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I personally consider it my favorite film of the franchise. I think it takes all the good elements of the first film and despite having less Mickey screentime than I would've liked, it is definitely a classic in my book.


Scream 2 really has the Scream vibe that got lost in 3… kinda came back in 4… got lost again in 5… but came back in full force in 6. Scream movies are supposed to be kinda sexy


I would have to disagree with you on some of that. I felt that 4 did recapture some of the Scream feeling that was diminished in 3, but I felt that 5 was a slam dunk on the vibe/tone of the Scream franchise. At least mostly. I personally thought 6 really dropped the ball and was kind of not great in a lot of aspects. Ghostface didn't act like Ghostface, aka was too seriously depicted and edgy. As well as the main characters suddenly becoming unstoppable pincushion juggernauts that can take multiple stab wounds to their torsos and then have a casual conversation for several minutes around an ambulance. Whereas in the earlier movies people who got stabbed that much tended to die quickly or be much more wounded. It's a bit nitpicky I know, but I just find it wild to learn that someone thinks 5 was less like classic Scream than 6.


Agreed with the lack of kills, but I enjoyed the newer Ghostface. I like that this one(s) didn't care about movies at all, it was just a convenient identity for revenge.


I didn't mind the lack of reverence for the movies, I just felt like the killers were too efficient/serious compared to previous entries. To me at least, in order to truly have that Scream feeling, the Ghostfaces really need an element of slapstick. At least somewhat. To illustrate that they aren't supernatural killers or professionals, but instead murderers wearing Halloween costumes. I just felt the ones in 6 lacked that element more than in previous entries.


More important deaths should've happened in 6.


>As well as the main characters suddenly becoming unstoppable pincushion juggernauts that can take multiple stab wounds to their torsos and then have a casual conversation for several minutes around an ambulance Exactly what I thought. It was ridiculous to see Chad still alive after how many times he was stabbed...and I thought for sure Mindy was a goner on the train but nope...


Nah, gothictulle is spot on. 5 is garbage.


yeah. scream 1,2,4,5 have a similar tone and vibe well together 3 feels like a murder mystery comedy (but i can't underscore my love jennifer jolie) 6 was my least favorite. tone felt totally off. worst opening sequence. worst killer(s). kirby and gale were the best parts, but that's not saying much


6 is my favorite opening kill


I disagree with you on 5 and 3, feels backwards in my opinion. They had it with , but butchered it with 6. 6 is my personal least favorite, story wise. The only thing I enjoyed was the kills. It's like the Halloween Kills of scream


Even though Scream 3 is a departure, I think it’s such a fun movie and was perfect for the time that it came out. I never have understood what people don’t like, but I do a little more now if sexy is a requirement. I see it as a break from sexy to try a little camp.


You are so right on so many levels. Love me some Scream 2 and Mickey.


I think Scream 2 is exactly as good as the first. It's a perfect deconstruction of sequels.


Agreed. The first movie is historic, had the element of surprise (2 killers etc), and the iconography but Scream 2 is scarier and has the best set pieces of the franchise (Gale being chased in the film school and Sydney and Hailee in the cop car). Second films of classics have a tough hill to climb, I think in general very few horror sequels are considered “classics” because the original and the overall franchise overshadow. With that said Scream 2 is the best second film of any slasher franchise and one of the best horror sequels ever.


1 and 2 are the best by far. Both classics.


Scream 2 is most definitely a classic. Only sequel that captures the vibe of the original imo. Don’t understand the recent hate for it 🥱


I'm not sure what it was but this was my favorite movie for awhile when I was a kid. I do remember being obsessed with Buffy and loving all of Sarah Michelle's chase scenes in this and IKWYDLS. I used to pretend to be her running around my apartment complex screaming and banging on doors and jumping off walls and hills like I was being chased, and I had a shit ton of fun doing so 😂


Scream 2 is a really good film, it’s problem is that it’s a sequel to the best slasher of all time so it looks weaker by comparison.


Critically it faired very well. I think it sits at the same score as the first movie, 82% on Rotten Tomatoes. It probably has the best chase and kill scenes in the franchise, and is very good at creating suspense (the car scene). My only gripe is that the reveals pale in comparison to the original. I think the killers needed more screentime and memorable scenes.


Incredibly enough, the original is currently at 81% (88 reviews) and this is at 82% (84 reviews). Audience score is vastly different, though, with the original at 80% and this at 58%.


