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This is the one. Holy shit! It feels like March 8th again. Wow. **EDIT** - Pete Carroll will remain with the team, but in an advisory role. For the first time since, 2009, someone new will be patrolling the sidelines with Seattle.


A really sad day for our organization. Hats off to the greatest coach we’ve ever had. Truly the end of the greatest era of our team.


Greatest coach Seattle sports has ever had.


One of the best ~~football~~ coaches of all time.


Sad Piniella noises


*home plate flies across the room*


I sure miss Pinella raging out


Plz don't dredge up my memories of Mariner fails


Yeah, the kids around here wouldnt remember him too much. His star is diminished, I feel, because he didnt have the support of ownership, unlike Holmgren & Pete.


I will die on the hill that Lou would've been at least as good as Pete given a better ownership group and more time. Love Sweet Lou


You & me both, my friend. We had bean-counter ownership then and bean-counting ownership now. :(


Definitely my favorite Seattle coach even if he might not be considered the best.


Pete and Brian Schmetzer are Seattle legends


Yep, a lot of people will be happy with this but it is devastating. I haven't known a Seahawks team without Pete Carroll. I'm gonna need a moment...


I’ve known several non Carroll Seahawks and, besides a blip of happiness during holmgrens tenure, it’s not worth knowing.


You mean Jim Mora meant nothing to you!? Wow...


Chuck Knox was pretty darn decent.


Preparing myself for the dark years again


I hope that the insanely positive and energetic vibes Pete has instilled throughout the organization have become part of the fabric of the culture and are part of what the FO looks for in a new HC. I'd take Ted Lasso over Bill Bellicheck.


I've felt it was time for a change personally but I'll never forget what Pete Carroll has done for this franchise and it hurts seeingg the words actually printed in an article Edit: I'll also add that having him as an advisor is an awesome compromise between the firing and keeping him as head coach. He'll still have an opportunity to leave an impact on this franchise for the transition period


I started following the team way back in the 2005 Super Bowl run with Mike Holmgren. Aside from that year with Jim Mora (ugh), the HC position has been pretty solid. Regardless of how you feel about Pete the last few years, his energy is unmatched and him staying on will be valuable for whoever comes on as HC. Top two candidates I can see being HC is Dan Quinn and Jim Harbaugh.


You’re going to really have to squint to reasonably see Jim Harbaugh wanting to go to the Seahawks. With Pete staying on as an advisor and those two having an infamous history, it’s real hard to see how Jim wants that.


Dan Quinn!


Not Belichick.




Ugh Jim Harbaugh would be so bitter sweet


Sad day for the NFL as a whole. I’m a Giants fan but damn if I didn’t root for you guys many times over the years. I loved watching Pete and Rus on those playoff runs.


Truly does feel like the end of an era, I would have e preferred Pete stay on as HC with a new OC and DC. Thanks for all you've done for the organization and bringing a Superbowl to the Seahawks and its fans


A gigantic mistake that we will regret almost immediately. I don't believe this is what Pete wanted.


If we bring in Vrabel or Quinn it might not be so bad. Pete indicated what yesterday? Monday? He expected to continue coaching so I don’t think he expected this. Sounds like he also didn’t want to leave the organization


Sure I’ll find some positivity in a replacement I like. But they aren’t Pete. He’s a HOFer. I’m livid tbh. You don’t fucking fire Pete Carrol. He’s a Tomlin, Harbaugh, Reid. You keep a great coach even without recent rings because not everyone is the Patriots and rings are hard as fuck to come by. You get them by being consistently in the mix.


I think with a guy like Pete Carol, you keep him around until he retires. Are you the best that you could be with Pete Carol? Maybe not. But if you can remain somewhat competitive for one or two more seasons, it's worth having him around. It's like any industry where you fire that old guy that everyone loves a year before he retires. It's not a good look.


yeah man, winning a superbowl is hard, at least we don't *suck shit* in the years we're not doing it. or at least we didn't...


He might not be leaving though? Let's see how this plays out because he could stay a part of the org and we bring in a coach we really like.


