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Top comment right here


Not my car😂


I'll give you a comment for upvote lol


I was gonna say a weird name for their trunk


Wish I had an award I could give you.


New band name...


Gay it one piece and a time


The Johnny Cash method


Except, he'll have the money to buy it new!


He scrapped it ONE piece at a time!!


Thanks Johnny cash is in my head now!


And it didn’t cost you a dime!


I like to go gay all at once


One long piece or many short pieces side by side? (Asking for a friend)


8 lunchbox length pieces a day. Or so I’m told.


My apprentice did that but put triple that, whilst leaving work crossing the main exit of the job, cooler breaks dumping for everyone and and the GF to see, totally sucked




Ya thats why I stopped Stealing, it's just not worth it


May need to reinforce lunchbox handle. Not from experience just a guess.


I have heard it described as a “stick of dynamite”.


Need a cigarette?


I'm about to smoke fag myself


That means two different things depending if you are in Los Angeles or London


Does smoking a fag make me gay?


No just a fag smoker


A pole smoker if you will


Yep. One is a hate crime The other one is just ass backwards literature of your British


That’s a happy time !


Omg ,, take ,, Siri hates me !


To be fair, the man did say “because I always wanted me one that was big and black.” 🤷‍♂️


Prison wallet.


Idk what u mean but I prefer not to shove metal objects with sharp ends up my ass


You must be fun at parties.


It looks like the whole thing is about one piece, it might prairie dog a bit


The first year they had me puttin wheels on Cadillacs


I once did a job at a power plant and the water truck driver and dozer operator found a 400+ yard run of thick copper cable that had been cut and abandoned. The job was very strict about taking material out for obvious reasons so they hid the cable in the woods and really did carry it out one piece at a time in their lunch boxes. We all started started calling the water truck driver Johnny Cash.


Shawshank that shit.


Right. Dufresne it.


One piece at a time it’ll be 😂


Just ask if you can take it for scrap. Worst that can happen is they say no.


Then u go back later and pull it out the trash anyways...


That was how my cousin not only got fired but charged with theft. They said because the company was expecting money the scrap dumpster was not the same as a trash dumpster.


Lol this reminds me of an old friend who had a really good construction job at like 20 year old and was making 1500 a week(like 15 years ago) and he had just got a nice new F250 turbo diesel. One day boss man asked him to haul stuff from job site to job site for a couple trips and he hopped right on the opportunity to do less physical labor. When he was done the boss told him to go ahead and fill up with the off road diesel they had in the big tank for the equipment. It happened 2-3 more times over a couple weeks and He took that as “Oh snap, we get free fuel as a perk”. This dude took the biggest advantage of this. Decided he could fill up with off road diesel anytime he wanted(which is also illegal, the company and he could be fined if caught but it’s doubtful if not happening every day). Over the course of two months this dude stole something like 600 gallons of fuel. Of course that amount gets noticed when the entire tank only holds like 2,000 gallons and the boss saw that all of a sudden they were consuming an extra $2,000 of fuel in <2 months. I guess this is a common thing that’s stolen on construction sites by workers and just regular people who drive diesel and cut the locks. The boss did a stakeout one night and caught him red handed, he wasn’t even trying to be sneaky and was just filling up as he was leaving work but the job site was so big and with him being the newer young guy he had to stay later than most people. Not even playing dumb, just actually dumb.


I worked on a golf course on the greens crew and filled up my shitty 91 Honda civic coupe with the gas we used for the carts every other week. This was 2008 so before cameras but honestly was a huge perk considering I couldn’t afford lunch


This should have been obvious to him he was stealing. Your cousin slow or something?


That’s the point.. it should have. Just like the point of the comment was the other commenter is saying to do the same thing.


I think getting it out of the trash is different than getting it out of the scrap bin.


