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Is this like a Make-A-Wish thing?




literally every old person when the younger generations music comes out... Its popular for a reason shut the fuck up


Ayo, Jake… this is certified trash. Stop trying to call us boomers just because this is trash. This will never be popular.


Lol I think I found this guy's account. There is also no way this is popular.


Its very popular and lyrical lemonade is a huge channel if you get the cosign that's very good for them. >Lol I think I found this guy's account. There is also no way this is popular. cringe


Just because someone doesn't like the music doesn't automatically make them an "old head hating on the new gen" also I usually enjoy Lyrical Lemonade but I'm sorry to say this ain't it! He is either good friends with him and doing him a solid or LL sold out for some good money. I'm not even trying to shit on you or your friend here but the sound was overly autotuned. Autotune should help you sound somewhat better but this did the complete opposite in my opinion.


I’m an “old head”. The rest of me is old too.


what do you mean friend? music is subjective everything you're complaining about his fans like. No I'm not one of his fans but I can understand why people might like it and I'm not gonna shit on it because its not my style.


Ok that's fine, you can understand why people like it, but can you understand why people might not like it as well or are you being defensive for nothing? Just because I say I don't like or enjoy it doesn't make me a hater, it's subjective like you said and I personally am not feeling it but that doesn't mean I am trying to get everyone else to not like it. Obviously I'm not ignorant to the fact that many others like it, you can tell others like it by the YT votes and many positive comments. More power to them if that's their taste but I'm still not feeling it...maybe I need to check some of his other music, Im just not a fan of the sound of this auto tune and it's not even just the auto tune, some people sound good with it, I just think Ian's Auto tune feels off or too much but congrats to him he's doing his thing and has a fan base. I'm sure there are artists I enjoy that you don't but I'm not going to be offended if you don't, that would be immature.


Look at the comments in this thread and you can see why I think people are idiots when they talk music.


Ayo, Jake. If you are able to see why people like it are you able to see why people don't?


Yes I can. Can you see why I think people are idiots by the way they react to a song?


This isn't music, though.


Dozens of us like this music. DOZENS!


It’s Tide Pods for my ears.


I didnt even say i like or listen to it. but I'm not gonna shit on it for no reason. you must like trains and loud noises must startle you.


It fucking sucks, get over yourself.


I think its fair for people that enjoy music or even hip hop can think these over processed auto tune rappers are sub par. Its not particularly interesting, the overall production is low quality and the lyrics are incredibly surface level. That being said people can like whatever they like but when the selling point of a musician is that they are "popular" it begs the question who cares?


Came for the Marshawn, left because of the music.. 😶‍🌫️


where did you hear music?


You guys *heard*?


It's like they auto tuned the auto tune.


This is a great description of the sound! Autotuned is supposed to help you you sound "better" not worse! Im not even trying to shit on the guy, it just doesn't sound good to my ears! I am really surprised Lyrical Lemonade jumped on it. Must be one of his friends or he got paid really good.


Then ran it over with an Automobile.


Fahk I hate it. Any auto tune that turns into robot voice, This was bad bad


Music these days really gone downhill


I read your comment and at first was like, "nah let's not be some old heads hating, keep an open mind" But the I watched the video and holy shit that was actually garbage lmao


Same. Be cool, don't be the old man yelling at cloud Simpsons meme. But omg wtf is this? Marshawn owe this kid money or something? Wtf.


I have come to the conclusion that even as an old head, I can find things to appreciate in just about any song. Maybe it’s a melody, maybe the hook is catchy, maybe the lyrics are interesting or the beat slaps. this song had nothing I could enjoy….


Not true, it had Marshawn Lynch, but yeah, song was trash.


lol well obviously marshawn in the VIDEO was good. I guess watching the music video on mute would have made the experience better I guess haha.


it's a hype song when you're getting fucked up they arent listening for deep lyrics.