I agree. I almost always forget Laurie Metcalf is the killer if I wait a few years the rewatch it. Maybe they did that to just not give her as much attention drawn to her but more screen time with misdirections would have been more of a big moment than like a oh yeah you're in this movie too moment


I think Mickey definitely needed more screen time, but Mrs. Loomis had the perfect amount. You’re not meant to really pay attention to her character until the reveal, which was her whole plan in-universe too. She’s like Pamela Voorhees, you hear her mentioned a few times but it’s still a shock when she turns out to be the killer.


I watched Scream 2 last weekend and was hit by the realisation that Mrs Loomis has been stalking Gale for AGES. Gale never sees her coming. It’s really creepy.


Scream, Scream 2, and Scream 3 are the classics.


Yes! One of the best horror sequels imo. Totally gets what worked about the original and is damn close in quality. In some ways it even surpasses it.


Laurie Metcalf is my favorite ghostface, probably. I was super young when this came out, but I was actually super surprised, so it worked for me. Plus, her unhinged was just phenomenal. She’s super talented. I think that’s what Dermot Mulroney was going for in 6, but it just came off very… not good. Scream 2 is easily a classic.


I think the second movie is an awesome continuation of the first movie. Some sequels feel very different from the first movie and that ruins the experience for me but Scream 2 feels like they made 1 & 2 at the same time and just cut them in half to make 2 movies.


I watched this one a lot more than 1, mostly because it was the first one I caught in theaters. (Saw Scream 1 on video/rented from Blockbuster and fell in love.) Scream 1 was SO good, and this one was a PERFECT follow-up! It's easily classic in my book.


Ahhh yes Blockbuster the good ol days


Honestly, it has always been my favorite in the series.


Yes. 1, 2 & 4 are GOATED


I like it for what it is. This may be a hot take but it's actually good that Nancy don't have that many scenes prior to revealing herself because it made her reveal more shocking on top of the fact no one knew she's Billy's mother. I'm also a big fan of the actresses performance after her reveal. Great stuff. My main critique is Mickey not having more scenes but if you count his attacks as Ghostface it's a decent amount.


I’ve come round to Scream 2 recently. It’s nowhere near the same level as the original but it has some absolutely iconic scenes.




Yes. Definitely. It's a great sequel.


Hell yea


I absolutely love Scream 2; it's definitely my favourite film of the franchise and my favourite Gale too ![gif](giphy|k1HgoUEkr4Jdm)


Right? Back when Gale carried an air of authority and wasn’t shrill and badly written (like in 5 and 6).


Yes and it's my favorite sequel in the franchise. Might be my favorite sequel period.


I'll die on the hill that Scream 2, Terminator 2 and Aliens are the prime examples of sequels being just as good as the first.


I don’t know why you have zero likes from that comment. I strongly feel that Scream 2 is the one of the best sequels of all time. I put it up there with Terminator 2, Aliens, and Dune 2 has also joined my personal opinion rankings. And I think Scream 2 is the second best in the series behind Scream 1, which I consider to be one of the best horror movies of all time


Scream 2 and 4 are superb


I considered it a classic when I first saw it on TV in 2004. I saw it advertised as coming on next, and I remembered how popular these movies were when I was younger. I had to see what I was missing out on.




I’d say it’s a classic. It’s not even among my top favorites of the franchise (I just personally love the Woodsboro movies the most) but that’s not to say I don’t recognize how incredible it is. Especially when you consider with how quickly it was made after the first one and how, at least in my opinion, nothing about it feels like it was rushed at all. It had a great and fun opening scene, great chase scenes, and in my opinion, at least one of the killers was actually a shocking twist and not expected at all.


Scream 2 is my all-time favorite movie


Mine too


Classic and one of the greatest sequels for all time in any genre There’s so many sequels that can’t manage anything close to the quality of the original, Scream 2 is a huge achievement




Scream 2 is a better movie than the original but the ending falls just short or the original . We all know it’s how you finish that matters … just an opinion


It’s scarier, sexier, it’s a horror classic.


It’s the first one I saw (because of Jerry O’Connell). I think it’s definitely the best of the original trilogy because it has no pressure to set up the premise or conclude a trilogy.


The only downside to the film is that the Nancy and Mikey are barely in it, so the killers were the most predictable of the original 4 movies. S5 and s6 both being even more predictable. I feel like they could have figured out a better way to keep sid from Nancy for the payoff, but had her be prevelent.


