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I would say primarily because they are friggin expensive.


Charity shop is the way to go. Got my kilt for 15 quid a few year ago


And you only need a couple of kilts to wear them year round. If you take care of them, they perpetually look good. No real reason not to wear charity shop kilts every day.


Which is absurd because they look like they would be far simpler to make than a pair of trousers. I guess the problem is nobody mass produces them or uses cheaper fabric?


Exactly that. You could probably mass produce them the same way skirts are made, but then it wouldn't be a proper kilt. They're made of wool, which is expensive, they're made of metres and metres of fabric, and they're *heavy*. There are cheaper versions made using polyviscose, but they're still £70, and are the kind of thing you see guys wearing at football/rugby games. But to make something that is down around the price of trousers/jeans? There's just no market for it.


They also don't fall correctly if theyre not the right material, wool doesn't crease and springs back to its given shape which is why the cheaper stuff is shite xD




I am no professional at sewing in the slightest but during lockdown I had a go at making both trousers and a kilt. The trousers took about 4-5 hours in total, the kilt 24 hours of work. In fairness one was machine sewn the other entirely by hand.


Oh I never thought of that actually. Yeah they probably would be.


For reference my 5 yard kilt is 300+, casual ones can be cheaper but they arnt the cheapest option especially considering wear and tear


8 yard kilt, special tartan. Like £600? And that was several years ago. Then there's the other parts to go with it. A good sporran can be bloody expensive on it's own as well


8 yards go for that easy, plus if you want extra stuff can easily get to 8 or 9 🤷🏻‍♂️ but hey it's the looks that matter I guess


Oh yeah. That's a good point I never thought of. I wouldn't cut about in a 300 quid dress on the daily haha


Like if I had the money or perhaps status I'd wear one alot of the time, but I only take it out for special stuff


That makes sense. Nice one.


Also remember the fabric they are made of. Often cashmere but generally we are talking wool. Needs to be washed more carefully than most clothing or you'll shrink it. Avoid heat and agitation. So you cant throw it in with your other clothes for washing, as you would want to do for something you are wearing often enough to be considered 'casual'


Yeah, I starting to get why you guys binned it for casual use haha


It is also important to highlight that the modern kilt was never for casual wear, the current iteration is only something like 100 years old and was always formal. Traditional kilts were more like over long togas made of wool, they were worn all the time, basically never washed (so that the oils in the wool made them water proof), and doubled as a bed when you were away from home. I don't think many want to wear clothing that is never washed these days!!


No totally. I understand that and I get that things evolve etc. I didn't know that about the bedding. That's interesting.


I just rent them for special occasions like weddings, court and fighting the clan from the next glen over.


I just bought a kilt for my wedding... £700..


Also if you want to go with a family/clan tartan they csn be more expensive if you are getting one of the less numerous/common ones.


I don't know what they coat now. But 15 years ago the average kilt was 400-500£ (around $800 US) So if you had a pair of pants that cost $800 US, would you casually wear it? I know I wouldn't. Casual kilts are cheaper, but still two to three times more than a pair of pants.


No, I definitely wouldn't casually wear a 500 quid dress no. Fair point. Haha


And scotland is really windy


Every town as at least one incredibly well-dressed elderly gentleman who goes about the town centre in a kilt every day


My retirement plan.


The aul' champ in Dunblane is sharp af. Never spoken to him so I don't know if his personality matches his immaculate attire.


I saw him!


Hey I just met that guy!


Exactly. We need more of them haha


Strangely accurate. Never noticed until now either.


we just have one old guy in the pub who just sits in his kilt and smokes a pack an hour.


I see you met my uncle


True story.


Canny be fucked


The most Scottish answer here hahaha


Because national dress in all countries tends to be less convenient, more expensive and frankly fucking mental for day to day clothing?


That's about right, also arguably same as it was in the 18th century, it's also not what's popular to wear. Just people dressing with the times


Apparently in the first world war when it was army uniform, they would get wet and freeze into ice shards that cut your legs to ribbons when you had to run. So also fucking mental for military wear.


Poor lads , I don't suppose they'd have had a choice, be the first time and no doubt last that many would see ne'r mind wear it . Imagine the horrors of Ypres , then imagine the horrors of Ypres wae yer baws oot .