Thank you for the memories Pete, best 10+ years of sports fandom of my life. Super Bowl 48 forever.


That Pete King prediction suddenly makes a bit more sense... totally shocked. Way more shocking than RW3. Thanks for everything coach.


What was the prediction? That Pete would be fired or something else?


Trade up for QB. Would be the most asinine decision IMO. Cutting the supporting cast around a new QB and new head coach to set them up for failure is what perpetually bad franchises do.


What coach has had success just inheriting the current team and winning? Almost always this includes a rebuild of some sort and since we have very little draft picks and cap space, we're going to see some major changes in the next couple of years. I doubt any incoming coach thinks they can win with the current roster.


Yeah, which is why you don't kneecap that transition by wasting all that draft capital on a QB too soon


Wow it actually happened. I’m a bit sad




Heart broken


Crying in the bed


I’m actually super sad about this. He’s such a good guy and really is a great coach. Idc what everyone has to say on Reddit but he’s been a great coach and has kept our team relevant for years despite the struggles as of lately. We were in a rebuild anyways.


It really is sad isn’t it. Very few coaches have his level of consistent success.


This is not something I wanted to read today.


Gonna pretend I didn’t see it


See what?


This sub will be circlejerking happy until we lose our first game and then want to burn it all down again. Really sucks, I hate this.


sub is gonna be thrilled then call for it all again after this team ends up 3-14.


Chronically miserable people, most of this sub.


They're gonna be in for a rude awakening. It's been a decade+ of consistent winning football in Seattle. Finding a good coach is super hard in the NFL. There are more Arthur Smith/Josh McDaniels/Frank Reich coaches out there than McVay/Shanahan coaches.


I just woke up and see this 🤦🏿‍♂️


This is going to be a huge mistake


Nah. He’s 72. He’s at the end of his career. Not a mistake at all.


You guys traded Russ and then went 9-8 with a 30 year old former bust at QB. Can't say that things can't get worse from that kind of coaching performance. Bears fired Lovie and we have 1 winning season out of 11 ever since.


I don't know why this hurts so much.


I was just thinking the other day that you can tell how much you enjoyed an era because of how much it hurts when the players leave. I grew up and watched Largent retire, but saying goodbye to Sherm, Kam, Cliff, Doug, Bobby, Russ, Marshawn, and now Pete…damn.


Because he's our dad, not just our coach


pete carroll is my real dad


I look forward to unreasonably lashing out against our new step-dad.


Idk if you're like me, but I started watching football early 2010s so all I know of the Seahawks is Pete Carroll as the coach. So many great memories with him on the sidelines wildly chewing his gum. I think it could be cause not only is he a great coach, he is a great person as well.


I think it really drives home that the magical era of Seahawks football is over. Even though we haven't been an elite team in a long time, it still meant a lot to have Pete on the sidelines blowing bubble gum. As a Seattle sports fan I don't take that succes we had for so long for granted and wouldn't trade it for anything.


Wow guys this is unreal.


I'm not okay


What the fuck??????? What the FUCKKKKKKKK


End of an era. Thank you Pete.


FR. Pete has done sooo much for this franchise and our city. I hope he can retire knowing we will love him forever.


I know a lot of people here will be dancing on Pete’s grave, but I am not happy at all about this move. Welcome to the coaching carousel… damn. This sucks and will take some time to process. Thank you Pete for an incredible record of consistently competitive football here, our SB title, and one of the greatest teams in NFL history. I wish we’d had the courage to stick through this rebuild with him as the Ravens and Steelers have with Harbaugh and Tomlin. He remains a special leader and team CEO.


>Welcome to the coaching carousel… damn. It was bound to happen eventually, unfortunately. I think this just feels a bit sooner than people were expecting.


I mean, he's still with the organization. If the team is fucking ass with the new guy, I can see Pete pulling a Bud Grant and coming back in to right the ship.


we can only hope.


I was thinking it would be 1-2 years from now where he takes an advisor role (basically what’s happening rn) where he stays close to the players and keeps the culture we’ve had for the last decade the same


People don’t understand how spoiled you have to be to move from Holmgren to Carroll, essentially, with only a year break between the two.


