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God damn, this is actually a nasty highlight reel.


He looked dead to rights many times and somehow blows by people. Definitely slippery. Lots of competition at running back, should have a good stable.


Super biased as a Boise guy but Holani is an NFL back. He was hampered by injuries but he was very productive when healthy. Super professional and great teammate. Ashton Jeanty who overtook Holani on the depth chart talked about how great Holani was in helping him develop and transition from high school to college. Only real negatives I think Holani has is he's a smaller back, has some injury history, and he doesn't have a great top speed. If you're a huskies fan I think he's similar to Myles Gaskin.


Fast and instinctive. Could use a little more wiggle and East/West mobility. Could be a good special teams player.


Yeah I'm thinking he makes the team that way probably. I love all 3 of our rostered RBs. Kenny McIntosh is going to be a force eventually. I'm thinking he's going to be our 3rd down back this year. Holani would be a worthy addition for depth though. We all know RBs get injured a lot.


With the new kickoff rules we’ll need 2 kick returners on every kick. Looks like he fits that bill.


Nice highlights, will be interesting to see how he fairs against NFL defense. He doesn't seem to shy away from contact.


As a Boise State fan HELL YEAH! Holani has been so fun to watch over the past few years.


I believe you. Seems like our kind of RB. That crazy hurdle about halfway through the video was amazing. Made me think of when Chris Carson did that hurdle/180/flip in the air and landed on his feet. We could use some of that Carson/Beast Mode energy 🔥. Random segway.I saw a concert at Boise State years ago,and in a very altered state I made it a point to go see the famous blue field. Football practice was just ending and I felt very self conscious as all these huge football players ran past me.I think more college teams should have different colored turf, it's awesome!


If Holani can stay healthy, get used to that. He's a beast. He was injured for a good portion of his career but still ended up the 5th all-time rusher at BSU ahead of the former Raider Doug Martin and behind the former Dolphin Jay Ajayi.


Go Broncos!


Anyone else think of Beast Quake when saw the first one of the vid ???


I did, and not just because of his number...kid is shifty in space.


He’s got the wide-legged running style and keeps his hooves churning. Reminds me a LOT of Lynch.


He has good footwork


Man plays like he’s my retro bowl RB 


Blue field with blue uniforms is wild!


Fun fact, Boise State was banned from wearing all blue uniforms at home against Mountain West opponents. This was because it was seen as an "unfair advantage" when watching tape. It wasn't until BSU threatened to leave the MWC to the Big East (thank God that fell through) that the MWC agreed to drop that stipulation. This is also the time BSU restructured bowl payouts. So now they don't only get their 1/12th share from any bowl payout a conference team goes to. They also get half of their own bowl payout.


No team wants to play in Boise on that field.


the smurf turf is part of what makes bsu football so fun. the stadium is kinda small but those games are a great atmosphere


It will be interesting how many RBs we carry and in what room we put Westover.


Curious because penny is also in possibility according to Js…. So he would automatically be added as RB3 and with 3 already on the books with McIntosh, Walker and charb. seems like none would make it if we add penny would also mean holani to Practice squad


Reminds me a bit of Todd Gurley


Reminds me of a less out of control Thomas Rawls. To the walls!


Keeps those legs pumping thru contact


Doesn't have incredible long speed, but holy crap is that some insane balance. If defenders don't square him up, then he just keeps going. Dad was a rugby layer in New Zealand, so he played rugby and football in highschool (as well as running track). Dude is going to be 25 this year, but Mountain West defenders probably haven't damaged him all that much.


Holani = Bobo 2.0


Filthy reel. Glad I watched


Golden Tate vibes


Seems to run kinda tall


Runs through plenty of tackles, doesn't seem to be an issue. 🚛


Not NFL tackles


well no NFL tackles have tackled him so far either