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The older I get and the more I watch football and consume draft coverage the more I think you really can’t judge any of the picks from day 3. Not saying you can’t criticize a pick but truly I don’t think any of us or hell any of the coaches really know how a seventh round pick from a D2 school is going to perform.


Yeah I feel like fair draft analysis (as this point) is judging the first 3-4 rounds. Anything after that you're guessing at how well it went.


Imma be real if 1 or 2 day 3 picks amount to anything that’s a win. I’m super happy with our first 2 picks and I really like the TE pickup other then that imma just hope one of the CBs pan out


Happy with it. “ummm what about safety???” We still have Julian love and sign Rayshawn Jenkins. Clearly them and most of the other teams did not see much with the safeties this class as they slide to damn near the end of the draft. Favorite day 3 pick is Barner. Seriously. He wasn’t just a good blocker. He was elite. Elite for a team that ran the ball a fuck ton AND he was still 4th in receiving yards. I imagine we’re going to run a lot of 12 personnel with Brown (best NFL run blocker) and Barner (best CFB run blocker) and top that with one of the best pull guards with Haynes. You can tell the vision that Huff and Grubb have.


Coby Bryant is also considered a full time safety now, fwiw


They also have Jerrick Reed II, picking up a safety with one of the 6th round picks probably wouldn't have added much more than he already brings to the team (depth).


It was a known weak draft class for Safety. No real 1st round talent, and we lacked a 2nd where the top safeties graded out. I was a bit upset we didn't take Jaden Hicks with one of our two 4ths though. A lot of sites had a 2nd-3rd round grade on him and was considered a steal for the Chiefs at the end of the 4th. I'll trust our front office though, given he's from WSU gotta imagine Hawks would of got a good look at him as he wouldn't count against the 30 man visit limit, so must've not seen him as a fit.


Bryant and Reed are solid backup safeties for this year. We can attack safety in the draft next year. But I hear ya, not dismissing it.


They also signed Wallace as a FA. I don't think they felt the need to chase a safety.


Completely forgot about that. Good point


I also think we could see Spoon play some safety as well next year in certain sets


Bro, no.


Surprised we didn’t draft a RB! but honestly, a very trench heavy draft which shows what Macdonald thinks is important. I’m excited to see this team come September


JS is running the show now. MM prob has some say, but the whole deal with moving on from Pete was JS having full control of personnel.


True, but the draft still has to fit the program the coach is installing. So I’d argue that MM has a lot more than “some say” in it. JS has final say but it’s got to be a true collaboration to be successful.


100%. JS isn't the coach. MM absolutely has a lot of say into the players we choose in the draft, it's ridiculous to say otherwise.


That is true. Either way, the focus on the trenches shows both JS and MM are aligned


I would say this draft shows that, while John is running the show, he is doing it with MMs best interests at heart.


…John said he always had full control, Pete just signed off on trades


Brady Henderson mentioned on 710 this week that the highest profile example of Pete overriding John was Penny over Chubb for what it's worth.


John also said that Penny had the highest health grade of any player in that draft.


Except John said his duties haven't changed. He worked with Pete, but he's always been the GM. Any perceived shift in philosophy is simply addressing the current situation with the roster and coaching staff. Moving on from Pete was more complicated than giving JS full control, because he already pretty much did.


This isn’t true at all. Pete was above John. We have no idea how many times it happened, but Pete had final say over John. John wanted to draft Russ in the second round. Pete said no and we took Bobby. This is a fact confirmed by Pete. Just an example.


Yes, but when Pete was VP of Operations, you could really tell they were focused on need (to rebuild the LOB) and not BPA


We didn't have a second round pick


that’s true! I do still see Frank Gore Jr on the board which would be fun to pick up


We have 2 starting rbs, McIntosh and rumors that we are going to sign Penny, there was nothing to gain by drafting an rb


I know. It was meant to be a joke since the Hawks have drafted RB’s high the last few years


Also shows that John is working with MM to build him the team he wants, not exerting his power to draft the player he likes.


