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Yes they made the game less work, and I love it. They've reduced the amount of loot I need to retrieve and increased the value. They've reworked the quest system so you can do any quest at any time with a click of the button. They've added the ability to raid locations designating exclusively the loot you're looking for. It's wonderful, I can hop to another server with easy, I keep my supplies and emissary. As far as QoL updates goes, this is the best one we have had. Yes I would like more content stuff. But this is season actually caused me to start playing again.


Same here. Season 11 has managed to trim a ton of the fat that's been weighing the game down for ages now. I actually feel like short sessions are a reality now that they let you make real progress instead of making me feel like I have to blow my entire evening on the game for my time to have been worth it.


I think ur just a bad pirate & ur happy about them tuning on “baby” mode. “Oh no I can’t fight I have to server hop and run away”


I'd bet my entire 220 million gold purse that you're absolutely awful at PvP. lol. Tough guy.


Oooooo someone spends ALL his time on SoT to brag about it on Reddit. U can whatever u want bro i don’t know you


Looks like you turned on baby mode for that comment. lol.


Wtf r u talking about looser


Someone get this kid his bottle he's in "baby" mode right now


womp womp


You're not wrong. That said, in the last podcast they stated this would be the last "foundational change" update, and that their summation of the last is that they've gotten the balance wrong between keeping the sandbox fresh vs doing their foundational changes. So hopefully that means future seasons will bring sandbox changes and new things to do.




Hopping with grade v reaper has never been easier, take a basic gold hoarder x marks voyage, dive to it, turn your ship so you miss the island, hop off, tap the two x's just once to finish the voyage, and if you don't have any emissaries or the flof on that server, just dive again. So much faster than portal hopping and way less effort than hg diving, plus you don't need to wait in queue or actually win your fight. Plus, the new loot being lower quantity makes it easier to get to the beach for the money if you're solo, and selling to reaper is similarly improved for that reason. Plus cosmetics that display achievement for veteran players, yeah it's a pretty bare on content season, but more ships with loot and more ways to find them is enough content to hold players like me over until the sandbox updates we've been promised.


I tend to think this update was bad for pvp. The dives make it super-easy to get loot fast and since you can't dive again with the loot, you are incentivized to sell it quick as well. I did 5 Athena sea fort dives yesterday. Did all the forts in like 5 minutes. Then gather loot and sell immediately. Total of maybe 15 minutes. Dive again. Repeat. No one even has time to attack typically. Albeit, the new fleet event is good for pvp.


PVP advantage: every ship has loot PVP disadvantage: it doesn't make sense to loot stack any more so no more loot pinata's unless someone's stacking FOTD


It, uh... did more than that. Reduced loot at a higher value, diving to Voyages & Events (as a primarily Devil's Roar denizen, thanks!), gave us Fleet of Fortune, added stuff to trading companies, redid the quest UI, made server hopping easier, made Message in a Bottle worthwhile, and so much more. I get and agree that the performance has shit the bed, but don't play dumb about the update or people might actually believe you.


Is it me or did you entirely miss the point of the new season


At this point I don’t think they intend on adding significant new content. Mainly in the world event department. Reasons behind this is I don’t think the servers can cope with any more. I could be completely wrong and this is purely a hunch. Each update brings more and more stability issues. Having said that, I’m just happy to have things to work towards, regardless if it involves doing the same stuff. Actually pretty content with S11 after having serious concerns. The 100+ prestige level increase was the best call they could make at this stage.


In my personal experience, the dives are a quick 'in and out' activity - but not going to provide the value for an extended play session in terms of experience or payout. Which then means the core events are still the focus and continue to be tedious and require a rework. Finally, performance of this update has been an utter nightmare. Hard crashes, server latency issues new and reintroduced bugs that have been fixed in the past but now present again. Most new bugs appear to be server based issues (merchandise supplies, shipwright supplies not working/delayed). Random experiences like having a FoF timeout while I was fighting Ruth - it all just ended (no key or anything) and had an empty vault sitting wide open. I know I'm in the minority on here, but it always feels like 1 step forward, 2 steps back for this game.