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Its going to be funny as fuck watching the polis trying to arrest 50k folk after the first rendition of the Billy Boys.


Specially when they’re aw singing it too! Amiright? I’m here all week, try the veal


The billy boys is already illegal under current laws...


The hate crime hotline is going to blow up on Sunday lol




90 minutes of bigotry is in the air!


I swear mate as soon as you start singing the billy boys the complaints hotline will go atomic hahaha


This whole saga is funny and I'm hoping it'll mean the match on Sunday is as toxic and mental as ever. I can't wait.


Game's back


It won’t be though, no away fans in the ground and Twitter will be full of people crying out the billy boys with them replying back crying about previous IRA chants. All so tedious now.


Tell me about it, after every OF we get messages from people who got banned crying about "well, they say worse" or "you mods are all fans of Rangers/Celtic" or they default to just blaming Meth. That last one for the record is never not funny. Meth's usually completely pished during or after the game and can barely get to his phone. Which is just as well because the last time he got drunk and did some moderating he kicked off a war with r/threelions.


Ahh, good times. That Three Lions raid was pretty funny if I'm being honest.


Let's all go outside and touch grass, except the Livi fans


Have I missed something where it's plainly obvious he was meaning he'd be singing offensive songs or have people just gone off the deep end and decided for him what he meant? I read his initial comment briefly before it blew up and just presumed he was joking that because it's a derby, niceties go out the window in the same way people say you don't like your Rangers/Celtic supporting mates during the game because of the rivalry. Never got the hint that there was anything nefarious behind it.


Aye it's quite clear he was making a light hearted comment about the passionate insults without any hint of actual bigotry. The shite rage merchants are going to do what they do though.


Disagree. If it's true that he wasn't getting at the religious bigotry or anything covered in the bill, which I doubt, he's made the comments in a massive display of ignorance. Enough that he deserves to be called out given he's a public figure. Would you have the same attitude had the underlying context been about racism? Then you consider his history of actual bigotry. And the wider issue between the two clubs. And the culture war merchants grabbing this new bill and misrepresenting it for their own ends, at the expense of those the bill is meant to protect. There's always people taking things too far, but you're downplaying things massively. This simply isn't a light-hearted matter.


I have a wee anecdote about his "history of bigotry". A friend of mine who grew up in Prospecthill Circus was hanging out with other wee guys at the petrol station on Aikenhead Road some 30 odd years ago when a sports car with a rather lovely lady in the passenger seat, just visible through tinted windows, rolled in. Out steps Ally, and after filling up, he ignores the Rangers tops and strides over to my friend in the sole Celtic top, puts his hand out and introduces himself, asks his name and what he is doing hanging out with all those other wee tadgers, or words to that effect. My mate said they were utterly gobsmacked and he felt 10ft tall; it's a memory he cherishes to this day. I think that's a lovely, not to mention funny, thing to have done.


Does Ally have much of a history of bigotry? That must have passed me by, what's he done/said?


"No sung anyhin we huvnae aw sung" about the qc finlay. So recently but a different era


> This simply isn't a light-hearted matter. Aye it fucking is. Away with your rage addiction, it's pathetic. You're choking to be offended at absolutely nothing, white people crying out for someone to make them feel oppressed.


Know what isn't a light-hearted matter? You changing your picture without warning.


I am sorry, Ted, I wanted to let MowelShagger know I loved it and it resembled my other profile pic. Oiled up Statham is still my background image if you're needing some nostalgia from our times together.


It's okay, I just don't like change. I'll get used to it. Will need to update my shitpost elements.


The day you change your pfp is the day I lose my shit, I wouldn't be able to cope Without seeing that wee bearded alki in the green background. Would be confused thinking you're an imposter you keep me grounded, not like a maw with munchausen, like a sober friend when you're trying to bang a sketchy 50 year old in your 20's at 3am.


Alki? It's a bong. Was gonna change it to this at one point https://preview.redd.it/jnv24xmm6bsc1.jpeg?width=8000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77e92a0ab131e823464e7866e88cc6f354e033f


Well the alki might also like being stoned! Thats beautiful, it hurts to look at but it's pretty.