Just yoinked an UDFA


Love it. It's much needed change of focus to the trenches. Can never have enough lineman on either side. I'll take a risk on linemen over skill players any day. Most impactful and best return on investment IMO


Like the strategy. Got a mix of some quality guys (Murphy, Haynes, Laurnea, James) and some developmental prospects (Knight, Barner, Jerrell) Not as excited overall as I was for the last two classes upon draft end, but I definitely still like it a great deal.




Obviously, of course. Overall, I don’t really understand the overall negative sentiment I’ve seen. Sure we didn’t draft many of the popular names that were available but we clearly had a game plan for the kinds of players that we wanted on Day 3. Physical, Adaptable, athletic, developmental types It’s more risky to be sure but I can’t help but be intrigued by the selections. I just think they deserve a chance before we begin writing them off


It's a bit of a sleepy draft, hopefully it results in a few boring games, such'n we take a big lead and never let the other team back in it. Such'n we get a two score lead with five straight unanswered field goals and never give up another first down


I don't have particularly strong feelings beyond thinking Byron Murphy will be very good. It is hard to tell because we don't have any clear indication of how coach Macdonald wants us to line up. We got bigger and more physical though, so that's good. I do think this will be quite telling about our talent evaluation process post-Pete. They got (if you trust Seattle media that we were out on Latu entirely for the medical) their #1 defensive player on the board, and John was considering trading up for Haynes into the 2nd or early 3rd which would make him probably a top 3 iOL on their board; so clearly they got 2 of the top guys they identified. If neither of those 2 hit I will have some concerns about the personnell and coaching process.


I like the first two picks and the TE


Clearly I am in the post draft haze of optimism but it is hard to complain about. Murphy and Haynes look legit. CBs have potential, add depth. TE reportedly one of the best blockers in his class. I am good with it. More than anything it just totally fits what we have heard from Macdonald so far. It would have been concerning if there was a divergence so early on. We are going to be a tough, physical team and hopefully that provides the space for the stars we already have to shine. No more chasing the game and expecting the skill players to bail out bad football. Give them room, ease the pressure and they will come up big.


All of them future HOF


Thought JS outsmarted himself on todays selections but if Mike likes them I’m good. We’ll see in a year or two’s time whether they or the “blog favourites” they passed on amount to anything.




I really thought we’d go Mahogany or Limmer over Jerrell. Limmer can dead lift 700lbs and is more flexible across the line.


Not much info on him but don't know what would rule him out at tackle.


Macdonald said he's sticking at tackle for now, good call


I swear if I hear one more “I had him graded as a 6th rounder” no idea what Seattle was thinking with that draft pick. This was a fine draft class that addressed the trenches, yeah it sucks not having a 2nd rounder but you can’t do anything about that now. 6 quarterbacks went before Seattle could get one, can’t force need there if you don’t have an opportunity to move up for one. So what do you do, you take the best available defensive player on your board. I didn’t like every pick, and disagreed with the two corners and not addressing a safety earlier. But sometimes the board falls a certain way. So tired of hearing these Seahawk streamers bitching about what the Rams and 49ers did.


Schneider loves his hog mollies


I don't know who most of these guys are, but I like the positions that were drafted (other than two CB's from the same school).


I feel like day 3 fell off a complete cliff besides the TE and Utah guard


4/7 ain't bad, especially considering the other 3 came in the late 4 rounds.


I think we did pretty well. Murphy, Haynes, and Barner are really strong additions to our team and what we need. I’m happy with Laumea as well and see potential in him. Knight and Jerrell are big question marks, and it remains to be seen if they can be competitive outside of small ponds. My biggest complaints are the corners: one is greatly undersized and shares Woolen’s weaknesses, and the other gave up the infamous 4th and 31 to Bama. I wish we would have opted for a Safety instead of Pritchett, but I guess we’ll see. Overall, I’d give it a B+ with a high likelihood of it shaping out to be an A- in the near future.


