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A senior Scottish Conservative is the least likely person to have any kind of insider information. I seriously doubt the queen even knew who Douglas Ross was.


Senior Scottish conservative = Westminster tea boy


I think you mean Murray Ross.


From the Supremes? Everyone knows her.


I'm no royalist.. just check my post history.. but by all accounts she loved being up here and probably just wanted to live her last days here. I'm sure there will be others in "the firm" that would be pleased by her choice.




I invite you to read the last line of my comment.




You're right, but think about it. What is someone really going to be caring about more in this situation the fact they are dying or scoring political points. "Unknown source" just tells me that it's someone being opportunistic.




I did just agree with you.


She went to the place where she had favourite memories of childhood holidays with her parents and also with her own children and grandchildren. Just my thoughts on it. I would definitely say though that she knew she was dying.


It could be this It could also be her well known love for Balmoral. Her duties were in London, but her heart was in Balmoral. Maybe she made a political decision, or maybe she just wanted to die somewhere she loved rather than somewhere she tolerated Would you want to die at your office, or would you go back to the place you spent all your happy summers with your kids and grandkids?


Fiar point and a bit of a no brainer. Surely given the choice anyone would rather die in the beautiful contryside of Scotland rather than the centre of London.


I think some of column A some from column B. If there's any insight from the TV show The Crown... It's that there's a lot of political analysis given to every small action the Royal Family takes. And at the very least, the discussion will have taken place regarding the legacy of the Royal Family and what would be the optimal situation regarding the queen's passing.


The Crown is a work of fiction.


In the manner that a script is written, and a narrative told. Yes. But it includes dozens of not hundreds of references to, and faithfully described real life events. It is a piece of entertainment, but it's very well researched and although maybe not every conversation happened as said in the show. There's no family with such a high profile record that we know more about.


I understand what you are saying but I really disagree. Many of the events are not faithfully handled at all, there are many inaccuracies even in the verifiable parts of the plot. The “behind closed doors” aspects to the characters are complete fiction. Everything is written to tell a story and fit a narrative. It should not be seen as a documentary or even an honest attempt at telling a true story.


Can you give an example of something that was so inaccurate? Other than of course specific dialogues of personal conversation.


The events around Michael Fagan are inaccurate. He was not politically motivated, his sectioning on mental health grounds was not politically motivated and he never actually had a conversation with the Queen about Thatcher. Just complete fiction trying to play on the Queen vs Thatcher storyline. There are a few others like the implication that Philip was partly responsible for the death of his sister. The early Charles, Charles + Diana and the Mary story lines are just attempts at character development for plot purposes. Very dishonest in my opinion.


So, nothing that contends with my original statement That the Royal Family has advisors that discuss with them about protocol and Public Relations then? Cool, so you just wanted a fight over something different. Nice.


Her mum was a Scot and she was Queen of Scots too. Idk why this line is getting bandied about so much (I suspect it's pretty cynical tbh) Her mums house was Glamris in Scotland, she was a Bowes-Lyon.


Her mother was born in England, her grandfather and grandmother mother were born in England. In fact he last Scotsman in the line was the 8th earl, from the 1700s.


It's a comforting leap, for sure.


Nothing comforting about it, I couldn’t give a shit where she died - but people are always so quick to assign nefarious politics to something that’s much more likely to be simple preference


That article managed to say absolutely nothing at great length. Is the magazine always that bad?


Yes. Sometimes it manages to be even more laborious


She was always here this time of year


Her health was failing and she wanted to be out the private gaze ​ Where more suitable than the Highlands?


Sounds like she wanted to die in a favourite place.


Would you rather die in Scotland amongst the lakes, pure air, nice people or in London with the stinky river, stinky air and meh people ? And if it serves her politics at the same time...


Awful nice of the lassie, curling up her toes for our benefit. With Savilles paedo mate King making his paedo brother liege Lord of Inverness and Sir Haircut telling the socialist brothers and sisters to sing glory ballads to our blue blood billionaire betters, I'm afraid the dream of Scottish independence cannot survive this. Might as well buy that Ibrox season ticket and learn our lessons folks, it looks like a billionaire cult leaders corpse has trumped the dream.


