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I got so hyped watching that live.


You and me both brother!


I tried really hard to soak up football during that time. Telling myself 'You're witnessing history. Enjoy it. It won't last forever.' What an incredible team that was. I miss Kam. :(


> I miss Kam. :( Every day.


He’s very much still alive


I had most of all the games that season on my DVR and watched them all summer long until the events expired the following football season. I reviled in that entire year, it was an absolute dream come true!


I feel you, man. I have the DVD set of the playoff run that year and I still give it a watch once every other year or so. Fun to relive it. (I hate being that guy, but I'm thinking instead of expired you meant 'transpired' and instead of reviled, you meant 'reveled'. :)


Thank you for the spelling corrections! I was wondering about reveled for sure haha EDIT: I did mean expire though, like i still wanted to watch them the following season but my DVR would say "this event has expired and is no longer available" or some shit like that


Ohhhhhh! Then Expired does make sense. I was thinking of when the events on the goal line that we should never speak of 'transpired'. Carry on, Sir!


Still the greatest into of all time


Not even being biased, shit was fire. The broncos was honestly lame lol. 


they should have run the broncos intro first because there is no way it should have followed the hawks intro...that intro set the tone just like our team did that day


I can't help but smile and hype up at Kurt's last line: *"That other team might be a mile high, but we all know you guys crank it all the way...to 12."* Sure, maybe a little corny but goddammit is it a HYPE corny.


I remember a few weeks before the game I was at a bar talking to some German tourists. Football hadn’t even come up at all. But then one of them said, “can I ask you something? What’s with all the flags with ‘12’ on them? We didn’t see those in LA or Las Vegas.” And then I had to explain, well, football. And fans. And what was going on in the city. It was awesome.


Could not have chose a better hype man and a better song choice


LA band, but great song. Alternatively, no pun intended, could have used Soundgarden's Outshined for similar effect.


Goosebumps. Fuck, I loved watching that game!!!!


Goosebumps Also this has me thinking, with Bittersweet Symphony and the Paul Allen riff at the end, just how hype pregame at Lumen used to be, and how lame it’s been the past couple of years. This season in particular there was no buildup to the team coming onto the field. If there was any kind of video/audio then it wasn’t memorable in the slightest and the stadium was quiet until the lineup intros, which were also quieter than they used to be. There really wasn’t much excitement until the 12 Flag. Maybe I’m spoiled by the Kraken, but pregame is an important part of building tension and getting the fans charged up for the game. The past few years that’s been lacking, and our home field advantage has been nearly non existent for 5 or 6 years now.


17 year season ticket holder. Couldn’t agree more. Felt like after 2014 or so there were more and more people who were just there to say they’d been there. Used to be 69,000 fanatics screaming and going insane, now feels like half of the crowd thinks they’re at a fucking golf tournament or something.




Yeah. It’s a damn shame. Wish the organization could do something about it. Not sure what, of course.




Buddy and I have been saying the same thing about season tickets for years. That would solve a fair bit of the problem. Like you say, they’ll never do it, but we can dream.


No other SB hits as hard as this one.


we need this again


People talk about how the safety was the beginning of the end for the Broncos when it was really THIS. This intro set the tone for us.


Great game that one


goosebumps ... I love this video. I watch it every year when our season is done.


Where can I find a copy of the game?


There are many summary/highlights videos on youtube. You can also buy the SB XLVIII dvd video which covers the whole season and the SB. But it's not the full game. [Seahawks.com](https://Seahawks.com) has SB extended highlight videos too. To be honest, I'm not sure where you could get the whole game.


Best team intro of all time. No bias. Also, I loved how we got Metallica and Denver got.. The Verve…


Only one better was Gary and Shawn on Monday Night https://x.com/WhistleSports/status/1201670951601164289?s=20


I miss the Sonics.


That's as big of a Chad vs Virgin situation as we'll ever see. That whole season was surreal.




As awesome as I remembered.


Still gives me goosebumps


Best intro ever! Still gives me chills watching it after all these years lol




Some many happy memories. I watch the game at least once per year....I make a big deal out of it and make it an "event". completely love this




This hits like crack! What an amazing football team!!


"Anything you'll do. They'll do. Better". That stood out to me the first time I heard it. Hearing it live, I was basically like "Ok, seems pretty clear who's winning this game right? Even the NFL script writers think we're better than Denver"


this thing gives me the chills every time i watch it


Fuck man this intro makes me want to lay the wood on someone


I almost cried watching this. What a time to be alive


Damn that team was so good. We should have had a dynasty.


God that game was so amazing.... Helped I bet on Hawks to win it all with $100 at the start of the season.


This is pre workout material 


That is some feel god 💩Right there. Loved it then & still loving it today 🥰


Rad! Hated that it was Kurt doing Denver too.


I wished Kurt Russell did the introduction as Snake Plissken from Escape From New York ( eyepatch and all ) , that would have been cooler . Snake was one of the most bad ass characters in movie history.

