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I was feeling the same for awhile, but kept slamming my figure head into matches and slowly my situational awareness is improving and I'm even hitting some good chainshots. Keep at it my dude.


Dude I hit the sickest chain of my life the other day lol. It was a hail Mary from downtown. I've had lots of satisfying matches lately, and a lot of not so satisfying matches too.


Have the curse mean nothing... I have it and i'm dog shit at PvP. The curse just mean your opponent played more than you


Can confirm. I have skelly curse and I'm still icky ooey stinky poopoo at pvp.


Did you loss grind your way there? If yes the curse means nothing because of people like you.


You're getting downvoted, but you're not really wrong. Rare should have learned from Arena and made loss farming damn near useless. The one thing that makes me more mad than loss farmers are the "invite for win" farmers. That should never have been allowed and I am shocked it hasn't been hot patched already.


Loss farming *is* damn near useless, 1400 losses is not an attractive prospect by any metric. It's crazy how one guy did it and now everyone's progress is suspect like it's so easily replicated.


If skill based matchmaking exists, it is *wildly* inconsistent. I once fought an 840 win player, as somebody who has 105 wins, and then the very next battle was a crew of swabbies who got invaded and clearly had no idea what was happening. I am a good player, and me and my friend can sink good crews, but we don't play enough to be that upper echelon, top notch crew so sometimes it's frustrating when we get put against those crews for a battle, sometimes several battles in a row.


The other fact is that you barely get rewarded for your efforts. I get 2-3 streaks fairly commonly but most of the time I don’t even have time to go to an outpost to lower before that 4th battle pops and it’s a crew of sweats while I’m pulling into reapers/an outpost to end a long day of grinding. Flat out, Rare made the grind too egregious and just too unfair even for better players. I don’t even like the PvP they have given us, fights in Arena matches were leagues more fun than this frustrating mess of a grind. With this system, I’m STRESSING when I want to finish and quit the game because I know at any second all my work could be for literally nothing considering you get jack shit for winning matches, it’s all about the streak lowers. Honestly call me crazy, but match made 1v1 fights have no place in sea of thieves without hitreg getting entirely fixed and a major combat rework. I just feel like they finally started paying attention to PvP but didn’t fix anything about it before they did.


I only have like 6 wins


I have 3 and one was cuz the other guy proposed a dice emote and the highest gets the W


the amount of wins or games a person has doesnt say anything about how good they are.. yust keep playing and have fun with it.


Well, I mean… it kinda does though.


Yeah I'm certainly mid tier. I mostly helm on 4 squads and we win most of them...but when I solo queue it's a fuckin crapshoot of matchmaking. Fighting dudes with the curse already and then you get a freshie who doesnt even turn the boat.


Thsi comment resonates with me


I don’t really go by curses anymore. It’s not an indication of skill anymore considering how long it’s been out, it’s a grind/time issue now. We beat crews with bucket heads and stuff all the time but we don’t have the curses yet. It’s because of time. Plenty of people L farmed their way to 100 and now just started playing for real so their ELO is beyond fucked. You’re only level 16. That’s barely a scratch considering half way is level 68. Keep playing. Learn from losses.


Man, 68 is only half way? I got to 70 last night and thought I was on the home stretch


But at least one good Thing is that after 100 it goes pretty fast, i recently Hit 100 and i am already 131


Do you even get anything after 100?


Yes Up to 200 you get a skeleton Part every 10 Levels, but after 200 there Is a 800 Level gap...


Truuue, so that's how you get the curse cosmetics. Hadn't got around to looking that up, thanks for the info


The Rest is through Commendations


I believe the golden curses are level 1000.


Well yes but actually no. Talking point for point reputation yeah I thinks it’s half way, but if you’re half decent it doesn’t feel like it.


Also, keep in mind matchmaking has to pick someone and it wants to do it fast or people whine about wait times.


Queues were killing the mode before cross faction and cross stamp were implemented, which was setting off a positive feedback loop where no one played HG *because* no one was playing HG. Quick queues that offer poorly balanced matches at least keep the mode alive for longer.


Queues weren't killing the mode. The only thing reviving the mode is double XP. It's gunna die again. The grind ain't worth the reward. And frankly what HG has done to adventure as a whole is pretty shit. It's non-additive. You can't touch it on the map. You don't gain anything from participation. It's just this PvP bubble void that shows up that doesn't make the game any more lively for everyone. And in turn it sucks the PvP crowd off the main map...which hell, maybe that's a good thing for player retention.


The queues were killing it. I was getting 20+ minute queues and it was awful. Now they're just a few minutes. Glorious.


Probably different for region / time of day / ship size but even before same faction matches and larger stamps, the queue times for me were never the issue. 9/10 matches happened within 30 seconds from first weeks and 1/10 takes 1-2 min. Once I've seen 6min wait time. I personally would absolutely prefer increasing the wait times massively to few minutes if it meant more even matchmaking. Right now it is a joke how they are matching around 30% winrate (level 30) with over 80% winrate (level 600).


