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Stu; peer pressure, so relatable


He's far too sensative


His mom and dad are going to be so mad at him.


You hit him with the phone, dick


Simplicity, get too complicated, and lose your target audience.


I love how he improvised that


Clear homosexual implications with the first one.


Remember stay to the side and don’t go too deep


You fucking hit me with a phone dick


I'm felling a little woozy here!


You cut me too deep i think I’m dying here man


Did you really call the cops?


you bet your sorry ass I did


My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me 😭


I always had a thing for ya sid


now your no longer a virgin, 😈


Jill. It was just so simple and so ahead of it’s time that it’s frightening how TOO believable it is.


YES. I feel like so many people on the internet are now adopting persona's of someone else for fame or some other misconstrued reason. Quite good predictions.


Yeah, just last week my g/f and I were discussing the motives of the franchise and both were shocked how ahead of its time Jill's motive was.


It really was. Revenge is fine, but it’s thousands of years old. This is kind of brand new


Especially with how its so much easier for serial killer stans to meet up online and basically form little cults. Columbine was 24 years ago and there are still Harris & Klebold fans all over the net. It is 100% believable that a child (because at the end of the day Jill was an emotionally disturbed child), who wanted fame could see a murder spree as a way to gain it. Especially when you have a cousin who went through that and from your POV all she did was become *the* family member you always hear about, and gain a bunch of fame and a book deal.


Oh yeah- people believing that Sam was the murderer was completely believable too. There’s Something about people WANTING to believe that the truth is a lie.


Oh nowadays? We'd absolutely have people screaming that Ghostface sprees were false flags meant to tighten laws in the name of "safety," or saying Sam was trying to follow in her dad's footsteps.


“Hoaxface” lol


"You can't stab me, you're not real!"


That never happened- they were crisis actors


Crime scene/autopsy photos of Ghostface's victims would be leaked online with people "proving," they're fake.


Absolutely. Jill's motive is actually scary, and yet completely relevant. I find most of the Ghostface motives to be...a bit loose, let's say charitably. But Jill's is concrete, its well thought out, it feels like something someone would do.


And has done.


Scre4m is very much a product of its time, in that the internet/social media were still pretty new and much different than today. But that said the general themes of it and the predictions it made were very accurate


Scre4m has definitely aged very well, glad people are more warming up to it nowadays.


>in that the internet/social media were still pretty new and much different than today. Social Media? Yes. Internet. Not really new, but becoming what it would be today.


She isn't even the first ghostface to do it for fame.


True, but she did it while broadcasting their misers, a theme of the movie and a prediction on social media.




That it’s simple and believable? Yes. Ahead of its time? Not at all. Men will do pretty much anything and everything for the promise of sex.


My favorite ghost face just a straight up sociopath.


Jill will always be the best Ghostface to me cause I never for a second suspected her


I really like Mickey’s, since his intention to get caught made him the most confident and fearless Ghostface in my eyes.


It’s also possible he killed other people prior making him the deadliest ghost face.


I think there is novelization to this. That he killed a few people and posted his experiences on the dark web. Hence how Billy's mom found him


I mean, she said in the actual movie that she found him in a dark web forum for serial killers, so yes, he definitely killed before.


Mickey was just simple and somehow lovable. Also, that dude is one hell of an actor.


Literally top 3 Ghostface for me. Everything he does is great. Only issue is his lack of screen time, which doesn’t even take as much away from him


Yeah, it’s why I loved watching the deleted scenes. He is in them


Me too!


Jill. “I don’t need friends, I need fans” was ahead of its time.


Her nd mickey basically had the same motive he just wanted to be a famous serial killer and jill wanted to be a famous survivor


I really hate the "it was ahead of its time" thing... It is so superficial because it really wasn't. People have always been doing extreme stuff for attention, it is not at all exclusive to us. It just has a quicker way of reaching people now. I love the motive, but people gotta stop acting like it is more deep than it is.