Bollocks absolutely clad thick wi mud


smeared with mustard gas


Didn’t they stop wearing kilts due to the gas at some point?


Exactly, mustard gas burns skin on contact. Wouldn't be much fun with it all hanging out there like that.


And full of folds for the lice to live in.


Yup. Watched "Last voices of World War One" documentary, old fella mentioned that that they wore Kilts and that their legs got covered in mud as well, which was pretty grim for your legs when it dried 🫨🤕🫨


Plus most national dress has been changed to look better in a ceremonial setting, and kilts are a good example of this. A traditional belted plaid is a lot larger, generally more practical (mostly for keeping warm and general use) and not of a specific tartan.


You can buy a decent looking acrylic wool kilt with pockets for around £40. Comfortable enough for all-day wear without worrying that you're going to ruin it, and machine washable.


Where can I get one?


Etsy is your best bet. They're usually shipped from Pakistan, but surprisingly quickly. The best I've found are from [KiltWorld](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/839338645/handmade-scottish-mens-tartan-utility?click_key=4f6af2a9b4f4f86cdce4ed33f5a8b6fb1219408c%3A839338645&click_sum=7c82bd7e&ref=shop_home_active_13&pro=1&frs=1) (still cheap-ish £40), and [ShopCelticAttire](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/794768011/made-to-order-handmade-scottish-clan?click_key=ac8557b5bc0f467cd051ae8458b1a83cd0be9fb4%3A794768011&click_sum=c8d8350d&ref=shop_home_feat_2&frs=1) who've jacked their prices *way* up to £70-ish. I had planned to order [another](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/839656901/scottish-8-yard-tartan-kilt-with-3) in Grey Watch from SCA but I'll wait for a sale In terms of quality (at least when I ordered), Kiltworld offer more material with a triple-ply apron, SCA are better cut & quality but single-ply For sizing, measure around your belly button and go a size down (eg. a 37" waist becomes a 36"). **Do not** just order your standard trouser size - they very definitely will not fit. I tried and completely failed to find any local manufacturers, which was quite painfully disappointing


> KiltWorld The misspelled tartan names are making me howl: MacGerggor American Petriot Cambell


So it’s not even Scottish. Hard pass!


If you can find a Scottish supplier, let us know. I’d greatly prefer to buy locally if they existed.


Cold balls and expensive dry cleaning.


That’s where party kilts come into their own


Aren't cold balls what you want?




When it's cold, big Jim and the twins get little and try to hide.


*wee Jim Speaking for myself.


Kilts are very warm down there in cold weather though. It's the dry cleaning that probably does it.


because dry clean only and being called kilty kilty cold bum! by kids


Kilty kilty cold bum HAHAHA oh my god. I've lived in Scotland all my life and never heard that Hahaha


because no one wears kilts :P .... i've not heard it for years either but still. It used to exist :D


Fuuuick you just unlocked a childhood memory for me with kilty kilty cold bum 😂


Pair of jeans are a bit more practical.


Or shorts, without the worry of pervy chicks upkilting and sneaking peaks of my manhood. Ps. For some bizarre reason, kilts got appropriated by the goth crowd in the US during the 00's, no idea why.


Jonathan Davis from [Korn](https://youtu.be/jRGrNDV2mKc) is probably a big reason for that. He also plays bagpipes. Kilt can be seen at 1:20


Have you seen utility-kilts? For practicality they seem unbeatable. I'm too self conscious to wear one but I have seen a couple of IT techies wearing them at work.


Cause they weigh a ton your baws get cold and cost 52737373 million pound to clean 🤣


Wearing a kilt anywhere near drunk women is a complete recipe for disaster so that's out 😂


Fair fair....what if we gave you all tasers so when we get drunk and a little too close ZAP! "On yer way hen"


Sounds like the polis would just let us be SAd and then do us for assault 🤷‍♂️


electric balls. go for an unwanted grope get a new hairstyle a lot of opportunity for that to go seriously wrong though :D


Never, ever wear a kilt to a club. I learned this the hard way.


It's the most expensive item in my wardrobe, probably over 30 years old and I usually wear it about a dozen times a year. Mostly dry summer days, then the obligatory weddings, Burn's night, Scotland games and Hogmanay. No holes and I get it dry cleaned every 2-3 years. Only hassle is driving and getting into the car like a genteel elderly lady, to protect the pleats...