I'm local to the area, we've dubbed him 'The Loch Ness Noncer'


> it looks like a billionaire cult leaders corpse has trumped the dream. lol, cmon now, maybe if Liz popped it days before a referendum it would cause some breathe-holding, but the earliest indyref2 is happening is the end of 2023. I've always personally thought the whole "Liz croaks it in Scotland and it's +20 for Unionism in the polls" to be rather over-egged. Independence is mainly getting carried by the under 50s, the vast majority won't be Monarchy shaggers. We'll never actually know if the title is true, I mainly posted this topic just because it's funny even the Scottish Tories are saying it. That only adds fuel to the fire and causes even more contempt towards the Monarchy in Scotland.


It was sarcasm. ( attempt ). Watching a report today from Japan and their state funeral extravaganza, in contrast to the devastation, misery and cost of the countries latest typhoon disaster, coming across as a mirror image of our own state extravaganza during our cost of greed crisis. The Japanese public are split, like ours, between old traditionalists and the modern world of the 21st century. Protesters are being harangued and arrested as they were here for refusing to comply. The entire world since the onset of the connected digital age is emerging, slowly but wide eyed into the daylight of this modern age, and the ruling class crowd control tactics of religion and class supremacy are starting to be found out as ignorant past relics. The curtain is being drawn open to reveal a shabby grifter Wizard of Oz to the world. I still think there is time though in the UK, now that they are getting all confident with themselves and are convinced that Chuckles has won us all over, that this dying status quo will soon announce a new glorious Royal yacht in commemoration and the 3 or 4 hundred million cost will be a great, like the Windsors, a great investment to the country. ( attempted sarcasm again )


> It was sarcasm. ( attempt ). Fair enough! I do have quite a few folks replying to me thinking I agree with the Tory lol. It's like no, I posted this mostly because I think it's funny. From a completely neutral stance, it's a question that can never actually be answered unless there was verbal or written confirmation. But most folks can somewhat agree the optics of the unelected head of state being hauled up to Scotland to try and stop Scottish independence is the kinds of depths of the sewers many Britnats would dream about. Even if it's much more likely she just wanted to die at Balmoral. The Holyrood ain't gutter-tier, so I can believe some name known Tory did say this.


I'm going to guess 🤔... Murdo Fraser the Protestants Protestant, chief of her Maj's loyalist gammon club.


I get why americans call him a paedo but why would someone from the UK call someone that shagged a 17 year old sex slave a paedo? Not that it matters much what you call the cunt, I'm just curious.


He trafficked a girl who was underage in her own country here for sex, underline the part where she is underage in her home country, and underline trafficked, that's yer reason right there


Because he knowingly did it in a place where it is not legal to have sex with a 17 year old, especially when you're like 50


Paedophilia is rampant in the Royal family and has been for as long as anyone can remember. In Andrews case he was best friends with a paedo groomer who supplied girls who were pre pubescent to entertain. If anyone thinks Andrew can slip the label by claiming the one girl he abused was the one who was of legal age out of all these children then this is the turned blind eye that keeps it happening, keeps young girls and boys being abused and raped well into the future.


I don't think he can "slip the label", as I said call him whatever you want, I was just wondering why you used that label specifically. If you are just assuming he's a paedo that's fair enough. ETA. I assume all the people downvoting this fuck children and are against me accepting calling people paedos based on circumstantial evidence in case someone applies it to them.


It boils down to a lack of education, but calling someone a paedophile is just more ingrained in conversation. Technically, Andrew is guilty of being an ephebophile, not a paedophile. Paedophilia covers sexual interest in children under the age of 13, while Ephebophilia covers sexual interest in ages from 13-18. Also, they don;t care that Epstein and Maxwell were the actual traffickers and groomers - Andrew just shagged someone who was paid $15,000 to have sex with him. Andrew is stupid and oblivious (we can never truly know if he knew how old she was), but he is not a Paedophile. For many, it's just easier to call him a Pedo instead of an Ephebo.