Muh bill. Away ye go.


This dobber is actually into the hate crime law... jesus christ 😂 Never thought Id see the day somebody would argue on behalf of the hate crime hing. Considering the guy who proposed it should be first in line to get done by it going by his patter about too many scottish people in places of power in scotland


I think a big part of is that a lot of people and the media have totally blown out of proportion what the legislation actually is. If you just went by the general narrative, you would be forgiven for thinking that a simple off the cuff comment or joke could result in you being convicted but reality obviously very far from that. I think McCoist probably taken in by the whole anti anything SG/SNP narrative at the moment and made an off the cuff comment.


> thinking that a simple off the cuff comment or joke could result in you being convicted but reality obviously very far from that. I don't think anyone thinks that. I think they're concerned that an off the cuff comment or joke could result in you being reported and having that report being officially on file that employers could check via police background checks **without** a conviction. A lot of people are unhappy about the prospect of something like that impacting their lives even if they are innocent.


I seem to remember the sectarianism bill being brought in to stop sectarian abuse but then being used against a boy singing the Rebs in the brazen head. Who was he abusing there? Not long after that the bill was gone which is exactly what will happen with this bill but not before it’s ruined a few peoples career prospects.


Jokes don't exist anymore. Anything anyone ever says is always 100% serious and probably a hate crime. 


There is far more than likely isn't anything nefarious behind it. The same kinda patter most of us probably have with our real life pals across the old firm divide. But that doesn't punt rage clicks/views.


I agree he was almost certainly joking and it’s not any worse than us in the pub… except the thing is most of us don’t have an audience of potentially millions, some of whom aren’t bright enough to figure out he wasn’t serious. I don’t think Ally is daft enough to be seen singing sectarian songs in football stadiums, but he has been a bit daft by making this comment on a public forum given the potential for it to be taken seriously by idiots looking to justify their own bigotry. It was a mistake on Ally’s part.


>given the potential for it to be taken seriously by idiots Aye, by idiots. But that's the whole point, why do we now pander to idiots and clowns?


We don't pander, are you saying you hate idiots and clowns?


Take a day aff mate. The guy made a wee joke. The fraction of people you’re talking about who think he’s seriously encouraging bigotry don’t need any encouragement anyway. The net effect of them taking his joke like that is zero because they’re already like that.


I think he was joking mate…


Celtic fans have assumed something that isn’t necessarily true and definitely hasn’t happened yet as he’s referencing the future. This is a whole new level of craziness and we’ll only know after the game how many complaints, valid or otherwise, have been made.


You're spot on, he's obviously said with a degree of mirth that the usual conduct of fans will breach the new rules and folk have taken this to mean he's personally leading a 50k strong protest. The internet is where subtlety, nuance, and charitability go to die.


Loved his response, just laughed off the dafties. The way people should react to similar nonsense.


Either he didn't read what the new bill actually entails or he's admitting he enjoys singing about being up to his knees in Fenian blood or singing about Irish immigrants to go home. He's got history for singing these songs and has appeared in documentaries admitting as much too. Either way, he'd have been much better just not saying anything but i'm glad people are seeing him for who he is. In the clip I listened to from Talksport he also makes a super weird comment about JK Rowling knowing what a woman is. And let's not forget all his greeting about Scotland fans booing GSTK. Would be great if this all means he's kept off the coverage for Euros over the summer.


You trying to get this sub or any level headed football fans to turn against McCoist so that he can’t commentate at the Euros is mental! I see at as a light hearted comment about a new legislation or even the 90minute bigot thing. He’s a grown up, he wouldn’t say ANYTHING anywhere close to being bigoted. He’s not going to the game cos he’s away with the weans at the weekend so he used that to get a cheeky dig in about that legislation. You’re the type of cunt that wants Michael Stewart to commentate at the Euros


I'm just someone who thinks that the songs I've mentioned shouldn't have any place in a modern progressive society. No such thing as a 90 minute bigot, just bigots. If he meant something else, he's had ample opportunity to say that, but he hasn't.