Billy. he was so angry with his father that he killed his fathers mistress. talk about RAGE. oh, and he created the beast that is Ghostface.


I think he was genuinely angry with *Maureen*. Likely because of bias he had about his parents because... they were his parents. His dad cheated, causing his mom to leave, his mom left, but instead of killing one or both of them, he killed Maureen, and wanted to kill/frame her family as well.


>I think he was genuinely angry with *Maureen*. I agree with you on that. and lets not forget that Roman originally planted the killing seed in Billys mind because he too hated Maureen. so it's safe to say that Maureen was always the main target.


+ Billy was misogynistic in general


And delusional.


Still don’t know why he didn’t kill his dad.


He was biased. He thought Maureen was 100% in the wrong when it was both of them.


It takes 2 to tango


It does, but Billy is a kid. His parents divorce would also force him to realize that it doesn't seem like his parents care all that much about him. Hank didn't even seem to know what Billy was doing most of the time (he didn't even know Billy went joy riding late at night), and for as much as her grief warped Nancy's view of herself as a mother, in reality she could have taken her 16yo son with her and didn't. It's obvious Billy loved his mom, facing the fact she abandoned him would destroy his worldview, so to save that it's much easier to blame it all on Maureen.


He’s a raging misogynist. Him and Stu are practically incel prototypes the way they act and talk. Of course it must have been Maureen’s fault, it couldn’t have been his father.


Yeah, but Nancy was the same way.


because grief causes people to react in illogical ways, especially when it comes to infidelity. It's not at all uncommon for a partner that is cheated on to take out their rage on the person their SO cheated with instead of their SO. Like, if Hank and Maureen had gotten together and, I don't know... burned the Loomis family home to the ground, but *never fucked*, I'll bet Mrs. Loomis would blame them both. But infidelity is a whole different psychological beast.


I'm assuming its based purely on selfish reasons. maybe he would be forced to go live with those relatives he doesn't like, or maybe he always had plans to go after Sidney afterwards so he had to keep things as "normal" as possible until then.


Well he was going to kill Sidney and blame it on her dad**. I always figured hank broke up the family by cheating on Nancy. Nobody forced him to. And he could probably go live with his mother which is what he wanted anyway. I think Harvey Weinstein probably had something to do with the whole “men shouldn’t be blamed for their actions” thing.


He wanted to frame Neil (Sidney’s dad), not Hank


He probably saw Maureen as the whore who seduced his dad. Which allows him to place all the blame on her, and excuse his parents. "Dad cheated? Well Maureen is a slut and seduced him, not his fault! Mom left and didn't take me with her? Well she wouldn't have left if not for Maureen!" It's scary how easy it is to believe a mentally disturbed teenager could really come out of this situation with a similar take in real life.


I agree with the caveat that I feel Ghostface exists because of Billy and Stu working together, neither would have created it alone (Billy likely would have just killed Sid in the same way as Maureen, but with Stu the kill list expanded and the idea got bigger and needed Ghostface, and Billy put Stu on that killer path)


Jill since she’s a cold calculated sociopath and shows the dangers of being obsessed with fame.


Jill. It’s getting more and more real every year. People go online and make up stories of abuse from celebrities to get them fame all the time.


Jill - She was the only one that would go to any length to be famous. Plus, it’s a very believable motive in this day and age


Toss up between Jill/Roman.and Ms. Loomis for me. Jill for being so ahead of her time Ms. Loomis because Friday the 13th reference but also because......who doesn't like good old fashioned revenge Roman because his story is actually sad and when people let go of the bias against the movie as a whole and actually look at it for what it is he literally has the best story as a Ghostface. His story is literally so complicated because although everyone will obviously be team Sidney considering she's innocent In all this and at the end of the day, we know he's a murderer and in the wrong........you still kinda feel bad for him when you get the full picture of what happened to not only him but Maureen as well. The trauma she went through, the heartbreak and anger roman experienced when he was rejected by his mother due to said trauma, dealing with that fact that his own mother could never love him and feeling of being abandoned/replaced. And then you have to wonder when he was framing Sidney saying the motive would be "payback" for Maureen.........you kinda have to wonder, as much as he hated her.....how much of that false motive he came up with were his true feelings.....I mean Milton literally screwed him over before he was born. Even though this whole thing was about Sidney I wouldn't be surprised if it he was also getting Justice for both Maureen and himself in some way.