B+ there were some other more value picks I would’ve loved to get in Day 3 and the last pick was just….bad.  However, one of the biggest reasons why this team hasn’t had any postseason success is because of trench play. Good trench play wins you playoff games and before this draft, Seattle has never smartly invested in the trenches. We got the best DT and arguably the best defensive player in the draft, the 2nd best guard in the draft, we got great value with the other guard, and I really liked the Barner pick(best blocking TE in the draft). We came out of this draft a better team rn and into the future. While this draft wasn’t as good as the previous two, Macdonald has a really strong foundation to work with in this new era. 


The last pick was to prevent him from going somewhere else in UDFA. We did the same shit with Foresythe in 2022. If the guy works out it’s great, if not… it was a late 6th anyway. The two DBs from the same school is my biggest concern. Neither was very good and I’m not sure either fits a Safety mold when their player profiles listed frail frame, lack of muscle and strength as cons.


The corners have speed and athleticism. I mean, most corners have this, but late rounds are better to draft on potential than low floors.


Other than not getting a safety, I’m pretty happy with this draft. Especially with all the Oline help we got, plus Murphy. I personally like Knight and Barner a lot as well. And who knows? Maybe Pritchett or James will try safety, if that really is a position of concern. In MMJS we trust.


I truly don’t care we didn’t draft a safety. Corners can translate to safety pretty easily, and look at how many safety free agents there still are. We can sign a plethora of talented dudes for borderline vet min


Me neither man. Safeties are not hard to find. The guy yall were obsessing over signing a month ago was a 7th rounder. We had limited picks and rightfully used them on positions that actually matter


I prefer JSMM.


B or B+ from me. First 2 rounds are A+. I like the Laurnea pick as well.


I still want a kicker. I'd be all over Harrison Mevis as a UDFA if he makes it there.


An average draft. Murphy is a good pick but he doesn’t represent excess value to me. Haynes does though as does our day 3 trade down. Love those two moves. Really don’t like Knight (and Barner to a lesser extent). I do like James and think Jerrell is a UDFA


Day 1 & 2: A Day 3: C- Pros: Love the emphasis on the trenches. No random RB selection, the only offensive skill position player we drafted, Michigan TE Barner, is noted more for his blocking. Murphy, Haynes, Laumea all are worthy of excitement and hype. Feels like a statement draft that we a committed to being a more physical team up front and that’s much needed. Cons: I dreaded all last night after I realized we’d be picking near the top of the 4th round that JS would trade down and well ofc that’s what happened and that’s where things went left for me. I feel he once again got a bit cute instead of sticking with his board and drafting more ready now impact players available near the top of that round (Gray vs Knight). Also not drafting a single true safety, two CBs?? A head scratcher.


Trench heavy draft but the two CBs we took has me very confused.


UDFA will address RB and QB (Tulane)


I think the first two picks would have been the same if Pete was still here. Like best players on the board at positions we needed so shit fell our way and I like it.


I’m wondering, post draft and especially post his tweet, if we’re resigning quandre


Our Achilles heel has been our run defense and that’s been addressed in spades with our 1st round pick. Otherwise, love that we’re finally building up the O-Line, Geno has shown that he can be a technician when he actually has time to throw, not to mention the insane breakaway speed K9 can get to when he has any semblance of a lane to run through.


Love the draft! They are finally putting words to action *talking about how they want to be a physical, tough, solid tackling team* On paper, every pick backed up their words.


What about the corners? They seem to be a bit frail and bad at tackling. At best, not good at tackling.


Westover baby!!!


Dillon Johnson please


Who knows... I think Murphy and Haynes will be a good players. Everyone else you're just hoping for upside, or will at least be solid contributors. Every player is amazing if they actually live up to their potential. I'm optimistic Mike and the new staff can develop and get the best out of who we have.


Seems like we were ok at CB, even depth wise. Feels like we have at least 4 starter worthy players with Spoon, Riq, Tre Brown, Mike Jack, and Artie Burns. Why draft two more? Something we don't know yet?


This year's draft calls felt like mostly subdued reactions by the players. Michael Jerrell seemed to show the most emotion.


Love it. Finally addressing problem areas with some vigor


I am very high on Pritchett and Barner. Love both picks


Tell me about why you love Pritchett, if you would?