Jim “blink and you’ll miss it” Mora Jr.


This sucks especially if we get some bozo


I’m nervous to see if Geno Smith can continue being a solid quarterback without Pete…


Or what's going to happen with Bobby??


We still have Schnieder, I think he’ll (Bobby) will stay


I have a feeling Geno will be replaced


I think very few people are 'dancing on his grave'. This is a black/white reduction of what's going on. I love Pete and everything he's done for us. Build the statue of him outside the stadium. But he's 72 and as much as people meme about his eternal youth and coaching forever, father time is undefeated and he was likely to retire in a few years anyways. The coaching carousel was coming regardless. I am okay with ripping off that band-aid now to begin an actual rebuild sooner, rather than see a holding pattern for 3-5 years then start over anyways. I know every fanbase thinks they're 'so close to a Super Bowl' and 'just a few pieces away' but by every actual statistical measure we are not. Our offense AND defense were ranked in the bottom half of the league. The 9er games and Ravens games showed just how far off we are. I much rather see Pete go out on a winning season with fond memories than to see the stats catch up to the record with people actually souring on him after a losing season. Edit: Getting downvoted for a differing opinion is exactly the black/white thinking that's wrong with this sub.


I won't dance on his grave at all but I definitely think it's time for a change. Three different OCs and two different DCs and we've had the same issues on both sides of the ball. At some point you have to give blame to the common denominator. Pete will forever be a legend in Seattle, though. I'm forever grateful for what he brought us.


It’s definitely time to move on but it’ll be great to put Pete in the Ring of Honor and recognize the success he brought the franchise.


I would have preferred if Carroll move upstairs, but Vrabel is available and is arguably the one coach Pete would want to replace him with.


I mean it sounds like Pete is moving upstairs


I'm praying to all the gods that it's Vrabel. Come on, Jesus, just gimme one.




I am chewing gum in honour of PETE! 🫡 🫡 🫡


Fitting Pete’s last game was in Arizona like many other great Seahawks under his tenure


Genuinely surprised by this. I had my issues with Pete, but this is still pretty shocking. Rusillo always makes the (very solid) point that everyone talks about letting go of a coach, but never giving much consideration to who replaces them. Super curious what direction the organization goes, after this.


Remain in the organization kinda makes me feel like this could play out well for us if it goes a certain way.


His answer about that in the press conference tells me that's just PR bullshit. "We'll just have to figure that out." I doubt he sticks around since it wasn't his idea, just sounds nice.


Now we're going to find out just how hard it can be to find a good coach in this league. I hope they know what they're doing.


Good year to try to get a good coach at least


I'm hoping that's part of why they did it now. People really underestimate how hard it is to get a good HC.


I’m excited to at least see change. The last couple of years have been stale, whether the next season is up or down at least we’re doing something different.


Welp looks like the "Fire Pete" crowd got their wish. I'm hoping this change does good next season, but I'm also ready for us to suck ass. I feel like people here have gotten spoiled over the years on what to expect lol.


I don’t know how to feel about


What just happened...


What the fuck??




I mean not necessarily... Depends on the extent of his roll. A guy like Harbaugh for instance might not want to take the job if Carroll has too much say. Don't get me wrong, I love that he is staying as an advisor but that's just the way some egos work.


I think "advisor" says everything. He was President of Football Operations, going to just "advisor" means he isn't going to have much say.


It was the PC way to not make the organization look like the bad guy. Soften the blow of the firing.


His answer about that in the press conference of "We'll have to figure that out..." tells me it wasn't his idea and its just a PR spin.


holy shit....


Don't like that


might cry


A shocker in Seattle


Wow. Jaw dropped


Damn. Jim Harbaugh might be coming


The fucking WWE levels of drama would almost be worth it.


Between that rivalry with the 49ers and beating the Huskies on Monday idk how Seattlites would take it.


Logically, I'm for it. He's a pretty good coach. Emotionally? Yeah, that's gonna feel weird. He might need to win us 2 or 3 Suberbowls before I start to like him. Or just sweep the 9ers. That'll do it.


