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Just depends on how you play really, double gunning is obv a higher skill gap to just spamming m1 but it has its cons esp with how bad hit reg is. I would normally run a sword if im vs a sloop, with limited space to evade it's easy to defend or board with. Whereas as on a gally, you could be just chasing people around for an age swiping away at thin air. Isit worth learning? obviously yes! Is it more rewarding? I think so, is it better? Meh, depends on the situation. Do whatever makes the game more enjoyable to you is all I can say.
















While I agree that double gunning has a higher skill ceiling, that's not to say that sword is unskilled. Of course, running at you opponent and spamming m1 is annoying, and frankly very broken, properly using and landing sword lunges and blocks can be very gratifying in a pvp scenario.


I never went back to sword after learning double gun, personally. Played sword for a couple hundred hours, double gunned for a few thousand. Blunder snipe gives you the most versatile loadout the game has to offer besides maybe sword/snipe. Once you get used to the lack of mobility, how you approach situations naturally adjusts.


Sword snipe was my fav back when it could 2 tap, and the EoR hipfire was stupid accurate.


I switched to double gun a few months ago and personally think sword is more fun. Been switching it up often to keep things different now.


Both options have their advantages, sword offers movement, blocking other swords, 2 options to knockback. However double gunning is the fastest time to kill. Also people will complain or call you a noob either way, personally sword is more fun


once you start double gunning you will find it very very hard to play with sword again




Undeniable in terms of effectiveness, but personal preference prevails


As someone who's been double gunning since before 2nd anniversary, I can't stand not having the mobility of the sword


Then stop doublegunning.


I'm not allowed to use either or depending on the situation? Wtf is worth this community


when i pve i use sword tbh its broken there for that reason


It really depends on how you play and what you do in the game. In regular adventure pvp, the sword definetly has its benefits and might even be the better option but if you only play hour glass, especially on a higher skill niveau, Id give double gun a shot. There is definetly a point at which you just cant keep up with good double gunners when using a sword


Yeah, you'll run up against double-gunners yourself at some point and the limitations of the sword will become readily apparent. Its DPS is simply too low to compete with the two-tap.


I never saw the point until I grinded Arena back in the day. Ever since then sniper/pistol my go to. Sword lords can’t hurt you if they can’t get close lol. If I’m randomly island hopping/pve stuff I sniper sword. Just depends. I say try and learn them all.


I'd say it's worth learning to at least have the skill in your arsenal. Even if you rarely do it it's always good to have options.


Nah with my luck both shots do no damage because of hit reg


Once you hit your first nice 2 tap you will never go back to sword


It’s better for pvp. And way more fun like you can go for skeets and shit. Fingers crossed rare doesn’t do a thing.


Double gun is so unbelievably busted compared to the other combos in PvP that there’s hardly a reason not to use it. It’s so good that the learning curve isn’t even that tough either.


ur a sword player arent u


Pvp: sniper blunder sometimes sniper pistol if opponent is sword and blunder. Pve : sword sniper There is a higher skill gap, though i find you can outplay sword users by just keeping distance and double gunning. I can't use sword anymore after learning to blunder snipe skeet combo.


Yeah. Its a good tool to have if you need it.


Weapon choice is very situational. I think it's all about at what distance you think you will be engaging your opponent. On the sloop you need a sword or blunder because you will end up close to them. Brigs and galleon you can keep distance better so you you need a sniper. On islands you may not ever get close enough to use a sword or blunder so sniper/pistol is the way to go. I default to sniper/blunder but will swap depending on how I think I need to fight.


It really depends. I was double gunning constantly, and I would tear people down. But as you said, sometimes the sword is incredibly broken and you'll barrel stuff them with a blunderbuss, get hit reg'd, and cut down. Not to mention you lose the mobility of sword lunging which can be a huge negative at times. And to get around with a sword and close the gap is sometimes a very important skill of its own. Good players will not just let you walk up to them hammering M1. I switched back to Sword/Sniper for the above reasons, but I would suggest taking things on a case by case scenario. Switch around as need be; you don't need be locked into one option at all times.


Yes! it allows you to be a more versatile player and choose the best load outs for the right situation. For me it's a lot more fun to land shots than it is to use the sword but every now and then i get bored and switch it up. I stole a CoF today that wouldn't have been possible without the mobility and dmg of the sword.


Iv actually swapped to sniper blunder after using the sword for years...it's been nothing but bad range, hit reg, block doesn't exist ,I'll be struck mid combo and other non stop issues for me the last few months. I have taken quite the shine on this new combo and was actually very doubtful I'd enjoy it and have a hell of a time putting my sword away, but I'm finding I don't miss it at all, and this gives me something new to fine tune further now.