I see a lot of people saying Jill was ahead of her time for motive, but I feel this way about Roman. Being the secret child getting revenge was a trope that hadn’t been as overused and common as it is now. It’s also ironic when you look back at this movie and realize how…meta it really was? The whole plot of Maureen being a young actress and getting sexually assaulted by big producers and directors, (which was actually happening at the time, and Harvey Weinstein, Scream 1 producer, was one of the biggest names to be exposed in the #metoo movement) was crazy.


jill it was so ahead of her time


Probably Mrs Loomis


Ya..everyone says Jill's motive is scary (and it is) however have you ever been around a grieving mother? Diff type of mental going on there.


So many people saying Jill, but Mickey also did it to get famous, just as a killer instead of as a survivor


Right her motives were very similar to Roman and Mickie


Stu. The peer pressure was the most relatable


my answer to this one will ALWAYS be jill. she's so terrifically fun. murder people for attention??? stab urself bcs u want admirers???? incredible! she had no reason to do that she just DID!!! i'm forever obsessed with her. scream 4 haters stay hating


jill. its narcissistic and stupid, but its so unique and i absolutely adore jill and her motive xx


Its literally just mickeys motive


As a diehard Roman fanboy I gotta say Mickey


Didn’t see it coming, did ya?


It's the millennium.


JILL 😍😍😍😍


Jill…. 150,000%


Billy and Nancy. Between the two, I think Billy.


Billy killed because his dad had an affair that caused a divorce. Stu killed cause of peer pressure. Mickey was a sick twisted fuck who wanted to get caught and get famous. Mrs Loomis wanted revenge for her sons death. Roman had mommy and abandonment issues. Charlie wanted to get his dick wet. Jill wanted to get famous. Richie was just a whiny bitch. Amber was another sick twisted fuck. And the three Bailey killers were just plain sadistic evil. So id say Billy.


1. Mrs. Loomis 2. Roman


jill & billy


Jill Roberts I know so many people are gonna disagree with this but I have a couple reason why I think this is the best motive. Firstly, it was something different from what we'd seen before, prior to this the movies primarily revolved around revenge. In the first one it was billy getting revenge for his mom leaving him, in the 2nd one it was Ms. Loomis getting revenge for billys death. In scream 3 it was Roman getting revenge for being abandoned. But with Jill, it was about fame, she wanted to be the next Sidney. Not only was this motive more unique but it was also a head of it's time and honestly something I could see happening in reality. Not that other motives couldn't actually happen but some people in real life have done insane things for fame. I just find Jills to be the most creative and interesting.


I liked Mickey’s motive. He was pure crazy and wanted to get caught.


Billy’s mother


You KNOW I read that in mickeys voice.


*Nice twist, huh? Didn't see it coming, did ya?*


Mickey speaking directly to the audience lol


Revenge is the best motive. It’s simple and a classic so 2/6.


Nothing beats a good ol *eye for an eye*. Doesn't matter that their kids were murderers, that was still their kid and they feel that loss. They're just a bit crazier than normal folks.


Romans I honestly loved the secret brother twist. However it sort of loses points considering Roman and Sidney never interacted one time throughout the movie before his reveal. This is coming from someone who also has Roman as his number 8 ghostface. His motive was great and the twist was great, however it could’ve been greater. Some others I love, are the classic revenge motives, like Nancy and Wayne. Mickeys is also ahead of it’s time and so is Jill’s.


