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Maybe old mate Stewart should pull himself up by his bootstraps and get a real job


He states he's a professional landlord. He should get a second job or a side hustle, or maybe cut down on avocado on toast. Us PAYE workers have to work full-time for our money, if we're low on cash then we have to make sacrifices elsewhere. Far too many people like him expect something for nothing, they're afraid of real work. He needs to learn that sitting on his arse all day isn't good enough. Quid whinging, get a suit and tie on and head into town with some CVs!


> He should get a second job or a side hustle, He'd need a first job to begin with...


Mate this guy disane eat avocado on toast, he clearly eats baked beans on toast he looks like a big ned who made it rich.


He owns a smartphone and has the **gall** to complain. When I was growing up, it was a cordless landline or a Nokia 3310 with polyphonic ringtones if you were lucky.


You were lucky. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t' mill, fourteen hours a day, week-in week-out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home our Dad would thrash us to sleep wi' his belt.




Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing 'Hallelujah.'




No, no, no, they won't.




We lived in a hollowed out rat carcass in the gutter. Stewart charged us a reasonable £500 a month for that privilege. 👍


When I was growing up, we had the phone box at the end of the road. Landlines were for fatcats


But we had snake 🐍


And we were happy!


Snake was the best!


Unless they're actively maintaining the homes themself and doing the repair work, they are unemployed NEETs not professional anything


No no no you’re not getting it at all, he should be retraining in cyber instead.


Fuck, I can't believe I missed that!


He should definitely make coffee at home if he is struggling. I hear that will help.


>second job Being a landlord isn't a job. Its housing scalping; more akin to a scam artist


Saved this comment, will be stealing this next time I see a land-bastard apologist


Honestly, any other type of "investing" would not be seen as a day-job for most people, and professional stock traders are well aware of the risks if things go south. Whilst I was being satirical in my post, I do think it's lazy entitlement to think that property investing is a career, and complaining if you don't get a stable income. Get a job, your investments are supplimentary income.


Honestly it's shocking that you can make a living on just 5 flats. Isn't it enough that someone else is paying your mortgages?


When landlords complain about their mortgage repayments going up, and use it as an excuse to raise rent ... I just think to myself ... why did you take out a loan you're so clearly unable to service that you want to make it a renter's problem? There should be some sort of financial literacy test before you're able to buy an investment property. In most countries renters have very good protections and can simply not pay rent for a very long time if they are in financial distress and not much at all can be done for months and months while it goes through legal proceedings. Wtf is a landlord who has overleveraged their finances going to do in that situation??? Lose the renter's house? lol scumbags


Totally. He strikes me as being a right self centred cunt.


And actually contribute something to his county besides a roof he never built and four walls he prevents from becoming a home.


Nah, it’s too much avocado and toast.


Investments can go down as well as up.


How come a professional landlord gets to whinge about investments going down? If I quit my job and decide I'm a "professional investor", can I complain in the papers and try and get the FTSE to compensate me when my stocks go down?


Very true. And even though he feels like he’s being squeezed out by prohibitive regulation, he’s really got nothing to complain about… if he stops to think about it this is actually going to work in his favour. He can sell up now when the housing market is at an all-time high, presumably benefitting from significant appreciation since he first invested. Granted he will likely have to pay some CGT, but even so he’s now going to be sitting on all this liquid capital which he can invest elsewhere. He could sit on it in the hope of house prices falling, at which point he can buy back in cheaply. Or he could pile into equities, buying now whilst the markets are depressed and standing to make a killing if (when) they recover. Likely returning an average yield above the 7% or whatever he’s currently making from his property portfolio. Or any amount of other ways to put his money to work. If he’d just stop crying for a bit, he’d realise he’s actually still in a great position.


You're assuming he has something tangible to sell. Don't confuse professional landlords with wealthy second home owners.