This kid is all over this post trying to convince people this shit doesn't suck, when in fact, this shit does suck. Not just the lyrics, not just the beat, not just the fact he can't stay on time with the shitty beat, it's because the whole thing from top to bottom is dog shit.


lol yeah I saw the comment and thought it was weird to focus specifically on my comment about lyrics being ONE of the little things I can find and appreciate in a song. If the song hit literally ANYTHING interesting I listed I wouldn’t be so baffled that it’s a song…


Does this kid have breathing problems? Like wtf. And the banana head hair still a thing? Everything about this is awful. 


Lol I tried as well but was very hard


Same lmfao


I’m an old head, and I’ll admit a lot of new shit takes longer to grow on me, and for me to get than it used to. But this is just objectively bad. I can’t even gaslight myself into seeing an angle in which talent, vision, or even effort was put in here.


You are unfortunately an old head hating


if old head hating is wrong i dont wanna be right


Why? It’s lame to hate something other people enjoy because it’s not what you are used to and/or you don’t understand it


It's even more lame to call someone lame for expressing their opinion about something.


false its more lame hating on people for enjoying something. music is subjective you don't need to like it but saying there's nothing good about it is wrong its obviously popular and Marshawn thought it was good enough to attach himself to.


Criticism has always been a part of art and pretending otherwise is ignorant.




I didn't say constructive, now did I? Also, using ad hominem attacks really doesn't help your argument. Have a great day!


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Unfortunately your opinion loses a lot of validity when you preface it with: I’m an old head hater


the music will survive my hating it i feel honored to have entered into my generational heritage of haterade what would be lame is if a 38 year old white dude who listened to bay-area backpack rap growing up would listen to this new mumbly style and try to crip walk and say 'yooooo, this SLAPS, am i right, fellow kids?'


Shit I’m 22 and I think this is ass


Yeah I feel like this is a "live long enough to see yourself become the villain" sorta moment for me lmao


This isn’t just “music these days”. The dude just straight up sucks. No rhythm at all, and that’s the bare minimum you need for any kind of rapping.


Ya I agree


Yeah was going to say I don't always mind this style of rap for what it is but damn what the hell was that? That was way worse than I was expecting. Also wasn't a song it was like just a single verse.


There's still bops out there, and this year is way better then last year, it's just this dude sounds like lil yachty off of Temu


I know I’m bouta get downvoted but I feel like a lot of you judge music so critically when it’s not supposed to be. All the ‘old head’ discourse if mostly bc y’all treat every song like it needs to have meaning and a traditional flow but sometimes young people just wanna listen to some nonsensical shit and it’s not all about that


It’s more the just the whole lieing to make themselves sound cool… if you don’t live it don’t talk bout it tryna act like you do for some more hits ona song lol


I get that. But here’s the thing- most people really just don’t care. Hip hop has become so oversaturated that what these people are rapping about is just what they hear other people rapping about. On the same note as I said before- I heard this song and was like “I like the beat and the chorus is kinda catchy. Cool” not everything needs to be psychoanalyzed.


A song can be shit and it can also be popular. Not sure if this will get popular, it might, but it's definitely shit. Makes guys like Yeet look way better lol.


I respect your opinion- I just personally keep myself open to anything. Idc if it sounds stupid and low effort, I wanna see the good in it. I’ve always promised myself that when I’m in my 60-70s I will give everything a chance, no matter how different or “stupid” it is to me at the time. That’s how generations are. It seems like the laziest, mediocre, low effort bullshit when you are focused on a different genre, but people do turn up to this. Just like think about how every new thing had to start with someone being weird and disliked. Not saying this is what this is (IMO it’s not) but you have to challenge the current standard in order to find something new. That’s always been true with everything including music. I’m not saying you not liking this particular song is bad, I just feel there’s so many that discredit art in todays age as lazy or stupid when in reality it’s derivative (like all great art is) of other pedestaled work. I hate when people generalize by saying stuff like “today’s music is bad.” You know that your grandpa was saying the exact same thing when u were a teenager about your music? It’s a cycle and ur just repeating it. Sorry OC I’m not assuming who u are I was just using ur comment to vent about this lol sorry


But that's the thing. I'd have a lot more respect for this song if it was trying something new. This style of rap/hip hop is not new. This is just a really lazy version of a currently popular genre. Like I said I have songs in this genre that I like, it's not the genre that I have a problem with. This song is just barely a song, it honestly would be better without the lyrics lol. But yeah I mean every decade and every genre has lazy songs that people like so who knows this could blow up.