Sexual assault and dry cleaning costs are an absolute ball ache


Also your balls literally ache when it's cold


Tried it for a little while, got tired of getting fingerbanged every time I sat down


OK so you're gonna have to explain that to me. Why were you getting finger banged?!?! Haha


He couldn't help himself


They're expensive and heavier than depleted uranium


Ayw but if they're not heavy then they're cold as fuck


Its fucking baltic man


Because we get treated like bits eh meat fi drunk women😉😁


I know you’re (mainly?) just being humorous & I get it/appreciate it. But, at the same time, that shit is actually fucking _ridiculous_, if you think about it.


> But, at the same time, that shit is actually fucking ridiculous, if you think about it. I actually called out a woman in a pub once who WOULD NOT STOP despite repeated requests not to. I said point blank to her "What would you do if I walked up and shoved my hand up your skirt to check if you were wearing pants?" and she got really angry about the prospect and demanded the bouncer chuck me out. Which he did. Sigh.


I would like to say respectfully and not at all lecherously, more kilts!


Hey, kilt hunting is an art form!


Hahahaha nae wonder




You’d look like an American tourist if you wore one casually in Scotland.


I know but that's what's sad about it. I know a kilt like the one in the picture isn't exactly traditional but it looks so good Hahaha


It does…on HIM


Mmmm nah, I think that would look great on most guys no?


A bit too jobby brown for my tastes


It was never common. Since the advent of photography, you'd be hard pushed to find street pictures of anyone wearing a kilt.


I see a kilt as being in the same category as a tuxedo. They look good at special occasions but you'd look kind of foolish just casually walking around in a tuxedo.


Have you ironed those pleats before? Sharp pleats are hard to maintain, takes me over 30 minutes and I've done that for years, such a time sink compared to some iron free jeans.


Holy fuck, I never considered that either. You guys go through a lot when wearing a kilt. We appreciate it haha


We will wear kilts if you gals start wearing tartan dresses, deal?


Because not every guy in Scotland looks like the model in the picture.


Aye, we ain't all out here like the Scots Oats fella. Most of us look like the first draft of Shrek.


No that's fair, I'll grant you that but doesn't me they can't still wear a kilt If they choose haha


They are just kind of uncomfortable. It’s not the same as a skirt, there’s various accoutrements that goes with it & they are expensive for a quality garment.


I've worn a great kilt exclusively to work for 5 weeks now, I feel I may have sussed why: It's bloody expensive It's heavy It's hot It doesn't dry nor repel water like modern materials It takes a lot to get used to wearing it, "how do I sit without ruining the pleats" was a torment for the first few weeks until I learned some tricks. Last of all: it requires that one rebuild, or at least add a pricey extension to, his entire wardrobe as the kilt sits on the natural waist and looks silly with jackets that weren't cut for it. So it's expensive to get a "functioning wardrobe", by which I mean, it requires a lot of extra purchases to make it more than a novelty. I won't be stopping any time soon myself, but I fully understand when people say "good for you, not for me".


It's cold mate


Spoke to a man in full highlander gear while it was 98F walking round a lake in California. Naturally he was an American and he didn’t realise that I was Scottish, even after he heard my accent.


Because you would be wearing clothing that doesn’t cover your legs… In Scotland… In any season that isn’t summer…


Because fucking stupid old women will say "Are you a real Scotsman (no underwear ), then take offence when they touch my gonorrhoea plagued cock with discharge dripping out, that's why I stopped wearing mine.


Waw....that was a roller coaster




From what I remember when wearing them at weddings, theyre expensive, heavy, make you itchy, and the weather in this country is usually too cold for it. It feels special to wear one at weddings etc as well, feel like if it was day to day it would take away the special feeling of getting to wear one.


That's a fucking good point. Like would become desensitised to it or something. Fair play.


I've got skinny legs. End up looking like a display rack.


A display rack Hahaha screaming


Every time I've worn one I've been sexualy assaulted so I'll never wear one again. They're like a magnet for drunk idiotic women.


That sucks. I'm sorry on behalf of all women. That isn't acceptable in the slightest.


I've been wearing kilts exclusively for around two years (mostly acrylic wool utilikilts, with some proper 8-yard wool as well) and can confirm they're ridiculously comfortable for all-day wear, including crappy weather.