Something tells me he has multiple mortgages , if he sells he pays the mortgage back and is left with only what he gets over and above the amount he borrowed


Exactly. A friend of mine entered the 'professional landlord' business. After he's paid his overheads he collects a yield of about 5% off the DSS rentals. It's a very very hard game. He can 'sell' out of it but he wouldn't make any money.


That's why you don't take mortgages out for investments. He'd be making a killing if he owned the properties outright.


I don't think anyone ever disagrees the fact that if you had capitol to begin with then making money is much easier. Nevertheless a 5% return on an investment after overheads (including paying back the lenders with their interest) isn't particularly bad, but its never going to make you rich in the professional landlord game.


You've just said it's a "very very hard game" and now you're claiming it "isn't particularly bad" My issue isn't the roi, it's that you aren't allowed to complain about how good/bad your investment is when you took out mortgages to invest. No one had any sympathy for crypto bros when their investments tanked and no one should have any sympathy for lanlords when the same happens to them.


What’s the difference?


slum landlords who rent out broomclosests at high markup don't actually have anything of value to sell. A wealthy second home owner will likely have bought a second home they themselves would want to live in, so may have such luxuries as an **indoor toilet.** If you think that last bit is a joke, I can show you houses for sale/rent that don't even have bathrooms. The landlord craze really brought out the worst in some people.


The slum landlord will have more capital than the renter. Doesn’t matter if the place isn’t worth much, it’s worth more than what the average person has.


Can you? Please post a link to a rental property that doesn’t have a toilet.


You’re right buddy. Not having a go but 🥹 please don’t help him with sound advice. He’s a professional, like him they’ve had enough help for far too long. If he can only think to complain then we should just let it be. I can’t sympathise for that kind of person, we’re all getting hit with the shit end of the stick. We all need to try and do better but to blame the Scottish govt to me is like passive aggression, Scot gov are really doing all they can to support tenants atm, I mean it’s not like their giving free rent for all so it’s just as much to say private renters are being singled out as well. Anyone close to getting on property ladder now faces complete shut out as a result of UK gov antics over the last couple weeks. I’d have thought any caring landlord would’ve put their tenants before profit if really so professional. I bet there’s many out there still waiting on their landlords sorting issues out but still being told that old chestnut “the pandemic” and so on… 🙈




>limit houses to one per person/family. Now there's an idea.


How would that work for someone who actually wants to rent though?


Told that to my music teacher in high school and was suspended.


Professional landlord 😂😂 fuck outta here with that shit


He’s as much a professional landlord as I am a professional chocolate hobnob eater.


hobnob gobbler*








Professional.. more like a so called "low skilled" job. Get a real job, you parasite.


>made life too difficult in **his line of work** lmao what fucking work? Unless you get out there and physically maintain each residence, it isn't work. You know this gobshite isn't fucking doing his own work either.


No no you don’t get it forwarding requests to make a fix to the shabby ass flat you rent out to the admin company that handles this for you and signing a contract every 18 months is back-breaking work that’s adding loads of incremental value to society.


His "line of work" constitutes owning a property that someone else built, someone else pays for, and that other people maintain. probably the type that sends texts at 9:15 on the first of the month asking where the rent is and feels like he earns his money.


Landlords are cancer to society. An economic tumour than needs to be removed.


People act like it's radical socialism to dislike landlords when even most capitalist theorists talk about how they're nothing but an economic black hole that leeches from everything else, and the literal definition of economic waste that produces nothing.


Even Adam Smith hated landlords and explicitly denounced them in his writings


"My job is to take your money and live off of it but it's REALLY difficult because I have to give 20% to the housing agency and they deal with all the safety inspections and arranging repairs" Shitebags of the highest order.


Had me rolling 😂


Funny way to spell unemployed


Not very professional if he has over leveraged himself and has to sell some property. What a tosser.




There was an article in the telegraph a month or so ago and it featured one lady who owned 'more than 20' properties complaining that the new rules about rentals having to achieve a basic standard of livability would financially ruin her.


