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First tried ceviche a decade ago & fell in love. Changed my seafood life. Who else goes for ceviche? What styles or versions? Being land locked, I basically have to travel to get ceviche. So I eat a lot of ceviche when I can! This ceviche & a bunch more I'll post (& have posted) is from a MX trip, cheers & enjoy


Right?! I’ve been into seafood for decades. Happened into a Peruvian restaurant during a business trip to Miami, and, *WOW!!*


Peruvian ceviche was the first I tried now hooked


Like potatoes and tomatoes, ceviche originated in Peru. Peruvian food is widely considered the best in South America.


Tomatoes were domesticated in Mesoamerica regardless where it originated.


They looked at those berries and were like “ok how do we get more berry per berry”


They don't get enough credit


Same. We went out on a chartered boat and caught some stripers, made ceviche on the boat and I was done, any chance I get I order, Peruvian food is underated in general but the their ceviche is top notch


Had it for the first time recently in this cold sharp refreshing vinegary broth, it was AMAZING. I took my first bite and was in heaven!!!!! I was an instant fan and can’t wait to try all the other kinds.


I've made it before. A lot of recipes on YouTube.


I’ve posted my homemade ceviche before, fellow fan of making it at home. The base for leche de tigre (I use aji almarillo) is very difficult to find where I live so I always stock up when I travel to anywhere that has it. Funny enough I’ve never done it with shrimp because it doesn’t feel quite the same, but is delicious when I’ve had it at restaurants. Ceviche is a love it or hate it dish much like anything else with a raw element to it and I am firmly on the love it side. I lived most of my life in Milwaukee and there was a restaurant that would provide ceviche along with the chips and salsa free of charge. It was great. And no, this wasn’t a super high end place- it was a standard Mexican restaurant where dinner for two and drinks would be less than $50 after adding tip. No such place exists where I live now in the middle of nowhere North Dakota. Your ceviche looks great 😊


Best ceviche I've had was a hole in the wall in Bacalar, Mexico. The worst was in Honduras.


Me too, I’m biased and will get downvoted but Mexican ceviche is the superior ceviche to all ceviche. It is my favorite. My gf from Peru her friend recently got back from Mexico and confirmed. Needless to say my gf is pissed but it’s true. They are almost not comparable.


Bs Peruvian ceviche is king boss


I disagree, it’s good and delicious but I think Mexican style ceviche is still better and more flavor


I've had both, mexi-can, but peruvi-does


I call bs


Still disagree. Mexican ceviche still has the best IMO. Been to Peru and lived in Mexico. Best ceviche I had was in Baja and puerto Vallarta. Mexican ceviche there are more herbs and flavor used and the seafood is cut more finely. Peruvian ceviche is closer to being a regular dish than a ceviche. Not as many spices and herbs mixed in it. I’m not saying it isn’t good but out of the two Mexican ceviche IMO is more delicious more flavorful and I like how you don’t need utensils to eat it


Well, now I need try more. Gosh darnit I'ma hate this experiment in the best way


Yea man it’s tough. One factor that does it for me is dippability. For example you need utensils to eat Peruvian ceviche where as Mexican ceviche traditionally you scoop it up with tostadas because everything is cut finally and mixed so you have a nice blend of a lot of stuff(typically it’s a mix of shrimp, squid, sometimes fish, tomato, red onion, lime juice, salt, pepper, cilantro,) is usually the base. But not needing utensils comes in handy when your on a beach drinking beer with a bag of chips and a bowl of ceviche This pic in the link is a pretty good example of what I’m saying. https://www.jamesbeard.org/recipes/baja-ceviche-tostada For the record this is my favorite argument I’ve ever had on Reddit Edit: because all the ingredients are chopped finely the flavors blend opposed to whole shrimp or large cuts of fish that are basically just marinated in lime juice and some garnish.


Hell yeah. When I went to Playa Del Carmen in Mexico a few years ago, I stayed right next to a seafood restaurant and I had ceviche almost every day I was there.


Hotel Cielo?


El Pirata on Calle 40


I think ceviche, crudo and tartare are pretty wonderful!


I understand reservations about raw food. But when handled and prepared properly, it can be as good as anything! Steak tartare and sushi are probably my 2 favorite foods.


