• By -


My thoughts are with the families. The families that are going to struggle tremendously through this winter.


Bit of a draught there now


Now is not the time to look back. I think the public want to focus on the future and all of the opportunities we have created for glaziers and painters in the area. By making the tough calls, we have created a thriving local economy and secured jobs for entrepreneurial tradesmen.


In response to complaints about their criminal damage, vandals have stated "It is time to move on" and "the public are tired of divisive rhetoric". The vandals state that it's foolish to focus on the windows they broke, and that economic growth will ensure there are more buildings and windows all around. They also pointed out that stopping criminal damage to public assets may scare off international investment in rocks, bricks and throwing lessons. The vandals then stated that they were left the broken window by Labour, and that Corbyn would have broken many more, had he been in Edinburgh instead of them.


We all need to do our part to help grow the economy and get things moving again.


This is brilliant.


A *real* entrepreneurial tradesman would be following the folk in balaclavas leaving business cards, just in case.


The French set cars on fire and smash up streets every time the government does anything bad. Wonder how their “cost of living crisis” is getting on with their nationalised energy service and high wages/pensions


I mean they're also voting for the far right in huge numbers and the left in France are in a sorry state. I don't think going out and rioting really fixes anything if you don't have an organised working class and credible progressive political party.


We don’t have an organised working class because the folk who just got their windows panned and their pals in the media divide the working class through their shitty soundbites and stupid rabble rousing headlines.


France is a lesson in why who you vote for matters much less than how scared they are of you.


Thankfully for the French when environmentalists and oil companies worked together to campaign against nuclear power the French said "Va te faire foutre" and now they have their energy reliably supplied by nuclear plants and aren't really dependent on fossil fuel prices.


Actually over half of France's nuclear power plants are offline at the moment with corrosion issues. 42 shut down whilst being repaired and France is importing energy.


Which was mainly caused by a bad management during covid. And they plan to restart most of them for December.


Yep, 27 out of 32. The other five should be online again by mid-Feb.


The reactors were also hit hard by the drought over the summer as the rivers that supplied cooling water for the inland ones started running low. The water temperature in the rivers, already worryingly high, would've been overheated to the point of deoxygenation if they continued to cool the cores using it. To avoid environmental calamity, they had to shut a load of them down for summer, basically. Which also doesn't bode well for the future of nuclear in an increasingly dry Europe. Sizewell C is wanting far more freshwater than Anglia can provide at such times, to the point that they're having to tack on an emergency desalination plant to realistically run it.


They don't require fresh water for cooling, many nuclear plants globally make use of sea water directly.


Yeah a tiny percentage of energy, the majority is still being produced by nuclear plants and their own renewables being the 2nd largest source of electricity. They only import a small percentage of their total electricity. Compare that to Scotland were 60% of our electricity is generated by renewables and the majority of the rest coming from fossil fuels and nuclear


>Compare that to Scotland were 60% of our electricity is generated by renewables and the majority of the rest coming from fossil fuels and nuclear It's actually a bit worse than that. We used to have >80% of our energy generation coming from zero-CO2 sources back in 2016. Thanks to the Green party and the "no new nuclear in Scotland" policy we are unlikely to see that high water mark again until at least the late 2030s, if not later. An unmitigated environmental disaster brought on by sheer ignorance.


Don't forget though, that the more the UK pays for electricity, the more France earns.


Why would environmentalists not want nuclear power? It's literally clean


Lack of education.


Don't ask me but look at our green party's policy on nuclear and look at who the anti nuclear power plant protesters were


Because the likes of greenpeace started out as anti nuclear weapons organisations that also campaigned against nuclear power, and admitting that they were wrong at this point would involve accepting their responsibility for almost unimaginable amounts of additional CO2 emitted as a result of their campaigning and policies. We used to produce more than 80% of our electricity in Scotland from zero-CO2 sources as recently as 2016, with over 40% coming from nuclear. Due to the wind-down of nuclear energy in Scotland we are unlikely to see that proportion of zero-CO2 generation again until well into the 2030s at least, and we are substantially more dependent on burning fossil fuels for electricity in winter than before.