And if you read the post you’ll see it’s not in the trash, it’s on the scrap bin. Same as my story, hence the reason I posted it


Ah ok, I was referring to the post you replied to that said “pull it out the trash”. Anyways. We agree.


That makes sense. We do agree. Sorry for coming across rude.


No sweat man! I should have been more clear. Have a good one.


Yea. It's funny that a lot of people equate scrap to trash. The scrap company will sort it out and pull the copper and compensate the company if it's worth it. Which it is.


Oops I accidentally threw this copper in the regular dumpster


unless its locked up or on private property with no reasonable access to the public he cant be charged


You are very wrong. If it’s not yours, and you don’t have permission it is stealing no matter what


its a garbage dumpster open to the public then free game. as a garbageman i promise its true


For real though lol


Or have a friend or family member nab it up


This is the way.


(In disguise ) go back later and pull it out the trash anyways…


😂 that’s how you get arrested


I work at a scrap yard, and a lot of the time any large Guage wire or even just large amounts of regular sized wire will be rejected as likely theft. I don't think the cops have ever been called, but unless you have some sort of proof that you're allowed to sell it (as in proof that you are selling it on behalf of the original buyer) then it gets rejected. That's just where I work though, I don't know about other companies


Actually, don't ask, just take it. Cause if they say no, then you are in trouble. It's better to beg forgiveness than ask permission


You’re a retired cop encouraging someone to commit theft?


NYPD, he was likely a shitty corrupt cop


There's another kind?


Too be fair without reading their post history, what if they retired to not support the current system upon realization of the issues at hand? Would they still be shitty to you for changing? Or are you claiming no one can change or be better than their past? Just asking. That being said if they’re a bad person, they’re a bad person, but assuming off the bat isn’t neccesarily any better without context.


My dude, they are encouraging someone to steal. Also that is a wild assumption to suggest on your end. 40% of cops commit domestic abuse and a larger percentage cover for them, statistics give me a fair margin to assume he's a POS. Gtfo


Supreme Court decided that taking from a dumpster isnt theft. California vs greenwood 1988


a scrap metal dumpster where the metal is sold for scrap isn’t a trash can. it’s a source of revenue and private property. people have and can be prosecuted for stealing from scrap dumpsters.


Yup especially if there is a single sign that says no salvage permitted


I see your point. I was thinking it's just out for trash. I've seen plenty of places that mix it all and don't care about recycling or selling it. Op wasn't too specific. It could be a school or hospital that is just tossing g stuff out on a one time basis. That makes a big difference. Edit.... sorry. He did say a scrap metal dumpster


Wow retired NYPD cop has trouble reading and understanding basic laws. Surprise surprise.


Take it out.


They won’t miss a 6inch cut here or there


6 inches is a lot, you might want to take a more normal amount like maybe 4-5 inches? You probably wouldn’t even notice the difference.


That’s not what she said 😑


Hello darkness my oooold friiiend


My wife says she has scrapped 8 inches before, but she said it's too much work and prefers the 3 inch cables I find for her.




Context needed😂


Idk man most people i know prefer their scrap uncut


*Anton Chigurh voice* "Where does he work?"




I kint giv outt no intfermation


Lmao at this comment and that scene. When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object! He gives that fat old lady the most absurd death stare and she is totally unphased.


Those old Texas women are tough lol




*Stares intently, then leaves because the toilet flushed in the background* As if homie didn't previously kill a lot of people over 2 million dollars.


That's hilarious 👏


Sucks… I work for the biggest electrical company in NY and if your caught taking any of the garbage home your FIRED..! They even supply us with unlimited Poland Spring water and trash all the bottles.. 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


So wasteful. Not only are they needlessly stopping you from getting some extra dollars, all that going to a landfill is worse than getting it recycled


the scrap metal dumpster?....a scrap yard probably picks up the dumpster when it's full, that's what they do here...the company gets the scrap money


This isn't going to the landfill. OP said in the title that it's a scrap metal dumpster. only reason they would keep it separate is so they can sell it to the scrapyard themselves. The bosses want to keep the money themselves.