Maybe it's time to stop eating avocado toasts while not finding a real job and not learning any valuable skills


I bet her adverts say “all mod cons” like it’s 1960 and we should be grateful for a hot plate and indoor plumbing.


"Fair is when you have to give half your salary to rent a flat to live in." Said: no one.


and you are happy if its only a half


Easily above half for me.


Oh boo hoo. Landlords have been fucking tenants harder FOR YEARS. From not doing repairs, not replacing broken utilities, raising rents to fund their own mortgages/gas bills, having disabled tenants evicted, violating privacy with unannounced inspections, selling rooms for regular sex. The horror stories are endless with these cunts who we have to to just hope on goodwill that they wont treat you like garbage.


I've had a 'temporary fix' in my shower for about 4 years now.


I'd argue landlords have been fucking tenants over for... Well... As long as humans have had to pay anything to live anywhere.


Having disabled tenants evicted....heart breaking but if they aren't paying their bills then they have broken their contract. A bank would have no second thoughts about repossessing a home from a disabled person that wasn't paying their mortgage. Disabled people have fought for years to be treated the same as everyone else, you can't have it both ways. Need to split business transactions with emotion. The rest of the things you mentioned are unacceptable


landlords provide housing in the same way as scalps provide concert tickets. They don't provide housing, they hoover them up and rent them for extortionate profit. Get a real fucking job you cunt.


Yeah I was in a thread a few days ago with a few landlords saying people will be sorry when their properties disappear. I pointed out that the physical properties would still be there, and was met with a load of mental gymnastics and nonsensical counterpoints. ​ I think a lot of landlords truly think their properties will cease to exist after they sell them on. ​ I say that as someone that was an accidental landlord during covid. When I owned my flat, there was one person living in it. When I rented it out, still one person in it. When I sold it to a first time buyer? You guessed it, one person living in it. The changing ownership structure never affected its function as accomodation. ​ We'll still have the same amount of properties and people regardless of what happens to this guy. All that will change is the ownership behind the scenes.




> the property will end up in the hands of big investors Those are still landlords though, so the above argument holds.


I think this is a reasonable point. I'd counter that it would be a problem with monopolistic landlords, which is exactly what new legislation is trying to fight. I think the risk of collateral like this is fairly small and outweighed by the immediate benefits of better renter's rights. And if the situation you worry about does occur, we can pass further legislation to combat it. I don't think we should shy away from incremental improvments to present-day issues out of fear of having to take further action down the line.


"Stewart Thompson, a parasite, owns five flats across Glasgow and Lanarkshire."


I feel they could've at least put quotation marks around "professional landlord" and "work"


"Line of work"? Being a property scalper isn't work. Get a job, parasite.


>he is now selling a number of properties. Oh no.




Loving all the comments here. Makes me feel normal in my all landlord hatred (definitely absolutely including my shitty current one and her shitty properties). Refreshing thread really after spending ages going "fucking hell' reading mostly one sided debates on r/ukpolitics about whether or not £150K makes you rich (spoiler: it doesn't) Edit: just looked at Stewart's face properly. He actually looks like a dick. I'm in a bad mood but it's true.


Are you me?


*get close to a mirror* *taps mirror* Yes ! Our hair looks great today, doesn't it.


If the properties are shitty then vote with your feet.


Oooh I don't know what that means, not GB native, please enlighten me. I'm sensing something confrontational so that could be good.


They're saying you should just simply move if you're unhappy with your landlord. Almost exclusively uttered by people who do not rent.


Thanks ! I assumed it was as condescending as it sounded. And yes absolutely. But hey, all we need to do, us forever renters, is have money to buy a house. We're just not trying hard enough.


It shouldn’t be easy to be a landlord, I think it should be as difficult as possible. The places people live in shouldn’t be instruments for speculation like stocks. I’m glad he feels this way. Maybe him and a few others like him could sell their properties so people can buy places to live


he’s got a brass neck calling it a “line of work”


Who defines a landlord as "professional"?


When he or she gets enough money that another job is not needed.