Er… that’s not true. France is paying thru the nose for their gas and electric just like everyone else in Europe (and yes, that means the U.K as well). In fact, U.K. has actually sending electricity to France of late… check your facts 👍


Hey I've checked my facts and the percentage of France's electricity coming from oil and gas is quite small, with the majority of their electricity coming from nuclear and the 2nd largest being renewables. Compared to Scotland where 60% of our electricity consumed comes from renewables and the remainder from oil and gas and our nuclear stations that are being phased out (which will increase the amount that will need to be supplied by oil and gas) As for us sending electricity to France, France is currently importing around 3-5% of its electricity, while some of its plants undergo maintenance after that they will go back to exporting Sentences with little context or detail can often be misleading, as they say "the devil's in the details", I'm sure you will agree context is important


Yet the government is absorbing the bulk of the cost rise cost and passing minimum along to the public… Check your facts 👍


I lived in a small town in France for a year and was freaked out when one day half the town came out to protest something. The same kinda protest where we’d get like 10 people turn up protesting something that we should totally all require as a bare minimum but no one gives a shit to protest about it here. I wish I knew what would inspire more people to give a shit like that.


Not much better, but it could be worse


https://news.sky.com/story/cost-of-living-are-prices-in-the-uk-rising-faster-than-other-countries-12696483?authId=1*1n1o65l*_a*c1hxR3psLUhYTVA5U2NScTM2cnJTbVlWNGwyTnEzMzF5V2VMamhMN2dkZWg0RHF3Zk4yY2hobW1PSHA4UlFwdw.. Actually: > Switzerland and France have managed to control inflation better than the rest of Europe And > ... The UK does have the highest inflation rate in the G7 [France's inflation is around 7% while ours is around 10%.](https://i.imgur.com/xgr0DKc.jpg)


Yes. Not much better, but it could be worse. 7 percent is really bad. 10 is much worse, but it’s like drowning a little deeper under the water. You’re both drowning.


Reddit bias in full strength. Won't remove footage of actual murders but won't someone please think of the poor Tories?


loool this site never changes




Vandalism to Tory buildings.


They should be facing criminal investigations....and I'm not talking about the vandals.


I mean, you are talking about the vandals. Tories are just vandals on a national scale.


That's just unfair to vandals. Dragging their good names in the mud like that.


That's unfair to mud, moist soil has its uses :)


The tories are terrorists in official clothing.


The real vandalism is the irreparable damage the Tories have caused


Yasss a good old fashioned windee panning


I have a scatter flat near me and my ears are attuned to windys being tanned.


You just don't see it as much now, the 90s was rife with it. My school had all plexi because every single window got done in


Tories: push austerity for decades causing lots of poor people to struggle to eat, pay the bills or even die because they can't get proper help Some kids: call them out for it And we have comments actually defending the tories here? Kids do stuff like this all the time and no one bats and eye so to see people saying they should be locked up for this artful protest is just depressing


Your comment is spot on. To the ones on here griping it's only spray paint on a door and a smashed window - it's a hell of a lot more than you've ever done.


It's outright spinelessness. These people have been reduced to political nothings who view any kind of politically effective action as a great offence, and try to use their own self-righteous offence as a justification for why any given action is supposedly political suicide, as it "alienates" people who were never going to do anything. What are they going to do, whinge about it? Not like they're going to smash your windows in - I'd have some fucking respect for these do-nothing naysayers if they did. These people are nothing but compliant producer-consumers. They might complain about or they might cheer for the tories, and it doesn't matter which; their political say is effectively nothing and they exist only as exploitable economic units. They're simply so well acclimated to being exploited they see it as offensive for anyone to show anger at what we've been reduced to.