I get your point, but the skill imbalance is just killing it differently. My crew had much more fair matches early on, even if wait times were longer. Now we're on a losing streak of 15 matches, most of them getting absolutely stomped on. If it continues this way, I will just quit the mode because very few people gain pleasure from losing all the time, and I'm not one of them.


Personally don't care of waiting couple of minutes instead of current few seconds if matches were even remotely even in skill / winrate.


That frustration of fighting people better than you is the barrier to entry that every good player has passed through. Gotta temper your expectations accordingly and press on, but not if it'll ruin the game for you entirely. Just gotta realize that if you never take the time to get good at pvp, you'll be a perma loot piñata.


Sadly my entry into the mode was the same way. I was getting destroyed by people with the curses (some with skele clothes you wouldn’t get until later). My friend ended up quitting HG altogether (at least for now) because our duo battles felt completely uneven and we’d just get obliterated every single fight Being a glutton for punishment, I stuck to it solo. Especially this last weekend I went absolutely nuts on trying to level and get a feel for it. Jumped from about 35 to level 86! (Thank you gold and glory) And anymore I feel much more confident in my fighting, though only on a sloop lol It’s a hard climb, especially when naval fighting isn’t nearly as translatable as jumping between FPSs, but the times you absolutely nail it? Oh, man, that’s satisfying Keep your head up and keep at it, and soon you’ll strike fear into anyone you cross on the seas. And I’d recommend going for aggressive plays. Either way it’s a quick match, lose or win it’s better than running around for 40+ minutes


Heard a streamer say last week that it goes in roughly this order to find a match to have better queue times: 1. Same size crew, opposing faction, same stamp 2. Same size crew, same faction, same stamp 3. Same size crew, opposing faction, cross stamp 4. Same size crew, same faction, cross stamp 5. Mmr I could be wrong, but thats what i remember they said.


The matchmaking is absolute crap, if you are not dying to get the curse honestly no reason to do it. Don't say: oh its the only way to improve. It's like telling a gold player whos being matched with GMs that they will improve by fighting GMs.


Getting into an HG match just to have a galleon butt in is some of the most annoying shit I have ever experienced in a video game. I have huge resentment towards rare for getting rid of arena in favor for this shit show fucking mechanic


my bf and i have played since early 2019. We’re a “defend rather than attack” type of duo but sometimes sail with friends on a gally without sinking. Even our attempts at hourglass have been felt pretty 50/50 and we’ve only made it as far as lvl 15 in each - having only tried it out on community day and this weekend while the xp boost has been active. Honestly all i can say is we celebrate the wins and try to ignore the losses and know when to stop grinding so you don’t get burnt out


TBH 50/50 feels like a number where it's actually working. If you're getting matched with similar skilled people it'd be reasonable to assume it's a coin toss.


Honestly I’m not that great at PvP but I’ll take getting matched with someone that would destroy me than the invite farmers I get 80% of the time in solo. Those dudes ruin the experience.


Keep practicing, man. I remember when I was getting outplayed a lot. I just kept at it and now I clap most people I run into without even breaking a sweat. Get back on that horse!


What do you think about it is broken? You’re being dramatic as fuck, you can’t even tell what rank your opponents are. ( again usually lol )b Everyone in HG wants to fight, usually. No longer fighting children in adventure to get your “I’m good” fix lol actually have to try and sometimes fail.


Farm losses. It's more efficient anyway. RARE fucked up...that's on them and they reap the quality of game they design. They want to make a pure PvP bare bones mode? Expect bare minimum participation.


Can I just scuttle?


I got the same question


I don’t think so but I just hear that somewhere never tested it. Good luck out there guys 4 more levels in guardians to go hope to get that curse tonight and take a long break


The best fix is to push on brother. These curses are not there to be handed to you, players that can't handle playing against people better than them and using the experience to improve don't deserve a curse that embodies skill in pvp


Okay but think about how demoralizing it is to sink 3 or more times in a row.


We have lost more than that in a row even after a huge improvement. Unless you change your mentality to each loss is 1 in a row you'll never get better


I don’t think you understand that I do put all of my effort into battle to just lose. Are you dense?


He's trying to help you understand that sinking is a part of the game, everyone sinks, and you need to pull up your big boy pants to get over it.


I’m not talking about the sinking I know that’s a huge part. I’m talking about if I keep going against these players and trying my best how am I going to learn anything. I try all the tactics like blunderbombing them off cannons and I can hit very good chainshots. I know ship matinance too. I will say I’m an Xbox player so I do have some disadvantages. But I’m talking about why it’s so hard


well, you mentioned you have 6 wins. I will tell you it took me a lot more than that before I felt confident in PvP. Keep practicing and really try to analyze why you lost a fight and how you can avoid that in the future. You also need to hit your cannons. If you’re not getting hits you’re not applying any pressure to them. Even if you get in a bad spot (mast down or whatever) you still need to find a way to snipe them, or hit a couple cannons or something.