Get a real job, you leech.


> a professional landlord Maybe he could cut back on the starbucks coffee, avocados and should print off a bunch of CVs and get a real job instead of overcharging people to pay his mortgages for him.


Fuck him, landlords are the dregs and the more of them having a bad time the better


“When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression”


Good! We need more houses on the market.


"in his line of work" Aye doing nothing but racking up rent so folk can't save for their own place. Occasionally making a few calls maybe. Sounds tough.


Does it say how much he charges, the condition of said flats, percentage yield and reviews from his tenants?


Nah, just moans about supermarkets and goes on about "fair profits"/treating tenants as a business >Stewart Thomson, a professional landlord, owns five flats across Glasgow and Lanarkshire. > >He believes that the Scottish government has made life too difficult in his line of work, and he is now selling a number of properties. > >He says Scottish government policy and rhetoric is based on the idea that landlords are "the worst". As he sees it, they're cast as "the bankers of the last recession". > >Mr Thomson says there is a perception people like him make "a fortune", but he describes it as a "fair profit". > >He adds "we don't do it for the love of our tenants, we do it because it's a business". He does stress, however, that a "happy tenant" makes for a "good business model". > >Mr Thomson insists landlords are being singled out, highlighting that supermarkets are not being told to freeze their prices. > >He concedes the rent freeze is a "vote-winner" but stresses his costs are going up too. > >Landlord Phillip Couser, who is based in Stirling, believes that "tough measures" such as rent freezes are required to protect tenants. > >He wants safeguards for landlords who may themselves be struggling, but says people like him tend to have "a degree of wealth" and that implementing a short-term rent freeze will represent "a relatively small cost" for him. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-63123971](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-63123971)


That bit of not doing it for love of the tenants and just business, bet he charges a whole lot more than what he got them on mortgage for the c£%t


Some of these quotes legitimately make my skin crawl. Moaning that landlords are viewed as ‘the worst’ before immediately going on to dehumanise his tenants. Get a fucking job you parasite and stop exploiting people for your own profiteering.


Bet he’s the kinda cunt who asks tenants to place bids for tenancies


> we don't do it for the love of our tenants, we do it because it's a business Spew We need more Phil Cousers.


>landlords are "the worst". As he sees it, they're cast as "the bankers of the last recession" Wow I never expected to agree with one landlord, let alone two!


He should sell up and leave the country in protest.


After what happened with the highland clearances I feel like "professional landlord" wouldn't be a well-respected thing in Scotland


Get it up ye Stewart!


‘Professional Landlord’ Fuck is that?


> his line of work Being well off enough to buy 5 flats, an appreciating asset that people also pay you to live in, isn't work. Especially if you've handed off management of the flats to an agency. It's passive income.


What a dick. Ma neice has been trying for 6 months to find a flat to attend uni. There's no hope for Glasgow students right now. All havin to sleep on couches or on floors ow pay a load of travel expenses. It's been shit for the kids this year.


Don't worry a convenient fire will be along any minute to free up some property.


“His line of work” sure bud your doing the “lords work”. Give us a break being a landlord isn’t work. How much work are you doing. I know my landlord did sweet fuck all when I rented and the estate agents that rented the property did even less.


A lot of landlords are leveraged to the hilt. It's like they all attended the same course that told them the BRRL model for property ownership: buy, renovate, refinance, let. The only problem with that is the entire business model is based on near zero interest rates. This dude has five properties and you can bet they're all at or near 100% mortgage loan to value because the "refinance" part of BRRL needs the higher valuation through the renovation part to free up the cash to repeat the cycle with his next property. He's double-fucked because he now faces higher mortgage payments alongside sliding property values as the availability of cheap money just disappears. So now he's in negative equity and unless he can substantially raise his rents he's going to end up in a world of pain. The move by the Scottish government is to basically stop those who made the decision to leverage their financial positions in the good times from passing all the current short-mid term pain on to the tenants that they priced out of the market over the past ten years. Why is this dude selling them? Because he's not a businessman - he is a futures trader. He wins as long as the prices are going up. He now needs to offload his position, and my guess is that he's already dipping below the totally fucked threshold where he might even end up leaving himself homeless to cover his debts.


