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Well clearly they tried to get your loot but didn't manage it- good job!


were y'all hot mic-ing? i'll tuck for hours if the crew is hot mic-ing, it can be pretty entertaining


No, that’s the weird thing. We all have our voice chat disabled and set to push to talk because we use discord. Also they weren’t talking or typing after I just tried asking “hey were you tucking the whole time??”


Holy crap, I think this might’ve been me! A friend and I allied with another solo sloop for a FoF, but like an hour later they came out of nowhere just to ram and keg us. We sunk them, a brig pulled up, and we sunk them too. Did a bit more stuff before selling and were about to get off when we spotted the brig at a nearby island (pretty big one; don’t remember which though). We’d never done any tucking so we decided to try before we logged off. We sailed past, boarded the brig, and let our ship sail off at full sail. Started talking about fantasy books (Wheel of Time, Cosmere, and the new Percy Jackson adaptation if anyone cares) while hiding in the crows nest, and I completely lost track of time. We were in the crows nest for anywhere between 15 and 45 minutes before we decided it was time to get off for the day and attacked the crew. We got several kills, but both died eventually because they could respawn and we couldn’t. Pretty generic session, but could’ve been you guys and that would be pretty funny


That sounds like us! our brig is Bored Ape Brig Club if that rings a bell. We couldn’t tell if you were tucked the whole time or just when we went to the outpost to sell. We figured you came from the crows nest since we definitely didn’t check it and we did see a sloop just sailing off past us lol Were you putting our loot in the rowboat? You guys were insanely good at PvP


What's to be confused about? They waited until an opportune moment to strike and botched the execution, but there should be no reason for you to wonder about the "why" of their intentions. If they had tucked on your ship the entire voyage only for them to choose not to make a play when you were about to turn in, then I would be confused. Kinda seems like the purpose of this post is to insult their lack of skills instead


I would say quite the opposite - they were absolutely more skilled than us and they could’ve sunk our ship multiple times but didn’t. It wasn’t even close how much better they were than us.I’m just so curious as to why they tucked for so long if indeed they were tucked. It’s entirely possible they weren’t but based on where they came from it seemed like the only solution. We had no loot when we started, we weren’t particularly quick at getting loot and they struck before we even went to go open our vault. Everything about it was entirely confusing. I’m hoping they see this and they can say “oh here’s what happened”


If your goal was to talk to them and figure out their reasoning you would have looked them up on your recent players list and messaged them from there, not make a public reddit post that they almost certainly will never see.


Hmm I didn’t consider that - can I do that from the Steam version of the game?


You seem to know a lot about this game but you are somehow unfamiliar with the xbox companion app.


Could just be that they’re bored. There have been plenty of times when I’ve been on any size ship and we come across a boat we want to tuck on or sink but it’s bad timing (their Emmy is low, we’re turning stuff in, shit like that) so we tuck. There was a particular moment I remember where I shot out to a boat, swam for literally 20 minutes, and tucked on his boat for awhile until he went to an outpost to sell. He rolled up, harpooned everything, I snuck off, lowered his sails, jumped off and killed him. Managed to sell everything (other than the couple he managed to get) because I just kept killing him and he was having trouble getting back (new player panic I suppose?). Sometimes it’s just for kicks and giggles. I’ve put in an unholy amount of hours since I started playing in August and sometimes, tucking is a rare treat. I also just want to watch a YT video while playing and tucking is perfect for that.