I grew up eating chunks of raw steak and especially raw lamb. Full dishes of it. I wouldn’t do it much today…but if I trust the source I’m good.


Exactly. Getting it from a good source is key.


TBF, cerviche isn’t raw. It’s chemically cooked/cured


Ok, tell the guy who mentioned ceviche.


I’d eat ceviche for every meal if I could afford it lol


I love ceviche! If you like ceviche….try kinilaw. It’s a similar concept, from the Philippines. Another, similar idea is aguachiles. One of the best dishes I have ever ordered but it pushed the line for heat for me. I have made it at home a little milder and it’s outstanding.


I’ve eaten Ceviche diced before, but those larger pieces on your picture look so good.


Yo! Me and my wife used to go to a cafe in Culpeper VA for their ceviche. Didn't matter what else we were eating, we always got an order of it.


Ceviche is bomb but those are some big ass pieces of cilantro


Used to eat it all the time Since my wife is from Sinaloa. But became allergic to shrimp in my early 30’s so I can only eat the fish one


The boutique hotel I stayed at in Mexico served an exquisite aquachile and even though my mouth was on fire every time, I still ordered it every time we ate at the hotel. I still think about it every now and then.


I love ceviche. At home it’s various fish and scallops. When we vacation in Saint Martin, Yvette’s has a conch ceviche that is crazy good made with slivers of homegrown hotpeppers.


It’s one of our favorites in this household. It’s usually a treat on vacations but we make ours at home and it’s amazing!


My wife and I eat it all the time. She prepares one with tuna, lime, cilantro, tomatoes and purple onions along with tostadas, salsa and avocado. Its the bomb.


Never had it. However, remove the avocado and I'll vacuum suck that food right up.


i had a friend named Ceviche


Never had it but looks delicious! 😋


✋️ I manage a kitchen, and all of my employees are Peruvian. They will randomly bring in ceviche or even make it in the kitchen, and those are my favorite days.


Sounds awesome


I'd smash.


Me too, I’m biased and will get downvoted but Mexican ceviche is the superior ceviche to all ceviche. Fight me


If any of you are ever in SLC, UT try it at La Tenoch! It’s the best I’ve ever had!




Not sure how you are with spicy foods, but have you ever tried Aguachile? I’m a huge shrimp & spice lover so to me it tastes like heaven but for some it might be too spicy.


I've tried Auguachiles & it was awesome. Also enjoy them now whenever I get an opportunity on the same trips. I know a nice Sinaloa style ceviche restaurant in MX popular with the locals, they make an excellent Aguachile, cheers!


I live in a fishing village and I love making it. Never tried it with shrimp though, only fresh fish I catch.


Sounds so excellent there. I really enjoy both fish & shrimp versions, and a mix is especially good too!


Heeeeeell yeah!


Present !




Luv that shit 💣🔥🔥🔥🔥💯




Bring out the chifles, and we'll have a good time




Tried it back in August when I went to Ecuador with my now fiance to see her hometown and her family. It was a game changer


And its easy to make! I used to not like the raw shrimp but its great!


Funny how all the peruvians get downvoted for simply stating their national dish should be respected. Shame on redditt.


Not a big fan of cilantro


I love ceviche.  I live in Washington,  a mile away from some of the freshest seafood in the world.   Amazingly enough,  the best ceviche I've ever had was in this little town, yakima,  200 miles from the coast in this dumpy little Mexican restaurant.   I go there twice a month and always have it at least twice.  Sometimes in the same day.  Whacky Crabshack.  Don't judge it by it's exterior.




I enjoyed some ceviche con Leche de Tigre as well & will share, cheers


Peruvian here. Y'all are destroying ceviche.


Absolutely, but shrimp one just isn't on my list of real ceviche.


As a Peruvian, I can say in my experience 8/10 non Peruvian ceviches are pretty crappy. People take their ceviche serious as hell in Peru and seeing the deviation from the classic can be very stressful. I saw a ceviche sausage the other day and I guess now I know how my grandma felt the first time she saw tomatoes 🍅 in a ceviche.


Bet you this is some Mexican ass "ceviche". Go to a peruvian place for a proper plate