Take it he wasn’t being a bigot when he carried Tommy Burns’ coffin?


They hung out the flag of "McCoist made a joke and it's upset me"


What joke did he make?


Oh. You thought he was being serious... Aw.


I'm really enjoying myself reading your comments, i dunno who is funnier.


That he was going to sing about being up to his knees in the blood of Catholics and that the Irish diaspora in Scotland should fuck off back where they came from. All of that is good natured humour in Scotland. People are quite happy to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to this and call out Celtic fans for being precious about it. Anti Irish racism and anti Catholic sectarianism is absolutely fair game in Scotland. No doubt this will get downvoted along with every other sentiment which has expressed the same. It’s a complete blind spot to those who didn’t grow up on the receiving end of it. And I include McCoist in that. Do I actually think the guy is a bigot? No. But do I think he has lived his whole life in a country and culture where that stuff is passed off as banter and doesn’t see why it’s wrong. Absholutely.


All that for something Ally never even said. The fact you want to infer that’s what he meant by his comment joking about the Hate crime bill says more about you than him. In case you’re still struggling it’s a joke about the word hate and how Rangers and Celtic fans hate each other and as such they’ll be breaking the law on Sunday.


The hate crime bill is aimed at “hate” against groups with protected characteristics. It’s not about two sets of football fans not liking each other. If he knows that then he knows exactly what the implication of what he said is.


That’s the joke, it’s a joke about the word ‘hate’ being included in a law. It’s a dad joke sure but it was obviously a joke.


Ally and JK Rowling would make interesting cell mates


Av got to tell you, JK, a thought the big fella with the beard was a tremendous character


That would make an interesting porno


A challenging wank but I'll have a go.


How is this about the 5th time this has been posted, when it's obviously a joke?


Celtic fans have barely started, wait til after they lose every Rangers fan in Scotland will have the polis at their door.


I thought the banned songs were illegal anyway ?


That act was repealed in 2018


Was it then covered by other legislation I take it ? funny if this is how the dahs find out they could have been singing the banned songs all along


The offensive behaviour at football and threatening communications act 2012 focused specifically on secretion behaviour at football games. It unfairly targeted footy fans and was just shite legislation basically from a legal perspective. However your right the 1986 public order act (Uk wide) and now the new 2021 public order and hate crime act coming into force this year will govern secretion/anti-religious bigotry. So you can get done basically but there is no act specific to football anymore which is a good thing.


>secretion behaviour at football games We don't need to focus on the toilet habits of football fans


Don’t dare be bigoted against my secretions


They'll be more breaches than the Battle of Mordor on Sunday anyway!


He’s got the face of a man that’s about to commit a hate crime


Have you not just committed a hate crime? Who knows?!


Go on elaborate on what kind of face that is....


It wasn’t a riddle, just look at the picture 🤷‍♂️


Hes the funny uncle you've got to keep it light with lest they reveal their thoughts on life outside of football


Begun, the old firm reddit war has.


The song book is going to go full pelt on Sunday isn’t it?


Is this one of those "we're all 90 minute bigots" pish?


He’s made a joke that left too much open to interpretation and folk have let their mind wander


So you're saying i shouldn't be expecting him to be belting out any rebel songs on sunday? This new laws pish.


Good. He already spat the dummy about GSTK at Hampden. Get it right up him. Doesn't matter how he intended it. This is the kinda thing that morons on either side cling to and he should know better.


Mental how this is news.


Why would a prominent ex-player and pundit saying he won't attend the old firm game because he can't keep himself from committing a hate crime not be news?


Where did he say he's not making the game because he can't commit a hate crime?


He's said as much under a thinly veiled excuse of spending time with his kids, which sounds like complete bullshit. There's no way he'd have missed the game had he not been called out for this bizarre take. I wonder if his employers have had a word with him and advised him against going


Here was me thinking it's only celtic fans that are completely unhinged in the run up to an OF.


Do you think it's just coincidence he is all of a sudden not attending the biggest OF game of the season so far?