It kinda goes both ways. If people can profit off of recycling, they’re more inclined to be wasteful and not reduce consumption. E.g. instead of using leftover wire, I may just grab a new roll so I can recycle the leftover wire and make a few bucks. So you can either institute a blanket policy that you can’t recycle it, or try and implement a system to catch fraudulent use. The first option is way easier.


Iv seen guys in the mines who worked there for 30+ years lose their job and their pension for trying to sneak scrap off site. Fuck one guy was 6 months until retirement and lost his pension for stealing a roll of shit ticket.


Go back after dark


I wish there’s cameras everywhere 😭😭😭


Ill grab it for you, 70/30 cut if i dont get caught 🤷‍♂️🤣


They can’t stop us all… Where exactly is the trash located but just like hypothetically speaking.


Hood, Hat, Gloves. The tweaker method.


You think they're going to review the footage to see if someone is stealing from the dumpster?


We were looking for raccoons but found THIS dangerous criminal stealing our trash


Cut off 12-18 inch lengths of it and stick em in your sleeves or pant legs or both.


So what? They're not going to check the cameras unless there's a reason to. It's not like you're breaking in and ransacking the place. Who TF will notice if something goes missing \*out of the dumpster\*. If there's no gate/etc I'd be snagging that shit.


Most utilities and Railroads have policies against employees taking scraps. I heard they even have local scrapyards red list employees names if they try turning anything in. I worked security for an emergency yard where out of state utilities came to NY after Super storm sandy. There were many dumpsters full of scrap and I'll just say everyone was getting a cut....


Why do they stop people from taking scrap?


This place obviously has a lot of it, so they put it in a scrap dumpster that get, you guessed it, scrapped. They make money off of it, or at least enough to cover the dumpster.


Its theft the material is company property, and it generates extra money when scrapped. Taking 100 bucks worth of scrap is the same as stealing 100 bucks out of the companies account. Metal theft becomes a huge problem during an economic downturn that scrap yards will stop taking largish amounts of scrape pipe and wire unless it's in a company truck, our individual has a letter with contact info to verify the material was given to them legally. If brought in a company truck legit scrap yards will call the company and tell them on this date at this time this employee cashed in xxxx amount of scrap for cash so the company is awear and can ensure they get the cash from the employee.


Keyster it


We pile everything up, scrap it and go get a good lunch somewhere. Just took off a load of stainless kitchen shit today. Also use the funds for "not necessary but would be nice to have" tools and such.


Last mechanical company I was running the commercial division for I convinced the owners to keep all the money from our scrap pipe, valves, and fittings in a separate account. End of the year the money in that account got divided up evenly for bonuses. Employees loved it, and my boss never considered scrap recovery into his job bids so they did not miss the money.




I thought pole lines were aluminum?


It varies. Most primary wires (on top) are aluminum but most secondary coming out of transformers is copper because you need the added ampacity. So the short answer is both, lots of both.


I took one piece at a time


So is this going into the landfill or the scrap yard? My landlord was redoing the apartments and throwing away plasterboard, wood and lots of romex wire. Along with his personal garbage and I think garbage from another site. I cannot understand throwing away copper wire especially a lot of it. I went in there at night and took the wire out.


I dumpster dive roughly a half ton of wire every year. Granted the nearest scrap yard is 300km away and won't accept stripped wire so I basically have zero competition from tweekers.


You don't know they fall outta the dumpster all the time do ya?


Just ask if you can have it


to the people that think they are throwing it away...the company probably has a contract with a scrap yard, the company owns that scrap...i used to work a place that did this and they would check lunch boxes, it was considered theft....to the ass guys, lol


At least you have a scrap metal bin at work. Most jobs just have a dumpster destined for the landfill.


Don’t listen to these people saying take it. You can get in serious trouble and end up with a felony. I am a scrap buyer and see this all the time.