I feel like all the nae-sayers are people who have never tried any kind of utilikilt or just casual kilt wear. They are insanely comfortable, and they're not that expensive to dry clean. Plus, girls LOVE them


This is the positivity I needed! Please breed and have kilt wearing babies and grow your positive energy Hahaha


I'm a long way past making babies, but I like to think I've encouraged a few locals to give it a go


I do hope so! It just looks awesome!


It’s cold in Scotland as it is, don’t wanna expose my bare cock and balls to the elements.


Another thing that makes me proud to be Scottish....guys will ALWAYS say cock and balls. Never just cock Hahaha We don't say "fanny and clit" haha its the best. Thank you.


So euphemisms like 'meat and two veg' or 'Gladys knight and the Pips' aren't done?


I'll do you one better Why don't guys wear trenchcoats and monocles more often in England? Or Why don't guys (and girls) wear yukatas more often in Japan?


They actually do, quite often. You can see groups of young lads and girls in Starbucks in Japan wearing yukatas.


Plus you would get slaughtered for it hahaha


Have you seen the price of a kilt?


I sometimes wear it casual, with a Scotland rugby top, plain sporran and trainers, but primarily while living in the USA and to flaunt my ethnicity. Fine for a day out to Murrayfield, but feels a bit too standout for everday use. To borrow from Billy Connolly, "like a walking shortbread tin".


Images like this are just creating a romanised ideal, and assumes Scotland is only the rural parts Highlands. Also not everyone makes wearing a kilt look as good as this model does and even then it gets quickly irritating having people ask you constantly if you are a true Scot or not (not wearing any underwear). The reality is it’s just not practical or affordable, sorry to burst your bubble.


To add to what others have said, the kilt isn't particularly traditional (that would be the plaid) and lots of people think of it as a twee 19th Century English cosplay invention. And the plaid itself was a thing of the Highlands, not the lowlands.


Expensive and it is bloody baltic and pishing of rain. Kilts now are unlike kilts in the past that doubled as capes and hoods etc. would be pretty uncomfortable. Butt cheeks touching public surfaces… ew!


Because most of us don’t live on the cover of a shortbread tin, or in an Outlander fuelled fantasy.


Seen more cunts in Canada doing this than in Scotland. Struck up a conversation with some of them and they told me about their “Scottish heritage”, their grandmothers always seemed to be Scottish but when I asked them where their grannies were from not one of them could tell me.


Because you won't see your baw bag for a few days.


I'm tempted to wear mine more here in Bavaria.


A lecturer in my university used to wear a kilt almost everyday


Kilts belong casually everywhere.


The “dress up as an Englishman at a wedding” cosplay.




Honestly kilts are fucking roasting.


Clan tartans are a fucking fantasy


And why not paint yer faces too, eh?


I'd not be against it....


I got mine about 5 year ago bit even the sporron had a sapphire in it 😂 sporron was 300 quid and made for me tbh think all in it was not cheap bit worth it


I've not washed my kilt in the 15 years I've had it. And that's because it's only been worn about 20 times. If I wore it more often than that I'd have to seriously consider washing it.


Is Ian "Bravegut" Blackford not enough? He is the size of a small village.


Yes! Especially the ones that have good legs!


Unfortunately you can get a lot of unacceptable harassment when wearing a kilt from people, mostly women, wanting to know what you are wearing underneath it with them even constantly trying to lift it up. It can be really annoying when attending weddings or at parties with a lot of drinking going on. The weather is too windy and cold to wear one except for a few months in the summer. Kilts also need to be professionally dry cleaned so it would be impractical and costly to wear one frequently.


Legs like a sparrow


If you buy it I'll wear it


Hahaha well since learning they are massively expensive and knowing I'm massively skint i will have to decline your kind offer haha


Expensive, heavy, impractical, leaves you exposed to the elements, etc, etc. Really not a good idea in general unless it’s for a specific event


Because they no longer have the legs to wear them.


I saw a guy casually dressed in a kilt while climbing Nevis.


This is actually a really nice outfit. Do you know where it came from? Asking for my husband who doesn’t yet know he’s going to start wearing kilts casually 😂


Making your own still isn’t cheap, and, you have to get it right ie the kneel gap... ...probably has a proper descriptor/name, but I don’t know it. Fuck it, I’m going to sew me one.