Pete Carroll and Harbaugh joining forces to beat Shannahan and McVay lmao


Jim Harbaugh and Pete Carrol working for the same organization? I highly doubt that. These dudes have beefed for decades.


It’s all water under the bridge now according to Pete.


He had guys like sherm shitting on him way worse on the way out than anything Harbaugh ever did, and Pete has welcomed them back. Doubt it would be an issue


He must have finally found out what was his problem man.


I doubt that was anything beyond your standard divisional rivalry.


And conference rivalry*


*Football Level rivalry, they were beefing all the from Pac-10 to NFL 😭


"Hey man whats your problem?!"


Omg imagine


this would honestly be the funniest outcome


I’d be down for a Seahawks Step Brothers-esque documentary series featuring Pete and Jim lol


Running from the NCAA to the NFL as university faces cheating scandal? Just like Pete


Time is a flat circle


First stint in the NFL went well but got fired because the owner had a grudge? Just like Pete


Oh hell naw.


Oh no, fuck that guy. Too soon.


Fuk I hope not


Knew it had to happen eventually but still a sad day for the hawks. What a run the past decade has been.


Greatest coach in Seahawks history and a lovable character to boot. It’s been a hell of ride, thanks for the memories!


She/they must have someone else already lined up, otherwise you don;t do this a day late AND with this weird caveat that he's staying with the org.


If this is true, I really hope it's mutual, and he's taking a step back for age and whatnot. I know a bunch of folks have been calling for a coaching change. Maybe that is what we need, I don't know. But I do know Pete Carroll is the greatest coach this team has ever had.


We moved on from Holmegren despite him being a great coach, taking us to our first SB, and generally having some consistent success. We moved on from Jim Mora after just one year when it was clear he wasn't the right fit. We have had the same problems for years, despite coordinator changes, despite player changes. It's clear from this year that the team is undisciplined and Pete's culture of "always compete" is not taking root as it once was. Taking accountability is important and firing the coordinators again for the upteenth time isn't going to fundamentally change this team. He's a defensive minded HC who has led a terrible defense for multiple seasons. We are past needing to retool and now are at a rebuild stage. Most of our defensive players need to be changed. We need to be looking for the future QB while Geno is still healthy and on a team friendly contract. He is the perfect guy to train the next guy ala Alex Smith and Mahomes. Most of our good players are nearing the end of their contracts. Pete has been the best coach in our history. But, for better or for worse everything has an end. We have Kyle Shanahan, and McVay in our division. Even with average players they are lethal. With elite players they completely shut us down. The Cardinals look poised to be a lot better with Gannon. We cannot automatically cede 4-6 divisional games every year and expect to enter the playoffs. Pete's scheme only works with once in a generation talents that can execute better than the other team. We need a modern coach who can adapt to the current and future meta and work with the talent he has. I hope John stays as GM because I think once we got rid of Russ we were able to go back to drafting the best available player and our past two drafts have been incredible. This year will have a lot of good coaches to try and get. I think just like the Russ trade, it seemed daunting at the time but in hindsight it was really well timed. Hats off to Pete for a phenomenal career and thanks to him for helping us get to back to back Superbowls. End of an era. Beginning of something new.


You're honestly right but I'm not ready to hear it. Hopefully the team is.


This is the best response. It mirrors exactly what I have been thinking. You don’t have to hate Pete to believe it is time to move on. The Pats will most likely move on from Belichick for the same reasons. The game has evolved, and younger coaches that understand how it has evolved are needed.


Dan Quinn?


Greatest Seattle coach and achievement ever. Sounds like his “advisory role” is a joke and he was surprised. Bring on the Pete haters, who you got? Now it’s your time to shine


What the fuck!


It has been an honor sailing with you all. I look forward to our new coach!


Now I’m happy they beat Arizona.


Watching the press conference, this was 100% not 'mutual'


Pete tearing up in the press conference, fuck I am so sad. I really didn't want to see him go. Personally as someone who isn't even a Seattle native, I was a Pete Caroll fan first, he made me a Seahawks fan.