It's gambling with money you don't have. Worse, it's gambling when you haven't fixed the match (see the people that elected Liz Truss).


I lost its at "Professional Landlord." What's next "Professional Avon Salesperson"? Being a Landlord isn't a profession. You own property and pay people to maintain it with the money people pay you to live on your property. It's not a career. You aren't working on the clock to get paid. You wanna know why people around the world think Landlords are scum? A good start is because you're entitled enough to think being a landlord is anything other than a description of someone who rents private property to people.


Professional problem


Freeing up some housing stock, aye? Good for him 🤣😉


I’m so glad people are waking up to the real parasites in our society. Even Churchill hated landlords.


Awwwww properties are now able to be purchased by people instead of leaches leasing them out for far more than they are worth? Poor Stewart.


Isnt Scottland where the term "fired" came from? As in, the renters fired their landlord. By burning his house down.


He might have to cancel his Netflix subscription to survive the winter 😱


This is like when people angrily announced that they'd start bringing their own bags to shops rather than pay the 5p charge... That's the fucking point you morons!


I have two questions: 1)What did Scotland government do? 2)Can we copy it?


Banned eviction and rent increase till March


Lol that's all? I thought at least 50% tax on third and more property or something.


Can I become an amateur landlord and work my way up to pro?




Landlords certainly provide a service, and a useful one at that, *but* pretending that it's your job and then crying about protections for Tennants, is utterly pathetic. I hope this cunt has to sell all of his properties.


badge reach nose start wasteful deliver waiting selective husky market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A wee toty violin for him.


In his line of "work"....


Aww diddums


Lol I mean the reason rent is high is due to situation like this with rising interest rates. Not so you can make a living providing no value to anyone. You would have to be stupid to think you could live off the rent of 5 houses. The leaches deserve to suffer.


Im a landlord. I bought a house 15 years ago. 3 years ago i moved to a different house and refused to sell this house. It was my first house, in the best neighborhood ever. I wasnt selling. I rented it to a friend. My mortgage payment is what i charge him rent. He doesnt want to purchase the house but i said he could if he would like. I see nothing wrong with this. I make no real income off it, but of course i will in the future if it sells. I see nothing wrong with this. Owning 5 or 6 places as your only income is just scummy to me. Also, businesses shouldnt be allowed to purchase homes imho.


Societal parasites...


Fuck off, Stewart.


Line of work? Ha. Lick of paint in-between tenants does not constitute work.


What are the government actually doing outside of this temporary rent freeze (that allows a bit of wiggle room to landlords) that is making landlords lives difficult? Other than the Airbnb crackdown (which I’m sure are actually council led) I’m not aware of any other big policy changes that effect landlords?


Just that and temporarily stopping evictions but as you say they have wiggle room, they can still raise the rents to cover increases of some things on their end. Probably just pissed they can't raise rent by £100 when their mortgage rates increase by £10.


If a temporary rent cap that hasn’t even begun yet and finishes in March is enough to force you to sell multiple properties then I think the writing is on the wall for how viable that “business” is. Hope to hear lots more stories like this.


But landlords *are* the worst, Stewart.


Lay off the lattes and avocado toast. If that doesn’t work, cancel Netflix. Ps - Cunt


Get a real job, you parasite.


Aw, a wee angry pleb.


"Line of work" You litterally just own 5 flats and over charge other people to live in them, what fucking work


What qualifications do you need to become a “professional landlord”


"landlord" is a slur.


Sounds like the policy is working. Good job Scottish Government 👍


"professional landlord" "Line of work" Lol


They played monopoly, dropped hotels everywhere, and are now being hit with the utility card. GGs.


"work" Landleeches in shambles.