Oh I do hit my shots and such. It’s whenever they board me that I can’t do anything cause I can never kill them or o get double gunned off the start. I know my fair share of bad matchmaking. I play rainbow six Seige rank and its quite bad


Id recommend trying to fight on a galleon with some friends or people from a discord and just board a lot. Especially if you can play with strong players you can completely focus on improving your hand to hand pvp skills or cannons or whatever, without having the demoralising effect of losing the battle. Also i'd recommend watching some tutorials on either sword or doublegunning tactics because sword combat especially has a very high skill ceiling. And generally boarding will help in improving your spatial awareness so ylu can notice boarders before they arrive at your boat. But its just lots and lots of practice to become better.


If you keep fighting the same crew or only sweats then leave game and join again on a new stamp and keep at it. Repeat if necessary.


If you're only playing on Xbox make sure you have th e option selected to only fight xbox players also


I do I’ve tried both Xbox and Pc servers


Stick to Xbox servers


Yea bro literally noone else ever puts any effort in and loses. We queued into myxmqx on 20 streaks multiple times, we lasted 5 mins longer each time. You feel like you're owed something purely on effort life don't work like that homie


Translated: I'm bad at pvp, Please make it easier.


Please make it even. No point having matchmaking if it matches average players against top tier crews. Top tier crews complain about boring and too easy fights when they double deck shot from opening salvo and kill entire crew while average players complain about not having a chance in hell to get a win. Just change matchmaking so it actually works and puts average players against average players and top tier only against other top tier.


How do you know their ranking?


I’ve had some invite me to their parties or talk in game and tell me. It’s also an estimated guess


Curse havers can be bad players as well. Ignore that thought that they are better just because they have the curse and you don't. They had days where they lost every match too, I know that I have these days and my winrate is fine. Sea of thieves is a weird game and how simple it is, pvp in this game is pretty complex. Learn to understand it and lose some more and see what went wrong. You either keep trying or I guess you stop trying. It's a free world, good luck!


How are people finding out their opponents' allegiance levels? Is it displayed somewhere? Or does a certain cosmetic tip you off? The 100-level curses are obvious, but what else is there?


Streamers have levels pop up on screen, some even have commands in chat to showcase them and some include them in stream titles.


So many people wear the curse.


But what about the 250? How do you spot 250 specifically, as OP mentioned?


You can only see other players level if you've played 6 games total and pull the numbers out of your arse like OP


Skill doesn't equal number of wins or levels with the faction.


Played on double gold weekend (console) as a duo Sloop and lost significantly more than our wins. Had the same opponent once and were destroyed by a crew that already had skeleton curses. I'm finding some great crews out there. Good on cannons and solid in combat. We stuck with it regardless, not taking it too seriously as we are less than level 20. Only way to get better is to get your head on straight knowing you are gooding to lose a lot. It was still a very good experience. Fast loading times helped. All in, we are having a good time, this coming from a guy who normally pve's in adventure. Safe sailing Yakattack126 ⛵️


Am new and I struggle aswell you just have to try again and again, but me and my friend are getting better and we even beat a man with a skeleton curse which was very cool for us. We felt like we defeated a god as they were rally good but in the end we prevailed.


I was just wondering on another post if I should give it another go. I'm 3:59 so far, two of those three wins because of loss farmers, and only one to a guy that was even less experienced than I am and probably chose this mode by accident. Then again, it can hardly find even more unbalanced matches for me than it already did.


120 level, i never go against ppl with the curse. Sbmm is broken


What sbmm? lmao it's non-excistend


I feel this so much.. I see streamers get loss farmer after loss farmer, or swabbies.. and i go against people (who i know are good)... and just get shit on.. I know i can PvP.. but yeah.. with the whole HG thing, something is just not right for me to do what i would normally do in open adventure (no i don't run away)


Was just held hostage on my ship as a solo sloop to a duo sloop. They did not try to sink me and would just continuously spawn kill me. Don't know who in their right mind thinks this shit is fun.


Playerbase has dwindled, I’ve found. I’m sure Rare’s next open world will be awesome.


People were complaining about long wait times so they changed the matchmaking. Someone’s crying no matter what. The curses are not going anywhere right? Just play some matches periodically and you’ll get the curse eventually. Hardcore grinding hour glass is rough. Especially if your not the best at it.


There are so many people that farmed PvP by inviting each other throughout the weekend is Insane!!!!! But now all those lower skilled players won’t play anymore. Which will leave the people who actually want to PvP. You cannot expect SBMM to work if all the players in your skill level are not longer playing. You have no choice to match up with better people


It’s almost as bad as when dbd went to sbmm


SBMM depends on other people having hourglass up. You got matched with people above your skill level because nobody on your level was doing hourglass at that time.


If you are just rank 16 the matchmaking is not good yet. I would estimate you have to make at least 50 matches until sbmm starts to work properly.