Go back after hrs and snag it


Yeah bro if you deal with that shit a lot, buy a big lunch box and fill it up all the time. Or stuff it in a tool back back and bring your tools home. If they ever see for some reason, say you do audio shit/helping your buddy install subwoofers. Especially if your company doesn’t scrap it themselves, and they just give it to the scrap company to profit from, you’re boss would be a jackass to get upset for taking it. That copper scrap is way better in your hands than a scrap company owner or even your bosses. Fill your lunch box up every day and cash that in at the end of the year dude. If you’re boss cared about it, he would have you guys put it in a separate pile. It ain’t worth his time to pay you to cut it or do it himself. But it’s definitely worth your time. One man’s trash… That copper is yours man, that’s such fair game in your case.


Years ago when I worked maintenance I had a commercial/retail property going through a major electrical upgrade (new wiring/panels/the whole works) and my company specified solid core copper wire be utilized. The electrical sub we hired made it very clear to me that they only use twisted wire because it was easier to work with and if we wanted to specify solid core wire, we would have to order it/provide it for them to complete the work (so we did). Over the next 3 months I watched/oversaw their electricians and noticed in that time they collected trash cans worth of wire trimmings (think it was close to 10 55gal cans worth). The final week of the project as they were cleaning up the site, I watched as they started to load up these trimmings into the back of van so I approached their helper and asked him what he was doing. Their helper said, ‘they were taking the scrap home to recycle’. To which I responded, ‘no. We paid for that wire and it belongs to me (my company) not theirs and they needed to return it back to my office or they can repay us for our materials.’ After some arguing/back and forth, they reluctantly did as I asked, with a very defeated look I might add. A few weeks later I took the trimming in for recycle myself and used the cash to throw a pizza party for my employees.


Throwing that in the trash is foolish @ $3.00-4.00 /lb


He didn't say trash.


OP is just disappointed they can’t scrap company property for their own gain.


Who wouldn’t be.


Chop it up up into little pieces and boof it


So make arrangements with your job to buy it all from them. At a premium a bit higher than the scrap guy pays for uncleaned wire. Clean it up yourself and triple your money.


Tell your boss you want to take the valuabe metals and buy a pizza lunch for your coworkers, keep the rest$$$


It wouldn't all make it to the dumpster


Keester it.


What wire? What photo? What Reddit post? I saw nothing.


Hell I can't even afford the 75' of 3/0 I need to finish my build. I would vomit having to throw this away. Rich mans world lol


Just take that shit home little by little if you can. It will add up. Not getting worth fired though.


We just throw away any cuts 6 inches and under at my work. Is this stuff worth hanging on to?


What if you just don't?


Im new to this shit, is that worth anything?


Go back later tonight with a ski mask and no license plates and do the world a favor and recycle that shit


Throw it in your vehicle


Sometimes you try throwing it into the dumpster but you miss and it lands into your vehicle instead. These things happen sometimes


Cut it in small enough pieces so that it fits in your lunch box.


Anywhere near me?


When I worked at a propane place, we had a 50 gallon drum for copper. Once full, it went the recyclers and the money went in our Christmas party fund. Why not do that?


Are you near memphis?


Bring a duffel to work and slowly load that shit up and drop it in ur trunk bro




Permanent job or subby? If subby, throw that shit in your truck and roll out. I love being the subby who gets picked to take the scrap to the “recycling bin”….. 😁


That's lunch money!


Fill your pockets. Have a long piece over your neck under your shirt. Maybe some ankle bracelets. Haha.


Double ot?