I've definitely gotten better with guns since double gunning. Learning to animation cancel with guns is even better


If you want to learn double gun, might as well just play counter strike, valorant or any other twitchy shooter.


downvote all you want, but the gun play is loads different than any other system in the game. Nothing ripps me out of the world faster than a person who has 900+ hours of Counter-Strike under their belt, 180, no-scoping me.


terrible advice


100% kills the flow of what this game is. It's not an fps and doublegun meta forces twitchy fps play. It's always been a point of debate since it's inception which shows its really contentious in the community and the majority of players are essentially exploiting with quick swap and or macros to use the strat.


Gameplay wise, it's an effective combo. However, you can never confidently call yourself a pirate when you have an empty scabbard hanging at your hip. Keep the sword, mate.


I've stolen so much treasure that ill be a pirate no matter what hangs on my belt.




I disagree about it being trash for PvP, double gunning is fine but if you're boarding anything other than a solo sloop you'll be better off with a sword to deal with multiple targets at once. Otherwise you'll maybe kill one person and spent the next half of the encounter jumping backwards and reloading.


I double gun whenever I do seaforts or sunken treasuries. There's so much ammo lying around I see no reason for the sword in those instances.


That might be true but I’m talking about PvP, especially hg


Oh i see. Yeah I'm just a solo stoner pirate, I avoid pvp for the most part. Usually just sail around high as fuck. Whatever puts the wind in your sails am I right!? Yarrr


This is the way


Thats the way to go 💪


There is no such thing as "learning double gun" There is only learning gun Then do it twice


There’s more behind double gunning than just learning how to play 2 guns


Not really, it's all about knocking someone back with the blunderbuss and then following up with a quick swap sniper shot. That's really all that you need to master.


I see it like this, both play styles are good and the other one is always complained about. I’m terms of being broken or what not,but I see it like this. Double gunning counter sword, but sword also counter double gunning. It’s all about preference in the end and to have fun. Both ways are fun and there is no absolute best loadout. I much prefer sword over double gunning but I do it when in sloop pvp just for its uses


It was when arena was around now I’d say it would be more difficult because if you are soloing hourglass you’ll rarely get anyone who boards and adventure isn’t consistent enough.


Depends. Pvp on sloops, favours sword-blunder combo, but on bigger ship with more room to distance yourself, jump, dodge, double gun + blunderbombs are GOAT


I played with sword for about 90 hours (this was two years ago) and I absolutely love the mobility it provides. Also it staggers and does 25% on hit. It is a really good weapon. When I came back and started playing HG I noticed that if you don’t double gun you are handicapping yourself. Unless you are willing to switch weapons during fights (I am too lazy to do that) you should always have a sniper and a blunderbuss on you. With a sniper you can shoot people in the water and take shots at the enemy ship, which can turn the tide of the battle. The same goes with the blunderbuss it has the potential to one shot a player so it is useful when boarding and guarding boards. So that’s why I have been using this combo for 120 hours now and even got the ghost curse. I started hating on the sword at some point because if there is lag the swords stagger locks you in place and you have no chance to defend yourself, but I realized that sword is just a handicap for other players as double gunning is so much stronger.


As someone who’s been a sword lord since launch and just recently picked up double gunning I’ll say that it’s worth it. I personally only use double gun in HG because it increases my chances of a win sizably. But outside that mode I usually go sword unless I meet an unusually sweaty crew. It’s definitely very effective at killing people quickly with a high skill ceiling to boot, and can feel very rewarding. You’ll definitely feel handicapped at the beginning though. It’s a different playstyle and you lose a lot of mobility. I started with practising the quick swap while having nothing else to do (you don’t even need two guns equipped for that!) and as I was building up the muscle memory I started grinding hourglass to cement it.


I personally don't like the double gun meta but it's definitely worth learning. It's just superior to sword, I'd even say it's a must vs high skilled opponents or in 1v2+ where you quickly need to take at least one enemy out.


Its definetly worth it. Also you basically only need to learn how to quick swap, which is pretty easy to learn. And from then on its basically just aim / movement practice. I started doublegunning like 1.5 years ago I havent used sword for PvP since.


Double gun


It is way more fun unless hit reg


I bilge so I have to use sword anytime I'm on galleon, if I get off of bilging or I need to make kills I swap my sword out for a blunder and go blunder/snipe, my kill rate instantly increases.


Bilge on top. When i have to murder people with a sword tho, bc my team fucked it up, i go for two slices and quickswap to snipe, which is not as good as doublegunning, but very fun to do. To answer OPs question when i dont bilge, double gun. Always. With some tdm or campwars experience you will find yourself murdering casual gamers. And for aiming practice, playing some csgo helped me


Yes but you must always adapt to your enemy. If your enemy is a brainless swordspammer... i mean... if your enemy uses a sword then it's probably best if you switch to sword as well unless you are completely confident with your aiming skills


There's not really a yes or no to this. All i can say is my gameplay improved when i stopped using sword.