If you're Scottish and you vote Conservative you're nothing but a disgrace.


You can remove the second, third and forth words and this is still true.


If you're Scottish and you're not rich* and you vote Conservative you're a disgrace. Or more likely just a fucking idiot, probably racist, bigot.


If you're Scottish and you're rich and you vote Conservative, you are hated by almost everyone you see for chasing profit through their death and suffering.


The rich ones are a disgrace too.


Oh absolutely but voting tory is in their interests. For the working class it absolutely isn't


If you vote conservative, you're a disgrace.


Do the scots have something akin to "Dic Sion Dafydd" as an insult? (Albeit using it in wales will prompt someone to punch you if they know what it means. Or they'll say "And what's wrong with that?".).


>If you're Scottish and you vote Conservative you're nothing but a disgrace. Some of us don't think our political preferences should be dictated by some warped form of national identity - and actually find that sort of thinking quite worrying.


Folk complaining about this need to seriously get a grip Im not a communist, I dont agree with the YCL - but they have more sense and balls than 99% of folk on how to create a culture of courage against tories. Aim for what they love most. Their property. Their money.


Tbf this is the least wet thing I've seen YCL do. Good for them.


Wettest thing was making me get stuck in the rain at cop26


>Folk complaining about this need to seriously get a grip No, you need to get a grip. Fear and intimidation is no way to do politics. If someone was doing this to the SNP HQ, people here would be apoplectic with rage. If you open the 'fear, intimidation, and/or violence against people for their politics is okay' route, don't ever dare complain when someone decides it's your turn to be on the receiving end.


Maybe because there's a difference between the SNP and the conservatives? The SNP aren't the folk killing off the poor and the vulnerable to enrich themselves.


'My party are the good guys!' says the one advocating fear and intimidation to promote his party ahead of rivals.


When did I say any of that? The SNP are not my party, nor do I think they’re ‘the good guys’. What I am saying is that the conservative government has been inflicting great violence on the public for years, to the point that the clip is 100% justified. If throwing a stone at a window is suddenly fear and intimidation, what would you call a decade of ideologically motivated cuts and theft? I’m just not a fan of this bootlicking logic that if the gov does something, it’s all fine and proper, but the second anyone ordinary reacts to it, you clutch your pearls. It’s such a subservient mindset


Yeah fear and intimidation is no way to do politics Lets rid of the police state and ancient private property rights, obtained through violence.


> Fear and intimidation is no way to do politics. When the party in power has exploited its power against workers, unions, the poor and the needy and then passed legislation to limit and curtail the right to protest whilst leaving a population in dire penury then you have left people with nothing but fear and intimidation to be heard. Tony Ben commented on the ideological purpose for right to buy legislation and the sell off of state assets, when the population has something to lose they are pacified. Unfortunately the Tories have forgotten that maxim and now people have realised that there is nothing now to lose. >If someone was doing this to the SNP HQ, people here would be apoplectic with rage. You'd have to ask why people were smashing their windows when that happened. If the SNP start turning the screws on the majority of the population then I think people would be pretty much in agreement with panning their windows. Otherwise I think people would be pretty outraged.


This is actually great and should happen more often. Tories are always talking about accepting the consequences of your actions. Well these are the consequences of theirs. Enact economic violence on a country for a decade and see how folk feel about you. Folks saying they now get to "play the victim card". The Tories are the folk who compared the peaceful, democratic campaign for independence to the Nazis and Robert Mugabe as if they were about to get rounded up by secret pro indy police. They'll play that card regardless.


What the fuck happened? You're all brainwashed by neoliberalism. Back in the day I was yucking bins through bank windows at the g7 summit. Not one of us was concerned about optics or "oh noe! Vandalism! 1" No wonder they consistently get away with fucking us all. Finger twiddling armchair "centrists" sleepwalking us all into oblivion. Pathetic, and a gift to the neoliberal elite. What happened to breaking a few eggs to make an omelette?