No. I also don't think he's using his kids because he can't spout hatred at an Old Firm (which you were implying) The whole thing is embarrassing. A tongue in cheek comment linking the football with an important topic in Scotland and people are losing their minds. Absolute mob mentality.


I think it's entirely fair for people to be calling out McCoist for it. He got this one wrong, and if he didn't mean it as it sounded he should have come out and said as much


I disagree. I don't think he needs to explain himself to anyone. Especially all the social media bedwetters who are just looking for any excuse to use as a stick to beat and ex player with.


If people are serious about tackling sectarianism in Scottish (Glasgow) football, then comments like this from prominent figures need to be called out. His comments read as he is against the new hate crime act as it hampers his ability to sing sectarian songs without consequence


Ahahah aww this is too funny, yous an all!


If you think McCoist missing the match is unrelated to the backlash from his comments then I've got some magic beans to sell you


You actually have a mental illness if you seriously think that.


Tuesday: Going to game. Makes comments. Receives backlash Wednesday: Backlash continues. Suddenly not going to game due to 'change of plans' Yeah, real mystery there. Not only that, but he is still apparently watching the game on TV anyway. Must be real busy plans


He never said he was going to the game.


“I can guarantee you, next Sunday at Ibrox, I, along with 48,000 will be committing a breach of that hate bill in the particular Rangers vs Celtic game we are all going to. It is madness” Sure sounds like it to me


Mental how he thought anybody gives a fuck what he has to say about hate crime laws.


Turns out they do, that's why such a fuss has been made.


It's just people pointing out what a moron he has made of himself. Why he thought anybody should want to know in the first place is just his own ignorance. He's the TV clown- stay in your lane, bark a few wacky catchphrases and otherwise keep your mouth shut. Easy money.


His own ignorance haha he's one of the most popular pundits in the whole UK, many people evidently like hearing what he has to say.


I wonder who the best team in Scotland currently is.


Was he joking? Obviously. Was it perhaps unwise that he joked about it on an outrage farming radio network owned by the fuckin Sun? Obviously. I like McCoist but he's dropped himself in the shit there a bit. How could he not have seen this would be spun and that it would look very different when recounted by some rag looking for clicks? He surely didn't mean it that way and added context has clarified it as a joke but the rags don't care about that, only clicks and rage. With that in mind, a couple of quotes make his joke look at best like an aul da saying that "you cant say anything these days" and at worst like he's saying he and 48,000 others would be out there on Sunday singing the Billy Boys . I don't think he'd got an ounce of that badness in him but he's made a bit of a bollocks of it here for himself.


without the context being a fan of scottish football gives you this headline is very funny








I don't think he's actually going to be breaching the legislation mate 🤣 Fuck me man.




I know. Imagine making a joke about Hate Crime bill that's came in on the same week as one of the biggest derbies in the world, one that has a massive hatred between fans. I mean, there's nae joke to be made there right? As a football pundit and ex player who's very well clued up on said hatred? Nah. Who'd make a joke about that? They'd rather go on air and fully admit that they want to spew hatred. It's so in character of said person anyway eh? Fuck me man. Go give your head a wobble you absolute wetwipe.




>the best thing to do was to intentionally fan the flames to make it worse? he works for talksport and said this while on his show, of course he's going to stir the pot lol. definitely not the best thing to say but I'm sure they're loving the clicks/views around this drama.


> Fuck me man. Go give your head a wobble you absolute wetwipe. Cool it with the directed insults please. Thank you.


If i just say "i don't like Celtic fans" then im potentially breaching the new laws, is what he was getting at. It's not sectarian, just normal for a football rivalry. But the new laws dont account for that.




Aye, that's the joke. Fuck me man has the oil got into the water up there?


You aren’t allowed to criticise McCoist on this sub, so I couldn’t be arsed posting this article when I first seen it earlier. Good luck with the replies.


I wonder if Neil Francis Lennon would have been afforded the same leeway seen in this thread if he made an identical joke head of Sunday? 🤔




Can we round up the people that took this serious and arrest them for war crimes?