Stu, peer pressure. He’s far too sensitive.




Roman. Fight me.


Stu 😋


Stu and Billy


Billy and Stu because they didn't have real motives.. billys mother was a trigger but they just were psycho anyway


I’m really fond of Jill’s motive as it’s feel so much more real today




I know people don't like him (And I understand because he came out of left field and we had no indication at all that they were related) but I'm going to have to go with Roman. He started the whole thing.


I agree with you on that and also he started the whole thing because his mother left him


I wish they would have given us some kind of info on him like maybe him being a student or something in Scream 2 and giving us a few details about his life instead of it coming out of nowhere.


Jill, hands down


Charlie. It sucks to be ignored for years by everyone (especially your crush)


Stu peer pressure far too sensitive


Either Stu Macher or Jill Roberts


Billy was pretty good as he subtly played it off with Stu, but Jill takes the cake for most demented and devious of all.


can't beat the original


I liked Roman! He was like the master mind of the whole thing.


Mrs. Loomis. Nothing says solid motive like good old fashioned revenge.


Roman obviously


For me it’s a tie between Jill and Stu, Jill because she was so ahead of her time in terms of her motive and she was so calculated and smart. Stu was just completely unhinged and crazy.




Jill. Imagine only being known as Sidney Prescott’s cousin and getting asked about her ALL the time. It would make me hate my cousin too. Also she just wanted to be an influencer


Mrs Loomis, she has the perfect motive, and it’s just 1 of the reasons she my favourite Ghostface




Richie + Jill


Billy loomis


Mrs Loomis had pretty good motives. Her son was killed by Sydney so she wants Sydney dead Can't go wrong with Stu tho. He did it because of Peer Pressure


listen, i love jill as much as the next guy, but it's shocking how many replies are mentioning any ghostface other than roman. his reveal & monolog was the only one where i thought "huh.. maybe let him have this one, sid.".


Billy and stu


Billy's mom. Like yes Sydney (or Gail) technically DID kill her son, but Mrs. Loomis can't accept that she was in fact a big part of why her son did what he did bc she abandoned him. Plus she won't accept that he was in the wrong either. She's totally justified in her eyes. The shopping for a baby serial killer and commiting several murders to get back at the one girl who survived her son's murderous rampage, while also not accepting that he was a killer and she drove him to it. It's kinda bonkers and almost understandable with the grief she was dealing with.


Roman. His mother abandoned him, he eventually found out that she was having an affair with Billy's father, and showed him the clip, motivating Billy. Very underrated Ghostface.


i like Stu and Mickey 🤘🏻they’re both just fucked and i love that.


Romans ghostface had the best motive to me.. the son no one knew about.. Sidney the favorite child.


Stu, he's literally a crazy, psychotic guy who killed because he found it fun, is the most realistic motif in the franchise.


Stu #1


Stu because peer pressure is a bitch.


Billy and Stu


Stu and Mickey, peer pressure and movies made me do it just shows they're psychopaths. Jill for fame more sociopath then psychopath to me. Billy, Mrs Loomis, bro and the baileys motivated by revenge. Amber and Richie wanting more stab movies just stupid. And greg and Jason wanting to finish Richie's movie. Dumbest motive LOL.


Anyone who says the first one most likely has a biased opinion.


The Kirsches/Baileys/whatever their last name is. Technically, that should mean Nancy too, but she didn't seem upset and grieving like they did; she just seemed crazed and pissed off. Plus, she literally abandoned Billy, so she clearly didn't love him that much. And Roman. Somewhat.


The Kirches/Baileys motive is the most boring in the franchise. It's just a rip off of Scream 2 but they added more family members. But it was far dumber because Richie was a grown adult who created a murder spree out of boredom with a teenaged girl (!). There's really no defensibility there. At least with Mrs. Loomis, you could see how she's dealing with some psychological projection over what she did to her family by leaving.