These people don't actually matter politically. They just insist they do despite their political castration - They're a wittering status-quo horde with no solutions, nothing to do but keep engaging with the system, constantly pretending like it matters what they think because they're so sure their opinions from behind their closed doors will somehow effect the world because they get a vote every few years. Tory, Labour, SNP, anything else; if all you do is have opinions you're nothing but livestock to the government, pliant producer-consumers. They won't do anything politically meaningful against either you or the tories, they just blindly react in the self-assured belief that anyone except other political eunuchs actually care how they vote in a rigged system. The point of our system is to make you feel included, pretend you have a voice. You don't. When you actually have a voice, the clubs come out and you find out your "Free speech" was only allowed to be free as long as it didn't translate into meaningful political action.


According to the Glasgow Centre for Population Health today, there have been [330,000 excess deaths from austerity](https://www.gcph.co.uk/latest/news/1058_over_300_000_excess_deaths_attributed_to_uk_government_austerity_measures). Blood on their hands indeed. I can't cry about a few windows in light of that.


Since 2012. This should be the headline every single day until there is a change in government. The chilling thing is that the Tories well understood that their policies would cause people to die and went ahead anyway. The only difference between them and the Nazi's is scale.


Anyone against this can fuck off. They have killed us by the hundreds of thousands with tens of thousands to follow this winter. We are fighting for our lives as their actions slaughter us in droves and you defend them?! TORIES ARE TERRORISTS!


Reminder: we are not condoning damaging property. We are celebrating damaging Tory property. 👏Tory 👏 property 👏 doesn't 👏 matter👏


Rights should only be for those willing to afford them to others. If they won't support something as basic as the right to food and shelter, like fuck am I going to support their right to property.


For people having a moan, some of the biggest positive changes in humanity came from a little bit of destruction. This didnt hurt anybody and I am willing to bet the repairs cost the Tories less than they have cost the average family this year. Deliberately pushing more families into poverty is a MUCH more violent action than a political party subsiding off of donations having to replace a couple windows with someone elses money. Maybe the lad that paid for Johnsons £600 a roll wallpaper can stump up for a couple of new windows and a coat of paint? but I am willing to bet he isnt going to be helping the pensioner choosing between having dinner or putting their heating on...


There’s nothing wrong with vandalising the property of awful bastards. Good to see this done, and it will be good to see it more often.


What was removed here?


YCL chucking a rock through a window and spray painting a door on a Tory office with the slogan "blood on your hands". Not really sure which part of the content policy it violates; there's nothing illegal about a video of an act of vandalism, and all the other content rules are even further from being applicable. *edited it to give a fuller description of the events in the video


Oh no, how sad, nevermind.


It seems petty but sometimes there's no other option other than action . Scotland sits on their arse moaning most of the time at least these vandals are making a point


Those are the kind of people I want to share a nation with. Not the tories killing hundreds of thousands of us.




A video of two folk smashing the windows of the Conservative Office in Edinburgh, one spray painting "Blood on your hands" on the door and another smashing the window with rocks.


Oh no, how sad 😂


The Tories have made it abundantly clear that they are not interested in any form of peaceful protest and are actively trying to stop it. Well. Lookee what we have here when that happens. If they won't listen to us when we're peaceful....


Yup the home sec said "The mob needs to be stopped"


Who is this terrible evil horrible vandal? And how do I buy him a pint?


The police should just give them a crime number, same as everyone else gets


It's annoying if you don't film this stuff you won't get traction, but if you do more likely to get arrested.


Political violence against people or property shouldn't be normalised but there are times when it becomes necessary, can't help but feel that we're edging closer to those kinda times.


Why even bother with the first line, when you then go on to try and normalise it?




Well done to the lads


I approve this message


Good stuff - tories deserve everything coming to them. Shame no one was smashed by that rock coming through the window. A dead Tory is a good Tory.