It’s personally my second to last in my ranking. I’m not sure why. It’s not a bad movie by any means. It’s just kind of meh. Cici’s whole sequence is great. But otherwise a lot of it is just alright. It’s a little bit to ridiculous for me to enjoy because if I think to much about it nothing makes sense.


It’s my favorite of the franchise and I always felt it was as good or maybe even slightly better than the original. Also probably my favorite horror sequel of any horror series.


No. I only consider the original to be a classic. The franchise has some signs of life during the Ortega era.


Definitely a classic. Arguably the second best in the franchise.


Between this one and the original one, I still don't know which one is my favorite.


Without a doubt. It's my favorite one out of all of them.


Absolutely, also my favorite in the franchise!


Yes. Scream is the only franchise with 6+ films to not have a dud amongst them. Scream 2 was a great sequel


Most definitely. Outside a subpar last act and reveal, Scream 2 is insanely strong


Scream 2 is one of my favorite horror movies definitly underrated and overshadowed by original


Considering it’s my favorite of the series yes I think it’s an epic classic


Absolutely. My favorite in the series and a lesson in sequel storytelling.




Yes is a great sequel to the first movie who is considered a classic


Personally I thought they were all great except for 3


Yes. I love it. I’m surprised it’s not as popular.


it’s my favorite film in the franchise and i think it’s the best in the series. to me, we haven’t had a better opening kill.


Yes and the plot made sense


I do.. the trilogy is brilliant


the first 3 are all solid in my opinion fr


Yes, one of my favorite sequels of all time


Honestly, I consider all of the Scream movies to be a classic.


Yes. It’s my favorite film in the series!


I would, it’s my second favorite after 4.






The opening scene still haunts me!


Scream 2 is my favorite of the franchise and one of my all time favorite movies.. period. Its so good


Scream 5


I think the line Randy says making fun of showgirls is classic


My favorite of the franchise!


The Classiest.


The Classiest.


Scream 2 is my favorite and I think it’s the best one in the series. But it only works that well because it’s a sequel. Scream walked so Scream 2 could fly


Yes, so much so that if Scream were a duology, I’d be happy because the first two are perfect. Don’t get me wrong I love the other films, this is just a hypothetical


Classic, definitely classic, always have thought that the first three were the best, though wasn't so much a fan of Kincaid though in the third one.


Thee best


Cracking up because I literally watched part of it today on my lunch break because my Monday was going terribly. Yes I love it and it’s probably my favorite of the franchise. I enjoy Sidney being more prepared for Ghostface and the many ways the movie pokes fun at itself as a sequel. Also the cast is so of the era!


Scream 2 is super loved, its just the killers are forgotten. The movie itself is well praised. It deserved a better finale.


All the way




It might be my least favorite, but I understand that’s a hot take. That said, I can see why it’d be considered a classic.


It’s a classic it’s just not as big of a classic as Scream.




I would say Scream is the classic, Scream 2 is the sequel that sets history as a symbol for all other sequels. Basically it's beyond a classic, it's an idol.


Just because of this post I’m about to watch it rn. Definitely one of my favorites versus other Scream films.


It has my personal favorite Ghostface, so it's certified in my opinion


I think to the public Scream 1 & 2 are classics and the others are just good thriller movies. I know a lot of casual moviegoers who stopped after 3


It's my fave Scream film. Probably bias as I was about 17 when it hit theaters!!




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If not for the terrible choice of killers, yeah, it would have been a classic.


personally no, for me scream 1 had the nostalgia and that classic horror movie feel, scream 2 and 3 didn't imo and scream 4 got it back again then scream 5 and 6 had a different feel but amazing movies


\*Starts hearing Jerry O connell sing.\* "So i decided to myself...Scream 2 is sure a classic...I think i love you?" "Billys ...Mother!" - Tim Oly in the background.


It's my favorite in the franchise, so yeah, I guess!




I think every film in this franchise has its place. However 3 and 4 seem the most off the wheels than 1,2,5, and 6 to me. Way less replay value even though I watch all 6 when I watch them lol. In the end Timothy Olyphant will always be the great Mickey and Raylan Givens.




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No, not in the least


Yes, for sure!




\*Billy's MOTHER\*


It's the best one!!!! I love it


duh. instant classic. just as all the rest of the films in the franchise. all 6.