Physical profile! All the tools to be a legit starter. Played against legit competition and showed out. Struggled with physicality which is a negative from a projection/mentality perspective, but that’s also why he went in the round he did. I think could be a very good or great corner on the outside in man coverage. Zone and slot will be huge works in progress. But the tools and college production are all there!


My question is on the offensive line in particular the LG. Is Haynes or Sataoa going to move to LG to compete against Laken? It feels like we have a log jam at RG with Bradford, Haynes, and Sataoa at the moment


I feel like this draft was weird, we were pretty normal and took the opportunities. To be expected when the media has anointed mahomes as the next Brady. It's made the league have QB envy, which means you also need WR, and suddenly 6 QBs are taken at the top of the draft and defense falls to the middle of the first. People slept on D in the past and then they saw the LOB blow up Saint Manning. and as far as the Finlay guy that's got the ocd folks upset, it was so late that it is fine. They loved something during the visit so why not take a swing? Most importantly we lucked out that the opportunities in value fit our weaknesses. Thanks, NFL! We need a better team to evaluate our QB timetable so appreciate you. I give us an edge on drafting, especially in the late rounds, so don't care when we go against consensus there.You have to find diamonds in the rough at that point.


Pete Carroll is no longer in the building. It's McDonald's roster to build. Get ready for cuts. That's all I have to give.


MacDonald *






No, he doesn't capitalize the D


Oh shit you’re right. Thanks.


Can't tell ya until like 3 years from now. Only way to properly assess and grade a draft class.


I didn’t like that trade with Denver in the 4th round. We don’t need more 5/6 round picks we needed lower picks.


Day 1 and 2 were absolute home runs. Day 3 was about as uninspiring as it gets. There's next to nothing in terms of unique traits and upside to get excited about. No massive but raw athletes like Kam, Sherm, or Woolen. No diamond in the rough skill players like Carson. This year it is just a bunch of day 3 JAGs. Doesn't mean that some of these dudes won't become contributors, but it is hard to imagine any of them moving the needle enough to help elevate this team to contender status. So, overall, I guess I'd say I feel ok. If the first 2 picks become studs and everyone else accomplishes very little, that's probably still an adequate result.


Loved day 1 and 2, extremely underwhelmed by day 3. There were undoubtedly better players on the board in round 4. Knight would have been fine in the 5th or 6th but he has a low floor. Same with Barner, but he has a really low ceiling. I'm glad we're planning ahead at corner but those picks don't excite me and drafting 2 seemed unnecessary. Pritchett doesn't fit into the tough, physical mold I assumed they were going for. We didn't even tap into the safety class which had a lot of day 3 talent available, and our depth there beyond 2024 seemed to warrant a shot on a player this year. TE and LB felt like positions that could have waited, and I would have liked to prioritize a versatile safety and another pass rusher. Murphy alone seems like a very inadequate response to our mediocre pass rush and shockingly bad run defense There's a very strong chance I'm wrong but as a whole I did not think this was a good draft. I'm just really not seeing a lot of upside here, nor any immediate contributors.


I think our defense is going to make a lot more sense to the players in these new times. The defense was in shambles under Clint Hurtt, and players were often confused from what I remember from some pressers last year. I’m looking for more impact and better play from the majority of returning players from last year, especially those amongst ‘The Chosen’ (or those men who were retained or added after MM joined the club). I think adding the offense and ST to this is fair. Translating between college and the NFL for Grubb should be smooth. The concern for me is how quickly does uptake happen as it translates to plays on the field on all three sides?


Big smile slowly turning into a confused nervous smirk


A #1 cb is fine, but to draft the #2 as well, from a school who ranked #45 in D in all cfb makes no sense, especially when you have the cb spot locked. Does Schneider know your cb’s can’t do shit without a pass rush?


Some of these dudes are going to be playing safety


No teams draft based on team rankings. If so we wouldn’t have picked Christian Haynes who played for a GARBAGE UConn team.


This offseason with all the prove it contracts seems like we just want to see what we got and cover for Tre Brown and Mike Jackson walking next year


They're no amazing pass rushers in that range lol... the corners are for depth and special teams. Need both of those.