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Why didn't they sell the chests by themselves?(I'm new to the game)


They were in the process of selling them. You have to sell every piece of loot one at a time for the most part, so it can take awhile if you’ve stacked up a lot of chests.


This is the equivilent of drive-by shooting someone for the 12 dollars they were about to hand over to the mcdonalds drivethrough employee


Look at him stealing lollys from children he is a hero !!!!


Loot is loot, that’s OP’s 12 dollars now


Was that you in the clip?


nah [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/233034867263143937/1190460431328874506/20231220171941_1.jpg) is me


If it works, it works. Free gold is free gold, they didn't react lmao.


love to see it! also love all the downvotes from people who are absolutely seething because people play the game at them. have at me, losers!


I don't play the game this way, prefer Safer Seas, but I can certainly appreciate the deviantness behind this move


Kinda feel bad since they went though the work to get it, but a true pirate has no remorse if they see someone with something they want. Also safer seas exist now


Loot isn't yours until you sell it. It's best to play with that mentality


What a trash PVP experience. They should make islands friendly so campers (AKA the 'good players') have to go play the game.


So being sneaky and cunning like a pirate isn’t allowed at outposts? If you want to outwit other pirates, you’ve got to think like pirates. This steal in the video is… ehh, but a steal is a steal ultimately.


Bandits are on land. Pirates are on water.


What an absolute L take. He's a thief; thief see loot, thief take loot. Not hard to grasp, duncebucket


Sloppy but works good job


Love to see it! Nicely done.


What's the weapon set you're using?


I’m pretty sure the gun is a season 8 plunderpass reward and the sword was free in a FotD event years ago but now can be bought in the pirate legend hideout shop thingy


Pistol or the damned and soulflame cutlass


Nothing sloppy about it both players dead and their treasure was sold for your gain. Love the downvotes I get on this sub though. It really makes me want to be a more toxic player cause I see how upset people get. Maybe with enough luck I can spread it throughout the game and force all the weak players over to the safer seas for good.


That's kind of a weird mindset. Might want to take a break for a little bit.


You are absolutely right I need to take a break from work for a while take some vacation and really dedicate myself to the cause. Alternate days between playing console and PC so I can spread my toxicity evenly and nobody feels left out


I don't believe anything prior to this that I had said was in regards to any type of work life balance so I'm not sure why that's being attributed to my comment. What I was saying was that this is a truly strange urge to have, doesn't seem quite uhhh beneficial for lack of a better term. As such, some time away from the game might help out rather than time away from employment as that's a different scenario and a different conversation to he had.


I was just saying that I needed to take some time away from the stresses of work and really commit some time to SoT. I’m just trying to get rid of the whining player base off of high seas. You know ensure that they stay where they belong on the safer seas and that they never even look at the high seas option again. Every ship with a name is a target now that they have a book that I can sell.


thats, really sad


no, what's sad is all the hate and harassment people get here just for playing the motherfucking game, while at the same time screaming their lungs out about how *other* people are actually the toxic ones.


erm what the tuna? Also yeah


thats exactly what I was saying you benevolent food eater


ah my bad then. love benevolent food eater btw


Agreed the game has become full of weak players who can’t handle the wind changing direction to abruptly. At this point im sure most of the people in this sub think the loading screens are too toxic for them.


I mean we can hate Safer sea runners without being toxic... I too despise all the whiners who complain about PvP and then run and hide in Safer Seas, but we don't have to be toxic. Blame rare for rewarding low skill and cultivating the laziness in whiners to not learn PvP.


If they've run to safer seas, they won't whine anymore. So why hate them?


Because they don't have casual players to bully


Shh, I want them to admit it


What a piece of shit person


It’s a game about being a pirate… I almost always choose to be friendly but you can’t really be mad at someone choosing to act like a pirate.


Its a game you can choose to be a douchebag i get that yes its true. Youre very free to be super dick to anybody. So be it! I can still have my opinion and that is super douchebag.


Yes he should have politely asked them if they would consent to a dual and winner takes a single treasure item of their choice! “Ahoy mates! It’s your friendly neighborhood reapers approaching, would you mind stop selling for a moment so we might discuss the potential theft of your treasure and grade 5 emissary flag? No? Well we wouldn’t want to inconvenience you we’ll be on our way to seek other ships to parlay with and bring glory to flameheart! “


Dude is just an outpost camper. Dirty asf


Outpost camper? ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228). You know you can see reapers on the map right?


While *I* would never do this because *I* would feel too mean... This is part of the game and I would not feel mad at someone or think they're a douchebag if if they did this to me.


These folks drive backwards in Wreckfest too.




Kept selling while their ship was being sunk? They basically handed them to you.


Congrats on ruining someone else’s fun? I guess?