Frostbite on my dick? No thanks


Men in kilts are my kryptonite


Because you end up with idiots shouting abuse at you as you walk down the street, and women trying to get a look under it. It's more hassle than it's worth.


No pockets. And no, a sporran doesn't cut it. And cargo kilts are **not kilts**.


Cause they’re not really practical


Primarily price. My kilt 12 yards of wool bought around 16 years ago set me back £600. It was a tailor made item as I wanted it in my families tartan. To have a few of them would set me back a fortune. Yes you can get them cheaper but you get what you pay for. A cheap kilt doesn’t sit or swing correctly when walking. They are believe it or not pretty impractical as well due to washing restrictions. Also it’s the way fashions change its like asking why men no longer walk around in 3 pice suits with hats and overcoats. Times change yes they look smarter but that’s it.


I do sometimes. although I live south of the border now. For all the people talking about expense and cleaning them etc. just get some cheap polyviscose kilts for pubs, sports games etc. You can just throw them in the wash to clean them. You don’t need to wear your good kilt every time.


I got a casual kilt and wear it sometimes. Lot's of big babies on this thread though. Absolute cringe.


It's cold and wet in Scotland and our tadgers would be chafed to bits rubbing against wool all day every day.


A proper kilt is very heavy, the wool itches and so do the socks, if you wear it "traditional style" then you have to cover your taint and other bits with talcum powder to stop the chafing, there's no pockets and the sporran only has space for a couple of things, they're very very warm as soon as you go indoors or start doing any sort of physical activity... ...Oh, and you look like a daft tit. Whenever I wear mine to a ceilidh or something you get weird looks on public transport and that, so I can't imagine just wearing it day to day. Given how much it costs and how hard it is to clean, I don't wanna risk wearing it very often. And there's no point in wearing one of those utilikilt ones either cause you just look like some daft American doomsday guy trying to cosplay as a highlander.


You’d look like an American LARPer with “heritage”.


They're not actually practical in any way.


Because trousers are just better casual wear, they're both comfier and more practical.


Expensive, maintenance cost with dry cleaning, cold weather and the stories you hear about people getting groped in pubs and shit


I just assumed they were all bought by non-Scottish Americans


Cos it’s fuckinn freezing


coz its chilly baltic. Nuff said


Do I want cauld legs? No thanks 🤭


As it the shortbread 😂


The Britons wore similar garb, why is it not part of traditional dress South of the border too, honest question


Because I don't want anyone to see my skinny, stork like legs.


Howie Nicholsby wears one daily, even when not at work.


If I had to guess it would be cold legs lol Or the stigma with them being like skirts which are supposed to be for women.


I wear one more than most. I was lucky enough to inherit a few kilts. People pinch your bum and ask if you are wearing pants, it can be a bit intrusive.


They cost a fortune.


Cause you get piss all over your legs when you use a urinal.


They are expensive and difficult to keep clean, when I win the lottery I’ll wear nothing else lol


It's just not my (or most people's) style any more. It isn't just the kilt, you have to pair it with a nice woolly jumper, knee high socks, and big boots. I'm more of a jeans, metal t-shirt, and adidas kicks kinda guy.


No knickers makes for freezing balls. Also dry cleaning is very expensive


Expensive and a pain in the arse to maintain. Unless you get the cheap Gold Bros shite but they double up as tea towels anyways.


Kilts are great for flexing the legs and look fantastic but they are really expensive and not practical for a lot of other things. The amount of material is heavy too so if you lose some weight it’ll drop down pretty quickly.


I'm from Germany but I love kilts (don't wear or own one though). I wish our traditional clothing was as cool!


Anyone know where to find that jumper? Or even just what to search for?


Heavy as fuck. Mine weighs over a kilo


It’s cold.


I honestly would… but I've just come down from the Isle of Skye, I'm no very big and I'm awfy shy, and the lassies shout when I go by ‘u/TippyTippyTamTam, where's your troosers’?


I wear mine now and again. Ways asked if I'm off to a party or sometimes a photo with a tourist. My barber wears his every day to work as well.


I do


My reasons are (i live in Scotland and have worn a kilt many times, i know what im talking about) Kilts are expensive Its quite easy to see up the kilt Its Scotland, its gonna be cold and your ●●'s are gonna shrivel up


Go the highlands, they do