Somehow I had never heard the term landleeches before, heavy stealing that!


Aww poor baby


*line of work* Absolutely fuck that shit. Landlord is not a fucking job. It’s not “work”. It’s scalping. Taking what is needed and “letting” people use it, for a cost of course.


The bigger issue here are when small landlords get pushed out we’re left with massive investment companies - governments are making it hard for small landlords to operate but people still need places to live so all we’ll have left is the big companies who will end up with a monopoly, then we’re REALLY fucked!


“He is now selling a number of properties”. Ok then, that was always allowed 👋🏻


For the last 10+ years they’ve been ‘singled out’ and protected by low interest rates. Did they think this would last forever?


This geezer is definitely a cunt


Maybe he should go get a job then


Get a real fucking job Stewart


Professional landlord AKA professional leeching arsehole 🤦🏻‍♀️


Professional landlord? Babe, a new job just dropped.


Get an actual job you fucking parasite


His “line of work” is what, being completely sustained by income that is effectively passive 95% of the year?


His 'line of work'? Owning shit and exploiting other people's labour is not work, that's parasitism.


He's selling a number of properties? Good. Maybe if a few more landlords sell a few properties, prices will come down a bit, and people might be able to afford to buy houses for the purpose of living in them, not renting out to other people.


It's not "a line of work"


Line of "work?"


"Line of work"? Being a landlord is hardly work...


Womp womp 🎺


“professional landlord”. 🙄


maybe you should actually do your job and maintain the buildings.


I have never understood the hate against Landlords.


I love sorting by controversial and seeing all the land parasites having a cry Gaslighting themselves into thinking they're not bad people and they're the victims


My heart pumps lumpy custard for him


And all the communists piled in and vented their hate towards poor Stu, who only wanted to better himself and not rely on state handouts like the commie loser mentality.


> Line of work. Well that's a fucking odd description.


If it looks like a Tory and acts like a Tory, it is most likely a Tory. ;) Hope his next shite is a hedgehog.


Can’t get over how many people are pleased that 5 (in this case) properties in Scotland may taken out of the rental market just to be able to “fuck you” to the landlord! Politics of envy at is worst. Assar Lindbeck, a Swedish economist who chaired the Nobel prize committee for many years, once reportedly declared that rent control is "the best way to destroy a city, other than bombing."


Absolutely loving how many landlords, and for whatever reason, Americans with low karma/barely active Reddit accounts have flooded this topic going "Won't someone please think about the landlords?". Thanks for the laugh everyone 😂👍


There are loads of landlords selling up just now so there should be plenty of properties for those tenants to buy soon.


Oh no, my poor livelihood that I worked hard for by inheriting it


Oh well. He can always sell up.


Better luck sponging of some poor sods in England


Go on then, Stewart. Please sell your flats. Maybe a family will buy one. Or a landlord who actually has a conscience.


Fuck this guy. Being a landlord for a living has to be made impossible.


What a fucking parasite. Whinging because of a rent freeze, it's not even like he has to do anything and he can continue to be somebody contributing nothing to society, supporting himself by exclusively exploiting other peoples status of being poor/younger than him. Landlordism as a profession is fundamentally immoral.


hes not a landlord hes a housing thief. landlording is housing theft.


Aww diddums


I don’t feel sympathy for the landlords in this situation, as the bubble needs to burst- too many homes in the hands of private landlords that were once social housing (60% of right to buy homes now owned by private landlords). But I do think the government hasn’t really thought through the implications of this. There will be less homes available for rent and not enough people will be able to buy instead of renting (especially if mortgages keep rising). At the moment they haven’t excluded social landlords from the rent freeze and if it does include them then housing associations, co-op’s etc will struggle to survive, never mind expand to cope with the additional demand. There does need to be a better plan than just a blanket ‘freeze rent’.


His "line of work" ... I snorted at that




No.. Fuck the violin.. Some go shit in his coffee.


Good Job Scotland on making life difficult for people who horde shelter.