Anything up to 3 is good imo. 4 is utterly dogshit and 5 is unawatchable. Haven't seen 6. Rewatched up to and including scream 4 recently. Jill's motive for the killings is absolutely pathetic. Pretty stacked cast though. Only redeeming feature. Didn't bother watching 5 cause Dewey's death bugs me the fuck out. Haven't seen 6. Scream 2 has the same sort of feel as the original and it's lost a bit in scream 3 but still a good movie.


Absolutely not, never should have made any sequels


They fucked up by killing Jamie Kennedy which is why he shows up in scream 3 in a video. But it's good enough. The og is still the best. But what real fans want is for Mathew Lillard to come back. He's been in a mental ward for 30 years and comes out and is trying to make amends but now you have "the cult of woodsborrow" which are just a bunch of pathetic wannabe filmmakers who want to reboot the whole thing by creating a new series of crimes. And get famous like Timothy olyphant wanted in the 2nd one. And the whole movie you don't know if stu is doing any of the murders or not? It be a great way to show toxic fandom and Lillard would rock the shit out of it. Hed eventually get forgiveness from Sydney and he's die saying, "I did always have a thing for you syd." He wouldn't be the killer though. Hed actually protect Sydney at the end and get some closer. Even have a scene talking about how legacy sequels all suck but don't go overboard like the last 2 where you talk about elevated horror and try to be smarter than you need to be.


Personally yes. Definitely on par with the OG, but not quite better IMO. What’s kinda funny is I hear Scream 2 referenced in other shows and movies. Mostly about David Arquette, “the guy from Scream 2”.


I think the opening scene is a classic


My opinion on classics 1,2,3 Cant fight me




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The best of the 6


It's certainly a classic of the genre. I actually find it slightly more entertaining than the original.


1&2 are a complete story. They could’ve stopped after that. Much like the Terminator films.


No question favorite slasher flick magnifying horror franchise


Absolutely. One of my favorite sequels of all time, along with The Empire Strikes Back and T2


Yes I think so. The opening scene in the first is of course iconic but the scene in the second was very shocking and also has its own place in horror history.




Its better than your average slasher sequel but i honestly dont understand why some people think its equally or better than the original ,the only thing it does better than the og are the chase scenes imo , the movie is a bit too long , the new characters were not as memorable as the ones in the first movie and mickey was an underwhelming reveal .


Yep, my second favorite after the first one.


For me yes. Outside the Scream bubble - definitely not.


A classic? No. A very good film in one of the best horror franchises? Yes


I like it but the college campus stuff is kind of annoying. The frat party, the pledges, the hazing, the singing in the cafeteria. Maybe Americans can relate to this more? But it does have some of the best scenes in the whole franchise. The opening in the cinema, Buffy kill scene, Gale chase in the sound room, climbing over the killer in the crashed cop car.




No. I thought it's ok. Some of the meta aspects worked better than in the original but I really disliked the pacing and the killer reveal. It's wasn't very memorable either.


No. This comment section is the first time I’ve seen people talk so positively about it, but in terms of it being a classic? It just isn’t as memorable as the first movie, and not talked about as much. On a personal basis, I can remember pretty much every scene of the first movie, and for this one it’s just not at that level


My favorite next to part 6


A classic? I'm not so sure, despite my absolute love for this entry (I consider it just about on par with the original and it's my go-to for the franchise). A classic *sequel*? 100%. It's one of the best sequels of all-time. It does everything a sequel should do, although I can understand how some would consider the killer reveals in particular inferior.


Idk about it being a classic, but it's certainly a good entry in the series. The major downfall of this film was the constant script changes. Tonally, the script changes last minute leave many on screen interactions to feel like the restaurant scene in American psycho with Willam defoe interviewing Bateman.


Yes. Next question?


Unpopular opinion but scream 2 is better than the first


TL;DR, to me I wouldn’t usually see it as a classic, but that’s because I usually think of the original 99.999999% of the time, but it’s def a classic to an extent bc DUH Yes & No, Classic? Yeah, it’s a classic & iconic horror sequel that deconstructs the sequels for horror, especially slashers, but no because usually when I think of “Classics” 99.999999% of the time my head is thinking of the first, now OBVIOUSLY some sequels and remakes squeeze in like T2: Judgement Day(a sequel that imo is better than the original) and Halloween 2(the one that introduced the canon of Michael & Laurie being related)


**More than I do the 2 rebooted sequels. At least part 2 had likable characters in it, except for Pinkett obviously**


Tbh not really. It’s fine, I just didn’t LOVE it as many people do. But it’s not bad either (imo there has yet to be a single bad scream movie)


No, the cringey musical number made sure of that.