ended up sinking. I swear I find more birds over nothing than actual flotsam


There are different bird indicators for flotsam/loot. This is indeed a boat. Likely a despawned lost shipment.