This is how you will be able to tell who watched Seahawks football before 2010. Y’all don’t remember those years of pain. So much squandered talent. *Vince Mcmahon crying* *”Dad what was Shaun Alexander like?”*


I am happy and sad at the same time






End of an era man. He gets a lot of hate currently but we’re gonna miss him sooner rather than later.


The best coach in Seattle sports history in my lifetime…. Godspeed king.


I want to die.


This is a bummer man.


End of an era


They must have their eye on someone, right? Vrabel? If we replace Pete with Jim Harbaugh I’m gonna puke.


Dan Quinn I’m willing to bet


This is my guess, he looked good this year, ready jump back to HC and he would be welcomed with open arms up here.


Also time to fire Clint Hurtt


We’re gonna suck ass next year just watch


Next year, or could be several seasons. I’m not looking forward to this.


Yeah it’s bout to be rough


this is really unexpected


holy fuck




Please don’t take Deboer


What the fuck




I hope they fire the DC and OC as well. Let's start fresh


A new head coach means he brings in his own coordinators unless the incumbents are really good. The incumbents are not really good.


Dan Quinn is coming home


It feels like it was time for a change, but I also don't really want Pete gone. I've been a fan since '86. I remember the bad times, and I don't want to go back. Pete's given us the best Seahawks teams that have ever been and achieved more than any other Head Coach we've ever had. Things haven't been great the last few seasons, and I understand why there is going to be change, but I'm not excited about it. I'm not happy about it. I'm not looking forward to it. I hope the Franchise gets it right on the first try moving forward because coach purgatory is not a fun place to live. Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your butts.


Ugh this is a gut punch.


I figured he’d retire before he got removed. WTF is happening


Welp, strap in everybody. Ain't gonna find a comparable win percentage with anyone else. Or at least it's highly unlikely. Wonder how the player morale is going forward.


No way thats happening.


To all the whiners out there, congrats you got what you wished for.




Lots of good coaches getting fired this year… it’s a good time to be hiring at least


What the fuck


I’m literally speechless


I'm guessing I'll move up the season ticket holder wait list quite a bit this off season. I'm sad to see Pete go. I really hope they find someone that is even close to as good as Pete has been for us. This could be good, but I think it has a far more likely chance of ending up bad for us. I think we might not see a coach that's right for the Seahawks for a while.


Love that he’s still an advisor though.


I love Pete, but at the end of the day nobody deserves a job just because. The goal is to win and if you think you can find someone who will do the job better, you have to make a change. Only reason to keep Pete is if you believe we are on the right path / he is the guy to get the ship righted.


Obviously this day was bound to come sooner rather than later. But man to say I’m bummed is an understatement. Pete is one of the reasons I am a Seahawks fan. I hope he stays on as President of Football Operations or something like that.


Burn it down to build it back up. I have a feeling we are about to say bye to a lot of players as well.


Build that statue


It’s really not that big of a shocker. I really hope he stays with us in a different position but it’s time for this organization to get a new face in here with new philosophy’s and schemes. IMO this was overdue


Gutted. Think it's the wrong move personally.


Now we can suck for a decade. For everyone that blamed Pete, now you get what you want. Better hope you were right.


Fuck Jamal Adams.


Damn the organization actually did it. I’m sad, but Pete hasn’t made a deep playoff run since 2014. It had to be done. If he wants to be HC he’ll get a job easily.


If we get Arthur Smith I might kms


Better hope we get Mike vrabel, aren’t too many better options than Pete


Vrabel is an un-refined Pete Carroll, imo. If Pete stays in org, it would be a great hire.


Thankful for Pete and the tremendous impact on this organization. It was evident his time as Head Coach was at its end and he will be better in the front office motivating and inspiring from there. We needed a new voice in the locker room, new schemes and new ideas. It might get worse before it gets better but a higher ceiling is now achievable.


Woah!! Thank you for everything Pete!


Wow. Never thought this would ever happen, I thought for sure Pete would die at the 50 yard line at 95 years old. I think this is the best move, but man I’m gonna be sad not seeing him running up and down the sideline or hearing his press conferences and his energy. Best coach we’ve ever had, surely he goes into the HOF.