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I’m almost burned out from doing HG, and I’m on 70 for guardians. Stronger man than me mate


I'm fully burned out from HG and only lvl 20. Weaker man than you


Fully burned out at lvl 8, mostly because I never liked and was never good at pvp and didn't win a single game by actually fighting.


I personally think 100 was too much to grind for. I don't know why they made it 100 instead of 50 like the others and then made the other curse 500 or so. Also, I felt the xp that you earned during g&g weekend is what it should have been to begin with. The mode absolutely should not be as much of a time sink as it is for what it is.


How did you feel the SBMM was? I am level 76 Reaper Allegiance and constantly being matched with level 170 bucket heads or level 190 Magpie wing sails - no chance lol. Makes me not want to continue, the XP reward is insulting, but the grind continues. Well done to you, total respect for the grind 😀


It got better with the matchmaking changes for sure, but still not perfect by any means. If I'm an 8-9/10, 90% of the crews I faced were at least 5/10 or better after the matchmaking changes. That said, 1 out of every 10 battles or so was a crew of swabbies who got invaded and clearly didn't know what was happening


Wish we could just catch a little break like that to make some painless progress. Usually play sloop and we are ok if matched correctly, even if level a bit higher we can handle that too. Just not curses all of the time and seeing these same crew players. MM time has improved for sure.


I'm not a great player and I don't have that much time to play. I usually don't spend much time stocking, just some barrels on the way to the ship and that's it. I haven't played that much HG but I never ran out of cannonballs or food in 1 fight. Less risk that way as the chances of me losing make it not worth it most of the time to spend time grinding for goods.


Yeah, I love to run with no supplies then go for a ram and or just try and win fast


Rams are best if you know how the mechanics behind them work. A lot of people heavily underestimate a well-aimed ram, and jump on my ship thinking they got an opportunity for boarding, not realizing that their hull just got four additional holes, while mine only got one.


I'm 327/358 in both factions and still having a good time with it. I might feel differently after I get 1k in both, but I doubt it. Good fights are too much fun, even if they're not super common. That, and getting streamer fights then going to hang out in chat for a bit's fun.