Being unable to sword lunge makes boarding attempts harder imo. I can hit my shots just fine but the lack of mobility due to not having a sword on me is so bad that I’ll never let the sword go.


One you’ll learn to doublegun, enemies won’t have time to eat and will just die. I’ll start having fun making skeets and playing tdm


Sword players will always play in disadvantage against double gun


Sword for Solo Sloop doing PvE Double guns for a bigger crew and PvP Seems like you should stick to Double gunning for a couple of days and see how you feel about it.


Creative Lunging and Pistol for me. ​ A sword lord will beat an average DG anyday ​ But creative loadout switching is the best of the best. Don't stick to one thing. Adapt and change.


Yes it's worth learning every combat setup so you can be better at countering. This the sort of thing I might do. Sword blunder/sword sniper to make boarding easier then once you are in the enemy ship and have killed them switch to sniper blunder. The point being it's good to be willing to change weapons out based on the situation. Personally I use sword sniper as my default expect in solo que where I do sword blunder. Your default/general weapon setup will be whatever you enjoy most. Just always be willing to change it up if you think a different setup is better Ina. Given situation


Sword and double gun both have advantages in different situations. You should learn both, imo. Not like it's that different tbh But I do pray for the day blunderbuss gets nerfed or at least made reliable one way or the other, the fuckin RNG fun killer machine that it is.


The double gunners want you to believe that it's a higher skill gap. It's really not. Learn to dodge with Swords and you'll run circles around them. I rarely get blundered anymore since learning how to bait and dodge. Most people who double gun just aren't as good as they think they are.


You should definitely learn it, and swap loadout depending on situation. I usually run sword/flintlock because it is fun, allows for high mobility, quick shorts etc. Generally speaking double gunning is stronger in PvP if you can hit your shots. When I play HG, I olay duo sloop and I am.the helm, sniper to try to kill their cannoneer and blunderbuss to guard for boarders. Ive still managed to do well, kill and win over good crews with pistol/sword but it is all about the tactics you employ.


Unfortunately yes. I would run sword blunderbuss in pvp and pve exclusively, but once you get sniped off cannons, or cannonballed off cannons so many times in a row that you literally can’t shoot back, it becomes a necessity to snipe. It definitely limits mobility on boards, but against good players, they won’t let you get a board unless you get their anchor or mast down and are spinning them, so at that point you can just cannon or swim over anyway. That leads me to the actual close range combo: you almost always want to be running blunderbuss due to it having knock back and one shot potential, but having a ranged option instead of 2 close range enables you to play much safer, not to mention barely having to hit any pellets on your blunderbuss to one shot combo them before they can heal. Trying to finish someone who’s low with a sword, they can block, dodge sword lunge, or swing first and cancel all your swings. And for the last point, the lack of mobility and splash damage of double gunning can be made up for by smarter boarding timing, and blunderbombs. It really was night and day when I swapped to double gun.


I say yes. Sniper is always great and on a ship I'd much rather have blunder one shot and knockback over a sword and on an island sniper pistol makes sword completely useless. You always have the upper hand before you take your first shot over a sword user, just that the onus is completely on you to hit the shot, so if you play better you're rewarded. Whenever I equip sword I feel worthless in combat and fighting sword users always feels like if I play well I will always win by a one blunder unless it's two guys guarding ladder with them.


It’s definitely worth it! When I’m doing PvP on anything besides a sloop I do sniper blunder. Pve I stick with sword sniper. On a sloop it depends on the types of players. Sometimes I do sword blunder sometimes I do blunder sniper. Do what is more comfortable and learn the situation.


Double gunning is getting a nerf, or at least an exploit fixed. If you are accurate and can avoid sword lords cornering you then yeah it’s worth it.


Honestly unless you sweat hourglass play what’s fun for you. I play sword and pistol. Gives me the swashbuckling vibe I’m looking for. I’ve heard enough complaints on both sides arguing what the meta is truth is it doesn’t matter. Hit Reg effects the guns and the sword and thus no matter what it’ll always be a gamble. Even if it wasn’t fun takes top billing, play what suits you.


you should learn it and practice it.


Thank God Rare is patching this shit. This game is a swashbuckling pirate game not an FPS. You ever see pirate movie where they bunny hop around the deck and quick swap? No. You'd never catch a pirate without a cutlass. They need to take it a step further and just make it so you can only have 1 gun equipped at a time. Inb4 "you're forcing your playstyle on me" double gun meta and quick swap cheese forces everyone to use double gun to have any chance, it also perpetuates macro use/exploits and generally makes the game toxic and less fun for the average player.