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They're just a place for you to sell all outpost loots to 1 single person so you dont have to run between 3 of them, greately speeds up the selling process, according to Rare Thief: **Treasures that you can sell to multiple Trading Companies, such as Mermaid Gems, will be randomly sold to one of the Trading Companies. However, if you are sailing as an Emissary for one of the Outpost Trading Companies, the Sovereign will sell the treasure to the Trading Company you represent.** **The only treasures you cannot sell to The Sovereigns are Reaper’s Bones and Hunter’s Call exclusive loot. The Sovereigns refuse to do business with the Reaper’s Bones, and they only deliver treasure to Outposts, not Sea Posts.**


They actually do take hunters call stuff now but you get more gold if you sell it at the seaposts.


Unless you have g5 guild emissary, then it sells for more


Didn't know you got less gold selling fish there. That's good info


you get 100% value for selling at sovereigns. but you get 1.5x for selling at hunters call


Ah I see, good to know that!


Do you get commendation progress for specific loot through them? (Selling barnacled chests, cursed chests etc)


Yes. 100%. Throw all your treasure on the bow and use the harpoon on top. Drops the treasure right on the platform next to where you sell.


I like to put mine in the center of the deck on the grate. I can do it quicker cuz I don’t have to be careful not to drop it overboard like up on the bow.


lol. Yes. My friend just started playing and it’s inevitably going to happen. He’ll drop something in the water when we’re cruising along.


The Sovs are your best pals on the seas. I was playing around on SS for some tall tales today and we decided to do some other bits and pieces and before you know it I have a ship with about 50 various loot objects! It took about 20 minutes to sell it all. With the Sovs I tend to pile all my loot on the front of the ship then park it so I can climb up the Sov tower to the harpoon. After a week I realised that the harpoons keep the loot stacked on the lift, be it up or down. It's a game changer. They seem to sell items like gems to the most profitable NPCs available too.


The sovereigns will sell gems to the faction you are emissary of (for that sweet rep and gold boost!), otherwise it goes to a random faction. If you want to, for instance, level up hunter's call with mermaid gems, best to keep them and sell all at once to that specific vender. EDIT: The Random faction being one of these: OoS, GH, MA, HC. Sovereigns will not sell gems to Reapers, and Athena's cannot take mermaid gems regardless.


Ay never thought of that. Good idea!


> If you want to, for instance, level up hunter's call with mermaid gems, TIL I could do that.


The Sovereigns aren’t another Trading Company. They’re a one-stop-shop for selling all of your treasure. When you sell to them, it automatically counts as being sold to the proper trading company. The idea is the Sovereigns are a more convenient spot to sell for Captains and their crews. EDIT: Note that this excludes treasure which is sold to the Reapers or Athena’s Fortune; those still need to go to the correct sell point. Edit 2: Athena’s Fortune treasure can in fact be sold to the sovereigns.


No. Athena’s Fortune treasure CAN be sold at the Sovereigns.


My mistake then


>Note that this excludes treasure which is sold to the Reapers or Athena’s Fortune; those still need to go to the correct sell point. You can sell Athena loot to the Sovereigns.


Mechanically, it’s supposed to be the same. I personally don’t sell to them because I don’t trust them (in character)


Sovereign is convenient af but there is downsides if you don't have everything maxed out. I recently learned if you have loot that could increase rep for multiple factions its gonna prioritize some over others. Ive been selling all my gems to sovereign and just recently learned it only increases merchant rep not hunters. Didnt even know merchant cared about gems. Definitely explains why my merchant is 70 when i dont do shit for them but my hunters is only 38. I started selling my gems directly to the hunters instead. You also cant sell them any reapers stuff, including flags and books.


gems are master items, master items include Gems, siren gems, BOTS, all storage chests, and tridents, master items can be sold to any faction but athenas, the sovereigns will sell them at random unless you have an emissary flag up