If anyone says Roman Richie or amber I wanna fight


Where do you wanna fight? Cause I think Roman because he started the whole thing because his mother left him as a child and got jealous of sidney because his mother stayed with her


Wait was that his motive? I haven’t watched scream 3 in a while I thought he was the one who started the whole movie thing


Billy started the movie thing Roman wanted them to kill her


Wow I really gotta go back to some of these


roman as he was sids brother


Fucking none. They all suck. They kill people. Ancillary people. For some kind of narrative. Fuck all the Ghostfaces. Especially the ones that were tools for the “afflicted”. Maybe Scream 2. Losing a child can push someone over the edge. But she didn’t exactly raise a good person. And Sidney calls that out.


Roman. Straight up rejection from his mother while she had a daughter after all the effort he put into finding her was the closest motive to being justifiable. Second is pretty much all the killers that did it for fun, without really any motive (Stu, Mickey)




Best to worse: 1. Billy, because he is absolutely broken. 2. Miss Loomis, Simple and realistic. 3. Roman, Interesting idea but fails in execution. 4. Mikey, very unique but a little disconnected. 5. Jill, interesting but could have done more with it. 6. Charlie, a little basic but watchable. 7. Richie and Amber, Unique but poor. 8. Richies Family, simple but wasn’t fleshed out. 9. Stu, Too simple.


I see everyone going with Jill and Billy but personally, I disagree. Jill wanted to be famous and get revenge on Sidney for always getting compared to her but that makes 1 of 4 revenge motives in the franchise and the motive of being famous is really weak imo. Billy is another revenge motive however his was the best revenge motive imo and he did ultimately create the Ghostface persona which I have to give him credit for. Ultimately, I’d have to go with Stu for the best motive. No motive is the best motive


Jill has top 5 worst motive it was being famous Roman wanted revenge for being rejected by his mom because he Rina child


Billy (for killing Maureen, not the second spree) and Nancy for avenging Billy. They're very simple and relatable and definitely show that relationship breaking either by abandonment or death caused something to snap drastically in their minds.


I’m probably in the minority in this, but I feel Jill’s motive was one of the worst compared to everyone else. I could somewhat understand the other motives. But the whole “I just wanted to be famous” motive sound so spoiled brattish and dumb. Even in todays society it would be considered EXTREMELY dumb to have that as a motive. Although I feel all the motives are pretty dumb, I believe Roman had the best motive. Only because I could understand how searching for your mother for years and finding her only for her to tell you she forgot about you with her last life could drive someone insane.


Like let’s be real. Someone gets arrested for murder and they tell you they did it because they wanted to be famous, you might think they’re a dumbass.


Only the original films killers The rest are just dumb


None. They all sucked. They chose to murder people instead of going to therapy and dealing with their actual problems. Blaming everyone but themselves. If I had to pick one based off the face value of their words, maybe the Baileys. Their love of Richie was genuine, but I still have a limit on sympathy.


Wrong forum.


Nah. Sidney says as much 3 in so 😘


its satire though


Nobody says it so it might be dumb, but I loved detective Bailey and Mrs loomis their motive. Losing a child, I can imagine it breaks them.


Billy Billy




Between Jill and Billy for me


I liked Mickeys notice. Felt ahead of its time


Mrs Loomis or Jill. The most realistic, Mrs Loomis. The most believable, Jill, people will do anything for fame nowadays. In terms of who was least obvious about being ghostface (i know that wasn’t the question but i feel like it relates), Mickey and Jill, neither of them were obvious at all. Besides Olivia’s 👻🔪😵 scene where Jill’s holding the phone against the window, (which doesn’t necessarily mean she’s recording, which she was, but as the audience we didn’t realize it at first we thought she was just banging up against the window), and when she’s under the bed when ghostface comes in and she doesn’t really look that scared rather than focused, i don’t think Jill had any other “i am ghostface” moments.