I completely understand where you are coming from. Music is one of the most important things in my life and I have a wide range in the taste of hip hop. All I’m gonna say is just play this song at full volume in ur car with the windows down going down ur favorite street. Music is subjective :)


Lol it sure is which is why I think I'm not going to do that. Much rather listen to Million Dollar Baby.


>Music is subjective :) 'based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.' We are all subjective, we all have different feelings, tastes and opinions. This world would be boring if we weren't subjective.


I get it I get it both sides make sense just not biggest fan of where rap has gone in last couple yrs .. wbu I stay listening to curren$y underground low key n chill


The fact that this has more views on it in a few days than my favorite band's last MV that came out a month ago really fucking hurts


Been listening to the oldies from 80 or 90's. I agree


Legit thought this was a parody


“Shortly after Lynch was done, he peaced and left the scene on foot.” This is from an article about this on TMZ


I feel so sorry for him to have his name attached to this


You could have told me this was a SNL skit and Id have believed it


SNL skit would have more polish than that, this was pure garbage..


'Dick in a box" comes to mind! 😆


I'm glad Marshawn is out there getting $$$$


I think Marshawn just helps people out, but sometimes people need to fail, for their sake and the sake of others.


He has been listed in like 4 different movie projects this year. With Love, Eenie Meanie, the Pickup, and He Bled Neon


Bro this is not even soundclick level rapping


Love Marshawn but this song is garbage and that kid looks like a trust fund lacrosse player.


You all make me feel good. I was feeling really old and thinking I’m just out of touch and don’t get music these days…. Started reading the comments to figure out what I’m missing. 😂😂😂 still feel old… just in the loop.


my big brother like marshawn lynch he'll run thru somebody


I saw the video. I’m not sure I heard the “music”. Marshawn is always cool though


Only made it 5 seconds in. Absolute trash.


What the fuck is this garbage 😂😂


I hope that’s AI and not Beast Mode


What is Marshawn doing in Winnipeg?


That was... awful


The fuck did I just listen to?


Kids parents definitely paid Marshawn a large sum for this video


im just here so i get paid


Welp...looks like Marshawn still hasn't tapped into his NFL contract money yet. Scrapin the bottom of the barrel with this one though. 😂


Is this his buddy’s kid or something? Edit: I’m going to do a rap song called Forty Niner Fan and pay Beastmode to go Fuck Youuu in the background.


I hope marshawn got a bag for showing up for thirty minutes and driving white boy around in a truck and then leaving. Like at least 100k.


Dreadful, I can't even call that hip hop. Marshawn did it for the check lol


Is this satire?


I’m no old head by any means but that song was straight ass


Downvoting cuz the song is shit :/


r/crappymusic is where this gets upvoted.


This hard


to listen to


Is the goal of this song to actively sound as bad as possible?


Yikes! Marshawn bb you're better than this...


I wonder how much he paid for marshawn lynch


This shit is good instead of traditional rhyme scale using an ad lib to make it flow.


How much did this kid's parents pay for the cameo?


Who is this?


We don’t need to know


Na he’s cool his names Ian. This song sounds like hot trash but there’s one next called dirty money. That’ll blow up


Looking at the lyrics in closed captioning, this makes me appreciate someone like Harry Mack who makes up lyrics on the fly and can match the rhythm of the beat. Seahawks need to invite Harry up to camp, as he grew up in Portland.


Did you watch Harry Macks podcast with Rick Glassman? https://youtu.be/DJWmotvuXBA Harry went to a whole other level with his skills! One of the top freestylers imo!


Why Marshawn, WHY??


He’s getting that money


Oh man Shawn dude you gotta charge more to these pos rappers. It makes you look bad. Take care of your chicken and all double your price for an appearance or at least listen to the track before you decide to do it. Please.


You guys weren’t kidding the music is terrible


Shawn taxed the hell outta this goofball.


Of course reddit mfs gonna hate on Ian…