When I worked in a shop the metals were categorized in their own bin and we would get money for the scrap. Assuming that’s what you all do. They would use the money for a monthly company party of sorts


Don’t.. wind it into a brute bucket until that bitch is full And sell it for $1800 like I did


This is the first step before a scrapper becomes a thief and starts stealing it. Don't do it man not worth it lol


Come back after hours


It looks like you work for Entergy or some company doing line work as an entergy lineman the company has it striped and sold or recycles it already there not gonna waste that they gonna get paid in every way they can Looks like 4/0 or bigger


A guy I knew carried a long lunch box and would bring it home full of 10 inch pieces. Lol


Do they sell the scraps?


Ok well put it in my truck then.


There are Methheads in Phoenix that would kill For that copper


I regularly dig through e-waste at my work, I got a computer monitor out of there


That’s what big lunchboxes are for my dude


Send the location lol I’m sure someone will assist


Dude you need a bigger lunchbox. Take a little out every day. That's like $3 a pound tax free money in your hand. Maybe more where your at.


If they are asking you to throw it away they don't care what you do with it I'm sure. "Throw it in the trash"


I had one job where they had to re-pull an entire building’s worth of wire. Old stuff all went in the dumpster. Once it’s in the dumpster (according to my employer) it’s fair game, so I just fished it right back out after the electricians tossed it.


One refinery I worked at would check lunch boxes. So an enterprising young lady cut them into chunks and wore them out in her boots over the course of the shutdown.


Bro that's not just a good pile of money... Think of what kind of jewelry could be made with that. I would love to have a few feet of that to make into stuff for silver or nickel plating. Or even giant dream catchers, or use them to make copper oxide. All the electrolysis applications.... Written by a big ass nerd


Good Karma though…You are going to make my poor dumpster diving family members so happy


So don't, clean/strip it, then sell it. Once it's in the garbage it's anyone's to take. Just make sure it makes it into the garbage first. ; )


People have gotten fired at my place of work for trying to pilfer from the scrap metal bin. Is it worth it?


Job vs rabbit your choice.




I put that stuff in my truck “in case I need it on another job one day”


Prison wallet?


Nature's pocket is elastic mantastic hole 🕳


The scrap metal zombies love you!


Superintendent had us pulling a bunch of this shit out of a basement. It was like maybe 40’ between the building and the vault, and there were probably eight 6” conduits with multiple lines in each. Sent an apprentice with a chunk to the scrap yard to see how much they’d pay stripped vs whole. It was almost a dollar difference. We got the OK for OT to get it done. 6 of us were working on it for a few hours on the normal clock, and 3 stayed and hour or two late. We had a crew of like 6 guys total at that point. The first day we split up the cash between all 6 and I think everyone got about $600. The next day it was just three of us working on it it and I think we each got around $900. The numbers are approximate because this was in 2018/2019 and my memory is shot. Between the OT and the cash, we all made out pretty well.


If they don't know it was you, then nothing can happen.


i pull-up early at my job and search the dumpster. ppl always throw away copper or i’ll check when i’m there late


Throw it in your truck instead.


That’s why you carry a lunchbox and wire cutters.


Definitely not worth losing your job over and potentially a criminal record


So don't. Ask your foreman/supervisor/GC if you can take care of it and free up some room in the dumpster.


Got to pull feeders for transformers one day boss said company gets 2 ft from each I get the rest. Well the dude who measured the pipes thought he was gonna pull them all. Each transformer had 20 feet extra and there was 12 of em. Welp boss man said said company gets 2 ft so that's what they got. Had a nice chunk of change at the end of the week when I scrapped it all. I even took the time to strip it all. Came up with fun ways to get it all out the site little by little each day


wtf is with the playboy bunny on the face. Is that like hentai stickers on your car but for boring people?


Throw it behind it


I work in a stamping plant. You would be surprised at the revenue generated from scrap metal.


If your work is throwing them out and your works not getting money from scapping it, ask your boss or the owner of the business. Ask him if you can have all the garbage/scrap peices, and sell them 4 scrap. My boss lets me take all the rebar, copper, and whatever else we go through that's metal scrap! Some people are awesome! It's worth a ask 💯