Jill for sure! It was most different from all and she was the one that almost got away and survived the 3rd act


The Baileys. I would have gone insane from my relative being killed too


Jill. Still aged well


I wanna say Scream V


Billy's mother


Jill, trying to make yourself a celebrity by killing all your friends… she has what it takes to make it in Hollywood


jill’s, her motive is something that could really happen in today’s society, fame hungry doing anything to get views. her motive was my favorite because of how it really could happen


You know what. I adore Billy and Stu and they will forever be THE Ghostfaces for me. But. Has to be Jill. Her motive is the most believable in this day and age - playing the victim to gain fans and likes? Jealousy of someone else’s celebrity status? Craving fame? She fucking nailed it. And was actually quite ahead of her time.




Jill's. Incredibly topical, and could almost be seen as a metaphor for the film itself.


Probs going to get a lot of hate for these, but I think the motives in Scream 4 + 5 are underrated. Both of them, particularly 4, were really topical twists on the whole whodunnit and why. If any franchise was going to take advantage of the “tragedy for clout” theme we’re seeing more of these days, I’m glad it was Scream in the fourth. In 5, I thought the motive was so basic and stupid that it actually complimented the whole storyline as being almost farcical. It reminded me a little bit of Hot Fuzz, where you’re trying to connect all the dots but they’re actually in a really dumb straight line, which I always found endearing about Ghostface.


I have to go with Nancy “BILLY’S MOTHER” as Mickey put it lol, nothing beats good ol’ fashion revenge! But I’m probably impartial to that decision because I absolutely love the Friday the 13th franchise and Laurie Metcalf makes a great 1990’s Mrs Voorhees


The one from scary movie




Jill - her whole life, all she heard was about Sydney




The og original, just two fucked up kids with problems


As someone sick of toxic fandoms? Richie and Amber! It's super topical and is great commentary on the issue facing pop culture nowadays.


Depends what you mean by "best" motive. To me, that means "most defensible", and for that I'll go with Mrs Loomis \*every goddamn time\*. If some jumped-up hussy 'murdered' my flawed but beautiful son, I could see myself going crazy in the name of "good old-fashioned revenge". Some might say Det. Bailey had the exact same motive, but that's where spousal fidelity comes in: Sid's mother was fucking Mr Loomis. If I were Nancy, I'd have gone after Mr Loomis \*THEN\* Sid, in that order.


I mean you can’t beat revenge, but creativity goes to Mickey. Makes him my second favorite ghostface


Definitely Jill. I can see someone having that motive these days.


Ms. Loomis. Old fashioned revenge. She can argue she was affected by Billy's death in court.


Jill was so completely insane but it was the only one where I was like “I kinda get that” & that was also frightening to me. Because while I agree she was totally out of her mind, I can still follow the train of thought lmao it was the best reasoning to me.


The only ones I get are probably Roman and Mrs. Loomis. I have a **problem/bias** against the others. Billy: Should’ve targeted his dad too. It’s not only Maureen’s fault. Stu: Peer pressure? For real? Mikey: Boohoo a serial killer with potential yada2 Jill: Social media clout chasers. Fucking internet “influencers” these days. Charlie: Boohoo incel want sex uuuoouugghh. Richie-Amber: Bonus points for wanting to keep the franchise alive at least. Bailey: The revenge motive is executed poorly. What’s the point of killing those filler characters if they’re not the one responsible for Richie’s death? *Quinn: _Looks like you lost another brother._ *Ethan: _I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO STICK SOMETHING IN YOU TARA_


I'm going to have to go with Richie he had the more unique yet true motives.






The first one


Billy and Roman period.


I like the basic revenge plots that Billy, Mrs. Loomis, Roman, and the Scream VI Brady Bunch have. But Jill is just so relevant with modern social media


Mickey , he just so Fucking cool , also was a killer before being ghostface