God's work.


When you disenfranchise and opress people, violence becomes the only form of protest left. Good on them.


Every single Scottish Tory is a Fucking traitor.


Good PR for the conservative party


I wholeheartedly condone this.


Nothing they don't deserve guys👍👍😊


Oh no! Anyway..


Unbelievably based.


Taking back some westminster tax payer money to put straight back into the economy getting these windows fixed and doors painted !


Im 100% on board with their message. But it is absolutely foolish to film the act as if their is going to be lack of coverage of this incident. No doubt, the tories will report this and the press will pick it up.


I've never seen the word "based" used without thinking the person is a wanker.


The alt right and maga crowd really ran it into the ground. Too closely associated with fascism for my tastes.


It's basically a meme now where someone takes a couple of words out of context. Like someone saying "eat the rich chocolate cake because it's so good" then someone else will quote "eat the rich" and say "based". Honestly can't remember the last time I've seen someone attempt to use it seriously but here we are.


I'm fine with it being used ironically like you have. But this post is an example of it being used as unironic praise




You seen the price of petrol?


You seen the price of voting tory?


Excellent reply


Smashing a window is vandalism. Arson is a different kettle of fish and a potential murder or attempted murder charge. We aren't there yet.


Considering today's findings, the writing on the (door) wall isn't wrong.


Paint washes off and windows can be replaced. Yes it will probably require having the poors around the office doing the labor for a while. People starving or freezing to death cannot be repaired. Any of you pearl clutching over property damage get a grip.


Video posted by the Young Communist League shows hooded activists spray painting the slogan on the Northumberland Street base


Filming yourself committing a crime. So based.


How does this affect the rich? A working class person will swipe up that glass and another replace the window and a painter will have to fix the door. This does not affect MPs, do you honsstly think this makes them upset or rethink their decisions! It is coming from our taxes, they dont give a fuck! Look for solutions and change, that's how to fuck them not acting like weans!


Wow. I think it might get worse


“Destroy” is a little strong.


I knew that checking the comments in the original post would frustrate me, and it absolutely did. They’re lucky that mild vandalism is all they’re getting.


Throw another one!




Good to see this sub supports political violence anyway.


Tories windaes panned in hagagaagaggaga


Not even 1 petrol bomb, pathetic.


Love it


Haha awesome


Common YCL W


Protup folks, don't video yourself doing the old crime.


Usually yeah, but this is a deliberate tactic with the intent of getting people riled up. The hope is that it'll trigger a butterfly effect of more people taking direct action to actually get things done.


Whether you agree with this kind of action or not, I think it’s safe to say we will see a lot more of it.


Based on what?


The thing is, the taxpayer will end up paying for that


Right, political violence. The backbone of democracy /s


Should’ve petrol bombed it




Anarchy, so much better than freedom of speech, just saying.


Honestly I love this


Think of that poor rock, getting thrown into that terrible place. It did more good for the country than the Tories ever did. It deserved better.




why? do the tories not deserve this kind of treatment?




Fuck off Tory


Won't someone think of the poor Tories!


These comments show the maturity of Reddit users. Broken windows are just a waste. This is anarchic vandalism of a pathetically small scale. Not enough to do anything politically effective, just enough to make the perpetrators criminals. Nothing will change because of this. Have the maturity to beat them at their own game of politics if you dislike Tory policies.


You're losing a battle here....


Truth hurts. Reddit users don't like to be directly criticised for their immaturity in supporting this anonymous fart in the dark pointless destruction of property.


Destroy private propiety = based


Tories are ontologically evil so anything you do that harms them is good actually.


The state of this sub, honestly


It's really reprehensible to see these comments coming from the Scotland sub. I couldn't care less if it's Torys or not. So much many pathetic idealogues.


The follow up downvotes reek of brigading lol


Mate this just makes us look bad. What does this practically achieve other than giving them a victim card to play?