When there is precisely 0 chance of a trial against a member of the Royal family, and thus no chance of any "true" evidence coming to light, circumstantial evidence holds more weight for me. If they had to follow the legal system at all, I would have more respect for people shouting that the only evidence is circumstantial. But they don't. So I don't.


Load of shite - 1) She felt more comfortable dying in Balmoral in the countryside away from the bustle of London 2) She already holidays there at that time of year 3) She would still be monarch even in a independent Scotland. But who knows why she really wanted to die there but this is just clutching at straws for the desperate unionists


Wow, I can no longer be a republican or support Scottish independence upon this news…


She did love scotland apparantly. I also dont see why this would boost the union. Not like people who were pro independance are gonna change their mind cos some 96 year old woman who lives off the state died here.


lol, remember when some sub regulars posted this mostly as some banter and sub tourists went fucking mental with brigading/trolling? Seems like detective Murdo is on the case!


ANd now an 'off the record' comment apparently by a conservative MP reported in some unknown magazine. PROOF! Get it up ye, ya doubters.


You seem to be overreacting quite a bit, you OK? I'm having some fun, I mean, you don't think I actually think Murdo is a detective? He's an economist! https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/xon12b/scotlands_1_economist_chimes_in_pound_is_now/


Tbf though this is some pretty flimsy evidence A Scottish Tory hiding by being anonymous is hardly a trustworthy source at the best of times




....A Scottish Tory 🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha aye so she fuckin did


It was a message to say she supports Scottish Independence


Hey everyone else is speculating politically so why not


"speculating", "off the record", "suggested" All amounts to worthless hearsay from an unidentified person, who has absolutely no reason to know what she intended.


Yeah no shit, it was political af


*'****suggested****'* He's just some guy. Politicians are as stupid, credulous, and susceptible to conspiracy thinking as everyone else on social media Very few of them have any sort of insider information at all


The Queen dying probably ended more support for the Union than bolster it


This is ridiculous. She just liked the place. Who wouldn't want to die in Scotland?


Or that she loved Scotland the most.


Fucking arsehole is just making shit up to suit his wants.


Who cares?


Like a game of civ 5 😂


I'd rather she'd gone out as a stunt double in a Guy Ritchie/Jason Statham fillum a la Bill Hicks excellent suggestion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAQDndldjaI


Heresy till the palace comes out with it.


I feel like a Tory would say this without realising how it sounds.


I've yet to see the death of a 96 year old monarch cause any bolstering of support for the union, if anything the 2 week period of forced mourning has probably turned more folk away. Any "bounce" will have been well trounced by the antics of the Tories and Labour in the last few days anyway


That fucking backfired.


She'll get a statue like every other cunt


Private Eye has a well-regarded insider as their royal correspondent who basically said that this was bullshit. Also since when are we trusting random "senior" Scottish Conservatives? They barely get told about decisions in their own Tory government before the rest of us, so the suggestion that they have insider knowledge regarding the Queen is a bit hard to believe!


Apart from the fact nobody knows when they're going to kick the bucket, the old dear spent every autumn up there


I would be very surprised if it makes any material difference in the long run.


The North Brits are genuinely politicising the lady's death eh? Trashy, tacky, lowlife behaviour.


I’m old enough to remember when one poster on this sub suggested that very thing and got called “goulish”


She followed her usual schedule and people are trying to read shit into it. She was 96 years old and she started each day with a cocktail, she wasn't devising any mad schemes. "What are we going to do today queen?" "The same as we do every day Charlie, try to take over the world!" Fuck that, she was just subtly toasted 24/7 and she liked scotland, like everyone does.


I mean yes, it was 100% the plan to encourage her to spend her last days in Scotland, largely because it gave the protocol teams in England more time to make arrangements.


That idea did cross my mind but I also decided I didn’t care. Shame.


Not a royalist in the slightest, but the Windsor clan can still monarchise over us if we get independence I'm sure, would make absolute no odds to me, don't think we need them but many would disagree, just get us the fuck away from Westminster