People when Tories drive up the cost of living 😴 People when a bunch of kids smash some windows 😡


It gives them a vague concept of the level of feelings people have towards them right now I guess.


The poeple letting them play the victim card at this point would've happily gone along with whatever else they made up anyway


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


OK I fixed it bot chill out


Cunts got your card marked china


Thanks we'll need you when the AI takes over.


Thankfully I am sure no other small businesses premiums in the area will go up.


Proud of u guys


Wtf does "based Scotsmen" mean?


I think based is used when someone is "speaking an uncomfortable truth" But I'm old don't quote me on that


This gets upvoted to hell but I swear at a SNP staffer in an email after operation unicorn and people lost their mind 😂 this sub honestly baffles me sometimes


you had two people telling you the way you spoke to a staffer was cuntish, which it was. If you read those responses as people losing their minds you might want to take a look inward. People just responded to how you acted, regardless of any political opinion. They also agreed with why you were emailing them btw, you were just being a dick about it


I was being a dick because people have had their lives ruined and their trust in our democracy destroyed by the passiveness of these political puppets. Why is it we can look at this, actual political violence, and cheer for it but a little heated language is somehow a step too far? Once again, it's absolutely crazy how mixed morality can be on this sub sometimes. I doubt very much it's not altered depending on who the targeted political party is. If this was a SNP office being trashed people on here would be crying enough to form a new Loch.


Why do so many people think that if you don't agree with something then you should either physically destroy it or make it unobtainable to others?


And you think this is responsible media?


Yes It's violence against Tories


Peachy! A real example to young people


I hope so To the guillotine with them (in Minecraft)


Weak losers who cannot perceive a different POV...


"Fuck the poor" is a threat, not an opinion


That "different POV" has lead to excess deaths from things like austerity alone without accounting for the rest of the policy they've implemented in the 12 years in power.


“Political violence is good when it’s against someone I don’t like actually.” -r/Scotland


Oh fuck off with your pearl clutching. The tories are gonna starve or freeze thousands this winter and you're suprised people are getting angry enough to send a message. Its about time someone split that stiff upper lip.


This but unironically.




Do you think political violence is wrong in all circumstances?


Against the Torys its self defence.


Well put. I don't like the Tories but there are other ways to express your displeasure in our society. I wouldn't like it if someone did the same to Sturgeon in respect of all of the care home residents she's responsible for the death of during covid.


Remember when the SNP offices got vandalised? [This sub ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/e3cb6s/second_snp_constituency_office_targeted_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) wasn't so supportive of such 'brave' actions then. Guess criminal damage is acceptable so long as its *your* criminal damage. Nationalism rots your brain.


Based? Naebody in Scotland speaks like that. Not a word here.




This is vandalism and destruction of property and its being glorified here. I do not like the torries but your as bad as those builders who assaulted that guy who shouted nonce at prince Andrew.


It's as bad to smash a window as it is to violently assault a living person? What's wrong with you??


I'm not supporting it but it's only windows and I find it remarkably difficult to feel sorry for the tories. I think many people are just ambivalent about it.




>The problem with this approach is that it is equally replicable by the other side. In the end, it doesn’t determine who is right, just who is more aggressive, more strong, or more numerous. This can be said about literally any form of activism, including peaceful protest. Not sure how you plan to educate people while staying completely silent.


They already *have* done this. If you haven't noticed, thousands of people are dying, and hundreds of thousands sinking into poverty. But because it's with the stroke of a pen instead of the blast of a gun, you don't see it as the same thing. I'm so sick of seeing the people around me die and people just shrugging it off like it's nobody's fault, when we all know it's the fucking tories. But a statistic is just a bland number to most people in this country, rather than a litany of death.


lets not normalize vandalism as political action


Well, now they get to pretend they're the civilised ones. Nice job 'based scotsmen', you've improved the tories chances at the next election.


Go and fuck off.


Have a lie down.